2004 31 August :: 9.11pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Decade Under Influence by: TBS
i got a bad feeling about this...
yayness. i painted my nails sparkly white and changed my journal format around abit. well jus the colors and the icon. comment and tell me what ya think! oh and i totally bullshitted my spanish homework. wow im gunna fail that class. =)
-later skater-
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2004 31 August :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Love for Me: Ashlee Simpson
its been 3 days, you come around here like you know me...
here i am as
[ p e r f e c t ]
as im ever gunna be...
today was alrite. i was soo freakin sick when i woke up that i was gunna stay home. but i didnt. i think my hair color still looks like shit. but whatever. 1st hour was ok. we went in the mini computer lab thing and did gay stuff. then 3rd hour i fucking failed the test. grrrr. then took notes. lunch-was funny. sum girl fell on her ass. lol!! 5th hour sucked penis. its so boring and i dont get anything. 7th hour was ok. i dont mind that class. me and dana talk and laugh constantly so its fun. i got a 78% on the test tho. thats a C. i dont get C's. grrr im soo mad. then met up with justin b. after skool and me and camila walked home with him. oh and jd but he doesnt count. i made up a song along the way....
"Smoke Song"
i plant a seed
to grow mi weed.
it will choke
so i can smoke
mi WEED. mi WEED.
--lmao. its gunna be a #1 hit sumday.
jesus christ. i think i've sneezed more times today than i have my entire life put together. i think my nose is gunna either explode or fall off.
i need a tissues and my m&m's. peace muthafuckas.
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2004 30 August :: 10.32pm
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: Lean Back by: terro squad
my niggas dont dance we jus pull up our pants and do the ROCKaway...
oooh i forgot. on sunday at like 3:30 allie randomly calls me and is like lets go bowling with dan. i was like ok. so her grandma took us and we met sum new people. eddie, jackie, steven, and mike. and wel dan. but we kno him. it was fun, me and allie suck at bowling but i did get a pair of hott ass bowling socks!! hehe. then dan had to give us a ride home, as in him driivng the car. OMG i thought we were gunna die. he left us at teh alley with mike and told us he wuld come bak for us, it took him forver to come bak then he took us home and yeah. surprisingly, neither of us got in trouble. w00t w00t. but yes. i cant say this in english cuz then ill get "yelled at" so here goes..."mop i kop e [new word] i sop [new word] rop e a lop lop yop [new word] hop o top top!!! [end of sentence]. omg it was like...wow. lol. anywyas i gotta go to sleep. peace foo.
my [heart] keeps
im afraid to know the answer...
do you
me too?
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2004 30 August :: 9.54pm
:: Mood: i haveta pee
:: Music: Suck My Kiss by: RHCP
hit me, you cant hurt me, suck my kiss xxx...
well. things are back to normal somewhat i believe. i dyed my hair. i liked it but ppl dont seem too. funny how ppl can make so much fun of it, but when its gone they are sad. supposedly im hotter with blonde hair..whatever. and i got mad that i got a 88% on my history test. grrrr. i hate that grade the most. anyways yes. then after school jd was gunna give us a ride home but she neevr came so we jus all walked. camila ditched us for jd and his gay friends so me, amanda, and my new friend stefan walked home and talked. twas fun, then amanda and me went to camilas and we decided to meet jaryed and andrew at publix so we wakled to amandas house and her daddy drove us there. we sprayed perfume on each other and i still smell like a man (a sexy man) lol. then i saw ERIC!! from pe last year. aww. lol. and i saw jerermy schniberg. then i wanted a quarter and nice andrew gae me one (you rock) and so did sum mentally retarded man that works at publix (i think it was the same one that hit on me that one day) so yes. i bought gum. then we went to wendys and chilled. then to packys and played on their fake motorcyles. then we all went home. and yeah. thats it. im gunna go. peace out niggas.
--oh yeah, and "the thing" backfired and im pissed. i dont want to hear about it anymore they might as well go and fuck each other. theres no stopping this anymore. jesus christ...
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2004 27 August :: 11.29pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: blah
blah blah blah....
