2005 15 September :: 3.57pm
Hello I am going to go take a long shower and shave my legs and dry my hair all pretty and I will look so pretty for Roman tomorrow. hooray hooray. Not seeing him as often makes me feel like I should look beautiful when I do. Yeah, time for a shower.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 14 September :: 8.55pm
So school has been alright. Today wasn't all that great. It was raining this morning so I got soaking wet and that just pissed me off and ruined the day for me and yesterday Lisa & I were late and we were supposed to get there before second hour but that never happend.
Last night I went to the soccer game with Lisa and Britt. It was alright I guess but there was a moment of silence for the people fighting in Iraq and right in the middle of it my phone started ringing, and no it couldn't be on volume one or two, it was at seven and my ringer was Mike Jones- Back Then, so everyone heard it and they all looked at me so then it said "take call from so and so" and I clicked no, that way it would stop ringing and then they left me a voicemail so then it started ringing again for my voicemail and by now it was the National Anthem. It was horriable and Lisa wouldn't stop laughing at me. I was so embarrassed.
After that we start walking out to Lisa's car and it was getting dark may I add. Lisa tried unlocking it and it wouldn't work so I went around and tried the other side and it still wouldn't work. We tried for about five minutes and then the windows were down a little so I stuck my arm inside to try to unlock it and then I looked in the back and I seen things that Lisa never had in her back seat and shes like "dude, this isn't my car." We started cracking up. I couldn't stop laughing.
Andrea. I bought you one thing already from one of your wish lists but I'm going to buy you something else too but my computer is being retarded and wont let be go on like two or three or your wish lists because of this pop up blocker thing we have so when I get to my dads I am going to buy you something else. You just have to be patient lol.
Yesterday was definately the most civil conversation we've had in months.
I have more news but I'm out of time. I'll write in here when I find some time.
Good Night Everyone!
I love you!
2 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 13 September :: 9.53pm
i feel like i've already made some new friends this year.
*giggles.. te he. how 6 year old did that sound... i dont care :)
tomorrow will be the first days since school got out that i can just be with keegan from the time i get out of school to the time i go to bed. no work, no nothing..
me and stacy made brad and keegan watch laguna with us last night. im thinking it should become a weekly ritual... mwah ha ha.
ok fine.
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 13 September :: 9.37pm
How i feel about my best friend Jess Hazen..
jessica.:How sweet it is to be loved by you! says:
boomo boom i love youuu
Jess-You're everything you swore you weren't anymore. says:
i love you too
jessica.:How sweet it is to be loved by you! says:
i love the way your ass goes badunkadunk
jessica.:How sweet it is to be loved by you! says:
Jess-You're everything you swore you weren't anymore. says:
lol aww thanks jess, you're so sweet.
Jess-You're everything you swore you weren't anymore. says:
Jess-You're everything you swore you weren't anymore. says:
that should be a woohu post for sure.
Jess-You're everything you swore you weren't anymore. says:
but im too lazy to update, again
jessica.:How sweet it is to be loved by you! says:
lol i'll do it
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 13 September :: 3.54pm
I don't know what's wrong with me lately.
Everything in school is really hard. I don't understand anything and I never can just get my homework done. It never makes any sense to me. And I'm not even in difficult classes with tons of homework.
I'm not happy. I don't know why. As soon as I am it only lasts a day or so. I'm not trying to be negative, it's just..this year seems way too hard for me to handle.
Everytime I try to do my homework or just understand what a teacher is saying I'm on the brink of tears because I feel so lost and stupid.
Everyone around me gets it and if I ask for help I am treated like a complete dolt. I'm just stressed out. Nothing makes me happy anymore, I wish I knew what could do it.
I hate being at school and I hate being here.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, and I fucking hate Econ.
In other news I am very dissapointed about something going on. It frustrates me so much. Erika, Mishy.. you know what I'm talking about. I don't know what to do, it goes in one ear and out the other. It's like I'm just a broken record..
I guess I am.
Nothing ever comes easy, I should get used to that.
7 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 13 September :: 7.44am
:: Mood: Tired
:: Music: Beverly Hills-Weezer
So right now I should be where most people my age are at.
Lisa is a retard and woke up late so now were going to miss first hour and I have math first hour and I don't really want to get behind but theres really nothing I can do about it. I can see were going to be missing alot of school this year lol.
