2003 25 October :: 9.19pm
:: Mood: drunk
:: Music: High All The Time- 50
I am drunk. And it feels so good. It feels so darn good. I don't know how people live without getting drunk once in a while, Doughy and I both drank. Wonder how she's feeling... Prolly like me, MELLOW.
It's weird, when you're drunk you really think the clearest. It's strange how that is. According to adults, and other people that think they're smarter than us, your memory and brain is affected negatively by alcohol. But it's really making me think clear. It's good to have European parents, alcohol available in stacks. Good for a house party... Not a suggestion tho, don't get me wrong.
I was looking at someone else's woohu, and they had this list of what they loved and hated. The person's list was seriously messed up tho, so I'm gonna make a list like that, only maybe a little less retarded.
*Things I hate*
1. mean people
2. people that judge others based on false evidence
4. backstabbers
5. M******
6. his friends
7. haters (ha)
8. people that hate people just cuz they're different than them
9. idiots
10. people that r afraid of their sexuality
11. people that r embarressed to hang out with certain people
12. people that dwell on something for way too long
13. bad irony
14. people that have no point, when dissing you
15. people that diss you for no reason
16. people that act dramatic, even when it's unnecessary
17. Yankee haters (no kidding, but who doesn't like the yankees?)
18. the fact that everything at Edgemotn evolves around school
19. The fact that a B is not considered a good grade here at e-mont
20. Racism
21. Hangovers
And many more
*Things I love*
1. My friends
2. My crushes
3. people that love you for who you are
4. people that apologize, and actually mean it
5. people that are open to others no matter what
6. people that consider everyone's view point before taking a side.
7. gross food
8. materialism
9. girls that think they're fat when they're not
10. girls that think they're skinny, when they're not. (Don't get me wrong)
11. The feeling of being drunk
12. meeting new people
13. games (all kinds)
14. boys (especially b**** ones)
15. nice people
16. my family
17. people that appreciate me
18. compliments
And many more
There's so much, impossible to list. But here r some of them anyway, I prolly forgot many of the main ones anyway... But oh well
1 failure |
be daring
2003 25 October :: 6.38pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Damn- Youngbloodz
bleh bleh
Went to Han's, played tennis, went home. Waiting for my gurls to get here. Love you all. Very bored and tired, too tired to type actually. Plus, nothing going on.
<3 always,
be daring
2003 25 October :: 1.22am
:: Mood: full
:: Music: Perfect- Simple Plan
Just had food, way too stuffed. My mom got me a red shirt at Havana jeans, hey I didn't pay- why complain. That kinda rhymed, actually it didn't but that's ok. Some hot ass Mexicans outside my house right now (cough cough Dorina). G2g now, playing tennis soon. Woohoo
be daring
2003 23 October :: 9.08pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Candibar- Keith Murray
I'm sad.
I'm sad you said that.
I'm sad you did that.
I'm sad you talked like that.
I'm sad ur still alive.
I'm sad ur an asshole.
I'm sad ur still in my life.
I'm sad you're a dumbass.
I'm sad this stupid game will never stop.
I'm sad you're a loser.
I'm sad I ever recognized you.
I'm sad you're stupid
I'm sad that you called me those nasty things.
I'm sad that you wave to me.
I'm sad ur in my life.
I'm sad that ur here.
I'm sad... I'm sad.
be daring
2003 23 October :: 5.47pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: More To Life- Stacie Orrico
I am really mad and pissed off... It's so not funny. Some idiot just Im'ed, like dissing me. I don't feel like saying what they said, but it wasn't nice and I am really pissed off. The person was too much of a coward to tell me who he/she was. That's just so lame, anyone who does that has no life, and is very sad and pathetic. It really makes me mad why someone would do that, it's just so low it doesn't get any lower really. I hope I find out who it is soon, but I probably won't.
Oh, and another thing. These peopel r really pissing me off, the whole situation has become so last year and it is just so stupid. And I know that he told M, it's not cool. When I told him not to, then he should respect that. But he didn't. But then again, what did I expect, I can't believe I actually had trust in him. Too late now.
