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LaDiEz Is PiMpS t0o

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:: 2004 3 September :: 3.06pm

peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter wit a baseball bat

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 2 September :: 10.50pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: que tontos que locos

i had a go0d nite 2nite..well i was gunna go out to da moviez wid eric..but my mom n dad were like are u crazii...so0 my mom was like why doesnt he just come im den lata on eric picked me up..n we went to blockbuster..i was loookin for casino..but cudnt find it =[ but we ended up gettin da texas chainsaw was go0d..scarier den da fricken exorcist thatz for made me jump lol..n spendin time wid eric =D sigh..i had funn..he just left my house..or i like kicked him out of my house.cuz i was so0 tirrrred lol..n err damn this frances to hell..i hope itz not prayin for every1..but err im so0 guna go x0ox

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 2 September :: 6.32pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Old 80's/90's music

so damn hot but so youngg- ok that's not that 90's music lol
I think my houses is one of the few houses that the windows rn't boarded up lol. I think besides that, we're ready. My mom spent $80 just on candles- she's crazy. She loves candles and flowers- what girl doesn't, I guess? Everything in our house is falling apart neway lol, so I think my parents dont care at this point. But in all seriousness I hope everyone does stay safe and takes the right precautions.

I wonder where we will all be in two years from now ? I guess another chapter in the book of our lives. I really hope I keep in touch wit some of u ppl tho, cuz some of u totally rock. If u dont know how u r, somethin wrong witchu! Seriously, we all have so much potential. We CAN be the people who CHANGE THE FREAKIN WORLD, if we apply ourselves. Everything starts with an intention. And if ur intention is strong enough, God sees it through.

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:: 2004 1 September :: 9.04pm
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: aventura - nueve y quince

hurricane frances
err im like gettin scared now with this hurricane..we were guna go to tampa for evacuation purposes..but i dun think were guna nemore.i dunno..but idk if my house can handle these winds..n wut if a tree fallz on my house..or thoses trailerz that are in my bakyard.wut if they fly right into my house.ahhh lol..but ill b str8..dey canceled skoo for 2morro n friday..5 day weekend babyyyy !! lol 2morro..if da weather is go0d..imma go to da moviez wid mr eric..n friday..that boy wantz to go to da like is u crazyyy lol..who imma go n make a cd hollerrrr

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 31 August :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: cary brothers - "blue eyes"

i cry get upset for absolutely the weirdest things.

or for nothing at all!
mothereffing heart isnt functioning right.

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:: 2004 31 August :: 9.40pm
:: Mood: exhausted

since i didnt do my hw earlier..i gota do it just on my eatin break lol..but thank god 2morro we go in at 10:30..letz see..i just got bak from da gym wid was a go0d workout =] o0h my dad is so0 da gym he told eric he had an application for him to fill out..n im like huh? a sensormatic one? n hez like yeaa..n were both like..oh..ok? den i got home.n he gav me da type sum of it out

application to date my daughter
what are ur anticipated inheritances? bank balance? name? Phone? address?GPA? SAT score? how fast u run 40 yrds? if u cant run 40 yrds explain why? do u own or have access to ..a van.a truck wid oversize tires.a car stereo.a waterbed? do u wear an earring..a nose ring..a belly button ring..a tatoo...if yes to any of da above yes/no questions.discontinue the application n forget it buddy !!! ( lmao eric has an earring lol ) in 25 words or less what does late mean to u..FILL IN THE BLANK..a womans place is in the______ wen i meet a girl.the first thing i notice about her is her ________ if either of these answers start with a "B" discontinue and leave the premises..den it makes u put ur finger prints..n aat da end it sez after submitting pleez allow 1 to 3 years for processing

lol..imma giv it to eric 2morro..we'll hav a go0d laff lol..wut a funny father i have..x0ox

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 31 August :: 3.36pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: mariah carey - thank god i found u

well i jus got home from skoo feeling majorly ehhh..but im eatin a peanut butter n jelly sandwhich..so0 itz makin me feel 2dai was gayy..1st hr took a test..den watch a movie..3rd- notes..5th just randomness stuff..7th..well that was funn.i love it..cuz so0 many koo pplz are in it..but den we had to take a quiz cuz we were talkin to much.gayy lol..but yeahh..umm i shud go n start my hw..but imma rest for a lil..n 2nite prolly guna go to da gym wid eric..but yo no se...err i hope this hurricane doesnt hit us..n o0..herez a lil randomness for u..i think george clooney is so0o0 hottt =] lataaz x0ox

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 29 August :: 4.44pm

news update:

i have switched over to livejournal. i'll still be using woohu, but i think i'll probably use that one more. my user name is misscinderella_

see you there. xoxo.