OMFG. tonite sucked so much ass you have no idea. today was dilan's 16th birthday party and i was all happy and excited and then no one else was home so my daddy was gunna take me. but he told me to drive since i havent driven in a while. well the shifter gear thing in his car doesnt workk very well so when i tried to shift to reverse i accidently shifter to neutral, stepped on the gas and hit the fucking garage door. i have never gotten yelled at soo much before in my entire life. my dad was cursing and swearing all over the place. he told me to go to my room and i was all like "but daddy, wut about the party?" and hes like "ur not going %^%@&@!" omg i was sooo pissed i was like crying in my room then jack called me and i was all upset and stuff. god i hate my dad. its not like i did it on purpose and his car barely got a scratch. i mean at least were not dead. but yeah, i have no idea how long im grounded for. but then my mommy came home from work, and felt bad so she took me to coldstones to get ice cream and i saw a few friends and was all like "hi" and i saw kia but then i i had to go home. this sucks i wanted to go to dilans party so0o0o0o0o0oo bad. grrrr. fucking parents i swear. now ill prolly never get my license...
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2004 27 August :: 4.41pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: A Decade Under the Influence by: TBS
to hell with you and all your friends...
god. no one understands me. i hate it. no really even tries. i hate how people make assumptions or says things based on my beliefs and shit. like seriously, lots of things piss me off, make me mad, and make me depressed. i dont like feeling like that so i try to tell people what i like and dont like and then they turn around and say shit or dont even talk to me at all. god i hate this soo much.
im not the happy fucking retard everyone thinks i am. i jus play that part so i can cover up how i really feel since no one ever tries to get to kno me. all they do is judge...
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2004 25 August :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: upset
:: Music: jet
[drum solo baby!!]
grrrr ness yo. yes, im gunna talk about ppl in here once again. and guess what? i dont care wat u all say. ok wel here goes....
***[names have been changed to protect the innocent]***
ok well george* asked me out and his best friend herald*, who is george's best friend, got mad cuz he thought he wuld be losing a friend. well i've tried and tried to make him feel normal but it hasnt seemed to work. he hardly ever talks to me at school (not that he ever did much) but he talks even less and like yeah, eveytime i see herald when im woth george, herald doesnt stick around long and i see like anger or hurtfulness of sumthin in his eyes. this could jus be me losing my mind but whatever. its makes me upset when i found out that hearld said he can never talk to me the same again. that hurts because now i dont even kno if i want to go ouit with george if its guna jepordize a friendship witha pretty good friend. i mean, i love george and herald with everything i have cuz they are two of the most kickass people i kno and they pay attention to me, but ....i just wish things were back to normal between all three of us. . .
"friends last forever, boyfriends/girlfriends dont"
^^ wow how corny, yet so true....
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2004 25 August :: 4.28pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Jet
[insert guitar solo here]
AHHHH!!! OMFG!!! my little camila is growing up soooo fast!!! awww her and jaryed are going out (supposedly as of sunday) that means, once again, we got asked out the same day. annnd both ou bf's are jewish!!! wtf there is seriously something wrong with us!!! LMAO!!
best of luck u two!! <3
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2004 25 August :: 4.11pm
:: Mood: confuzzled
:: Music: my lover of course. <3
cuz my [heart] keeps f a l l i n g faster....
wow. lately everything = fucked up. like seriously. im starting to lose my fucking mind. i dont know what to do or what i want. i was supposed to change or delete a past journal entry but i jus cant do that. what i write in here, stays in here. if you dont like it, dont read it. its that simple.
anyways, i've come to the conclusion that i am a horible, bitchy girlfriend. well i've always known this but whatever. this is my list of DONT'S that any guy who wants to be with me has to abide by:
-i hate clingy bfs. sumtimes i jus need my space.
-i need time alone with my friends. i cant be with u all the time.
-i have other guy friends. dont be jealous of them if i liked them i wuld already be with them, not u.
-i hate talking on the phone.
-never call me when im studying or trying to sleep. you will piss me off if i tell u not to call and u do so anyways.
-absolutely positively NO SEX or anything else related to it.
-i dont like PDA's (public displays of attention) so dont get mad if when we go to class im not like all over u making out and shit. cuz thats not how i roll.
-i also feel extremely weird kissing and stuff in front of my friends because i hate ppl gettin all in my business and asking me questions.
-if im uncomfortable with sumthin, ill show it and then u shuld kno to stop whatever it is thats going on.
-i hate it when ppl call me "baby" "babe" and all that other shit
-dont say "i love u" to me cuz i wont say it bak cuz i dont believe ppl actually "love" each other after like dating for a week. thats complete bullshit.
