2003 1 September :: 7.08 pm
:: Mood: borededed
:: Music: the used - blue and yellow
rip my heart out
so yeah my weekend was pretty good. friday or maybe it was thursday..whatever, i went to the football game for about 20 minutes or so then my best buddies jay and nate came to my rescue to un-bore me. i was happy. we went to GR and drove around for a bit and then got into an 18 or older concert with the almighty joyride. they kicked major ass. the other two bands were pretty good..i got like 2 cds of the one band and about 5 of the other band. too bad joyride wasnt giving cds away. well i got myself a new guitar. i bought it from justins dad for 15 bucks. it had shit for strings and the little peice holding the strings in place were missing so after i picked it up i went to guitar center and spent 10 bucks and i got brand new strings, that little peice and the guitar re-strung. i think i got pretty hooked up for 10 bucks. anyway after me jay and nates little escapade i went to sleep and then the next day i was supposed to go camping or something of that nature but never did. stacey came over and stayed the weekend and we just hung out and everything. i didnt really do much but yeah that about everything. anyway farewell all!
1 Lover |
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2003 25 August :: 3.24 pm
well today was the first day of school and it was great. i had a pretty good time. im looking foward to the rest of the year. i accidently thought i had a lunch so i ended up going to both lunches, david did the same thing heh. but yeah i think my worst class is weight training...that class is gonna blow. i hate mr. busen. tony is in 3 of my classes, i guess it gives me someone to talk to and whatnot. i think i have a pretty cool schedule. katie, chris, tony, jeff, michelle, umm emily and i think there might be one im forgetting..but yeah they are all in my 6th hour and that rules. and plus we all have hazel which rules cuz hazels a pimp. well i had fun seeing everyone again, im glad we have all year for it. anyway im off. see yall
1 Lover |
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2003 24 August :: 10.06 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: the used - burried myself alive
goodbye to you, goodbye to you! your taking up my time
well today is the last day before school..im excited. its my senior year and im pretty sure i actually get to graduate. its so crazy to think...its my last year of school...all these years and for what? this? getting out of school after so much pain, learning, new experiences, fun and good times? so much has happened and im thinking this year will be my best of all years. it came so soon. everyone always told me that if they could redo highschool and do better and actually done something that they would. i fear that i have had a bad highschool life. i didnt try hard enough...i should have tried harder to get better grades. what they all say is true. highschool comes and highschool goes..just like that, before your eyes. then you sit back and think about all the things that has happened, its so fucking crazy. anyway im sure you all have been dreading this day..the night before the first day of school. im actually really looking forward to it. i got some good classes and alot of my friends are in my classes..that makes me happy. i get justin and stacey in one class which is pretty rad cuz i usually never have my friends in my classes. and i have other people in other classes but yeah. i hope you all like my semi new look this year. its more clean and nice looking. not preppy but just i really like it. i think you all will too. and my new trend!! you'll all see! the belt buckle will become a big thing and anyone whos says it already has been or whatever is a fucking liar and should be shot for doubting me. but yeah im gonna be the one to start it if it happens. i got my new one which is rad as hell and you'll all think its pretty cool. well folks..im off to fall asleep to freddy vs. jason cuz i feel like watching it again. ill see you all tomorrow, goodnight.
1 Lover |
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2003 23 August :: 1.57 pm
hello folks, im at my cousins right now spending my last weekend here cept for sunday. hopefully sunday i get to spend some time with stacey, oh thats right none of you know. well just so you all know, me and stacey are together. im sure some of you arent too happy about it but oh well thats not my problem. and hopefully most of you are happy for me. i finally found a girl so you bastards better love it! heh just playin. anyway guess what pimp ass daddy got freddy vs. jason?! thats right you guessed it, ME!!! if you havent seen it or whatever you can come over and watch it, give me cds to make you a copy or just waste your money in the theatres, but yeah whatever. anyway im gonna jet, goodbye all, see you all monday.