I AM SO MAD. The game is over, if you can even call it that. It's so over. Just telling you, tomorrow in school don't expect anything. Thank you!
be daring
2003 22 October :: 10.37pm
:: Mood: low
:: Music: Loser- N.E.R.D
I'm feeling really low right now. I don't care if he likes her better, I don't care if we talk, I don't care if we're friends either. I just don't want to be called a hoe. I am not a hoe, I might have made a few mistakes on the way, but I am just trying to find myself. Of course I'll forgive, I always do but he really crossed the line this time. I knew that if I told him, he'd do something like this. It's making me depressed, and it's so not cool. I think maybe he just needs a confrontation, but who cares, not like I'll ever get my act together. I don't deserve crap like this, I'm so nice to him and in return I get all of this crap. I'm not a whore, and even if I were, I don't want him calling me one. If you're reading this, which you won't be, cuz ur too retarded: I just want you to know, that it hurt. Don't feel sorry for me, I know you don't just know what u did. And I hope u won't make the same mistake twice. It's become a routine, and it's making me vommit.
As I said earlier. "It's pathetic!"
be daring
2003 21 October :: 6.03pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Right Thurr- Chingy
Ya, ok. Last week was crap, this week isn't looking much better. Not that I mind, I'm used to it by now. It's not bad, just boring and uneventful. The only good thing about last week was monday night, thank u Maxi, Joe, and Matt. Had a grrreat time. Maybe we could do it again some time, ey?
Rest of the week was boring. M was beign veru quiet, and we just had nothing to talk about. D was busy with school, all worried about some Chem test, which she actually got a 96 on. Ya, baby second highest grade. So proud of you. Always will be. Even though, I have a lot of friends and all, school is still boring. I used to have that rush with ___ but that's kinda gone now. He's being annoying and stupid, not that he was ever nice. Just saying. Some day I'm just gonna have to step up to the plate. I'm sorry to say, but I miss Xavier and Gil. Let's hang out this friday, k guys? It's weird how u get to thinking, there are so many complaints all the time. I think I'm gonna stop, I have a great life, everything's cool. Not like I am an abused child. Everyone who is not, just shut the hell up. And if I hear someone say they're gonna go on a diet one more time, I think I'm gonna start charging. Anyway, who cares all I'm saying is everyone is Edgemont has a great life, don't denie it. Just makes u look stupid. My life is becoming too much of a routine these days, the last two weeks anyway. The weeks before that, were pretty exciting, fun times. But now, nothing happens. I wake up, go to school, talk to my friends, go home, do my hw, go on-line, watch tv, go to bed. That's all I do really, with some minor differences each day. It's really starting to piss me off. U only live once my ass... Ya, might be true but we have to go to school. Not like I would be going to school, if I didn't have to. But that's the way it is, then how I am supposed to live life to the fullest? Just not possible. Spice my life up, I might just pay u.
Lots of $$$ ur way,
be daring
2003 28 June :: 11.36pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Excuse Me Miss Again- Jay Z
Today was actually pretty nice. Julie, my friend from Denmark, came to visit. Pretty exciting. She's such a sweet girl, I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of fun this week. We're so close, I've known her my whole life. It felt like I was in the car all day though, that's the only thing that's really annoying about living here. Takes a while to get places.
Anyway, I'm really annoyed. Boys are stupid. Our age at least. I don't think I've met one guy at 14 that's nice, sophisticated or just mature. They're all stupid. I don't wanna curse too much here. But I mean it. I can't stand it. I try to make friends with guys our age, but it's just not possible. One day they're extremely nice to you, other times they're PMS'ing. It's very strange. I know the whole "Men come from Mars, women come frm Venus" thing, but this is not relevant. Girls, almost all girls I know, look beyond first impressions and are just generally nice to everyone. Boys our age, are just assholes. I don't know why they act like this. I don't fuking care about no stage, people should always act nice and polite. Boys, even if they actually like the girl, are mean and cruel. It doesn't matter, it's been like this since kindergarden. It's sick. Maybe by senior year, things might have changed. But I doubt it.
