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:: 2005 29 September :: 10.56pm
:: Mood: frustrated

So yeah I hate FEMALE drivers...

I've almost been killed 3923652345 times (well not really but its been alot) but stuid women that are on their damn cell phone and arn't paying attention to the god damned road I mean jesus...how hard is to see a fricken big ass bright blue 4-door Grand Prix...

...I'm not in a tiny ass Fiero or Miata i'm in a fucking Grand Prix and some dumb bitch almost hit me when I had the right of way, Needless to say though, she got the arm and


yeah....In other news...

I took the day off from Kent City ford to take a entrance exam from the USPS in the Sales Depot making around 34,000 a year...Thats a shit load of $$$ for a 18 year old to be making IMO so i dunno, If I get the job...hot shit...I don't oh well KCF is thee best job I've had up to this point anyways so if i gotta stay there for a while no skin of my back...



:: 2005 27 September :: 11.43pm

Drinking WHEEEE!!!!!!

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:: 2005 25 September :: 10.44pm

Gettting more and more comfortable at the apartment as each day goes by.

Did laundry today....saw a bunch of beaners/wetbacks/mexicans....whatever ya call 'um I got no idea...

work tomarrow....yay...

I bought a gerbil, I call him gerb-ster,

..he's a little asshole....just fucking sleeps in his coconut all day

...lil bitch

...i'm getting a kitty

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:: 2005 22 September :: 8.23pm

so yeah.. about my previous post....

Last night Jay Brenton and I robo-triped and


I don't think I'll ever do that again....

I didn't really feel anything the night we took the shit but the morning after....jesus.....that was bad....I felt like I was really drunk AND really High which prolly would have been fine if i didn't have to be to work in 45min. driving like that was a terrible idea but I made it to work in one peice and so did the GPGT. The folks I worked with thought I was just overly tired and that was just fine with me...I really didn't feel "Normal" until around 4-5PM it was really weird...

but anyways....

I'm getting parts to fix my Fiero soon, which I can't wait for...I miss that car soo much....like i'll listen to songs that I 1st herd in the Fiero when I drive around in the GPGT and it makes me remember all the fun times I had with that car...

I'm a little geeked.. ^^



:: 2005 22 September :: 6.40am


man its 6:36am and i just woke up

Bizzle, jay I feel wierd as hell

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:: 2005 18 September :: 3.08am

Whats up fuckers!?


Havn't updated much lately mainly becuase I SEEM to have a problem with people that try to be a athority figure to...myself

but anyways
Brenton and I moved in with James Jay and Holly this weekend. Jay brought his shotty to the apartment...its fucking tits

I got a job at Kent City Ford in the Quick lube area makeing $8 a hour 40 hours a week....$300 paychecks are nice....

The GPGT is running well... no accidents yet...raced a few more mothers that thought there shit was quick but apparently not quick enough...(yeah I know that i'm going to get my ass handed to me one of these days)

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:: 2005 1 September :: 7.30pm







( Zz . zZ )


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:: 2005 1 September :: 11.50am

Stupid action #4675563

I burned myself on my car lighter on accidedent (I was fucking retarded) last night and now I have a large blister on the tip of my pointer finger...

Jay, Gravy and Romero your dudes apartment is tits

Bizzle where were you yesterday? I drove by Team Alpine around 4:30 and the Focus was gone and when I drove past your house at 4:00 the P.V was in the driveway

and then when I stopped by at around 7:20 your door was open but nobody answered

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:: 2005 31 August :: 3.45pm

I would like to annouce the GPGTs' first win

I was in the mood to race so I drove around cedar looking for some rice, a easy win if you will...I found nothing really until later.. BUt I do think that I saw Dan Kriter just sitting in the ice cream shop north of town. I drove by 1 tottaly not knowing he was there so I wipped the GP into Jennys Chill and Grill and left there like a bat outta hell, drove by again (This time I saw someone in the drivers seat move) and when I got to 18 Mile I turned the traction control off and pined it but I got nothing...no race...but

around 10PM I was on the highway drivin to Meijers to get my paycheck and this white impala gets on my ass (I was going 75) so I tapped the breaks a little bit to lett 'um know I wanted to race. so they get in the other lane and puch it. I see this and say, "hell no" and hit the gas....

I had/held the lead from the 14 mile exit to the 10mile exit

If life was NFSU2 i woulda just made like $200...

But anyways...

I got a job at Kent City ford in the quick lube depot changing oil and shit... $8 a hour 40 hours a week...discounts on car shit yay!



:: 2005 30 August :: 1.17am

1 word....


And I'm fucking blitzed!

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:: 2005 27 August :: 10.58am



I'm not in a bad mood today...
I snapped at everyone that had been pissing me off latly and had a smoke, I'd call this morning a great one hahaha

BUt anyways....

I'll seee you all tomarrow! I have 2 weeks of parties to make up for in like 2 days!

