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:: 2005 23 September :: 10.57pm

yeah so i'm an idiot, crap, a bitch, a liar a cheat a stealer what else am i ?

oh that's right "NOT TOP 10" oh i'm so sorry so sorry i can't be an allstar child

fuck you.

and fuck you too for caring so little and being so inconsiderate.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 September :: 9.59am

I want us to be happy. I got who I want. but it seems I haven't been making the best out of that... Taking it for granted... And for that, I'm sorry. I got who I want... So watch me make the best of it.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 23 September :: 6.25am

I'm sick.
I think I am allergic to school.. no wait ECON!

Burn in hell you bitch.

This sums it up..
So sick, so sick of being tired and oh, so tired of being sick.-TBS

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 September :: 11.33pm

great.. now my eyes are gonna be all puffy.

im so sick of feeling this way. im so sick of hating myself. lately it seems thats all i've been doing. and with the pageant two days away my hormones are running haywire. i'm one of those stupid girls who cries all the time for no reason. nobody understand how sad i am about giving up red flannel. my whole life its been one of my dreams and now its just over. then what? i feel like i'ts all built up to that.. and now one of the only things that has been keeping me happy is being taken away from me. man... 2 days. its happend way to soon.

it makes me sad that the thing i confide in most is my journal. and at the same time there are so many things that run through my mind that i cant even begin to fathom how to say or write down. i honestly think that im crazy. i dont know why i overreact the way i do. lately i've been a basketcase. im always on edge.. AND i've been overanalyzing everything. i dont think people realize how self concious i am or how low my self esteem is. i take major offence to negative critisism. and thats hard when you're hardest critic is yourself.. and you're telling yourself that you're not worth anything and there are so many people better than you in all things so why even bother. thats pretty hard when you cant even believe the things you're boyfriend tells you to try and make you feel better because you're mind is asking you if you really CAN trust him.

see, i have this trust issue. especially with guys. and this is where most of my viewpoints on love come from. i think that if i open up, then im inviting someone into hurt me. and lately i've felt like that been happening. so what do i do? i start to shut down, and turn away from the one person who tries to help. and at the same time, i dont want help. im also very independent. and i dont like having to depend on other people, esp when it comes to dealing with all my crazy mental problems. and i feel there are many.

i just feel as if i've never quite fit anywhere. i guess thats not such a bad thing. but i mean comon... i'm not of that caliber to ever be voted homecoming queen, i feel completely out of place around all the punkish and goth people because i feel like they're looking at me like "she's such a prep.. blah blah blah" and then with the preps i feel like they're saying (the girls anyways) oh she thinks she's better than everyone, and look at the way she walks, does she ever not wear heels, and so on and so forth. i dont see how people think that about me. ive heard that so many times.... even keegan said thats what he thought of me before he got to know me. do you know how much that hurts? to think that the person i've thought was so cool all these years thought i was "stuck up" and he's not the only one. i mean.. what do i do that gives off that vibe? i try to pretend that im confident.. but im not. does that come off cocky? i try to be involved with as many things as i can so i can at least have some tangable things to be proud of.. does that make me.... i dont even know.. but obviously it makes me something.

life has made me so bitter. and yes i realize that people have it way worse, but how is that supposed to help? right here and right now, im not thinking about hurricanes or famines.... maybe that makes me a terrible person... but for once i'm thinking about myself. i dont do that very often, but when i break down like this..... what else am i supposed to think about? i just want to get to the root of the problem.

i think the greatest thing in the world would be to go through counseling.... even if i wasnt this down on myself. to have somebody weekly help you work out your feelings who actually cares, and who WANTS to listen and WANTS to help you figure out what the problem is..... that'd be the greatest thing ever.

its hard not to think back to my sophomore year where i didnt have a boyfriend because it was the end of kevin and before keegan. my grades were phenominal, my attitude was awesome, and my faith was stronger than its ever been. i've gone so down hill. and dont get me wrong.... i would trade my relationship with keegan for anything, and i dont blame it for my downfall.... but its just hard not to wonder if its one of the MANY reasons i am the way i am. i know i became dependent on spending time with him this summer... so now when i cant spend time with him i get so mad. almost irate. and its so stupid, and not fair for him. i just want him to be happy. and i want to be happy. and i want us to be happy together. im always worrying about what he wants. and if im what he wants or if he wants a girl that writes poetry, or dances, or doesnt make such a big deal out of things.... and he tells me time and time again. " you're exactly what i want" but i wont let myself believe it. ever. it wont happen, as much as i want to. because i pick myself apart, and when i feel like OTHER people are picking me apart it makes everything 5 times worse.

