2004 19 April :: 8.02 am
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: Elvis Presley - Dont be cruel
Life goes on
Hello everyone. As most of you DONT know my cousin is in the hospital, he's been having breathing problems and hes on life support. he almost died...thats why i missed school last week and why i may have seemed to be depressed. my sister was put in jail the other day for throwing a party when my parents were out of town. the cops showed up and everyone was drunk, now my dad is trying to take ashley away from my mom but thats not going to happen. but now shes moving to ohio as well. my family pretty much consists of like 5 people. thats all i have..anyway, i joined a crazy band (metro boys) with all the members from forever december but Kyle and George. Rob sings, Dusty plays drums, Randy sings and Andy plays bass..and i of course play guitar. we're hoping to get together more now since Rob gets out of school like this week. so thats gonna be cool. my mom is giving me her truck so ill have a vehicle. my school life is horrible. i dont know what im doing about all that though. ill worry about that later. but i think i need to get going. to do my resume. ill see you all later, if you have any questions..ask. later
12 Lover's |
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2004 1 April :: 8.06 am
:: Music: D12 - Pistol Pistol
today's the talent show, its going to be fun. im in stomp, i hope everyone likes it. i got my actual license in the mail yesterday, now i dont have to deal with using stupid paper. i look horrible in the picture but oh well. im hoping to have a great spring break. i wanna hang out with everyone and hope to have a party somewhere. im so bored, i wish you all a happy spring break! later.
3 Lover's |
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2004 30 March :: 8.21 am
:: Mood: somewhat depressed
:: Music: D12 - Purple Pills
in the blink of an eye
well...everything is going to hell. my parents are moving to Ohio in a few months...and theres nothing i can do about it. im trying to find a place to stay for when that time comes. everyone seems to be getting hurt or sick. my mom is having problems..my sisters face is swollen from her tooth..kelly fractured her ankle and has lahrengitus(i have no idea how to spell that) and shes been feeling horrible and hasnt been coming to school. i just wanna be with her so i can take care of her. my dad called last night and hes all pissed about my mom leaving me and my sister, but i think my sister is going to be forced to move to Ohio...which means im on my own.(not cool) i dont know what to do about all this. ive never lived without my mom..i know its going to be the hardest thing to do leaving her. oh well...ill try to worry about all this when the time comes to decide. last night me and jay went to the little thing at the school with mr. hazel and molly's little gig. that was alright..i didnt know it was all going to be about god. oh well, me and jay were out driving around all day yesterday. im going to be doing stomp for the talent show. i get to skip a bunch of hours to work on stuff. kellys birthday is in 7 days. i have to get her something for sure. but anyway, i think im gonna get going. see ya
6 Lover's |
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2004 25 March :: 8.39 am
once again its been a while since ive updated. not much has happened, i got my license a while ago..no working vehicle. oh well. this weekend should be fun. im going with kelly to a youth group thing, hopefully thats fun. jay wont go so im trying to get tony to go. im sure tony would have more of an open mind. i just want it to turn out. anyway, im hoping to have a party for kellys birthday since she cant have one at her house. but i must go now.
3 Lover's |
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2004 12 March :: 9.44 am
:: Mood: cheery i guess
:: Music: the D- tribute
dun dun dun
yo people, havent updated in a little while..again. oh well, tomorrow im going to the play, hopefully its as good as everyone says its going to be. today im going to kelly's after school, then im going toa concert with dusty and then to a birthday party thing. that should be fun. havent really hung out with dusty in a long time so it'll be good. ill have my license in 7 days, cant wait. its been forever. hawk talk is stupid today...who the fuck wants to watch about changing your oil, justin and sandy, your stupid! (hense the sandy beaver production) im really bored and im supposed to be doing my stocks right now but i dont want to..within a couple of weeks my hair will finally be actual brown, and one color. that'll be nice for a change. black just doesnt look good anymore. anywho, im gonna get going. i love you all (kelly more) goodbye
4 Lover's |
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2004 3 March :: 8.22 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: thursday - this song has been brought to you by a falling bomb
1st hour
well there seems to be a lot of issues going on throughout the group again. joe's being an ass, nate's running his mouth about life again..its all pretty lame, especially when you have to steal someones account to go behind their back and read their personal stuff. thats pretty low. i tell ya, if that happened to me and i knew who it was (joe) i wouldnt just let it slip, jays going easy on joe, but im not gonna get all into that now. anyway, last night i had to help jason get his semi out of the muddy driveway, i guess driving a semi isnt all that hard. jason told me hes going to take the engine out of my car and put it in a 89 body of a mustang. which is going to be awesome. ill have my license in 16 days, that as well will be awesome. me and kelly are doing great, i dont seem to be fighting with anyone..well besides nate, but he's not fighting back. because he knows what he did wasnt cool. but im going to go back to my internet browsing, have fun.