Peace Nigs HAHA



:: 2005 26 August :: 3.24pm

Hello again

Triple O posting from the center of hot bitches heh heh heh


Pretty dull day

rode rides drank coffee same old shit differnt day...


All i've herd from the Family folk is that "Damn you sure do look like your father with your hair like that..."
**********************(It gets long winded and boring from this point down....family stuff you know!?)***************************
(my hair was kinda feathered back from being in the pool)

which quickly prompted me to buy some jell and "Fix it"

These comments I hear about my father do nothing but piss me off

but whats worse is that yesterday...my uncle Den pretty much told me it was my dads family (including himself) that caused my dad to off himself. he said that none of them were there to talk to my dad about what was going on in his life and such, they just basicly wern't there for him....

My uncle is also planning on haveing me meet my Biological Grandpa for the 1st time in a month or so which I'm not real thrilled about but he has Money and since he is trying to make up for the hole it's mainly his fault why my dad is dead he like to buy my uncle (only 1 still talks to him after the deal with my dad) lots of $$$ stuff...So I know it sounds selfish+greedy but me being the dead sons son that should get me all sorts of goodies (Turbo for the GP in my FACE...I hope....)

but anyways


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


just gotta get trough today and tomarrow and Sunday I'll be HOME!!!


I have only 1 thing on my mind ATM and It starts with a W and ends with a D and there are 2 EEs' in the midddle yay!

ohhh! Red headed bims are the shit!



:: 2005 25 August :: 12.26pm

'ello everyone!

Just posting to tell yall i'm still kicking

I'm super home sick....

This side of my family is really starting to piss me off hardcore...
But I can tell yall about that when I get back...

Bizzzle I hope we're still on for Sunday when I get back....
(I'm going to need it....)
*cough* *cough*


2 days left......2 days left.....2 DAYS LEFT!!!!11!

2 days......until I'm back home and back in the Grand Prix and 2 days until I feel happy again......

2 days.....

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:: 2005 24 August :: 3.56pm
:: Mood: bored

Good After Noon everyone! or should I saw good evening I dunno I got nothing,

Anywho I'm now in Anihiem CA. home of DisneyLand and California Adventure (I've been to both today). And I must say I feel MUCH safer here then I did in San Francisco...No fags no crossdressers and no (visable) druggies (*wink*). Today when semi OK I totally forgot about my tattoo so everyone seen that today that was a trip....here's a little quote for yall"WHats that on your leg? a commi star? In ten years your going to think that is stupid as hell" ya.... so anywhoo I've been drinking LOADS of Coffee! I love this shit! Mocas! OMFG!!! Chocolate and coffee best combo ever! (+loads of cream) but anyways...There are some nice looking ladies here I hung out with one for about a hour (2 rides) but I forget her name Sarah sounds right but I dunno my attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish...only 3 days left on the 4th I come home yay! I'm so gettting Blitzed the sunday I get back!

See everyone soon!

*sniff* I miss the Grand Prix+Fierslow.....



:: 2005 22 August :: 9.49pm


so I thought my last post was going to be it for the night but i guess not...

so heres what happened

I went outside to have a smoke then I was going to go up to my room. well while I was outside some black dude (he was kinda old mid 40s I think) but anyways I was standing outside smokeing and he came up asking if I was from around here and all that jazz I said no and he proceeded to give me "Advice"about the city, well lemme back track a sec. earlier today I was reading (I was that bored) about how big a problem heroin and Meth was in the paper and the paper had a picture of a dudes arm that did those drugs, There arms get these weird scares/sores that look kinda nasty... so back to me smokeing and talking to the black guy, so while he was talking I noticed those same marks on this guys arm. He talked some more and when he was done he asked if I got any value outta what he said. and If I did he would greatly like some cash for his trouble. I said no my money was in my room and that he was SOL. he asked for a smoke and I said sure, because I had a full pack (well almost full, I smoked one and gave the dude one leaveing me with 18 or so) so he stood there and smoked with me which made me feel really uncomfortable. I finished mine and said "see ya dude I'm going back inside for the night" he said wait a sec so I did (prolly shouldn't have prolly would have saved me a ton of mental scaring heh heh) He asked me if I wanted to purchase some meth, I said hell no I'm not that stupid. well then he said "are there any other services I can provide you with and kinda gave me a weird look" I said dude are you comming onto me? then he said, I'm just trying to make some money kid. then I proceeded to say "Dude your fucking weird and gross" then I walked off feeling really violated and just icky, then I walked into the computer room in the hotel and type this


I'm am offically freaked out...
heh...my heart is beating like 1,000,000 times a min.
never comming back to San Francisco again ever...
ok! i'm going back to my room and getting a few beers sent up Via room service...

Good Night Cedar!
I hope nothing changes while i'm gone
Like people and movies and bad stuff happening

heart still going a mile a min. Jesus!

My parents were right...this trip to California is something that is going to change/make me a better person...yeah they're right...
I'm never doing anything Harder then weed ever....nomatter what...ever...

Good night all peace

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