I'm so tired. I stayed up really late putting songs on my i-Pod since I haven't done that in forever...
I guess I'm sort of grounded if thats what you call it. My mom and I got into this stupid fight yesterday and thats all we do lately because she doesn't like the things that have been going on. W/e. She was like "and we'll see if I let you go out next time". Oh well, I'll still go out whether or not she said so. She is just saying that to make it sound like I can't go out but when it comes down to this weekend, she'll let me. So basically the whole grounding thing is a waste of time.
When my family left to go back to Oklahoma on Sunday it was really sad. I never even get to see my Grandpa and that is really sucky. When my mom and him and started hugging and saying goodbye they both started crying and then I felt bad so I started crying. I think we will probably end up flying there pretty soon.
Anyways I think I'm going to go back to sleep until 8:30 when Lisa is supposed to get here...
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 13 September :: 3.50am
alright... so only one more day here...
The next time that you will see this journal updated I will no longer be on U.S. soil.
I'm excited to see if being immensly enthralled with living accross the border was worth it. I'm also definitly excited to see Yaky.
I was stunned by how people said goodbye to me. I didn't really think anybody would care. You know, maybe a ah, kev, gonna miss ya, but then I'll probably forget in a few days. But everybody seemed genuinly concerned that I wouldn't return, which made me feel pretty good.
I'm off to learn spanish kiddos, later.
12 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 12 September :: 10.28pm
Sorry girls... and Ty of course. I just promised myself I wouldn't deal with it anymore. I wrote a really long email and I won't let you have to deal with this again next year.
In other news, it is too late to start a fall class for college so I will start dual-enrolling in the winter.
In other other news, I have just found i have been shorted on tips every night i've worked except last night because of the computer. Yeah, we just realized this last night. Great huh?
and finally, you guys are such jerks. I can't believe all of you used to be my friends. You treated me so bad today and made me cry a lot. I realize more and more like every day how much better friends I have. And by that I mean Roman and Jess. Roman actually cared when I cried about it unlike you mean people I hope you feel really bad. Because that was low and mean. and Jess listened too. And then of course I have Jess G who I know would listen if I told her. Which I will, tomorrow. You guys made me feel so crappy when I actually WAS feeling okay about myself in the beginning.
I have a xanga now. jessabessbaby
4 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 12 September :: 5.56pm
God, you're pathetic.
I guess I'm lucky. When your mad you don't miss people and if you stay mad it's like you never knew them at all, that way you don't have to feel sucky about it. Thats all very true and it makes me hate you more and miss you less.
And yes Jess, were okay :)
8 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 12 September :: 4.28pm
I'm going to go crazy on these things:
A Basic Survey..57 Questions If you MUST know. | Created by GcsEvilQueen27 and taken 863 times on Bzoink | Basic | Your mom named you: | Ashley Megan Sonego | Do you like your name? | Yeah, alot actually except alot of people have the name Ashley and that sucks. | Some people call me: | Little One or AshMeg | You were born: | On November 14th | Age: | 15 | School: | CSHS | State you live in: | Michigan :( | Sign: | Scorpio | Righty or Lefty?: | Righty | Screename(s)?: | too many | What is your favorite..... | Type of music?: | I don't know.. | Band?: | My Chemical Romance, The Used, Fallout Boy, Dashboard Confessional, The Killers, etc | Place to be?: | Los Angeles, California! | Thing to do: | Go shopping | Person to be with: | Any of my friends | Person to talk to online: | Cohen | Movie: | Blue Crush | TV Show: | The O.C. | Which do you prefer? | Chocolate or Vanilla?: | Chocolate | Coke or Pepsi?: | Neither | Radio or CDs?: | Neither, my i-Pod | TV or Computer?: | Computer I guess, even though I don't really go online much anymore | Dog or Cat?: | Dog | Good Charlotte or Mest?: | I guess Good Charlotte since I don't know who Mest is | Taking Back Sunday or Thursday?: | right? Taking Back Sunday | Something Corporate or Coldplay?: | Coldplay | Republican or Democrat?: | Who cares | AIM or Yahoo?: | AIM | When was the last time that you... | spun and spun until you fell down? XD: | Not for a long time. | Listened to your favorite music?: | Last night | Cried?: | Last night | Laughed?: | Today | Hurt someone?: | Friday night | Talked about someone behind their back?: | haha Emily Sorensen and I did today at lunch..were so nice ;) | Told someone you loved them?: | Last night | Hugged someone?: | Today | Kissed someone?: | Saturday night | Wanted to kill someone?: | I've never wanted to kill anyone. | Wanted to badly hurt (but not kill XD) someone?: | never.. | Embarrassed yourself?: | I can't remember. | Told a secret about yourself?: | A whlie ago | Told a secret about someone else?: | Soon to be today | What was the last....(yes theres a difference between this & the last one) | Word you said?: | Psyched | Food you ate?: | cheetos | Song you danced to?: | haha haven't danced in a while | Song you cried because of?: | Goodbye To You-Michelle Branch. That song makes me cry everytime I hear it. It's pathetic | Song you felt happy because of?: | Me, Megan, and Kourt were listening to Don't Cha on my i-Pod today in Seminar and that song makes me happy! | Ok this is over. Not so bad for a first try, eh? | Did you like the survey?: | I guess | Will you IM me if you feel like it at xXBenjiful27Xx ?: | no | Goodbye. | bye | Fuck you. XD | you too! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to Bzoink |