we're happy together. and i know that maybe i make it seem like all we do is fight, and yes, there HAVE been alot of bumps. but i like to tell myself that all relationships have them. it just sucks because i dont want to fight with him. im so sick of fighting that i've stopped caring, and thats not good. im just tired of feeling this way, and not being able to breath through my nose, and having swollen eyes and then waking up and pretending like nothing is wrong. keegans my best friend and i care about him more than i care about myself. and i cant figure out if thats a good thing or a bad thing.... but im guessing most people would say its bad. its just because i feel like i have so little self worth.

many things have made me feel that way. chris and yancy being the main two. all i ever wanted from chris was acceptance... but no matter how hard i tried, i never acheived it. nothng i ever did was good enough. i remember just breaking down one night and screaming "why do you hate me, WHY do you hate me" and you never answered me, and he never said that he didnt. it never got better. and the things he put us through are pure evil. that was the start of my rage. he's the reason i can so easily be filled with so much anger. and then yancy... i didnt know anything about him. and feeling abondened isnt a good thing, no matter who it is. and it doesnt matter if you dont know them.. it still hurts. it makes you wonder what things would have been like if you were never born. because that thought has gone through my head plenty times.

or what would it be like if the doctors were right and i would have died in that car accident when i was a baby. what would my moms life be like now. would it be easier?

or what if in my lowest point my thoughts really did get the best of me like i feared they would.... would my familys life be less hassal?

or what if i just wasnt pyscho..... that'd make everybodys life easier.

but i guess none of that matters, because i AM here, and the emotions i feel ARE real, very real.. and theres nothing i can do but hope everything gets better, despite the voice in my head telling me that they wont.

my faith has been so bad lately. i wouldnt even call it a faith. perhaps god is punishing me for turning my back on him. but sometimes i feel that you cant turn your back on something when their back was turned to you in the first place. last summer got really bad, and i would most definately say it was the worst time of my life so far.... i was busy and working, and barely having enough time to live, and i went outside and just sceamed at the sky.... and it helped. because its almost like the stars absorb all the pain you lay out for them. thats what the mountains do for me. i need to live in the mountains someday.... maybe that'll keep me sane. getting out of cedar and away from everypart of my life that i once i knew will be the best though. i could never leave my mom and shelby behind though, and depending on keegan and if we were still together... i couldnt leave him either. its my mom though.... i cant live without her. if she were die tomorrow..... i would dig my own grave, because living wouldnt be worth it. she's my rock, and truthfully all i need to be happy. i mean yeah.. keegan and my sister are pretty high up there.... but without my mom, i dont think the world would keep spinning in the right direction... .at least mine wouldnt anyway.

i dont know where things are going, and i dont know what direction my life is gonna take.... i just pray its better than this.


:: 2005 22 September :: 10.30pm

Here comes a big one....

i hate this situation me here and him there and him with all those friends and people and me here at home and going to stupid high school i hate it. but most of all how will i ever get there. my parents wont pay for my college even though they are loaded they have money coming out of their butts compared to most people and hey whatever it's there money. what will i do. i just want to cry and nothing really presents itself as a problem to you. we have no problems . no actually right now there is a problem there is one. i'm sick of school i ahte tha;sdlfkjasl;tjkasdl;gjasl;tjasel;jkasl; i hate it i hate that everyone is not miserable like me. i hate you all i hate that you are enjoying school and i'm hating it. i hate that i'm not getting a's on tests anymore. i hate that i am losing all money with stupid payments. i hate school lunches i hate subs and pizza and tacos and shit. i hate it all. you're everything you are my encouragement and my happiness and my all i just dont know if i can do it.
i hate being the uncool one and the dependent one and the sad one and the loner. i hate it all. i hate you and i hate that you are so stuck up and prissy and such a tremendous BITCH. when i have been so damn nice to you. I was so nice and you throw it in my face and be a huge bitch. The so-called "friends" you have are losers so don't get all hyped up on them. And leave my domain alone please. God I can't even get away from you there now? Don't walk in places you don't fucking belong. I wish I could kick you square in the face you fucking bitch.
I still haven't taken the ACT. Everyone has but me I swear. I'm going to do horribly that is if I even take it. No one knows what I mean. You probably don't even. Because it seems you never listen to it.
I listened to this sermon thing all the way home. I dont know. I just want to be involved again and feel like I used to. Being too busy is always the excuse. Too tired and too busy.
And on top of all this, I feel like a horrible, useless person.

i just want to go cry.

