2005 22 August :: 8.42pm
Hey everyone Still posting from Foggy San Fancisco
Not much to post now...Just letting everyone know I won't be posting Much tomarrow...
I gotta be up by 6AM to get on a train down to Anihiem. The ride is around 12-hours long....weee...
but anyways I'll update late tomarrow or early wednesday Peace out everyone and Remember
Drink 12 for me...
Grand Prix and Triple back counter: 6 Days left
2005 21 August :: 7.20pm
:: Mood: awake
Hello Everyone posting from California here.
Seiriously I am.
But anyways
I'm haveing a decent time out here, but i'm kinda dissapointed. My Dad said there would be TONS of hot bitches out here but I've only seen 1 pretty girl and that was this Hot ass Red head, my jaw was on the steet along with like 50 Chinks
Which brings me to another problem of being out here. THE CHINESE! they are like the Mexicans back home! like in Cedar/Kent county there was just ass loads of Mexicans. Here in San Fancisco there are just loads of Chinese! oh oh and Chinatown don't get me started on that place.
but back to the dissapointment...
There are NO normal looking people in this city! they all look different which I guess makes them all normal around here. but they arn't normal looking to me anyways.
This place also seems to be freaking Home Base for Fagbags...In the Airport I seen 2 carpet muching Dike couples 1 that looked like hot lesbos and 1 couple that was made up of the "butch"kind
(you know lots of hair,Man boots etc. etc. etc.)
on the bus's is were the Fags like to hang out... I saw a Chinese gay couple while waiting for a bus down to the "Fishermans Warf"
OH! I saw a TONS of crazy people! at least like 3-4 a day so that makes around 8 in total.
Today I saw a black guy dressed as a chick, Some crazy black guy asked me for Money (he had very few teeth and a fake eye patch) but I told him I wasn't giving him any of my money that I made at my job and that he should go get a job and I finished with calling him a bum.
Today I also saw a 13-year old picking half smoked cigarettes outta the ash tray that is outside my Hotel, and then He smoked them! He was white and I felt kinda bad so I gave him one of my lights, the lil fucker said thanks and ran off. Kinda made me feel all warm inside....
There is a massive amount of rice out here. the cars here are very different then in Michigan, Like I see very few Fords, Chevys, Pontiacs, GMCs, ETC out here. All the cars are imports like Mazda toyota and Mitsubishi. and anything that anyone 16-25-year-old owns has a fart pipe.
The lack of old school muscle cars also has me kinda perplexed...I mean I've seen no Mustangs like James no Comaro like Gravys... just new/newer cars. Focus's and Grand Prixs are almost non-existance here in San Fancisco. I've seen 1 sweet Focus and one GP.
It's 63'F here....eeep.
I hit on a blonde Chick with a British actcent
I love British Chicks!
..So ahh yeah...
anyways I'll post again tomarrow
I got nothin'
I'm getting so0 drunk when I get back.
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2005 18 August :: 11.35pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: The Killers
Tommarrow I leave for California
and I don't wanta go....
I mean I just got my new car on tuesday...I want to "spend" more time with it
Today I went to Bestbuy with Gma and she bought me a few video games for the plane ride and such...
...but over all I really do think this trip is going to suck....I gotta hide my smokes, my tat, I can't be my normal self around this side of my family. I have to go back to being a "good" boy who does nothing wrong and who would make his father proud. I don't want to go to college but who would I let down? all of them...During this whole damn trip I won't have a ounce of time to myself and I'm 18 GD years old...I'm going to be treated like i'm 10 again...
But I really don't care. I don't think I'll hide my smokeing or the tattoo just because they gotta know...I'm not my pops and no matter how much they wish/hope/pray/all that bullshit I'm not going to be more like that fucker, AND if they don't like it they can suck a fat one
oh if anyone wants like some micky mouse ears or something just drop me a line or leave me a comment or something
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2005 15 August :: 9.51pm
:: Mood: accomplished
I got the most valueable Item someone could ever give me today, and It's not a car...