2 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 12 September :: 3.41pm
what a bad day. i can't believe that THAT is what i've become... or something.? mean asses. *cries a ton*
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 11 September :: 8.25pm
even though i have breakdowns, and even though we can fight.... neither one happens often or lasts long, and at the end of every day i can tell myself regardless of the situation that im part of a beautiful relationship with my best friend...... and if it feels like at times the whole world points out my flaws and imperfections, i know that there's a place i can run for protection, because when you hold me everything else melts away and its just us.
kourtney, stacy, brianna, kelli, and taryn.... you guys are great... thanks for lifting me up when i needed it. it really helped. :)
6 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 11 September :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Black Eyed Peas- My Humps
So this weekend, boring. Friday I actually got a day to myself. It was nice. Then Saturday and Sunday I had to baby-sit. Now- I’m home. Getting ready for school tomorrow. I really don’t like school already and its only the beginning of the second week. I guess that’s kinda normal though. I’m only scared about 2 classes this year, Algebra 2 and Literature. Algebra 2 is really easy so far but I’m just waiting for the hard stuff to come cuz I know its coming. Lit, the only reason why I’m scared about that class is because so far Mrs. Eilola seems really really strict about everything so far.
Today was a good day: I got a letter in the mail today from Ashley and it was the cutest thing ever. I miss her.
I’m so dreading tomorrow. Big Bad Monday, Yay (not really).
I still cant friggen wait till November. I can just tell already that November is going to be the best month.
I’m going shopping with my mom in 2 weekends! I miss my mom too.
I miss a lot of people.
Hmm... Well Face-It meeting this Wednesday but that’s all I got planned for this week except for... homework. (it feels weird saying that)
Oh summer- how I miss you already.
*51 Days Till My Birthday*
Its September 11th Today, Say A Prayer Tonight.
*What You Gunna Do With All That Junk, All That Junk Inside That Truck* (Funny Funny Song)
2 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 11 September :: 1.54pm
:: Mood: Sick
:: Music: D.H.T.-Listen To Your Heart
My Past
I want to not care about what happpens but I still do. It feels like your taking that spot away from me or taking my place. I hate chasing after people but sometimes I guess thats what I have to do. I just want to for once be able to talk to you and tell you how I feel but in all honestly you probably wouldn't understand. I'm always holding back because I'm afraid of what you'll say and our converstaions never open that much anyways. I guess I just miss the past.
Now all I have to do is keep telling myself your part of it.
Im still holding on and I shouldn't do that anymore!!!
Anyways Friday I hung out with Lisa for a while. Akaysha came over for a while too so I watched her. Later on I went to Brie's house and a whole bunch of people went to Matt & Stuarts. They live in GR and on the way there we almost hit someone. She ran right out in front of us and it was sort of scary. Good thing we didn't hit her, or more of Andrea didn't hit her lol. We stayed at Matt & Stuarts for a while and then we went and stayed at Steves. Saturday I went to Grand Haven. It was so pretty and we ate at this really awesome resturant on the water but I forgot what it was called. Then we went to this Italian store and bought all this italian food that you can't buy in a normal store, then I came home and Trista was here so I finally got to see her. After that maryhoe and I went to Nicks for a while and then we ended up at a guys house named Ryan I think. I can't remember, I was not drinking at all but I just can't remember whos house it was. We hung out there for a while and then we went to another guys house. I forgot his name lol. He was weird and I kept getting hit on and it was scary. We stayed there until 5am and then we had to bring Jordan back to Bries house and then we had to come back to my house to stay since wherever we were at was right down the road. I fell asleep at 6:30 probably and I just woke up before I started this whole journal entry. Nobody is here and I have noo clue where everyone went but I definately do not feel good so I think I'm going to go back to sleep soon.