6 Lover's |
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2003 16 August :: 11.06 pm
:: Music: the used - the taste of ink
dun dun dun, im bored, i got my schedule and its ok..
BMMT III - Hansen
Comp/Lit - Stark
Algebra - Taylor
Weight Training - Busen
Intro to Draw/Design - Dufty
Sculpture/Ceramics - Hazel
i hope i have fun in these classes..anywho i left out something in my last entry about me nate and davids night out...the funniest part! ok so we were looking for a place to go right? so we're driving and we see this club, Ramones...so we pull in the drive way, get out and start walking for the entrance. so there we are walking and two guys come out just before we get there. and i noticed something...they looked umm not straight. ok so we kept going and i was in front and i looked in the door before nate and david got there. so i look in there and i notice something...there is not one female in the whole joint. so i think to myself..hmm whats that all about. so then it hit me. we were 2 steps away from going through the entrance of a fucking gay bar! i was like woah you guys wait a sec. and they were wondering what was going on and i was like...there isnt any females...and so i tell them to keep walking. and then they realize what i realized and start laughing and shit and whatnot and those two guys that walked out are like watching us try and lok through the window and so after that we started walking back to the car...FAST. and one of the guys was like checking me out and shit and i was like...eww..so we like sped outta that biotch. and all three of us are like laughing our asses off and yeah it was funny. just thought i might share that bit of lovely information with everyone. hope you got a kick out of that. do do do, im trying to think of something to do. lately ive been talking to stacey knapp alot. we're getting to be good friends, its cool. we had the possibility of going to the beach today but her mom kinda fucked that up. oh well..maybe some other time. anyway im gonna go now and stuff my face with ramon noodles. farewell all!
2 Lover's |
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2003 15 August :: 6.01 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: the used-just a little
Lay me down to sleep
hi all, today i went to the liquid room with nate and david. i had some fun. we didnt really do much there but just chill and talk to people. i talked to this sara girl more than anyone. she was someone new, she was really cool. me and nate were playing pool and i was beating him, then sara wanted to be on my team so we could beat nate together so yeah nate ended up beating us..heh it was still fun. the first time we went to the liquid room today we had joslyn or however you spell the bitches name. anyway we had to drop her off at 10:30 and that sucked cuz we didnt want to leave. so we went back cuz we werent finished hanging out there. anyway we were watching this movie called pie...it was really fucked up. there wasnt alot of people there really. mainly cuz no band was playing but its all good. me and nate are gonna start going there more often. sara said to come back soon. shes got a boyfriend though, i dont think i could ever go out with her anyway cuz shes too guy friendly, she got her nipples peirced like the night before, i wanna get my nipples peirced bad. shes 18 and graduated. but yeah i think its really cool there. . i think im gonna fall asleep to a movie in a couple minutes after i get some food in me. well ill see you all later. and justin and whoever it may concern, lets start planning this camping trip real soon if its gonna happen!!!! goodnight cedar buddies.
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2003 13 August :: 8.14 am
hey all..sorry so long. jay and nate are crashed in my living room right now and i dont feel like sleeping. its 8 in the morning and i havent even thought of sleeping. we were out last night and shit happened blah blah blah, but anyway im really bored and i have all of the sudden gotten terribly depressed...i feel like killing myself its so bad. i dont know whats going on but i just have this terrible feeling coming across me and i dont really feel right..i need someone to talk to right now but no ones on or anything..nate was telling me and jay is old experiences with his last couple of girlfriends..hes a really good story teller. but anyway im gonna go now, bye all.