After my grandma (My Dads mom) took me to get the loan and to co-sign for it she took me back to her house were she let me see a bunch of my dads old belongings. she said I could have them all but the only thing I took was this bomb ass belt he had.
It's kinda corny but I think it's cool as shit. It's a black leather belt and for the buckle it has "CRAIG" I guess he liked that belt a whole lot. I've been wereing it since i got it... the holes make it a little small so i think I gotta put a hole or somthing in it so i can wear it like a normal belt, It looks vintage as hell
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2005 14 August :: 1.32pm
I'm such a little bitch....
Ok so just when I thought I had all the "pieces" to the "puzzle" that is the time before and slightly after by Fathers death, I get more "pieces". The newest chunk of info came from my grandmother yesterday, lemme kinda explain yesterday....
My Grandma called my mom asking for $800 of my open house money. Well my mom told my grandma that she couldn't write a check because she took my open house money and put it in a different account after Brenton and I tried to close out the account it was saved at in the 1st place. SO my Grandma takes me to family fare (I needed a pack of smokes, Krispy Kremes and Chocolate Milk, yeah childish the chocolate Milke may by but it is fucking awesome) while we were there I happened to see my mom checking out so I snuck up behind her in the check out lane and said "Whats Up hot Mama?" (Scared the fuck outta her) So I told my mom I was sorry that grandma and grandpa were bugging her so much and shit like that, She told be to follow her out to the Blazer which I did where er talked some more, So I was telling her about the when Brenton and I broke down in the focus and my Grandpa was way pissed at me for not being home and that he said if I kept acting immature/stupid i was going to cause the death of my grandma so she told me "Don't let it bother ya, They'll say I'm lieing but for 18 years I've been blamed for 1 persons death, don't let them pull that shit on you too.". So she told me more about how my Grandpa blamed her until he found out that my father had been drinking when he shot himself. So we shot the shit for another 10 min. then she had to get home. I find my grandma she checks out and we start on our way back to 19 mile. I told her what my mom told me and she said that it was true but, there we still a few people that I knew well that still thought that way, She told me that my Great Aunt Betty(shes a bitch) and her daughter Jennie got up un my moms face about the whole death thing. Which pissed me off. But also When my mom found out that my Dad killed himself she went "crazy". My grandma said that she yelled and screamed and said that since he was gone there was no reason for her to live, Then my Uncle jimmy stepped in and Said that your forgetting about someone and he pointed and her belly. So in short I'm the only reason my mom is still around today becuase if she didn't have me in her belly at the time that my dad killed himself she would have killed herself as well. So now I feel kinda bad for being such a ass hat to her...but in my defense She turned her back on me before I turned mine to her
but anyways
I know where the both my great aunt Betty and 2nd cuz. Jennie lives and I think it's time that I have a little chit chat with them because I am pissed. My new car(I'm keeping it a secret) and I are going to pull a real slow creep on thier asses
anyways on monday and if your home from 3-6PM leave a comment and if you know I havn't been to your house before leave your steet add. If you want to see teh cAr
2005 12 August :: 9.51pm
(I took the Pic. out it was waaay to fucking big)
You've made a yellow Lightsaber
Yellow is the color of Honor and Loyalty. It
symbolizes caution and foreboding in either
direction of the blade, Meaning that the owner
is relatively cautious...but also to be
cautious of them. Since Yellow stands for both
Honor and Cowardice, Once should always think
twice before attacking someone with a Yellow
...meh...sounds like me
2005 10 August :: 10.50pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: None: Like I said...the computer i'm on is older then Dirt, It can hardly MIDI Files
Well today went a tad better then yesterday...Nothing like a Snickers to make the day seem more "Cheery" =)
But anywhoo