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:: 2004 29 August :: 2.39am
:: Mood: nostalgic

walk down memory lane....
well i already updated lj for the night so here i am again....i am being such a journal slut.

but anyway just had the most random conversation with john he hasn't tlked to me that much since school started and he IMs me out of nowhere tonight and starts getting all nostalgic and talking about things in the past that i don't think he even admitted to me back was weird lol he eventually informed me he had been drinking and it all made sense.

i got over john a long time ago but i liked that we were still able to maintain some kind of friendship...we really had a lot of fun times together haloween...playing in the fountains at cityplace....hema's party....the back of danielle's dad's truck.... going to the movies....kicking nick out of the car lol....all of the stories i used to write him and the odd random text messages that would like brighten my day, he was the only one i managed to stay in contact with while i was grounded last yr it saved my sanity the day i took him shopping and we went on our adventure to publix and the "lake" by my house and the bookstore because i really am kinda smart many inside jokes it was just nice to look back and to know that he hasn't forgotten all of the good times. He's really happy with kassie now though and i really am happy for him because when you get down to it he's a pretty good guy.

wow this entry was so like upbeat and positive idk where that came from. i'm gunna have to be such a bitch to him nxt time we tlk to make up for it lol


BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 28 August :: 5.41pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: yellowcard - empty apartment

new layout !!!
you like? lol yeah i was really borrred..so0 i was like hey..why not..i had that other one for a go0d while yeahh..last nite was so0 much funn..eric took me out to fridayz..n im like so0 happy that my parentz are actually like trustin him to take me out in his car..itz yeah..oh so0 ordered a pina coolada..n i had the pinapple that came wid it..n im eatin it..n the pinapple got stuck in my teeth..n was annoyin da hell outta me..n i was tryin to get it out.wid out him knowin..n hez like uhh are u ok..n im like lol uhhh yeahh finee.den i told him.n i was tryin to pick it out of my teeth n it wudnt come out lol ahhh i was like oh god..after a go0d 2 minz i got it out..so0 embaressin.but he just thot it was funny lol...n o0 member that army guy i talked about last entry..the one wid da cutee face..omg he was sittin in da table next to us..i was like whoaaaa lol..n i also saw 2 lil gurlz from camp we were waitin to be seated..n i saw these gurlz starin at me.n im like ok? lol.n den dey waved..n i was like OMG lol..der so0 cutee..n yeahh..after dinner we just chilled in his car..n den he took me was a really great nite =] well now imma so0 borrrrrrred ah ah ahhhh lol..lataaaz x0ox

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 28 August :: 1.46pm
:: Mood: hard working
:: Music: running- No Doubt

i think this song can best sum up my emotions right now.
Running all the time
Running to the future
With you right by my side

I'm the one you chose
Out of all the people
You wanted me the most
I'm so sorry that I've fallen
Help me up lets keep on running
Don't let me fall out of love

Running, running
As fast as we can
Do you think we'll make it?
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

Be the one I need
Be the one I trust most
Don't stop inspiring me
Sometimes it's hard to keep on running
We work so much to keep it going
Don't make me want to give up

Running, running
As fast as we can
I really hope you make it
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

As fast as we can
I really hope we’ll make it
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

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:: 2004 27 August :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: shes a tamali