1 Lover |
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2004 27 February :: 8.01 am
:: Mood: pissy
:: Music: nothing...im in class
i dont like you
Well last night was the big concert ive been waiting forever for. it was a really good show. the second band..i think it was "look ma" wasnt that great...too much screaming. but it was cool/scary when he jumped off the big ladder and almost killed himself. thats always cool to see. forever december was more than i expected, the performance was great and the "cute without the e" was byfar an awesome ass show. they did a really good job. last tuesday and clearly blind were really good as well, tonight they're gonna play at skeletones but i have to go to the dance so i wont be going to that. im having a horrible morning so far, everyone is getting on my nerves and i woke up in a pissy mood and just everything from the point of waking up has completely blown. but oh well hopefully i get better. im looking to join a band....i really want to be in one since my last one abandoned me...but hey, im probley just not meant to be in a band..whatever..stupid school....if they think im going to pay a dollar to wear a fricken hat..they're sadly mistaken, im not a charity giver so i dont care if its for a good cause..no one ever gives to me so i dont give back. plus wearing a hat isnt that important to me. im just full of complaints today..sorry. this dance tonight better be good. this weekend im supposed to be getting whatever peircing i want...its most likely going to be my nipples. anyway i think im done for now, goodbye.
5 Lover's |
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2004 20 February :: 7.47 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: blink - i miss you
its 1st hour and my feet are cold.
its been a while but we have a sub in econ so i figured i should update for the hell of it. the other day i got my 30 day permit. after the 30 days then ill finally get my license. so yeah im excited about that. kelly finally moved back to cedar, its really cool cuz we can spend more time together. i stayed the night at her new house like 4 or 5 times already. anyway i plan to go to that little play everyone keeps bugging me to go to. im only going for my friends. hope everyone somewhat enjoyed my little birthday party. im getting an x-box for my birthday sometime soon, my moms poor so we have to wait a little bit. im supposed to be doing my stocks right now but im too lazy. well im running out of things to talk about so im leaving you all, i love everyone, bye now.
3 Lover's |
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2004 6 February :: 7.54 am
:: Mood: agrivated
wow...i get to update from school. its been a while since ive used woohu..sorry to whoever cares. anyway..i think i just need a new computer...chris gave me a peice of crap for a computer so im screwed now. someday ill get a new one....tomorrow is swirl, im sure that'll be fun. im hoping to have a party but jason unexpectedly showed up last night now i dont know if ill get to have one. it pisses me off. but im just updating for the hell of it. ill talk to you all later, see ya.
Star struck |
2004 15 January :: 8.13 pm
:: Mood: hurrrrt
:: Music: buckcherry - i love the cocain
and yes im all, lit up again
well i havent updated in a while. i just got home from a long ass day of snowboarding. it was my first time going on massive hills and whatnot, i had alot of fun. im actually a decent snowboarder. i didnt fall once but at first i stopped by laying on my ass and one time i kinda hurt myself..mainly my hand and wrist, but yeah im ok i guess. still hurts. but me and a bunch of people were there havin fun and hanging out and whatnot. this sunday is my brothers birthday party, i hope everything turns out how i want it to..im hoping i can get kelly to go. schools been ok i guess lately, nothing special. im still getting used to getting up so early..its horrible. i think i might be re-dying my hair soon and getting it straightened. that'll be nice. im freezing and im tired. and i feel lonely...but andyhoo..let me know whats going on people, bye bye.
