2004 9 April :: 12.10pm
well....right now im watching this documentary on umm hbo about children at war...and its sooo sad...this 8 year old was killed...come one...we are all doomed...i mean think about it...over there in isreal and bosnia and stuff they use weapons to hurt each other...gosh its amazing...i mean we are all people we are all the same...why do people have to do these things...we need to some how make im going to go...ill be back later and write more...bye..and im searching for a good online journal and once i find it...and its free...ill tell you guys about it and hopefulyl all of you will join me...bye bye
ha i really wish...look at my horoscope...
This may seem just like another ordinary weekday, but by late afternoon, you'll be walking on a cloud. Even if there's no real reason, nothing will be able to wipe that silly grin off your face.
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2004 8 April :: 11.37pm
gah im tired and i dont feel up to anything...i wonder why...soo many reasons to just yea...there is something i really want to do right now but im not going to let myself to do it...grr...oh wellz...i should go to bed soon..but i dont wanna...then this dumb journal...i loved this thing...i mean so much shit on it...but im moving and NO-ONE will know where it is because so much personal stuff i want to write but cant cause people...but i will make 2 different out i cant take this crap anymore...grr...bye
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2004 8 April :: 8.22pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: john mayer cd
not much
hey ppls. well today was a fairly good day considering it was the start of a beeeeeeeutiful 4 *that's rite 4 .. count em!* 4 days of vacation....oh that's so wonderful! i have to ask my mom in a lil bit if i can go to the movies wit colin on saturday...we're gonna go see the whole ten yards..wit chandler! haha i saw the whole nine yards a long time ago and i thought it was sooooo funny! haha but ya im scared that she mite not let me go just cuz she wont wanna drive out to citrus that late...btw it'd be late cuz colin works sat so he would get off at 5 and the movie would be at 7 25 so ya... but i dunno ::crosses fingers:: <--- hey it worked last time! ... haha ya but im not gonna ask her rite now cuz she's in a horrible mood hehe....not that she's ever in a great mood but just prayin alrite?!? i dont have much hw to do this weekend which kicks major bootay. hoorah! i have an eye doc appointment sat morning i believe...and we're celebrating easter ya that should be interesting..hehe WHOOOOOO CANDY! haha i was talkin to colin and i got pissed cuz....well look ill just paste cuz i splained to him...hehe as u will see however....he got a lil off topic haha
babaloo181: hey u know today on the all these lil kids are walkin around wit these lil easter baskets they painted themselves...full of candy....and i was just like.....where the fuck is MY easter basket wit candy?1
babaloo181: wat it's like oh so now that im older im no longer worthy of a cool basket wit teeth-rotting goodies
Happypunkjew09: lol
Happypunkjew09: i can bring you, a little sumthin sumthin on saturday
babaloo181: hahahaha
Happypunkjew09: ::wink wink, nudge nudge::
babaloo181: hahaha
babaloo181: as if i didnt get it from "sumthin sumthin"
babaloo181: haha
Happypunkjew09: lol
haha but that's pretty much all i had to say...buhz byez ppl.......oh yea i failed another physics test...but that's not worth mentioning so i will be going now as i previously stated...hehe bye.
tonite's song: hard cold bitch by jet.....haha i heard it on tv the other day and i thought the title was sooooo funny! so it's on my song list just for it's title alone!
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2004 8 April :: 3.44pm
my horoscope and it sounds new plan is to follow it....You may just feel like taking a vacation today -- not to some exotic island, but from other people. Turn down invitations, order a pizza and hole up in your room -- you'll feel like you spent a week at a resort.
i guess this week im going out a lot...i mean lots...oh not in the mood to enjor anything...gosh right now i could not feel any worse...grr people FUCKING suck...that simple...
Because you loved me I overcome and I'm so proud of what you've become you've given me such security no matter what mistakes I make you're there for me you cure my disappointments and you heal my pain, you accepted my flaws and you protected me.