7 Lover's |
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2003 3 August :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: tbs - you're so last summer
dont get jealous
hello all, i had an ok weekend. i got a shitload of movies while i was at my cousins. i got about 26 new movies on vcd. heres my list.
league of extroadinary gentlemen
bad boys 2
pirates of the carribean
dare devil
the new guy
the sum of all fears
o' brother where art thou
road to perdition
fight club
the hot chick
the core
cradle to the grave
corky romano
final destination 2
from hell
the hulk
how high
wrong turn
orange county
jason x
darkness falls
i hope you all like my little list of movies. i can make more copies that will play on dvd players. most of them are great quality the others are good but not perfect. the newest movies have a great picture. im really glad they do too cuz they are the best. anyway i plan to spend most of my time watching all the ones i havent seen. but yeah nothing has really happened lately. ill talk to you all later. see ya
3 Lover's |
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2003 30 July :: 8.04 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: blink - dick lips
well, today ive been outside most of the day cleaning my car. it was really dirty but we have this cleaner that cleans fuckin everything. all the leather and dashboard and everything looks all newish. i didnt know cars back in 1988 had power windows and shit. but yeah i was gonna wash the outside but the car wont start because the battery like comletely died on the thing and im stuck with a semi open window so if it rains it might get a little wet in there. well cleaning that car and getting yelled at by jason for staying on the computer till 7:30 in the morning are pretty much all ive done today. tomorrow im going to my cousin mikes house and ill be staying there till probly sunday. well its time for me to blast off to infinity and beyond! farewell citizens!
1 Lover |
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2003 28 July :: 6.52 pm
:: Music: blink- m&m's
so how are my favorite friends doing? im doing alright i guess. i tried killing some fucking bats today with my bb gun. i couldnt find the little fuck heads. oh well ill wait till its almost dark out, when they all start flying out. ill shoot them on take off! bastards. anyway ive been chatting again..thats how bored i am. today i had to clean the fucking semi and trim all around the house and shit. lucky brie saw me without a shirt. haha oooo what a sight, she was all smiling and stuff. i was like alriiiight! heh but yeah my arms are sore from holding that stupid weed whacker and blower. there was a guy on one of those flying contraptions outside and i tried shooting him with my bb gun. haha i dunno if i hit him or not though. oh well, it would be funny if i did. grr i cant wait until blinks next album comes out. im so getting it. then ill have all 7 cds. there is one cd that has like 13 live songs or whatever on it, a little tribute to blink thing. i have to get that too. but otherwise i have every cd. i learned rollercoaster, everytime i look for you, josie, and part of pathetic within this week. now i can pretty much just listen to the songs and learn how to play them by ear. anyway im gonna go now. goodbye all.
Star struck |
2003 26 July :: 2.58 pm
What do you really think of me?
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2003 26 July :: 2.35 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: blink - first date
Mr. don't you pee on me
well i hope everyone who went had a good time at the allnighter. i stayed up till 7 in the morning by myself doing nothing. i ended up watching out cold...that movie is fucking halarious. i also played my guitar really really loud at like 2 in the morning cuz i was bored and i felt like it. my fucking parents are home for some reason. i guess i should go find out why, grrr. its about 2:30 and i just woke up. im so hungry. anyway yeah im gonna go now because this was a worthless entry. goodbye.
Star struck |
2003 26 July :: 3.13 am
:: Music: blink 182 - man overboard
can someone take me away?? please... im going crazy here...im all alone and i have 2 more days of complete nothingness...i got really pissed earlier and i accidently cut myself....there really shouldnt be any knifes near me when i get like that..i get the idea that pain is nothing and if i cut myself then it will help but it just leaves marks to remind me of my stupidity. i have so many dreams that will never be achieved. i wanna be a singer/guitarist so bad but ill never get the balls to sing in front of people. i dont know why im stupid like that i just need some way to get rid of it. ive been working on my voice alot this summer. im trying to get my sound that fits me and i think i have it. ill just never be able to show it. that makes me sad...the song i typed up below all this is my favorite song to sing and play. when i sing it at my cousins he always misses the chance to record me cuz he never gets time and i never do it when he says. somehow he thinks i do a really good job with that song. i need someone to take me away. if jay would respond to me half of the time then we probly would have went out tonight but he ignored me. oh well. anyway im gonna get going. i dont want to annoy anyone anymore. goodnight all.