-----yes. thats my list. i kno it seems gay, stupid and retarded and like it seems like no guy can do all those things, well they can. if u dont like the above^^ then u dont rilly like me. so yeah. dont care what u think cuz i actually make morals and rules for myself to abide by.. im not sum walking slut. take it over leave it.
ok thats all i really had to say. so yeah.
-later niggers-
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2004 23 August :: 7.31pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: ryan (my husband)
Help Me!!!
i've been debating about dying my hair reddish again. im getting really sick of the fucking blonde jokes. what do ya'll think? please comment and tell me. thnkz.
much love. <3
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2004 23 August :: 7.27pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: my lovers cd. <3
feels like the top of the world right here...
school was gay. failed my env. test. then study my butt of for my spanish test only to find out that it isnt until tomorrow. grrrrr! then had an ap history test. was easy. yay. math was easy. chemistry was fun. lol. i love the ppl in that class. especially dana. shes sooo funny. lol. then daddy piked me and camila up cuz it was raining. then we talked. walked up to publix and i got attacked by a bee that wanted to kill me. it was horrible. i like cried. yes. then we went to the park and sumone broke camilas swing in half *tear* now i haveta go read. i keep putting it off. STOP PROCRASTINATING JANELLE UR AN IDIOT. lol ok later ya'll.
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2004 23 August :: 7.18pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Ryan Cabrera cd fuckers!!
i almost fell right thru, but i held onto you...
wow. um lots have happened since saturday nite. woke up early and went home and did hw from 10 am till 10 pm. im not fucking kidding. it was awful. then in the middle of it all, i had and oh-so-famous janelle "episode". lol. yes the kind where everything is great then i fuck things up and make everything good horrible. yes it is one of my horrible flaws. i can never make a relationship work very well. i usually dont want them too anyways. i dunno im weird when it comes to having a bf. like i say i want one, then when i get one, i kinda dont want it. lol. im sucha fag. but yeah theres more. so yes max asked me out. i wasnt sure what to do cuz chris got mad and i totally understand why and i dont want anyone to get mad at me ,,,i LOVE everyone. especially my friends. but yeah the horrible part is, and i kno i shuldnt say this here but i jus have to, is that i like max but, i kinda like sumone else too. and yeah. thats horrible. i dont mean to be ungrateful but i kinda wish the last two days didnt happen and we were all jus the same did group of good friends. i like it better that way. i always get all weird when i have a bf. the onlu exception was with dan and i think that was because i didnt kno him very well, he didnt go to my school, and i wasnt friends with his friends. ahhhh i dunno. im gunna end now. i dont feel like getting cranky and crying again. =). holla.
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2004 22 August :: 1.39am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: she will be loved by: Maroon 5
i drove for miles and miles and wound up at you door...
What is your favorite.. | gum: | pink extra | restaurant: | fidays? | drink: | dr. pepper | season: | winter | type of weather: | cold and cloudy | emotion: | happiness, however mostly i experince sadness and anger | thing to do on a half day: | go to mamas pizza with the crew...I MISS U ALL!!! | late-night activity: | talk at camilas window, its getting gay tho | sport: | basketball, skateboarding even tho i suck | city: | not boca. | store: | dont have one | When was the last time you.. | cried: | almost today | played a sport: | dunno... | laughed: | tonite | hugged someone: | tonite | kissed someone: | tonite | felt depressed: | yesterday | felt elated: | yesterday and today | felt overworked: | everyday at school | faked sick: | havent done that since 1st grade | lied: | today | What was the last.. | word you said: | "no" | thing you ate: | chicken fingers | song you listened to: | somebody told me by the killers | thing you drank: | diet coke | place you went to: | marshalls house | movie you saw: | dreamcatcher | movie you rented: | dont remember | concert you attended: | xtina aguliera in 6th grade lol | Who was the last person you.. | hugged: | max | cried over: | dan | kissed: | max | danced with: | mike | shared a secret with: | prolly alina | had a sleepover with: | camila | called: | max or camila | went to a movie with: | scott, camila, juli, alex, gustavo, jeremy | saw: | spiderman 2 | were angry with: | everyone | couldn't take your eyes off of: | ryan cabrera | obsessed over: | ryan cabrera | Have you ever.. | danced in the rain: | oh yes | kissed someone: | yeah | done drugs: | nope | drank alcohol: | yes | slept around: | no way | partied 'til the sun came up: | no | had a movie marathon: | yeah | gone too far on a dare: | no | spun until you were immensely dizzy: | yess | taken a survey quite like this before: | yeah |
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!
boredness = gayness
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2004 22 August :: 1.14am
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: my happy ending
you were everything that i wanted..
god i fucking hate this shit. it makes me soo mad whe this happens. and it always fucking happens. grrr i hate this. whats the point of even being here if im never included in anything? jesus christ..
leave me alone fuckers.