Do scholarships online ever really come through?

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 September :: 10.13pm

stacy... gahhh i need to talk to you and you know what about. laughs* *yells... HITS HIM.

im so frustrated. and what the hell... its 10:15 and i cant get ahold of him. god, it makes me wonder what he's doing. cuz hes NOT at home thats for sure. and he keeps neglecting to answer his phone. funny how that happens. how when after we fight he somehow becomes impossible to get ahold of.

oh.. on a POSITIVE note.. saturday will be 10 months. should i be dancing right now? ohhh wait.. thats already taken care of.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 September :: 9.07pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: Kelly Clarkson- I Hate Myself For Losing You

Questions To Ask Yourself*
In Order To Gain Yourself, Are You Willing To Lose Yourself?

If You Think Life Is Hard, What Are You Comparing It To?

Why Be Afraid Of Something You Want?

Is It True That You Have To See It Believe It, Or Rather, Do You Have To Believe It Before You Can See It?

If You Don’t Have All The Things You Want, Are You Grateful For All The Things You Don’t Have That You Don’t Want?

What Would You Attempt If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

If Not Now... When?

Can You Really Live Life Without Loving Life? And Can You Love Life Without Living Life?

Do You Let Yesterday Use Up To Much Of Today?

Do You Treat Love As A Noun Or Verb?

If What’s In Your Dreams Wasn’t Already Inside Of You, How Could You Ever Dream It?

What Good Has Worrying Ever Done?

Who Are “They” Who Hold So Much Power In Our Lives?

Have You Begun Today What You Wish To Be Tomorrow?

Do You Have Enough Risks In Your Life To Stay ALIVE?

Are You Making New Mistakes Or The Same Old Ones?

What Would You Think About If You Were Not Taught What To Think?

If You Give All Your Love Away, What Do You Have Left?

Is It Really Always Better To Be Safe, Then Sorry?

Where Do You Draw The Line Between Possible And Impossible?

Do You Love Everybody You Say You Love?

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

Will You Ever Really Know How Brave You Truly Are?

How Far Would You Go To Chase What You Really Want?

If You Had 5 Minutes To Live, Who Would You Call?... Why Are You Waiting Till Then?

Is Not Every End, A New Beginning?

Maybe We Should Start Over From Scratch... But Where’s That?

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 September :: 5.51pm

Are you free tomorrow after school? I'd like to work on drama and glorify Hitler!

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 September :: 7.57am
:: Mood: tired

What crapy weather today. I'm at work waiting for my dad to get here and its down-pouring outside. This is one of the days when i wish i was at school, cause this means i have to work in the rain. So yeah, umm not a whole lot new with me, just working like usual. I don't really have much time to do anything anymore.

Oh yeah, Jesse, i still need to pick you up from school and take you to lunch. I haven't forgot, but i just need to have a slow day at work so i can take a long lunch break lol ! Then we can do some more catching up and talk about our "stuff!"

OK, well i have to go, feel free to leave me another cool, fun, exciting comment lol!

Kevin L. Meek

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 22 September :: 6.43am

I can't go to the pageant. I am very dissapointed about it. I like watching those kind've things. *sigh* Ah well, I hope someone at least records it.

Anyway, things were going good. Keep in mind were.
I don't understand it.
I don't like it.
And I really don't know what to do.
But, whatever. I guess I'm just not perfect enough.

