2003 25 April :: 6.14 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
HEY YOU sexy bear YOU!
Hello Hello Hello! I'm sooo pretty o so pretty and witty and gay!!!!!!! lol. thats a song by the way. Dude i went to the last school dance. They are always stupid but this one was TubulaR! I danced w/ a lot of girls and my friend germany (nickname). It was neato. DLM just sat though it all. Poo! My friend Lauren and I did the cry baby. FunnY! I did the crip walk w/ ali and kelsy and of course everyone bootie danced. All the ladies were danceing w/ germany. It was great. he loved it. we took pictures and everything. i can't wait for the dance in may!!! Germany gave me a gold ring w/ my first initial on it. How sweet is that? I kissed some girls good-bye and Germany of course (on the cheek, what were u thinkin?) well i got to bounce like a ball. iu'm going away for the weekend. later....Much!!
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 24 April :: 4.43 pm
:: Mood: Finally!
OK I was in algabra. You know just sittin there and doin my work. Well our principle comes on the p.a system and says everyone evacuate the building now. So we do. It turns out there was a call to our school saying there is a bomb in there!! It was sooo tubular. We got to stay outside the building for an hour. I hanged out w/ my my closes guy friends the whole time. Yeah! I had some girl-friends too that hanged out w/ me. We're cracking up jokes and things. All in all there was no bomb, but whoever did it needs to do it again cuz I wanna do it again!
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 20 April :: 8.57 pm
:: Mood: Neutral
just for you all to know my links to reply are there it's just that they don't show b/c someone messed my journal all up and it haven't gotten back to norm....so click on where it would be and the hand will show...
Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke
You gotta understand
It's just our bringin' upke
That gets us out of hand
Our mothers all are junkies
Our fathers all are drunks
Golly Moses, naturally we're punks!!!
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 18 April :: 11.08 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
Hey everyone! Tubularchick88 (journal username if u want to look her up) and I have been trying to do something w/ our spiffy friend aka Germany. Well finally me, tubularchick88, him, and my friend lilblondeangel14 (username) got to go together to the movies. well as me and tubularchick88 were leaving cape coma of the projects i called him to let him know and he backed out! the 2nd time on us! We were devistated. it was horrid. so we just had a girls night w/out our perverted lil friend, aka germany. it was still a swell night. im at lilblondeangel's house now. tubularchick88 and I are gonna have a nice lil chitty chat w/ germany. he shall die. well i got to bounce like a ball laters..much!
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 16 April :: 9.29 pm
:: Mood: spirited
:: Music: i beleive in Jesus
Ok, I was at a bon fire on Wed. But there was no fire. Tubular huh? We didn't have a enormous fire b/c we didn't have the water truck, but we had a dinky one. I had marshmellows and other "yummy in my tummy" things. Well all in all, there was this thing that got me thinking and I want to share it w/ you...
I BELIEVE life is more than survival.
I BELIEVE the heart is more than a muscle.
I BELIEVE in hope and freedom.
I BELEIVE we know right from wrong.
I BELEIVE my life can make a difference.
I BELEIVE the message of the Cross.
(think about it...)
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 14 April :: 7.56 am
:: Mood: awake
Hey ya'll! what's sizzling my bacon fat strips? Ha! i thought of a new one. lol I went to teh beach yesturday to c my friends from Aspen. they left this morning. :( i probably wont c them for another year, but i might visit them in the summer. it was fun yesturday. i got a new friend. he's from somehwere up north i forgot. boy my friends and i suck a bean at vollyball. it's not us, it was our ball. it was screwed.
My friend Cali (username to c her journal) got a date to teh dance! they r sooo cute together. her date is eric H. i have no one i think, so i think i'll just go single if DLM doesn't wanna go w/ me. All my guy friends that i would of gone w/ have dates or future dates or r not gonna go. well i'll write or rather type to u later. i got to bounce like a ball. byes!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AndI~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 11 April :: 4.09 pm
:: Mood: depresseed kinda well in despair if you would
ok i'm am sooooo confused about this person. ok tell me what u think 'em.k?k. well this person thinks school is made for friends and outside of school is for personal like g/f's or w/evas. They don't even want to go to the dance w/ thier b/f or g/f. is that wrong? they don't talk to 'em or make effort to do anything. Thier b/f 's or g/f's friend c them more than their lover does and they talk to 'em more and flirt w/ them more. wrong? i think so kinda. also, their g/f or b/f got asked out to the dance by someone and they don't even care. they said, i hope my lover goes. what the hell is that soppose to mean? it sux beans. so if u get what i am saying comment on it please and tell me ur insights. o don't ask who the ppl are b/c i promised them i wouldn't tell. thanks for ur respect! byes!