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2004 22 August :: 12.26am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Only One by: Yellowcard
i let go, cuz theres no one that gets me like you do....
today was gay. woke up at like 10 and went home. did chores. showered. started homework. stopped cuz im gay. slept. babysat marshall -which was a m ajor pain in the ass- came home. ate dinner. max came over. hung out with him. we thought we saw spirits and dead ppl in the backyard. then jeremy and chris showed up, made noises, and scared the shit outta me. lol. then we went out front and played the oh-so-original "truth and dare". lol. it was gay sorta. oh course jeremy makes me go first and i have to kiss max. i did. no big deal =). lol. then yeah it was retarded. camila kissed jeremy, chris wuoldnt hump the fire hydrant (lmao), jeremy touched my boob and max kissed it (with clothes on of course). yes then we quit cuz emily came home and god forbid jeremy be seen with us. wtf seriously that pisses me off soooo bad. grrr. then we had to go in and they went to the window and it was gay. max wasnt allowed to sleep over jeremys so then his dad came and took them all home. then we killed mosquitoes and im here takin to chris and yeah thats all cuz no one else will tlak to me. gr tomorrow i haevta get up early again, do shit loads of homework and depending on how much i get down, max might come over and chillax. HAHA thats sucha gay word. anyways im gunna go im tired.
-later losers-
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2004 21 August :: 10.32am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: A Decade Under the Influence By: Taking Back Sunday
anyone will do tonite...
Current Clothes: black shorts and scotts shirt
Current Mood: tired and distressed
Current Music: taking bacj sunday
Current Hair: straight
Current Annoyance: actually...nothing
Current Smell: diet coke
Current thing I ought to be doing: homework and chores
Current Desktop Picture: its gay black and gray stripes
Current Favorite Artist: ryan cabrera
Current Favorite Group: taking back sunday
Current Book: scarlett letter
Current CD in CD Player: ryan cabrera cd
Current DVD In Player: i dont have a dvd player lol
Current Color Of Toenails: black and pink
Current Refreshment: diet coke
Current Worry: doing well in school
Current Crush: ha...this dude...
Current Favorite Celebrity: dont care.
You Touched: chris
You Talked to: camila
on the internet:: chris and camila
You Hugged: johnny and sum random weird kid
You Instant messaged: camila
You Yelled At: probably gustavo
You Had A Crush On: ...la...la...la...im not saying
Who Broke Your Heart: dan i think..
Understanding: yeah
Open-minded: yeah
Arrogant: eh sumtimes
Insecure: yeah
Interesting: sure
Hungry: not really
Friendly: yes
Smart: yeah
Moody: hell yeah
Childish: of course.
Independent: eh sorta
Hard working: yeah at times
Healthy: sure
Emotionally Stable: nope
Shy: sumtimes but not usually
Difficult: oh yeah
Attractive: i dont know
Bored Easily: yesum
Messy: yeah, jus look at my room lol
Thirsty: nope
Responsible: yeah
Obsessed: no
Angry: yes
Sad: yes
Happy: yes
Trusting: yep
Talkative: yeah
Legal: no
Original: yes
Different: heck yah
Unique: yep
Ignored: yeah all the time
Reliable: yeah
Content: hmm...no not really...