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2004 7 April :: 8.47pm
:: Mood: in la la land
:: Music: nada
aww....this boy is so wonderful
aww look at what colin put up in his profile...its under that page he has for me.....hehe so cutieful
I love you, i can't say it much simpler
1 comment |
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2004 6 April :: 6.17pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: singing in my head...
nothin much...
well today was a purdy good day....haha i start off most of my journal entries that way...or so i've noticed. ooh i forgot to tell u and colin went to the movies sunday nite...we had a blast...haha.. we cuddled incessantly...he's so cuddly! so adorable too hehe. but ok im not gonna give details cuz i dont want ppls to become nauseated hehe. but w/e ... so today i caught up wit most of my make up work from friday...all i need is to take my ap euro test........OMG I HAVE AN A IN AP EURO!!!!! so exciting! so i have straight A's and a B in physics..cept im kinda scared i mite have a B in latin...haha pathetic that i shall get a B in such an easy class...but i never do hw i dunno...but i think i still mite have pulled off an A....ooh speakin of latin, today we got the results for the national latin exam...i got a silver medal! whoopee! they only award gold and silver.....and after that u get some crappy certificate.....i missed 4 q's out of 40....if i had missed one less i would have had a gold medal instead....pero oh wellz im still proud. not sure what else to say...i talked to my baby today..he's so cutieful...we wanna do somethin this weekend....since it's a 4 day weekend and all...he's like haha "we should go at like 5 in the morning and hang out till 5 the next morning!" hehe....omg he asked me if he could come over! i was's like what ur parents wont let u? and like i know my parents will let me but they are soooooo embarassing so i just dont wanna put him through that...haha plus i act a lot different..(differenter? .. more different?) when im around my i refuse to be when we went to the movies 2 days ago....when my mommy got there to pick me up i just kinda looked at him...said bye and walked away...haha cuz i just dont feel comfortable even hugging a guy in front of my's just not cool...haha but w/e....okies now im definitely out of thingies to buhz byez...
tonite's song: away from the sun by 3 doors down
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2004 6 April :: 3.40pm
today was another good day...hmm two in a row...uh oh tomorrow is going to be bad...i hope throat hurts...yikes...hehe i havent said that in a while...*sneeze*bless me... im still confused as always...i dont know so much shit going on ib my head...i dont know im not really worry about friends and school at the moment because im trying to set my head straight...its the only thing that can help me out at the moment...we might go to ai friday...but i needed to go to umm the mall cause i needed to look at something for jerricas b-day...yes jerrica...hehe...i cant say what the plans are since she reads she is going nuts tired...really tired of everything....i havent really slept in weeks...dont know why etheir...i want to umm do something but cant becuase people are gay...that makes no sense but sure...i cant find my story of the year bookbag is a mess...oh going to go...ill update later with important stuff...BYE
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2004 5 April :: 3.46pm
soooo confused...
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2004 4 April :: 10.52am
ahhh i just woke feels weird with the whole daylights saving time...its really 9 now but it says 10...ahh sooo odd...anywho im thinking way too much lately...grr thinking look at things diffrently and then you realize why didnt you do that or say that at the moment...its like you notice your mistakes when you put things into perspective...oh is full of mistakes and you just got to continue to hold your head up no matter im going to my grandparents house...oh going to the mall with my grandmother to help her buy some shoes and stuff...i love my grandmother so i dont mind...but still its aggravating...because she is like me and picky with going to just walk around the mall because my mom can help her and i havent been to brandon town center or whatever the new name is for a long ass time...i feel weird right now...dont ask me...there are lots of things going on with me...and i dont know how to sort things out because there is soo much and i dont know where to just sure about one thing...but im not saying what it is...i feel like being smart today liek writing one of my long thingys about love or something...i dont know...but am lazy today because im soooooo tired...still from yesterday because i didnt go to bed untill real late last think im getting sick...and i know exactly who to blame for it...hehe...well i got to go to get dress and go to my grandparents house...i hope i can drive there...dude im getting my license next weekend hopefully if my mom gets my insurance...ive been annoying her about it for a long time and hopefully she will finally di da...bye bye peeps...i promise to update this entry with something good so check back later...bye bye
Behind The Smile
by Arch Enemy
Sands of time
Running through my fingers
My life slipping away
And I feel nothing
Swallow the tears
Eat the pain - It's worth the degradation - Eat the pain
Behind the smile / I feel nothing
I reach out to touch, but I'm not really there
This reflection in the mirror
Can't reality be me
I see no connection
With who I wanted to be
Drink another glass
Swallow these pills
At the end of the rainbow
You take the bitter
The bitter with the sweet
When love dies
The angels cry
Here I am
Alone... Alone in a crowd
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2004 3 April :: 7.13pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: the sound of ppls talkin at the dinner table
howdy ppls!