Andy Milonakis lol:turn to your far left
Andrea: wait is this my left....?
Andy and I: noo that would be your right lol!
wow you crack me up.
Brie: well who did you tell
Me: *holds three fingers up* I only told two people.
lol "he looks like reptar" "seen/saw him" ...oh the great times we have brie.
We talked. Everything is better I guess. I only wanted to be friends and nothing more so thats what we are and thats that.
<3 aShMeG
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 11 September :: 11.43am
Battles over, we took 5th out of 11. Which isn't bad because when we the other crews started showing up and practicing, we knew, we were way out of our league. Lol. Which we kind of were, but we held our own.
Messed up my knee, I can't bend it any farther than it takes to walk. Boo hoo huh?
Even though it's not okay when we fight, it's worth it to get some of our feelings out there, because in the end, it works out, because we come to have a better understanding about each other, and each others feelings about certain things.
Work from 3 till close tonight, come see me! I'll serve you! Then you can say "YOU GOT SERVED..................by keegan"
-K. Loye
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 11 September :: 7.49am
The bonfire was fun.
Not a lot of people showed up, but it didn't even matter.
The main group was hilarious and I enjoyed it.
I like smaller groups better.
Though it is sad that none of my "closest" friends even showed up.
Whatever, just don't expect me to bother anymore.
Other than that I feel sick and I needed a lot more sleep than this.
I get today to write an essay then tomorrow it's..school.
I hate saying that.
7 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 10 September :: 10.37pm
you drive me absoulutely up the wall sometimes but i love you more than anything in the entire world baby. that'll never change no matter how crazy you make me. love you and happy anniversary!! :0)
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 10 September :: 1.49pm
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 10 September :: 12.08pm
I'm sick of this shit.
See everyone at the bonfire.
I hope another unnecessary scene doesn't occur.
Ha! Riiight..
2005 10 September :: 12.52am
i hate this. im stuck awake because we just ended on bad terms and now im all upset and crying and hating myself and he's just fine having fun with his friends, doing whatever the fuck he wants to do. and guess what.. its my fault. god i hate myself. i always do this. when i get accoustomed to something.. its not easy for me to let it go. i got used to seeing him alllll the time.. and when i dont get that attention... i cant take it. and i dont care if that makes me selfish.. and then i do care, and then i dont again. and im just so confused. i havent been this upset so FREQUENTLY in a long time. and espeacially tonight... we never end phone conversations on bad terms... but tonight is different. well different in the way that this time when we fought scott could here. thanks alot, make me look like a total bitch in front of your friends. is that what you want them to think? do you get some sort of joy out of people feeling sorry for you because of your crazy girlfriend? "oh no baby you're the only one i want, you're the girl i want" what boyfriend wants to make his girlfriend cry all the time... its like you wont give up until i start crying.. except tonight.. you know that i am, and you dont care. because YOU'RE upset becasue of me. it doesnt matter that i've been sitting at home ALL fucking night waiting for you, at least YOU were having fun. yeah... FUN lets drive an hour and a half and spend 30 dollars... you better not EVER complain to me about not having money. "well i got payed today" and so what'd you do? you went out and spent it right away. "its 11 dollars and that includes food" which it apparantly didnt. "its only 45 minutes away" which it wasnt. "i call you back as soon as i know if we're in the final 4" which you didnt. "i just didnt think to call you, i dont know what else to say" there ya go.. didnt think to call me. because thats how it is..... your breakdancing has nothing to do with me. im the unsupportive girlfriend who calls you and doesnt want to get off the phone because she's upset. i should have just come home and said fuck the battle, fuck keegan, i dont wanna know whats going on, and just went to bed on time like i planned. i didnt think i would be up this late. but yeah... i can see you tomorrow because YOU'RE free... because YOU dont have plans. whenever it works out for you because you're things are more important. *your job: "im paying 400 dollars a month for my car, arent you happy i got a new car?" "you dont even act happy about my new job, if i would have known you'd have gotten so upset i wouldnt have applied" *breakdancing: "yeah... its super important, we're not getting paid, probably wont win, and hey lets spend money in there while we're at it." "oh and hey, lets take my car because nobody else in the world drives"
seriously.. i am such a self concious person. one of the things i said in drama class today was that one of my biggest fears is that people will see me only for the things i do and not actually see me. my biggest fear in my relationship is that he'll just see my faults and what i dont do. i try so hard. in everything. im the president of the student senate, editor of the yearbook, red flannel queen, throw a relationship in there, school work, tryting to be more "active" in my family so my mom gets off my case.... its exhausting. and sometimes i just cant do it. i get so overwhelmed and what do i do? i keep going, there's no breaks. and i feel like if i fail or if something goes wrong somebodys gonna say "look what she did" im terrified of failing. im so self critical. but nobody would know that. i have alot of "friends" but hardly anybody knows me. keegans one of the few that do and that makes it hard because it would be so easy for him to hurt me. and im so scared of that. i always have a gaurd up with people, and for once i dont. and i hate when i sometimes think... "what are you doing erika" whats the matter with you... why are you letting someone it.