Optimistic: not at all
Deep thinker: ehh no
Self-disciplined: yeah
Sleepy: yees
Lonely: no not really
Kill: gustavo
Slap: gustavp
Get Really Wasted With: no one
Tickle: anyone but me lol
Be Like: i dont want to be like anyone else
Talk To: ANYONE lol
9 things you wear daily
1. bra
2. shirt
3. underwear
4. necklaces
5. bracelets
6. pants
7. earings
8. shoes
9. make up
8 movies you'd watch over and over
1. the notebook
2. remember the titans
3. scary movie 3
4. signs
5. legally blonde
6. def. not spiderman
7.NOT dumbo-that movies is fucking scary
8. malibu's most wanted
6 objects you touch every day
1. computer
2. cell phone
3. pencils
4. books
5. door knobs
6. my hair
5 things you do every day
1. sleep
2. shower
3. put make up on
4. talk to people
5. fight with brandon
4 foods that you couldn't live without
1. chicken fingers
2. easy mac
3. thats it
4. i dont like anything else.
3 of your favorite songs at this moment
1. exit to exit
2. love for me
3. true
2 people that have influenced your life the most
1. mom
2. dad
What time is it?: 10:46 am
What is the date?: august 21
Why are you filling this out?: because it was in camilas journal lol
Full name: janelle leigh
Do you like it?: yeah
Nicknames: jan, ja, blondie, dumass, penis lover, etc.
If you could change your first name, what would it be?: dont want to change it
middle name?:leigh
Age: 16
DOB: apr. 16
Height: 5'6
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: green/brown/gray
Where do you live?: in gay ass boca
Do you like it there?: not at all
Why/Why not: the ppl are gay
Where were you born?: milwaukee wisconsin
Astrological sign: aries
Shoe Size: 8
Grade: 11
School: WBRHS ---ick
GPA: last year= 4.0 bitch!
Parents names: mommy and daddy lol
Do you have any siblings?: yeah
If so, what are their names and ages?: brandon, 14 and steve, 35
Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?: together?
Pets: dog cat fish
Names: i dont really care lol
Favorite relative: my big brother
Food: chicken fingers
Drink: coke
Color: black and pink
Album: dunno
Shoes: my flip flops and my adios
Candy: gum?
Animal: llamas
TV Show: real world, the assistant
Movie: the notebook
Dance: who the fuck dances lol
Song: exit to exit
Fruit: i hate fruit
Number: 11
Car: i want a dark sparkly blue jetta
Season: winter
Holiday: christmas and my bday
Month: december and april
Day of the week: friday
Grade so far: 10th
Sport: basketball and skateboarding
Class: psychology
Veggie: asparagus
Dessert: i dont kno
Radio station: 94.9 or 100.7
Actor: paul walked
Actress: who cares
Word: penis
Phrase: what the fuck
Flower: daisy
Clothing store: i dont know
Article of clothing: skirts
State (that you've been to): north carolina
Ice cream flavor: vanilla
Breakfast food: chocolate milk
Way to have fun: hang out at the movies, get kicked out by fat ass cops and chatting at camilas window. lol
This or that?:
CD/Cassette: CDs
DVD/VCR: dvd
Radio/CD: radio
Slow dance/Freak dance: slow
Jacket/Coat: jacket
Leather/Pleather: leather?
Sparkles/Bronze: sparkles!!!
Sexy/Hot: sexy
Car/Truck: car
Civic/Acura: civic
Corvette/Camero: corvette
Strong/Weak: strong
Upset/Pissed: upset
Tall/Short: tall
Lunch/Dinner: dinner
Abercrombie/Hollister: screw them both
Gap/Old Navy: old navy jus for flip flops
Nsync/BSB: hah BSB
Britney/Christina: neither
Love/Lust: lust
Gone In 60 Seconds/The Fast and the Furious: the fast and the furious
Inside/Outside: outside
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: Silver
Piercings/Tattoos: piercings
Football/Basketball: basketball
Thunder/Lightning: thunder
Who is your best girl friend?: camila, lauri, and hillary
Guy friend: im not really sure..
Do you get along with people easily?: if they dont bother me yes
Why/Why not: sum ppl annoy me
Who have you known the longest?: hillary and mike
Who do you dislike the most?: gustavo
Was your crush/bf/gf a close friend before you liked them?: not really
Craziest: hmm...scott, alex, or juliano
Loudest: scott
Funniest: anonthony
Quietest: chris
Sweetest: haa no one
Most caring: max
Most understanding: ha no one, no one ever listens to me.
If you could date one guy who wuld it be?: not telling foo!
