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:: 2007 20 May :: 7.59pm

Ok, so I lost all of my photos. Everything. Prom, graduation, parties, my first trip out of state, artsy shots, hanging out, my first photos with my new camera.. basically every photo in the past two years.

What happened is I deleted my account, because I couldn't remember my password for the life of me. I was asked if I'd like my files moved, so I said yes. Then I was asked if I'd like to delete my account even though my files would be deleted, I then chose no. After I chose that my account was deleted anyway.

I did searches in all drives and found nothing. And yes, I did check the recycle bin and nothing was there either. It's like they were just gone after the account thing.

If anyone has any way of getting something like this back please help me.

Basically I have lost all hope and am sure that everything is gone.

So, I am asking anyone who has any photos from an event I attended, or when friends hung out, Graduation, dances, prom.. please send them to me. Burn them to a CD or something.

Please take the time to help me out. I am completely crushed to have lost all of these photos.

7 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 19 May :: 10.59pm

kinda not understanding the grey's finale... hmm

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 18 May :: 11.17pm

i made macaroni and cheese for you and now it's getting all nasty and soggy.


5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 12 May :: 12.16pm

I am seriously done trying to make and keep friends. It really is a lost cause. My expectations are way too high and nobody can meet them. I'm always left disappointed and upset. Sure, it's my own fault for expecting so much from people, but I really can't help it.

Sometimes I wish I were a normal teenager who saw no problem in being drunk every night of the week, and neglecting every aspect in life. But then I really think about it, and I realize how stupid that is. You only get one go around, why screw it up? I see no problem if people want to drink and have a good time on the weekends... but even then, what's the point of being beligerantly drunk every day of every weekend? I just don't get it.

It's pathetic really. The only way anybody can ever have fun with their friends anymore is if they're drunk. That's only to hide the fact that they really can't stand being with them when they're sober and the fact that they really have nothing in common. I can't play that game. I just have to sit here and patiently wait for a good friend. Just one, I'm not even asking for a bunch... just one.

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 9 May :: 8.13pm

seriously, i don't get it...
Why do people feel the need to make stupid decisions and ruin their lives? I'm not saying I've done it all perfectly and made every decision the best I could... but I at least have respect for myself. I've made my fair share of mistakes in my life, believe me... but I don't let those bring me down. Just because you make one, two, or hell... ten poor decisions... that doesn't mean you should just give up.

Life is too precious to waste it. If you make a stupid decision or a stupid mistake... fix it, move on... and get back on track. Don't ruin your life over it for God's sake.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 5 May :: 11.20am

spider-man 3

probably the most dissappointing movie I've ever seen, based on how awesome the other two were...

As my brother put it " I't like Sam Raimi said, 'Fuck this, I'm going to Mexico!' and then hired a 12 year old to write the script...

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 3 May :: 10.36pm

this is what i'm thinking right now

i need someone new to tell me i'm pretty.

i dont know what to do.

my fucking watch broke

i dont have any money it seems like

how much alocohol is too much.

i miss my long hair god dammit.

i hate my short hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i want to dye it.

and diet.

dye it and diet. ha.

yeah funny

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 3 May :: 9.30pm


fuck. what is wrong with me.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 31 May :: 9.50pm


right now

i know i'm slacking. but i will begin soon so i dont feel all that bad about it.

roman had this incredibly exciting, completely romantic big suprise all planned. I LOVE suprises. (for the most part) but he cannot keep secrets/suprises/exciting news from me SO he spilled the beans and told me about it. but i stopped him before he told me the details. i am so excited about this though. it is going to be so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

i feel like going to sleep right now. i probably should. it'd be good for me. i have to get up at like 7 tomorrow anyway. i have to work at 8.30. i am getting a lot of hours at work. good but tiring. 9 hour days are not so fun. so anyway. i should go to bed. but i'm not going to . i have to wait for roman of course. i hate that he works so late. ugh.

i have been scrapbooking again for the first time since i've lived in the apartment. wow. but i love scrapbooking. and roman is finally putting back to gether the collage i made for him that broke and i cried when he didn't put it back together!! that is nice.

i really like the girls i work with. i am so sad that one is leaving. she is SO funny. i love when people are witty funny. i wish i could be more witty funny. so anyway the girl who is super nice and super funny is leaving and i am incredibly sad.

i seriously love my cats. i feel like a crazy cat lady. but i duno. i just love them so much. i am happy to see them when i get home and sad to leave them when i go. is that messed up?

i hate sarah jessica parker. she is so effing ugly. and annoying.