6 Lover's |
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2004 7 January :: 5.53 pm
:: Mood: bored as fuck
:: Music: greenday - panic song
hello children, lately i havent felt the need to update woohu...it just doesnt seem so important anymore. not only that...but being online doesnt do much for me anymore either. now i mainly get online to play diablo 2..no one really talks to me anyways. so yeah i just felt the need to let everyone know. i didnt go to school yesterday, i didnt feel that great and i didnt really wanna go. but snow day today was awesome...even though i just slept all day and watched ace ventura when nature calls. funny movie.....stupid as hell, but funny. i smell bad...i think i need a shower. ive been playing with my new 100 watt amp lately, playin real loud to piss everyone off. but i think nates gonna buy my old amp and im gonna probley get myself a new hard drive for this peice of a computer. im listening to greenday right now(insomniac). but yeah ive been alright lately...havent seen kelly in 4 days...im going crazy here. i guess ill be seeing everyone tomorrow..hopefully kelly as well. anyway. i think im gonna go play some D2, ill talk to you girls later. bye bye
3 Lover's |
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2004 2 January :: 8.35 pm
this computer fucking sucks.
2 Lover's |
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2003 31 December :: 1.41 pm
hey people, sorry i havent updated in a while. i havent had a computer, chris works slow as fuck so he had it for almost 2 fucking weeks... anyway im at chris's right now waiting to go home for my party. EVERYONE MUST COME TODAY!!!!! anyway, i have my computer fixed now and everything. but yeah im still alive and missin everyone. i hope to see most of you today, but i must be leaving now. goodbye friends.
1 Lover |
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2003 20 December :: 12.23 am
im sitting here at chris's waiting to go home..i dont get a computer till after christmas..this fucking sucks, the computer chris is working on fucked up and now its not working at all and it pisses me off. anyway i wont see anyone till after christmas, i get to see kelly christmas eve which is awesome but yeah theres like a 4 day period in there i dont get to see her at all..and thats not cool. anyway ill probley talk to some of you online from my cousins..goodnight.
Bradley (kelly's)
2 Lover's |
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2003 16 December :: 10.15 pm
:: Mood: Tears running down my face
:: Music: Silence
"For You"
The more I think about it
The worse it feels
The thought of our future
It disappears
All we've been through
Nothing compares
The look on your face
Opens and glares
I give you my heart
Its all I can give
Don't take it for granted
It will easily chip
Away peice by peice
I'm yours for the taking
Put the peices together
My hearts slowly breaking
I love you my dear
I'm here by your side
Forever and ever
Till our pasts collide
Into the present
Little by little
Love is a mystery
An unsolvable riddle
But for you I'd do anything
No matter what the price
I'm with you forever
Our love carved in ice
~Another shitty attepmt to express my feelings. *is giving up on writing*
5 Lover's |
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2003 14 December :: 5.59 pm
:: Mood: missing you
:: Music: blink 182 - go
howdy folks. i just got back from big boys with nate. he showed up and i was hungry and yeah..we went out to eat. but now im here and bored. this weekend was actually pretty good. kelly, neilee, and jay all got to stay the night last night. jays parents dont mind me so much anymore woo. we just sat around, cuddled and watched a couple movies, i enjoyed it. the x-box party thing went pretty well, finally got to whoop some ass on halo. i also went to the magrical dinner yesterday, i enjoyed that also..the food wasnt that great but it was still worth it. i got to hang out with kelly's mom and grandma, oh yeah! heh anyway..i cant wait till christmas. its going to be great. well thats about it, goodnight kids.
Should i die my hair brown and get blonde highlights? give me your opinion!
10 Lover's |
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2003 13 December :: 9.03 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: tenacious d - i dont know the names of then songs....so yeah..a good one!
and set fucking fires
just because, im going to keep kate and stacy's little thing going. this might be fun and entertaining to keep going. well anyway...