2dai was a go0d dayy
letz see..1st hour - so0 much fun..these army guyz came into our law studies class..n wow da 1st one had such a cute face..n da 2nd one..had a whoaaaa body..i was like..the whole time..switchin his face wid that guyz it was so0 hott lol..but it was fun.n they brought out da food dey had to eat in da army..which looked like astronaut fo0d..n dey all came up to me n was like..come on try sum.n im like uhh i pass lol..n dey opened up this chicken n rice package that smelt like catfood ( n looked like one too lol ) n dey got out da spoon n was like try it..i was like ahhh get that shit away from me lol..den juan took it n ate da whole damn thing lol haha..so0 funny..den i passed all da fo0d around..den i was like.wait yo pass bak that so they threw it bak at me..n i was like can i hav it..n der like sure.but it tastes gross..n im like.well..oh well..n had it was funny - - 3rd hour was in a new itz me fonte servia solange n jace..so0 im happy...den 5th..yayayay my retarded eng teacher got firrrred !!!! =D we were so0 happppy..n now we got this gay literally da hand shiny red blouse but hez koo.. - - 7th umm we played a my group it was timmmy cinthia maxine juan violetttta sylvanna n myself..n we had funn..but effin fonte's group beat us grrrrr lol..n bryan was all madd at me..cuz he sed i cheated on him..multiple times lol.funny stuff...den after babyyyy picked me violetta was like i need to see this kid..n she did..she givz me propz lol..n eric finally met momo =] n ahh his system in his car is so0 hottt i lovee it..n next week hez gettin da speakerz put in..itz gunna b see..2nite my babyz takin me out to dinnnnerr !! =] goin to fridayz..n yeah..that was my dayy..lataaaz x0ox

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:: 2004 24 August :: 6.51pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: scandalous

i've been thinking..
1. school's been treating me well. junior year isn't as bad as i thought it'd be. i know it'll most likeyl get harder. but i worked myself up for worse things. i guess that's good..?

2. i love my friends. they're great. i got a little reminder of that on monday. you know who you are. (note: i always think it though!)

3. thanks guys for the compliments on my new hair. it helped...

this week is going well. i really don't feel like writing about it though. too tired/ lazy.

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 23 August :: 9.33pm
:: Mood: quixotic
:: Music: eric benet n tamia - spend my life with u

" can you feel how much i love u with one touch of my hand" over here jammin to this song right now =] so0 umm let me see wutz up..umm skoo was alright..letz see..2dai was a normal day..1st studies..fricken last nite i helped that boy dustin out so0 effin much..he owez me biggg time.2nd - gay..der was this biggg spider tryin to kill me..but my teacher killed it just in time..wheww lol..3rd- eh we just did a biggie..4th- art..hehe my project is commin out o0h so0 pretty =] 5th..retarded lol..but we had funn..timmy got sent out haha..lunch - it was 6th - umm i hav a test 2morro for algebra..hopee i pass..7th - history..the class is so0o0 boring..the ppl in der make it so0 much n my hickey went barely noticeable..yet..3 ppl asked me wut was on my neck 2dai.hahaha..ahhh..n yeahh thatz my day..reallyyyyy excitinnnnn right !!!! lol..n aww 2dai was my babyz first day of college.. =] he liked it..but got alot of work on da first day..n on friday hez puttin in a new cd playa for his car..so0 wen we ride'll b pimmmmp lol..iight..jeez im so0 borrred now..every1 is either not on or away.. =/ well imma go n do nutten sumwhere else byeeeeez x0o

BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.


:: 2004 22 August :: 7.07pm
:: Mood: content

*sigh* i've been too busy playing with livejournal to update this one. actually i have been too busy updating in general that is always a bad sign. Whenever im fucking around on these things are times i should eithe rbe doing homework or pretending that i actually have a life of some kind.

went to the movies last nite slept thru friday night and then my grandparents came over today. After they left i took the money they gave me and went out in search of the garden state soundtrack. i found it NOWHERE. but i did get to take the car and drive around even if i did stay within 15 minutes of my house. i love having the car to myself and i was actually fine. well...minus one near fiasco in a certain parking lot. no one woulda been hurt just a car but eh....ha i think i will keep that one my little secret. lol my god women really can't drive i wish i could do a study on it.

oh yeah psych test tomorrow and a whole assload of other stuff to get done. i better stop with this. love to all...


BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off. | Random Journal