Love & Relationships:
Do you have a bf/gf?: not rite now
--wow that was a gay survey. oh well.--
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2004 20 August :: 10.57pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Only One by: Yellowcard
i cant,...i cant hold on for too long...
w00t. w00t. today was fun stuff. school was ok. saw ppl. did stuff. whatever. walked home with scott, anonthony, sean, and camila.oh and gustavo. it was ok. then we stole anonthony and scotts shirts and went home. then yes. we made plans for tonite and stuff. then went over to scotts to give them their clothes and get my book. then we chilled a lil and i try to play guitar. lol. then we left to go home and get ready. i wore scotts crayon shirt. teehee. then we went and met up there with alex and brain. chris too!!! cant forget him! lol we hung out got kicked out of like evry fucking place. then they were skating behind mc donalds and we met a kid named nick who was cool-to-the-max and then the cop kicked us out of the whole fucking plaza. so we went across the street to the other one. =) skated hung out fished out money from the fountains, u kno the usual. then we went to get ice cream and stuff. then went back to the "forbidden plaza" oooo. and went to walgreens after we went to borders, saw chris, and bought my RYAN CABRERA CD yeah bitch, i got it. yay!!!!! <3333. then scott stole me a letter "L" from a sign. its hot and has bird poopie on it. hehe. then went to walgreens and u''ll never guess who i saw..."JOHNNY fucking NONNI!! oi havent seen that child in like a year. <3 aww he hasnt changed a bit! cept for the beard. lmao. anyways met alot more people when scott went around tell ing EVERYBODY that I LOVE THE PENIS. but i did get several blowjob offers tho! ;). lol. then we eventaully left and brian is all mad at me. whatever. im so sick of this shit. we took chris to jeremys and then took scott home. jeremy, chris, and max are supposed to come to the window tonite but jeremy's mommy doesnt kno if she wants them to go out. [tear]. they better come or i'll haveta kick sum ass!! well im guna go talk to camila about...boys!! <3 later lovelies. xoxo
-later days-
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2004 19 August :: 6.06pm
:: Mood: nervous
:: Music: my lover!! <33
someday i wont be lost, someday i wont miss you...
...i lost my direction, where do i turn now?
today was ok. max and chris were our friends in the morning. then went to english. talked to jeremy and max till bell rang. then walked to spanish with max and i had a test...yikes!! i do ok i think.. then lunch was homosexual like usual. then 5th hour-same. jus lectures and notes. i love it! =). no seriously. then went to alg. that class is pretty cool. i learn stuff, do all the hw and talk to ppl like stephanie, valerie and Demario [hes sooooo hilarious!!] yeah then met EVERYBODY outside of school and like the whole freakin school walked home with us. well jus lauren, scott, gustavo, chris, max, me, and camila. wow 7 ppl. lol. then me and camila and max and chris went to wendys and hung out. ran into scott and gustavo. hung out more. was kinda gay. certain people are RILLY pissing me off. grrr >( . then we all got married. max wuldnt marry me like he said last nite. he married camila. grrr. so me and chris got married. then we like switched husbands (sorta) lol. anyways....yes now sure whats going on this weekend. think movie plans changed. like were gunna go saturday instead of friday? i dunno. ok im out. Holla!
wow. im so white. =)
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2004 18 August :: 3.53pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: Only One by: Yellowcard
here i go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you...
grrr. i culd barely get out of bed this morning, i was soo friggin tired. mayb its cuz max called at like exactly 10:25 and we talked till like 11:30. wow like 5 hrs of sleep. anyways got o school hung out with max [our only friend lmao] yes and he made fun of me, what else is new? and chris saw his lover. lol!!! and yeah. 1st hour was gay. we got assigned seats. i hate my seat. then we did like shit. then 3rd hour was sooo boring. lunch was gay as usual. saw seth. lol. then 5th was same. good. then 7th hr was ok. learned stuff. did all classwork and homework and talked to dana. then walked home with scott and camila and justin b. yayness. lol. now i must go do my hw. later loves. <3
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2004 17 August :: 8.04pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: La La by: Ashlee Simpson
ill come back and beat you up!!
today was so-so. max was our friend again this morning. so was leo...ehhh. classes were ok. spansih was sooooo long. lunch was ok. awww i sw lil freshy seth, hes sooo adorable. lol. rest of day was ok. walked home with scott and gustavo. camila and him kept fighting. ahhh. oh yeah and gustavo said he'd do me. wow, wonderful aint it? yes well i g2g cuz im supposed to call max. lol. later skaters.
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