4 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 8 April :: 5.32 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
ok well i did it. i told lauren off. she's a bitch. i was on her like a fat kid on a cup cake. lol. i went scorpio on her. boy did that let steam off me! i feel better now.
i saw my boy like a lot today. i hope he gets off soon. today was cool.
this dude was flirting w/ me so much today. he's an ex of mine. he touched my bum, my boobs. god he neeeds to lay off! i'm gonna yell at him sooo much the next time he does it. byes
3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 7 April :: 5.45 pm
:: Mood: tired
Hey ya'll! I did track today at north high. I got to skip school. (hate me right?) Well i did the mile relay. My team got in second. Pretty TubulaR I think. We're going to the finals! That's next week though. My homeroom won the pizza...so we get ice cream w/ it. But boo-hoo for me i wasn't there to get it. O well. I was soo tired after that i kinda fell asleep in math.
I didn't go scorpio on my 2-faced, backstabber person yet b/c i had to use her today. Tomorrow i will yell at her.
I am still confused about this one person, it's kinda hard to tell about something about them b/c i don't c them as much and the person's grounded for a long time, so none of that helps. well write to me! i gotta split like a bannana!
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2003 4 April :: 10.39 pm
:: Mood: angry
ok...i've been friends w/ this chick for a long time and she.me. and other person came up w/ a thing that we go over eachother's houses every friday or do somethin together and invite a mad load of ppl. well i couldn't do it at my house and the other person couldn't either, but the chick said she couldn't too. but i found out the chick did have a "party" w/ out me. she didn't invite me. she lied to me. i have forgivin this chick soooo many times b/c she does it over and over again to me, but no more! i think the reason is b/c she likes this dude whose into me and he flirts w/ me and she hates it. like last friday he flirted mad w/ me and she got pissed....but hey w/eva's. i'm a scorpio. i'll be evil to her and i'm gonna. so i'll c u laters...
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2003 3 April :: 6.56 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
ok so.... me grred. not so good to my friends. but maybe i'll be ok after the weekend. my cousins r comeing down so that'll be tubular fun.
my friend is Freakin A copyin my style. It's not fun!!! i'm afraid now to wear w/e i want. she may steal it... i yelled at her today sorta. she denies it even though this morning she admitted it. w/e screw it. other ppl r getting the same things as i have got. i hate it! screw it all! byes!
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2003 31 March :: 4.25 pm
:: Mood: good
My, My, O my! sorry just wanted to say that. I have friends in town soon and i'm gonna be a busy lil pickle.
Scorpios' are bitches. it has been prooven. Yes, i am a scorpio. boo-hoo for u.
have not been feeling like myself b/c of certain ppl keep gettin in my bussiness and destroying me. o wait i can't be destroyed. ha! how stupid of me. but anyways, i have not a lot to say so i'll just scidaddle outta here. bye.
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2003 28 March :: 8.14 am
:: Mood: surprised
the comment
ok i know who wrote that comment. i'm not so dumb, surprised? i want to get it striaght. first i am surprised that u watch me, what don't u have something better else to do w/ ur life? second, jeremy comes up to me a lot and i'm to nice not to walk away. i'll do that w/ anyone unless i hate u or i'm grr at u and besides jeremy is my good friend yo. third, my b/f and i have no clases together so we barley c eachother on school. when we do we're going different directions so we can't walk together. fourth, i know that girl doesn't like him no more and i know y. if u look at the date of the journal it was a while ago when i was pissed at something else. so yeah...also, i don't give ppl dirty looks unless i hate them and so far i don't hate anyone enough to be giving looks to. my family has a strong facil expression so it may seem like i'm pissed but i'm not. even my closes friends ask me whats wrong when i'm happy so there. the person who wrote that comment: u are a coward for not telling me who u r. what afraid i'll kick ur ass like i have done in the passed to other chicks? my "man" and i do talk and hang out it's just outta school where ppl like u can leave us alone. yes i did get the girls name, dana and u know who it is and i know who it is, so just leave it alone. i would only like ppl to leave a comment about my journal not about whats up w/ me. if u have a problem w/ me then e-mail me or tell me in person. don't be a coward. all in all, ppl should mined their own bussiness. thank-u!
2003 27 March :: 4.38 pm
hello ya'll. i'm all grrr. i 4got my cloths that i need to wear tomorrow for school on my locker. track was canceled so i forgots. friday is wounderful feild day. i'm anti-spirited to this crap so boo hoo for me. i think the challengers will loose. but w/evas. byes
4 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 23 March :: 11.46 pm
:: Mood: blah
blah blah blah
yeah...so i'm gonna stalk jeremy. (lol) His key is not underneath his mat!good times, good times. yeah...i'm confused about stuff, well peoples. spring break is gone. it left. it knocked on my door and now it left. boo hoo. back to school. o well. it's a fun place i guess. well i'm departing yo!
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