when i let someone in, that means im at their mercy. anything they say or do could affect me. and it doesnt help that as much as i may say i dont care what other people think of me... i do. very much. and im very defensive. i mean... what the hell.. i've cried more in the past week than i have in the past 2 months. thats not healthy. i dont cry. im supposed to be the strong one. what happens when i cant be that.
i pride myself in being strong and not letting things get to me. i've always told people, no im not emotional... so what the fuck is going on with me. lately i've just felt that i have no one. that nobody will EVER know me. that nobody will ever understand me.
one of my biggest fears is that i'll never fall in love and be alone forever. it sounds stupid, but its so true. the experiences that i have, and the things that i've seen, and am still witnessing my mom go through have shaped me in more ways than i can even count. im just so critical when it comes to love, that im afraid i'll never find it because i'll never be satisfied. just with mymoms situation... shes still dealing with chris. i thought when we left it was over, and finally our lives would turn out.. and they have, but he still has that same power over us. i swear he's satan... and im just a little person, its not healthy to feel so much hate towards one person. and when i get so angry i dont know what to do, and i dont know how to express or deal with my anger so it all builds up and then it subsides and just more or less burries itself away. so then i have all this built up emotion and it always just comes out one night. and thats the night where i talk to my mom and i cry and tell her why i hate myself and confess my insecurities and bring up the past and all the terrible things that for some reason im still not letting go. and then she makes me feel better and i move on. but it never fully goes away.... it always comes back.
i dont even know why i get so angry with him... he's right, it is my fault. i AM the one who overdoes it, who blows things out of proportion. he's always telling me that. "you're being irrational" "your making to big a deal out of this" "you're making me feel bad for ...." and then when i finally talk to him about it tells me that its not all my fault.... well does he know me at all to know that everything he says to me sticks with me. and every lie that ANYONE tells me sticks with me and makes me question myself. and feeds more into my insecurities.
right now... he's fine. and here i am sitting alone venting to a stupid online journal where anyone who reads this will judge me on some level and im just making myself more vulnerable.. but what else can i do? keegans not here for me and made it very apparant that he was done talking, and my moms sleeping. those are my two people. the only two people i have, and i cant depend on either of them to be there whenever i need them. and i know thats not right, and of course somebody wont always be able to be there. but this is what happens. i over think and everything comes out. everything i hate about myself comes out. i mean i have stacy... and she knows me pretty darn good, but its different. its the facts that she knows, not the emotions. and thats not a bad thing.. because i dont know here emotions either and she's just an amazing friend that i can trust anything with. but its hard to let that gaurd down to anybody... obviously since i've only done it twice. im so afraid of realizing what a small number of friends i have. most people just assume things about me that are completely untrue. i hate drama and i HATE when somebody says something bad about me or doesnt like me. not because i think everyone should like me, or because it pisses me off... but it hurts. it really hurts... and when i start to hear things about myself, i start to believe them. it doesnt matter if i know its not true. i start to believe them, and then i fear that other people will start to believe them. prime example is that whole ordeal with mitch and the senior group. i felt so attacked, and he called me such horrible things and then people in his journal that dont even know me said such terrible things when in reality what i said was taken so far out of context. his purpose was to make me look like a preppy bitch. so what did i do. i tried to defend myself, and in turn got even more names, and even more hurtful things... but i couldnt help but defend things. and you may say that it doesnt matter if somebody who doesnt know you says shit... well yes it does. i take offense to it greatly. i just want to be liked. more than anything i need acceptance... because as a child i didnt get it from key people in my life that i should have gotten it from. and then at 10 losing my grandpa was the worst thing i've ever experienced. i know alot of people say that their grandparents are their best friend, and who am i to say that they're lying... but for me my grandpa was my best friend, and the only father figure i ever had. i was with him all the time... the only place i ever wanted to be or ever was was with him. he took care of me and my mom because it was just the two of us. and so i never stopped to think that hey... all my friends have a mom AND a dad. when i lost him my world stopped spinning. for once i was alone with nobody to tell my secrets to and it all happend to soon. and on top of losing him chris and my mom got seperated, and it was just terrible. so many times i just need him, and he's not here for me. and sometimes i find myself angry with god because i just feel like he's been taking things from me and targeting me for so long. i just want to feel that protection that my grandpa gave me.. and the security. i need those things. and at times i feel like keegan doesnt care, or doesnt know, or doesnt care to find out.