and god i hate sex and the city.

why is there nothing on my basic cable.

so there is this adorable boy tyler who always gets picked up last at the daycare. and when all the other kids go home and he's the only one left we say "it's just me and you". it's so cute. and then we read books or play the computer together. he can be really naughty but when it's just me and him he is so sweet and adorable. today when the last other kid left I said "What do we say Tyler?" and he said "You say it." and I said "No,you" and so he says "It's just me and you!" and then he said "When I leave then you say ' it's just me!' ". I thought that was so cute.

okay sorry. i seriously talk about the daycare kids like they are my own. but hey, they are part of my life.

btw. i am obsessed with Anchorman. the movie. yeah i know it's like a year later than everyone else on the planet but me and roman like just realized that we love that movie. we quote it like so much it makes me sick.

wonderful Bush, just wonderful. Why don't we all just stay in Iraq until everyone is dead. You are so stupid. I see the reason you don't want to plan the dates for withdrawaling but ughghghghgh. i duno.

yeah so..
that's it. bye

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 26 April :: 7.10pm

YEAH BITCH. i just got all a's this semester. hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha yay

a fricken A in med terms which is a class that lots of people fail. that makes me so happy yay!

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 25 April :: 9.24pm

So here's the deal. i have decided to lose weight. i would really like to lose 30 pounds but i dont know if that is a realistic goal.

i have 3 months to lose weight. how much is a reasonable amount to want to lose in 3 months?

i dont know so help me out all you in shape people!

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 25 April :: 8.53pm

I need to do something with my life. like... before i begin a regular life with a family and career i want to do something exciting.

i need something interesting .

why does the singer from rascal flats have to be so ugly. i never knew what he looked like and i used to picture him as handsome a man as his voice is good. but he's like utterly hideous. but god i love his voice.

i did so well on my final today. i'm pretty sure i got at least a 90% which means my final grade in that class with be 96% which means that is another A. i have all A's so far and two more grades need to be submitted but i'm pretty sure i will end up with all a's this semester which is pretty awesome.

next year after my summer classes end, i will have one more class until i can actually graduate and be a medical assistant. cooley cool cool huh.

but then what.


i wanna get married.

Roman, i love you.

speaking of whom. he is home. g'day

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 24 April :: 10.48pm

I finally did it.

I went to the gym.

and it felt FABULOUS!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 24 April :: 12.37pm

we've lived in this apartment for 9 months. that is weird. that's like, almost a year. also that is a lot of money spent.

when it comes to school work and trying to lose weight i feel like i am on this ride that never ends and i just want a break so that i can get my life in order. but i will never get that break. i envy kids that go to school all school year long and dont have to do anything but worry about school and live their lives. i fucking envy you kids. but then again, i feel like i'm way ahead of those people because i can handle being on my own.

so fuck yall.


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 24 April :: 12.36pm

i dont want to go to work.
i dont want to go to work.

i don't want to go to work.

i do not want to go to work

i have no desire to go to workkkk.

fuck work.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 18 April :: 9.31pm


nobody loves me.

also god damn i need to lose like 50 pounds or i'm chopping half my body off.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 14 April :: 2.37pm


I was wondering if I could possibly use some of your pictures for my final project in my computers class. It's an online class and probably only me and my professor would see them. I would probably use them in a Powerpoint thing i have to do.

the project is like... you have to pretend you're an IT professional or something and I am in a "video production department" and i decide what we buy and all this crap and i decided to buy a canon rebel because well... i dont know! i think that is the one you use right? and so i decided to use that and i said like i had a friend that takes wonderful pictures with it and blah blah blah and i said that you go to university of the arts but i'm not sure if thats what it is called and i couldn't AHH okay i'm not making any sense

but i would like to know if i could use a few of your photos

i would like to know the name of the school you are attending and where it's located

and thats it.

thanks justine

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 11 April :: 7.31pm

someday soon!

go forth and multiply!