-i love music...its pretty much what my life revolves around and always will revolve around
-im 17
-my birthday is february 11th 1986
-i believe kelly is my 12th or 13th girlfriend...the first 10 or so were just those fake relationships that you have in middle school
-i love kelly with all my heart
-ive cheated on one girlfriend ever, i will never cheat again
-i love playing the guitar
-i own two guitars. one acoustic and one electric
-i like wearing hats
-i am obsessed with blink 182
-if i could meet anyone in the planet it would be tom delonge
-diet pepsi twist is my favorite pop
-i like to read only if the book has killing and cool things in it such as lord of the rings books
-ive always wanted to go on a road trip
-i hate annoying people
-when im depressed i hate it when people always talk to me and ask me whats wrong when they dont truely care
-i have few friends that actually care about me and my feelings
-i hate it when people bash on blink 182 just to piss me off
-i hate when people take credit for things they didnt do
-i love being loved
-i like it when people can be comfortable around me
-im a picky eater
-i hate being forced to do things
-i hate being rushed to do things
-i have about 10 pairs of shoes
-i like being clean and organized
-i hate it when people call me a pussy for not doing what they want me to
-i love movies
-my favorite movie is gangs of new york
-i dont like being ignored
-i like shopping
-i like buying and wearing new clothes
-i like pictures and putting them on my walls
-i enjoy being on the internet..most of the time
-i dont really believe in having a religion
-i like being free
-i only like school because i get to see my friends
-i like having longish hair
-i prefer brunets over blondes
-i can be shallow at times
-i dont do drugs
-i do drink..on occasion
-being called a druggy pisses me off
-my sister is a bitch
-i love my mom
-i barely ever see my dad
-i have my dads "figure" or so my mom says
-i want to be in a band more than anything
-christmas is coming up and im gonna get everything i can out of my family because im greedy
-my best friend is jay ruster
-my girlfriend is kelly metzger...most of you know
-i want to be a singer/guitarist but im too much of a pussy to sing in front of people because i dont think i can sing
-converse is my favorite shoe brand
-i cant stand wearing shoes without socks
-i dont like wearing anything under my pants..i bet you all wanted to know that one
-i love chocolate milk
-my favorite food is pizza
-i like video games
-im not conceited
-i was raised kind of normal
-i wasnt what you would call a normal child...i was kind of differant..but in a good way, like i never cried in public places and i was always nice to people i didnt know
-my mom brought me up right
-i will never hit a girl as long as i live
-elvis IS the king
-cash is the man in black and no one will be like him
-i am ashamed how girly i can be..for example:
>always messing with my hair
>always worrying about what i look like
>caring about what other people think of me
>not liking to get dirty..sometimes
>i dont like acting like a complete idiot in front of girls
-im cheap
-most parents hate me
-i dont want to be like everyone else
-my bra size is 34-C.......jk
-i always like to have a guitar pic with me
-i can only bench about 135 lbs
-i look scrawny but im sure i can kick the shit out of alot more people than you think
-i love kelly
-and lastly....kelly ownes my heart for as long as she wants
i hope you all felt the need to know a little more about me, and hopefully this helped a little, tell me what you think. later children
10 Lover's |
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2003 11 December :: 11.24 pm
:: Mood: happy
bradley loves kelly, bet you didnt know that
time: after school
place: my house
day: tomorrow..friday
occasion: x-box gathering
if your planning on coming then let me know.
hurray, i got to spend the entire day with kelly after school today. i loved it very much, i had fun. i hope you all had a good day today.. thats all, see ya folks!
your friendly neighborhood ||D || ||\/|| ||D
3 Lover's |
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2003 10 December :: 4.49 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: blink 182 - voyer
fucking socks...my toes are sticking out
pointless update: kelly came over yesterday, it was nice. we didnt do much, we hung out and watched league of extroadinary gentlemen since she hasnt seen it. but it was nice to be with her no matter what we did. i felt like shit today! we had a really bad day in weight training. everyone was actually sore and tired after class..i had a really bad headache and i was just sore all over..and it still continues, but i slept during 5th and 6th hour in the little room with the couch in the art room..that was needed. im slowly starting to feel better. anyway i need more plans for this upcoming winter break. i have the pleasure of going to kelly's house christmas eve..i was really shocked when i found out that her parents wanted me to come over and we could all open presents..they wanna get me presents, im really excited. but i must firgure out what to get them. my moms getting about $800 to work with this christmas. its gonna be good, one of our best christmas'. i get to go to my dads and kellys christmas eve to get presents and then on christmas i get to go to my aunts for the whole family deal. im finally getting a new desk, hurray. jay and chris are coming over this weekend to have a little x-box gathering. whoever wants to come and play with us can..i think. just talk to me or jay or chris if you wanna join. anywho i think thats about it for now. i hope you all enjoyed reading my exciting journal. later kids
2 Lover's |
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2003 7 December :: 5.51 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Blink 182 - here's your letter
Brad loves Kelly
Party: could have been more fun! all we did was sit around and play x-box....besides watching pirates of the carribean. i wanted this party to be better than the last one but it just wasnt happening. but i did have fun most of the time. and almost everyone got to stay the night, im real glad kelly got to. this morning everyone left and i was stuck here with no one..and i had a big mess to clean..which still hasnt been taken care of. i felt so lonely and depressed after i was left alone...i still am..im gradually getting better..little by little. but i miss everyone alot, i wish we could all just live together, then i'd never be alone..that would be a dream come true. anyway, i cant wait till tomorrow so i feel like i have a life again. i just ordered pizza so its on its way..sounds real good right about now. nate brought everyone pizza last night, THANK YOU NATE! im glad what little party i had turned out ok. hopefully winter vacation isnt stupid. im hoping to see everyone at least once and kelly more than once! but yeah ill be getting a bunch of new movies then too since ill be going to my cousins for a couple days. it shall be decent...but i best be going. goodbye everyone. I love kelly.