I WILL have a car by Tuesday the 16th of August. I'm shoting for Friday if everything goes well tomarrow. My grandma's going to call on 3 cars we looked at today. the 1st being a 1997-2002 (I dunno the year) dark red Pontiac Grand Prix, The second was a stunning Blue '02 Grand Prix GTP and the 3rd would be Joes' '97 Grand Prix GTP
(If you coundn't tell I kinda got a thing for Pontiacs')
But I dunno...the past few days i've been more angry then normal. I mean I've been perma-pissed since I left home but the past 2 days and been me, being a no-stop Bastard to most of my family. but in my defense...They have been bringing up my father and cuz. that inturn pisses me royally off. I kinda try not to thing about that kinda shit because everyone else i know knew both their parents, I only had the misfortune of meeting the bad mom the one that deals $13,000 worth of drugs a month (well not so much now becuase when I left she thought I was going to turn her in and shit) but, I'm getting off track, For the past 2-3 weeks every night i'm home all I hear about is how much I remind everyone of my father, the personality, laugh and similar "Looks" thats all i hear and then becuase my cousin died in a car accident like 10 years ago, My parents(Mom and stepdad) have been fliping out and telling my grandma that they don't wanta lose there oldest son becuase he bought a "Fast" car. But I'm pretty sure I have her "De-programed" frrom my moms brainwashing . I talked to my stepdad on the phone today and before I left he still acted like he was his own person, but now he sounds just like my mom. That crazy bitch. Tomarrow she is 'posed to give my my 1,500 OH. Money and 500 from some gay ass thing they got me when i was a baby,
but anyways it's getting late, Famiily guy is on and all that stuff + i need a smoke 1st so yeah....OH! Jay Gravy and Romero one of you 3 peeps should call my phone and give me directions to your apartment, I'll bring you guys over a little house warming gift....*cough*wink*cough*
so anyways I'll replay to the comments and stuff later tomarrow, after work tomarrow I'm going to look at the 1st GTP
Good Night
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2005 9 August :: 7.41pm
:: Mood: Real Pissed
:: Music: How the fuck am I saposed to listen to music on this computer? its from fucking 1996
Hello everyone,
I have gotten my grimmy little mitts on a woohu....whatever the fuck you call this shit
So...I've had a real rough day...1st I havent worked a tuesday in like a month Bizzle and myself normally go to some parties or shit monday nights and get drunk/fucking blitzed but sincee the focus has a mild fever I had to stay home monday and tuesday and work which made me ever so happy.
To top that I'm fucking fighting with everyone in my family (mom,dad and grandma) My parents have brain washed my grandma into thinking that the GTP isn't the car for me, well its my money so i say i'm doing whatever the fuck i want with it, I've been makeing Joe wait like a week and its making me feeel terrible becuase its makeing Bizz look bad too ontop of that. I have the distinct feeling i'm being lied to by my Grandma She said she hasn't got my $1,700 in the mail yet and the check was sent like 2 weeks ago... theres no way in hell that it would take that long for a check to come from some fucking company.
Then I was on the phone w/ Kent city ford to get some more info on the Zx5 i wanted to possibley purchase but those shitless cockmasters would only lower the $10,500 price tag $200 which is fucking weak, I mean it has minor dings on the hood, is a 02 and a smoker owned it 1st this car is only worth fucking 7-8k at most not no fucking $10,500
Then to top of this nights activities My parents will not give me any off my suff until i return from CA, shes going to give me my $1,500 from my openhouse but She "SAID" that she doesn't know where my $10,000 she had saved for my college has went to (Lier bitch) well they said I can get the blazer tomarrow but Thats a big no, If i'm getting it I'm getting it tonight and I will go though a tank of gas before the night is done....
THEN! both of my goddamned cell phones say Svr.Restricted the boost moble and the Nextel on a plan that my grandma has. Needless to say my phone got the shit kicked outta it...theres some large dings scraps and marks all over it (I threw it against the barn a few times and the tractor and hit it on the fence for a good 3 min.)
All i wanta do its hang out with my friends thats hard of a fucking request is that?
So anyways if anyone posts anything I'll type more bullshit later...
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