5 Lover's |
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2003 26 July :: 1.53 am
:: Music: Blink 182 - What went wrong
I'm sick, of always hearing
all the sad songs, on the radio
All day it is there to be mine
An over sensative guy
that is lost and alone, yeah.
I hate, our favorite restruant
our favorite movie
our favorite show.
We would, stay up all through the night
We would laugh and get high
and never answer the phone.
I can't forgive, can't forget
can't give in, what went wrong cuz you said
this was right, you fucked up my life.
I'm sick, of always hearing
sappy love songs, on the radio.
This place, it's fucking cursed and its plagued
and i can never escape, when my heart it explodes.
I can't forgive, can't forget
can't give in, what went wrong cuz you said this was right, you fucked up my life.
I'm kicking, out fiercly at the world around me
what went wrong
I'm kicking, out fiercly at the world around me
what went wrong
I'm kicking, out fiercly at the world around me
what went wrong
I'm kicking, out fiercly at the world around me
what went wrong
3 Lover's |
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2003 25 July :: 6.35 pm
well im not going to the allnighter. i dont have a ride and have like 6 bucks on me. oh fucking well. i never go anywhere so its nothing new. anyway im just letting whoever cares know. goodbye.
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2003 24 July :: 9.45 pm
Well isnt that just fucking odd? i wont hide it i guess. at least my hearts not black...assholes
 Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
1 Lover |
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2003 24 July :: 9.37 pm
She's from tenchi so ill take her, hurray

Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?
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2003 24 July :: 9.24 pm
:: Music: blink 182 - Online songs
*thinks* hmm, nope
Actually im a liar, a big fat liar. im not going with my mom and jason this weekend. i changed my mind, i still probly wont go to the allnighter because i dont have anyone to go with. and yeah sorry mindy for being..umm whatever it was i was being. anyway im going to stay here this weekend and do absolutely nothing..because im a loser, and thats what losers do. they stay at home everyday and do nothing. so anyway im gonna go now, just letting anyone who cares know. goodbye.
Star struck |
2003 24 July :: 6.36 pm
well, i decided not to go to the allnighter, no ones going but mindy and jessica. and mindy's being all not cool right now so yeah. anyway im going with my mom and jason tomorrow after my mom gets out of work. we're going to lake michigan in our boat till sunday. we hope to catch some big fish. anyway, the whole warped tour thing is cancelled..i had a few problems so yeah i'd rather not talk about it on here. anywho, im gonna go, you all have fun now. bye.
Star struck |
2003 24 July :: 4.45 pm
:: Music: taking back sunday-head club
Brads a pimp
guess whos getting a pimp mobile? thats right, you guessed it. ME! and if you said anyone lse your stupid and your not my friend. anyway its a 1988 Lincoln Mark 7. its old as shit but its awsome, it runs good and it looks all pimp like. everything works in it and it has tinted windows and a sun roof so yeah kiss my ass. and its got the same engine as a mustang and everything. me and jason are gonna work on it and put a new exhaust and a system and shit in it. its gonna rad as hell. and then ill be pimpin down the streets of cedaah. thats right. ill probly have it by next tuesday, of course i have to get my lisence but that wont take long at all. im not gonna have to wait 6 months like all you fuckin suckers out there. anyway, just wanted to tell ya'll the good news. goodbye.