well the latin trip was purdy not sure i wanna give like a day to day recap of it but i definitely wanna highlight the best parts. well i found a swing set while i was there so naturally i went insane! hahaha omg i rode on it forever! then my friend charles..well i told him that i had never jumped off of a swing as it was moving cuz it scared me...and he's like omg thaimi u have to do it! and i was like ahhhh no it's too scary! so as i was swingin he got behind me and started pushing me and he's like thaimi i refuse to stop pushing u until u jump off! i was like omg no! haha he kept pushing and then andrew came and he started pushing thing u know im going so high that im practically like going over the swing thingy! omg i almost died! i was laughing so hard though it was so exciting! well then i found an air hockey game!!!! me and charles played 7 games! haha there went 7 bucks of my money...haha oh wellz it was soooo worth it! i got 5th place in both vocab and i got these two lil trophies...i was like yay go thaimi! haha a lil self-encouragement there... i called colin as soon as i got home...i missed my baby..haha well i called him and he was at work......he called me like a lil bit ago...(past my clock time) and he was like so wat time r we gonna meet up tomorrow and so ya i told him and stuff..oh crap dude im worried cuz we have these relatives over from miami and i had asked my mom thursday if i could go to the movies and like i told u guys she said yes....but now these relative ppls and my parents r makin plans to go to busch gardens like noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! but ya my mom said that she plans on being home before ya. me and colin r gonna have such a blast...he's so adorable..he called me and i was crazy bout u! i heard that him and his ex were talking again.......arg that makes me angry...but i can't let my jealousy take over cuz i know he wouldn't do that...he told me himself there's nothing at all going on between them and he seems like an honest person so i have no reason to doubt what he is telling i just need to suck it up and stop bein so worried. alritey well ima stop writing cuz i have to finish eatin dinner.....we're havin lobster.....YUMMO! haha ... alritey buhz byez
tonite's song: don't tell me by avril lavigne
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2004 3 April :: 2.23pm
today was a blast...that was awesome but at the same time confusing...yes di really happy right now...
im trapped in this void all alone feeling needy, hungry to grow. but im at an end im at an end and theres NO WAY OUT!!!
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2004 2 April :: 9.55pm
well i just got back from the movies with mike and was fun.....dude the movie was fucking awesome...i was soo confused...but it was good...JOHNNY DEPP IS FUCKING HOT...okay am done...its like the movie identity if any one has seen it...well its way better than that...anywho i dont know sucked i mean it seriously went to soo tired and thats the lamest terms about how i feel...and its the first week after the break...i dont know how ill take this shit anymore...growl i just give up trying on eveyrhint...sounds good to me...hmmm tomorrow i have the walk for diabetes...YEY!...cesar, carlos, mike, jerrica, olivia and a lot more are coming...yey fun!...bye bye
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2004 1 April :: 4.07pm
Man i should have listened to my horoscope...gah...
Ever had one of those days when everything people say sounds like fingernails on a blackboard? Here's a suggestion -- act cheerful. Even if you're faking, brushing annoying people off is way better than letting them get to you.
today sucked that reason really...just didnt feel like trying today...yea...
Last Summer
by Lost Prophets
The Friday sun bears down again
As we drive without friends
And on these longest days we spend
All the time trying to pretend
That our stories could be true
Our chance to be cool
The setting down says the day is through
If only we knew...
And we all sit around here in our home town
Listen to the waves as they all crash down
And watch the fire as it slowly burns away
Glowing embers lie across the sky
Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer
The world passes by in my summer, our last summer
The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other
Alive to watch it all, the view from our last summer
The view from our last summer...
We trace the sun across the sky
And we laugh till we cry
Always so hard to say goodbye (good bye)
And we all sit round here in our home town
It's so good like this, these are times we'll miss
The memories, I hope they'll never fade
Glowing embers lie across the sky
Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer
The world passes by in my summer, our last summer
The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other
Alive to watch it all, the view through our last summer
The view from our last summer...