im so self concious in everything... i hate my face and my body and the fact that if the red flannel pageant required a talent, i wouldnt know what to do. i feel talentless... like i cant do anything. theres nothing special about any of the things that i can do. i get so jealous of danielle because she plays the piono so beautifully. i just feel like all my friends have an outlet, and i just lack one. what would i do... get up there and create a yearbook template? i cant sing, i dont play sports, i dont play an instrument, i dont even feel good enough for my drama class.... so how can i expect to run for high pageants? in the past couple of months i've basically given up on that. why do i do that? i just give up on dreams. and at the same time i dont. i've achieved so much sucess in high school... but then again i dont get all A's, im not the teacher favorite, i dont play sports, i fit into NO social group whatsoever. i feel like im not popular enough to be "able" to talk freely to those people, i dont fit in with the circle or the goths or whatever they call themselves now because im "preppy".... and so if im not preppy enough, or depressed enough, or athletic enough, or smart enough... where do i fit it at? im just erika.
i need to just get used to that.... im just erika.
whatever... fuck this.
and see, then thats my next step... to say forget it. thats why i do what i do.. i'd rather let things burry down inside me then to deal with them, because in all honestly it just hurts to much.
7 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 9 September :: 10.41pm
im tired, but am i sleeping? nooo.. why would i be sleeping when the phones just gonna ring as soon as i fall asleep. i honestly think this whole thing is so stupid. its not even the crew.. its 2 and then some random fill in. whats the sence in even going then if you dont even think you're gonna win. they got there at 6, and the breakdance battle didnt even start until about 9:30... but thats all cool, because they were warming up... for THREE hours?! oooook. i was feeling kind of bad about not going cuz i had to work, but gauranteed i would NOT be in a good mood if i was still stuck down in god knows where. yeah, i hope they win and all.... but i'll be happy when this whole stupid thing is over.
in better news: tomorrows stacys bon fire.
in worse news: i have to work tomorrow through tuesday... mmm
in even worse news: im so fucking tired... gahh.
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 9 September :: 3.54pm
:: Music: BOB DYLAN
Why does every party have to have drinking to be fun?
I thought a lot of people got over that..apparently not.
Anyway, I've been good. I'm happy lately.
School sucks, but it doesn't seem to go as slow as it did last year.
It's fine. I have to just suck it up and remember I only have to make it through the year.
And I seriously need help in Econ. I'm doing shitty with the stock thing. Does anyone know the "loop-hole" in the game? Ah fuck it..
I realized that being an office aid is like saying you're their slave for the hour. I'm so the office bitch.
I love Bible as in Lit. First we drew pictures of God, then today we played with Clay. Hard work.
Ummm...I love my bunnie.
And life is good.
Remember to come to the bonfire tomorrow.
7 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 9 September :: 12.01am
Tomorrows, the battle.
Erika. When you see this tomorrow, know that I'm thinking about you! (funny, how I know that in advance huh?)
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 8 September :: 3.33pm
school is a waste of my time. i'm dual-enrolling.
hoooooorah hooray.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 8 September :: 6.58am
I love waking up to you crawling into my bed.
I love you.