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 6 April :: 10.28pm

today i listened to the get up kids and the 311 transistor cd.

good stuff

who can't love amber?

woah ohhhhhhhhh...

right now brandon and roman are playing video games. we went to craigs cruisers and had lots of fun and got a cute picture in the photobooth .
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 2 April :: 7.55pm

god i hate being alone.

i should have just went with roman to his mom's house.
god some people can be such fake stupid jerks. how am i supposed to be friends with someone who treats me like shit like that. TOTALLY UNRELIABLE. i seriously will not be able to have her in my wedding because i honestly don't trust that something wouldn't "come up" where she'd need to skip out on the big day. god i fucking swear. so fucking annoying. the last fight we fricken got in was because she ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS fucking cancels on me, but no, she does it AGAIN the next time we hang out. and then fucking doens't pick up my calls or call me back. i'm not a fucking idiot. i knwo you fucking look at your phone like 15 times in 20 minutes and i know you fucking have your phone on you AT ALL TIMES. half the time we hang out you're texting someone anyway. so do you really think you're fucking fooling me or something when you don't pick up the phone and dont return my calls? like i am just supposed to think you didn't look at your phone or you "lost" it again. YEAH RIGHT. poeople don't lose their phone that much and people dont leave their phones at peoples houses that much and people don't "forget" to charge their phones that much. god i am so pissed off because i dont want to fight with you but i have no choice when you treat me like shit!!!!
do you realize we dind't even have any time to catch up when you came over because you "would rather sleep alone" which is a total lie, you just wanted to be alone even though you were "so tired" so that you could call someone else and get on the internet all night. what the hell is that? we didn't even have anytime to talk that whole night and then when you say you're coming back the next day you fucking bail on me and change the plans AND you tell me you're just hanging out with someone else but in fact you are going to a party instead. god that is mean. and then you tell me you'll bring me my stuff the next day "around 2" so what do i do? i fucking wait around my fucking apartment doing NOTHING waiting for you and hmm 2 oclock goes by, then 3, then 4 then i say fuck you and leave to do my own thing but not before claling you only to get your answering machine. funny me, i thought if you wouldn't be able to make it you'd have the decency to pick up your phone for 2 god damn minutes and just tell me you wrent coming over afterall but no you leave me fucking hang ing AGAIN. god i can't believe it

and the time before that the whole time i was at work i was all loooking forward to hanging out and thinking about how we were gonna go on a bike ride and i couldn't wait to get some fresh air and it'd be fun to catch up but then you fucking cancel

god i am done ranting it's not fucking worth my time. GOd i am so pissed at you. you are RUDE and INCONSIDERATE and a LIAR. work on that.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 2 April :: 6.16pm

cool look i'm on davenport's website neato

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

for real that's me, looking down- it's from the photo shoot from a long time ago...

12 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 31 March :: 1.18pm

i seriously love roman bryan garcia.

and i'm watching austin powers right now... funny stuff.

also. we went to this club last night... not gonna say where. but me and jessie hazen went and OMG. so effing stupid. lol. ahhh last night was crazy. i hope no one heard the dog. that stupid stupid ugly dog. oh yeah but the club. seriously. hahahhaaa never again will we go there.

i think i'll do my homework tomorrow. i put stuff off so much. but i dont care.

oh i love my new tanning place- midnite sun and cruise. it's so nice. the beds are so nice. yay i'm gonna be tan soon.

we are going to a fricken carnival on 28th street tonight. isn't that crazy. theres a carnival less than 2 minutes from my apartment. that's weird. a weird little carnival . we have to go though because... we have to! yay

okay peace out.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 30 March :: 12.07pm

soo.... I still remember everything...

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 29 March :: 10.31am

bleh i dont wnat to go to work. yay they didn't charge me the overdraft. blehhh i seriously can't wait until work is over today. ...but then i have to back tomorrow... ahhh the cycle never ends..........!

jessie g- do you want to come over tonight? supposedly shae is coming.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 28 March :: 7.12pm

god people can be so insanely fucking rude. stupid fucking ugly bitch girl at the tanner was a big fucking rude bitch. stupid fucking bitch.

god that stupid fucking bitch made me fucking cry.

god i hate mean people!!! there is no fucking reason.

also, people who don't use their turn signals relaly fucking bug me.

oh AND i also like paid my insurance twice this month or something on accident which i didn't figure was a big deal b/c it just goes toward next month but since i am waiting to get my check on friday before i cash my 2 other checks since my bank is so far away there is not much money in my account and i got gas today too so now i probably overdrew my account if the gas payment goes through my tomorrow and then i'll have an overdraw fee WONDERFUL SHIT HSSHITSHITSHITHSITHS grr.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 27 March :: 10.09pm

she totally refuses to expell me from her life. she could just not talk to me anymore, but no, she has to pop up every few months to remind me...

7 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 23 March :: 7.06pm

oh i forgot to mention- i totally chopped off like all my hair..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

my kitty fergie- Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

8 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 22 March :: 9.50pm

i had a very intense dream last night that i was one of the final contestants on American Idol.

Vote for me!!! ..............

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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