I would stop time to stay with you
I would stop time so we don't move
I would stop time
I would stop time
I would stop time to keep you
Here by my side, in my summer, our last summer
The world passes by in my summer, our last summer
The light makes shadows fall, surrounded by each other
Alive to watch it all, the view from our last summer
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2004 31 March :: 8.24pm
aww...this song reminds me of the reason by hoobastank
aww look at this song i's basically saying how he has to leave the girl that he loves b/c he feels like she deserves the best of him....and so he needs some time to become the best that he can and be worthy of purdy..::wipes tear from eye:: hehe
Best I Am
by Flaw
I've been running away for far too long.
Afraid of what?
Afraid of what I know is soon to come.
I may not be much of an example right now,
But I can give you all of my knowledge on how
To get along in this place.
Right now, all I can say,
Is I will do the best that I can,
To be a good example of man.
And I know one day that you'll understand.
You deserve the best that I am.
You deserve the best that I am.
It's so hard,
So hard to think about when I was a child.
So angry at life,
I blamed the world for such a long, long time.
But things happened so quickly,
Some people just go.
I needed answers to heal me,
I wanted to know how to get by,
And now its my turn to say,
That I will do the best that I can,
To be a good example of man.
And I know one day that you'll understand.
You deserve the best that I am.
So I gotta do the best that I can,
To be a good example of man.
And I know one day that you'll understand.
You deserve the best that I am, I am, I am.
(everything in this world)
(everything in this world)
This is all for you.
(everything in this world)
(everything in your world)
Things wont (everything in this world)
Go right (everything in my world)
In this life.
There's always changes.(everything in your world)
We'll make it.
That's why I gotta do the best that I can,
To be a good example of man.
And I know one day that you'll understand.
You deserve the best I am, I am, I am.
And I will..
Cause I will..
I will..
I will do the best that I can!
Say what??
2004 31 March :: 7.48pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: what if by plain white t's
well today went pretty well. the morning started off shitty..well colin was walkin from the bus wit his x girlfriend.....which kinda pissed me off....and then they talked for a while like rite in front of us......and i dunno he just didn't pay attention to me.....but then he came up to me and gave me a huuuuuuge hug and sat on me...and he got all sweet and cuddly wit me rite in front of her......i guess he noticed it was pissin me off or somethin....haha i was like....that's rite bitch! MY man not urs! hehe but w/ ya for the rest of the day he was sooooo sweet. i should be studyin for latin rite now....or readin hamlet.....or doin math hw....haha instead im here...updatin this pathetic excuse for a journal....productive eh? haha omg today i went to latin practice during lunch and ms ibarra was like omg tatia! (my latin name) ur here during lunch! haha i was like....yep yep.....hehe she's like....."well then there must be some lonely guy out there..." haha i was like grr hehe. i told colin and he's like...ya i WAS lonely! hehe so cute. we were talkin on the phone today and he's like u should come to my house sometime..haha i was like .....rite....cuz u know my parents would just love that! and he's like.....well they dont have to worry cuz im not allowed to have a girl in my room wit the door closed..and im not bout to do anything wit the door wide open....haha i was like....well that's reassuring... hehe hmm let's see what else happened today...had a french dictation that i kicked major booty in...spanish guy saw me and colin holding hands gave me this look like..damn i dont want to see that. i need batteries!!!!! i need to take my cd player on the trip wit me cuz i can only fall asleep wit ya....oh crap that reminds me i need to tell donna bonana to bring me my dashboard cd back....haha omg today on the bus..the weird kid on the bus ... well he hates emo...and he was like how many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb? and i was like...i he goes.....3.....1 to screw it in.....1 to cry about it..... and 1 to write a song about it. haha i was like wow that's purdy funny...hehe...whooo lordy! umm..ya so im out of things to say...i can't wait till this weekend! ima ask my mommy tomorrow mornin if im allowed to like prayin she says yes.....PRAY WIT ME PPLS! :crosses fingers: okie dokie well this is where we shall part......(too much hamlet for me..) hehe bye
tonite's song: show you love by jars of clay
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