Well, I better finish getting ready. Three weeks in and I all ready want the year to end.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 21 September :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Crazy- Natalie

My Birthdays Coming Up:)
*(41 Days Till My Birthday)*

Today was ok. I have a Algebra 2 test tomorrow... Eek. So I have to study for that. Lost is on tonight... 2 hours long though. Lee and Rachael brought me to Jordan‘s today after school. I guess she was busy, so I was there by myself. Then my mom picked me up and we weren’t and dropped off a couple more applications. I have a interview on Monday for Little Ceasers. Not the biggest or best job, but it’s a start and I really need one. I’m kinda excited, wish me luck everyone! Other then that, nothing really to exciting. I’m doing pretty good in school so far, I’m kinda excited about that lol. Even though its only been like 3 weeks, but so far its pretty easy stuff. (knocks on wood). Homecoming is coming up. I don’t even have a dress yet, eek. Im going shopping with my mommy this weekend. I’m happy about that. Gotta love shopping with mom’s, especially mine. She’s so funny when we go shopping. Anyways that’s all I really got. Leave some comments!

'Ill Be Your Best Kept Secret And Your Biggest Mistake'

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 21 September :: 6.08am

i worked at lazerskate last night for the first time in just about forever.

finally a day off. a whole WEEK off at that. now i can just relax, be sad about the pageant... and perhaps start writing my speech! how sad is that! i have like 2 days to write my farewell speech.. ah well. im sure it'll be wonderful, its just hard for me dealing with the realization that is over.

on a side note..... did ANYONE realize exactly how soon homecomming is?! urghhh!

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 20 September :: 10.46pm

what is good about me?

Desires/ Pleasures

trustworthiness of others
to know the hidden motives of others
the appearance of righteousness
a double life
adversaries, enemies, grudges
being special

Fears/ Distresses (anxiety)

being controlled
being covertly manipulated
interference of others
being put down
being discriminated against
secret coalitions formed by others
being undermined or depreciated by others
being abused or being taken advantage of
being demeaned
authority/authority figures
those he or she sees as weak, soft, sickly or defective
making mistakes
being different from others

obviously absofuckinglutely nothing.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 20 September :: 5.30pm

Hey. I'm at Lisa's with Emily waiting so we can go to practice :S

We are watching Holiday In The Sun to prepare ourselves for the Bahamas since in the movie they are at Atlantis! We are going to watch it everyday for like a week straight before we go. It will be awesome.

Anyways I have to go get ready.

Love Always, <33


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 20 September :: 6.34am

I know things get tough.. real tough.
But, I care about you more than you know. Even if I don't always say it or show it, just realize that I do.

You should be used to me by now.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 19 September :: 7.10pm




Dance was soooo much fun!

right now my mom is making me type my resume for modeling but I am getting a little distracted.......obviously!!!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 19 September :: 6.42am

I don't know what to do! I'm crying out to you.
I love you, but I want to be happy.And I want you to be happy.
I'm really at a loss of what we can do.
Just stay together and be miserable?
Or have you leave and me be miserable anyway?
See, you can start a new life with new people.
While I'm just stuck here for another fucking year. Alone.


:: 2005 19 September :: 6.16am

Ruined anniversarys.
Either way I lose.

Why can't you ever help me?


:: 2005 19 September :: 6.11am

its laguna beach night....

mwah ha ha.. *points at brad and keegan* that means for you guys as well.

i went to bridgeway with my friend becca yesterday... i liked it. next sunday me and keegan are gonna check out res life in rockford. we've been wanting to find a good church... any suggestions.

i dont feel like doing anything this morning.... *cries... i wanna sleep

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 18 September :: 5.36pm

I can't say that seeing you didn't hurt...

And I also can't say that it wasn't weird since I never expected to see you there in the first place.

Friday-I went to the game. It was pretty fun since I got to see a lot of people that I haven’t in a while. I told Emily my story and she made me tell 100 other people at the game. Everyone was getting so mad that it wasn't true at the end. I thought it was hilarious. Thanks to Brianna now I know a good story to tell people. I don’t remember what else I did but later on that night Lisa spent the night.
Saturday- I went out to breakfast then I cleaned my room. Kelli came over and we studied for our Anatomy test. Saturday night I went to the movies and seen The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the movie because this guy next to us was snoring, a guy that was on the other side was coughing for 10 minutes straight, and we were all talking and the girls next to us were getting pissed and that just made me laugh even more at them. Then later on Kelli and Lisa came over.
Sunday- I went to Olive Garden and then I went and seen Cry Wolf. It was way better than The Exorcism of Emily Rose. We were supposed to go see Cry Wolf at 1:45 but I looked at the time for the wrong movie place so we just went to Olive Garden, which works out anyways since I said I wanted to go there this morning. I swear I am getting dumber by the day.