Star struck |
2003 24 July :: 12.04 am
leave me to die
why do i ever bother caring for someone? everytime i truely care about someone they either ruin it or someone else does. tasha is my first example, everything was perfect, then it was ruined. now everytime i try to get close to someone it blows up in my fucking face. me and justin are supposed to go to wisconsin for the warped tour. he might not get to do this..is it fate or was i just born fucked in every way? he doesnt know how much going to this means to me. its not only about the music...its about a girl. a girl at the rockshow, how ironic. i havent been close to anyone in almost 7 fucking months...i cant take it anymore. i cant be alone, ive been so lonely. i cant wait for tasha because it will never happen. we both know this. last night i had a dream about tasha and it was great. but when reality hits again it depresses me. why cant i just have someone that i can be with...jessi was right, she was the only person that will ever love me like she did. and of course stupid me, i fucked everything up. i always fuck everything up, i was a born failure. i dont know why these things happen to me, ill never understand. all i know is i think i will be better off alone...alone as in alone from everyone. i could just not give a shit about anyone and care for myself and thats it. i wouldnt need friends, all i would need is myself. i would be the only one who could make me happy. im not saying this will happen..but if my life remains as shitty as it is....then i dont know what will happen to me. im not doing this shit for attention, i never have. im just a peice of shit with a lot of problems. and i have no one to help me through it. i havent really talked to anyone about all this because no one understands. i probly dont even deserve what i have, i dont deserve any kind of a life. i should just lock myself in my room and ignore everything. i dont know how many of you actually give a shit about all this, i dont really know who all cares about me..im just going to go now because im alone and i will remain alone. goodbye.
9 Lover's |
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2003 20 July :: 6.50 pm
lifes hatred toward me is raining down upon me. a few minutes ago i was informed that my grandmother has died. yes i am sad but i saw her today and to be honest if i was her i would rather be dead. she couldnt talk, she couldnt eat by mouth, only by tube, she could barely breath...i guess reality just hit me right now because the first tear just fell..i feel so bad. i need to go
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2003 20 July :: 7.59 am
who all is going to the allnighter the 25th??? please tell me if you are so i can decide if i wanna go. and i hope everyone had a good time without me at that party, its ok i like not getting invited to be with my friends.
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2003 6 July :: 5.25 pm
:: Mood: woosy
:: Music: the used-box of sharp objects
for as long as we both shall live
well this weekend has been a hoot and a hollar kids. i went to my aunts cottage fo the 4th. well friday i didnt do much but get a little drunk and play a shit load of horse shoes. went swimming alot and other regular stuff. then uhh yesterday...woah buddy. we were supposed to go home but we didnt. sooo they let me drink more. which was a mistake on their part..cept for a good laugh. anyway on with the story, over the nights span i ended up drinking 2 20ouncers of ice house, a sex on the beach, and two cups of redbull and vodka. mmm it was good but i got fucking hammered. when i was first drunk with my whole family which is funny, i uhh was talking to everyone around a fire and they tell me i had my head phones on of course with techno on. well i went to take a drink they said and i fell asleep with the cup to my mouth and they were all laughing at me. well anyway i woke up because it was pouring all down my chest and shit so i quick drank the rest of it and got some more. then they said i went to piss behind the shed and i was back there for like 5 minutes, and they all came back there and they found me stuck in between the shed and the house passed out....standing up...after that they decided it was night night time. so they put me on the couch with a bucket next to me to puke in which i never puked. anywho after that they found me on the floor with my face in the bucket for some reason. then they picked me up and tried to put me on cushens, but uhh i fell right off those so they left me on the floor with a pillow and thats it. and this morning i was not feeling good. of course they were all like hows the hangover? and i didnt talk until about 2 hours after i woke up. i still feel sick but im not throwing up or anything. but yeah thats my little story. ill see you all later. bye!
1 Lover |
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2003 2 July :: 7.48 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: blink 182 - waggy
well folks, today i had my interview at KFC and tomorrow i have to go back for a little orientation and to get my hours and whatnot. im starting off at about $6.25, i guess thats decent. i also get my uniform tomorrow and whatnot. i have to be there at 3 and they said ill be there for a couple hours.thats gonna be fun...-.- but yeah i havent done too much. just sittin around. i really want to go to the beach again. the last two days have been perfect out but i have no one to go with so yeah it really blows. ive been making alot of new online friends lately, all girls of course cept for one guy. anyway i think thats all. ill see ya'll later. bye.
4 Lover's |
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