2 Lover's |
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2003 5 December :: 8.55 pm
weeell, the "big day" is tomorrow. if you can come, come damn you! and if you can, please bring pop or something drinkable, we have barely anything. im poor and im a loser so i have no money to get supplies this time. so if your coming try to help me out please. i keep hearing about people not going...this blows..i wanted this party to be better than the last one...its not looking that way so far. and just so you all know EVERYONES INVITED!!!!!! but yeah i want as many people there as possible. bring someone if you want! but yeah just keep that in mind. you can show up tomorrow as early as noon. i will be up getting the house all clean and everything. so yeah if you wanna come over early people will be here and up. but thats all i have for now. if you have last minute questions, call me or talk to me online or leave a comment. goodnight kids
Star struck |
2003 3 December :: 10.42 pm
:: Mood: happy/tired
:: Music: tbs - bike scene
dont believe me, when i tell you. its just what anyone would do
hurray, a day spent with kelly, a day well spent. yeah ive been with kelly pretty much the entire day, it was enjoyable except for a short while which i still know nothing about but thats ok. anyway yeah i had a nice day today. i just got home a little while ago, im real tired. make sure you all make it to my party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna be upset with whoever doesnt come! remember that. anyway, let me know if your coming!! just so i know. but im gonna get going to sleeeep! goodnight kids.
5 Lover's |
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2003 2 December :: 11.26 pm
:: Mood: tired and achy
:: Music: tenacious d - fuck her gently
because im talkin about the road
yeah im just sittin here talkin to nate and robby...im pretty bored and tired. i just got out of the shower. i get to go to kelly's tomorrow, i cant wait. i think shes mad at me...it sucks..but im sure things will get better. so yeah nate might be getting me a job at burger king sometime soon when hes manager, which will be awesome since i need a job pretty badly. kelly figured out my birthday is in 71 days, so this means all you people best start counting down cuz im expecting lots of happy birthdays and presents!!! jk....but yeah it'll be the big 1-8..then ill get my liscense and ill be able to finally drive my beautiful car. well im gonna go to sleep now, i hope your all planning on going to my party! goodnight, I LOVE YOU KELLY!!!
Star struck |
2003 1 December :: 10.06 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: TBS - cute without the e
weeelll im chillin here with my sister in my room. shes sitting on my bed talking to me and whatnot. anyway, after school i got to hang out with my Kelly!!!! then yeah i hung out with her a little more at neilee's. but yeah im learning 4 songs to audition or whatever for i think. im gonna have to set some kyle kid on fire to get rid of my competition. but yeah the songs are:
TBS - cute without the e
TBS - great romances of the 20th century
brand new - jude law and a semester abroad
finch - what it is to burn
yeah those are gonna be a pain to learn soon. well yeah IM HAVING A PARTY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it'll be from saturday to sunday, if your coming make sure to bring pop if you can, or anything else you want to bring! make sure all of you talk to your parents and get everything set so you can come. if you plan on staying the night you best bring a blanket or something if you think you'll need one, you probley wont but yeah. if theres anything else anyone needs to know just talk to me at school, online, or call me. but yeah everyone let me know whats going on, if your coming on or not. anyway, thats all im leaving kids.
5 Lover's |
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2003 30 November :: 8.14 pm
 Power Rangers Movie!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
hah....thats kinda funny, go me!
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