Sometimes I think the person I want the most is the person I'm better off without. We both know it.

Thats how it always is.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 17 September :: 9.18pm

I went to some strong man show at the Ressurection Life Church in Rockford. Saw some big, sweaty guys break bricks and rip phone books in half, haha. It was pretty cool though, better than sitting at home like usual.

Dan proposed to Molly before the show on the stage. It was soo cute and I'm glad I was there to see it. Her ring is beautiful.

Things are good lately.
That's all.

8 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 17 September :: 11.55am

Like this with no spaces

< b >what you want bolded < / b >

I hope you understand Brianna lol

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 16 September :: 6.05pm

Bold anything that is true.

001. I miss somebody right now.
002. I watch more TV than I used to.
003. I love olives.
004. I love sleeping.
005. I own a home.
006. I wear glasses or contact lenses.
007. I love to play video games.
008. I've done something illegal.
011. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
012. I like my handwriting.
013. I have acne-free skin.
014. I like and respect Al Sharpton.
015. I curse frequently.
016. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
017. I have a hobby.
018. I've been to another country.
019. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
020. I'm really, really smart.
021. I've never broken anyone else's bones.
022. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
023. I love rain.
024. I'm paranoid at times.
025. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
026. I need money right now. And probably will for a long time...
027. I love sushi.
028. I talk really, really fast sometimes.
029. I like school
030. I have long hair.
031. I have lost money in Las Vegas.
032. I have at least one brother and/or sister.
033. I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
034. I shave my legs.
035. I have a twin.
037. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
038. I like the way the I look.
039. I have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months.
040. I know how to do cornrows.
041. I am usually pessimistic.
042. I have mood swings. (sometimes)
043. I think prostitution should be legalized.
044. I think Britney Spears is pretty.
045. I have cheated on a significant other.
046. I have a hidden talent.
047. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
048. I've been intimate with someone
049. I am currently single.
050. I have kissed someone of the same sex.
051. I enjoy talking on the phone.
052. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. (haha never!!)
053. I love to shop.
054. I would rather shop than eat.
055. I would classify myself as ghetto.
056. I'm bourgeoisie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
057. I'm obsessed with my diary!
058. I don't hate anyone.
059. I like to dance
061. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
062. I have a cell phone Instead of a landline... (whats a landline?)
063. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
065. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
067. I have never been in a real relationship before.
068. I've rejected someone before.
069. I currently have a crush on someone.
070. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
071. I want to have children in the future.
072. I have changed a diaper before.
073. I've had the cops called on me before.
074. I bite my nails.
075. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
076. I'm not deadly allergic to anything.
077. I have a lot to learn.
078. I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger.(eww)
079. I plan on seeing Ice Cube's newest "Friday" movie.
080. I am shy around the opposite sex if I have a crush on one.
081. I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
082. I have at least 5 away messages saved.
083. I say the word "like" alot
084. I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past.
085. I own the "South Park" movie.
086. I have avoided work to play on OD.
087. When I was a kid I played "doctor" with a neighbor.
088. I enjoy country music.
089. I love music
090. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
091. I watch soap operas whenever I can.
092. I'm obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist.
093. I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
094. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
095. I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story".
096. Halloween is awesome!
097. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
098. I have dated a close friend's ex.
099. I'm happy as of this moment.
100. I have gone scuba diving.
101. Had a crush on somebody you have never met.
102. I've kissed someone I knew I shouldn't.
103. I play a musical instrument.
104. I strongly dislike math.
105. I'm procrastinating on something right now.
106. I own and use a library card.
107. I fall in "lust" more than in "love."
108. Cheese enchiladas rock my socks.
109. I think The Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest movies/books ever. (lets try, dumbest)
110. I'm obsessed with the TV show "The O.C.".
111. I am resentful that I have to grow up.
112. I am an entirely different person around different people.
113. I think the world would be a better place if people just smiled more often.
114. I think ramen is one of the best foods in the whole world.
115. I am suffering of a broken heart.
116. I am a nerd.
117. No matter where I am or who I'm with, I always seem to be lonely.
118. I am left handed and proud of it.
119. I try not to change who I am for someone.
120. My heart resides below my feet.
122. I enjoy smoothies.
123. I have had major surgery.
124. I have adopted a pet from the SPCA.
125. I am listening to Radiohead right now.
126. Some people call me by a nickname. (little one and ashmeg)
127. I once stole a music stand.
128. I like pumpkin pie.
129. I love NASCAR! (hate it)
130. I own over 200 CDs.
131. I work 7 days a week.
132. I have mono.
132. I don't have the ability to make decisions without changing my mind.
133. People tell me I have a horrible sense of humor.
134. I'm still in my PJs.
135. I'm looking for love in all the wrong places.
136. I have a tendency to fall for the wrong guys/girls, or have them fall for me, so I can't help but reciprocate.
137. I'll try anything three times.
138. Done drugs other than alcohol or cannabis.
139. I'm having trouble sleeping.
140. I am a cuddler.
141. I love John Waters films.
143. Sloth is my favorite deadly sin.
145. I know all the words to the "Firefly" theme song.
146. I'm in love.
147. I'm a programmer.
148. I can't explain why I'm unhappy at times.
149. I have read all of the Harry Potter books. (ugh. I hate those books)
150. I like to smell my own hair. lol
151. I carry a book with me almost everywhere I go.
152. I have an eating disorder.
153. I have flown to a different country to see a band.
154. Been hospitalized for "mental issues".
155. I have survived totaling a car I was driving.
156. I have been to at least five different countries, not including my own.
157. I make the same mistakes repeatedly.
158. Writing is my passion
159. I sing in the shower.
160. I have at least 4 really good friends.

Thats all for now. Britt, Lisa, and Emily should be here soon. We've got places to attend.

<3Always, Ashley

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 16 September :: 6.34am

When I look into your eyes I know you're all I need.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 15 September :: 10.52pm

i spoke to soon.

what was i thinking?! it was only 10... i should have KNOWN that there was still time to end on a bad note and go to sleep pissed off. i should have KNOWN that i wouldnt be able to sleep tonight because somebody doesnt care when im upset. but wait... "what was he supposed to say" it wasnt the time nor the place was it? because you were off busy having fun werent you. well ya know what... i dont KNOW what time i'll get around to calling you in the morning. and when you read this late at night when you get home, i hope you're just as upset and pissed off as i am. because there are things you're gonna wanna talk to me about and "you cant" because i'll be sleeping. bummer huh. to bad how that works. how one of goes to school and the other doesnt. ya SORRY i cant answer my phone during class by the way.

goodnight darling.

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 15 September :: 10.11pm

me and danielle just went shopping.... i didnt know it was possible to laugh so much in one simple trip to the mall.. giggles.

less than 2 weeks.... and then our reign is over. im so sad... but at least im out of denial! laughs.... and i havent had a nightmare in a few nights.... woot woot.

keegans out dancing right now... well practicing anyways. *smiles...... all it takes is his name.. and ughrlekjraslk... i dont even know. every day it gets stronger, everyday he becomes more beautiful than the last... emotionaly, physically, spiritually.... and i love it because we're growing into one relationship instead of 2 different parts of one. and that doesnt even make sence, and i dont even make sence, but thats ok. because it doesnt have to.

i got the CUTEST little boxer shorts from american eagle tonight.. aww.

alright.. off to bed.


could i BE any more excited?! *giggggles

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 15 September :: 8.14pm

The O.C. is on right now!!! I am in love with it.

I am pretty sure for Spring Break I am going to Atlantis. It's a resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas!! Go to www.atlantis.com and that is the resort were probably staying at. My dad is going to get a travel agent in the next few days and I'm pretty sure Lisa is going to come too.

I'm taking dance now. I haven't started yet but I am going to start on Monday. I think it will be fun. I'm only doing hip-hop right now but eventually I will probably do more than one.

My mom called all these modeling agencies that my agency that I work with now recomended us. We have to send out all my comp. cards and resumes soon but I have been so busy. I guess I'm excited that things are finally going somewhere.

Anyways I am getting yelled at so I should go.

Love Always,


3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2005 15 September :: 5.40pm

ugggghghag;aslkgjasl;dkgjaskgj this place is dumb
i know where i want to be though

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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