It's so weird how it changes though. I hae guy friends at 20 and older, and they're all so chill and cool. They're almost cooler than girls. Maybe just different, but it's really mellow hanging out with them. And they're so cool, some are immature. But not the same way boys at our age are. They're funny immature, just kind of childish. That's fun, the 14 year old attitude is not. I don't get it, I seriously don't. Girls can be bitches, but they always try to see the best in people.
I'm pretty sure I wanna meet Gerhard's cousin now actually, he's older might be nice for a change. Ya, Nana, here I come. It's just way too much.
But u kno people, if you disagree with me and if you can find a "nice" boy our age, please tell me. I might even give you $$$
This one was dedicated to Nana, my only hope for anything.
1 failure |
be daring
2003 27 June :: 6.40pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Aqua- Barbie Girl
a nice day
Today was really very nice. I went to Casa Maya with Dorina, my mom, and Peter. It was good, since my mom paid for both of. Haha, that's basically the only reason I brought her along. I had Enchiladad, good stuff. I ate two of them. Dorina had an "ozzy style" burrito. Or at least in my mind it was... We walked around Greenville for a while, and the Unit is trying to turn my brother gay. I swear to god, he loves the song "barbie Girl" by Aqua now. I put on some Jigga, but it didn't work. Argh, who cares. People are people. And he's only four.
Today there was nothing really on my mind, except.... NANA! Jk, he's Gerhard's cousin. 17... Not bad... But anyway, I didn't feel depressed or anything. Not that I do often, I'm just saying. Ha, we saw Austin and Will at Genero's. Those are like the only people not away on vaca or at camp. Anyway, I'm out for now. Too bored for words. Yet pretty happy.
be daring
2003 25 June :: 2.03pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Spongebob and gang- The fool who ripped his pants
It's actually pretty annoying, playing tennis from 4-6. It's kinda hard hanging out with my girls, cuz usually we do something at like 2. And that means I'll only have two hours to hang out, and that kinda sucks. Plus, Maxi is leaving on Saturday. She's going to Cali, so I'll miss her. I have to hang out with her at least once before she leaves. But it's only wednesday, plenty of time. Tomorrow, I'll try waking up a little early so we'll have more time to do something. Anyway, tennis is getting more fun and I'm always pretty happy to go there. Too bad it's only three weeks :-(. Oh well, I'm going to Denmark too so it's ok... I'm out for now. It's hot, enjoy the weather!
be daring
2003 24 June :: 8.40pm
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: Cry Me A River [remix]- Justin Timberlake feat. 50 Ceeent
not much really
Today was pretty nice. Hung out around the house in the morning, and went to this girl/friend for an hour or so. I had tennis at four so I couldn't stay for long.
I'm so fuking pissed at Lee though... Everyone hates him, at some point I'm gonna tell him off. He seriously has no business even playing here. He acts like he's the person in charge, he's only 18, he's not. Linda is... And everyone talks behind his back. I dont' feel bad for him though, he deserves it. And then David started another exercise a little too son and instead of just telling him, Lee goes to Linda (that tattle tail) and tells her to tell David to continue the previous exercise. He can't even tell him himself. He's such a coward. This really makes me feel ashamed of my hair and eye color, cuz he has blonde hair and blue eyes just like me. He's pathetic. Just pathetic...
I didn't hang out a lot with Gerhard and David today. I was more with Kern, he's the sweetest thing. So nice. We talk a lot, and there's never an akward pause. We're so different, that's probably why it's so much fun. I love it, it goes by way to quick. I wish it would never end, and I even feel myself improving each day. It's wonderful!
be daring
2003 24 June :: 12.44pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Fat Bitch- 50
A little survey---stolen, but who will know?
Name: Mette
Do you like it?: What do you think? No, of course I don't. I hate it.
Nicknames: Marshy, Marshy, Jeeb (only to Maxi), MarshMasterJeeb (only to Maxi), Metty (to some...)
Screen names: MarshyMarshy
Birthday: January 18th, 89
Sign: Capricorn
Location: NY
School: Edgemont
Status: busy. Jk, single
Crush: no one right now. Maybe one of the boys...
Natural hair color: blonde
Current hair color: Still the same blonde
Eye color: blue
Height: 5'10" (or somethin like that)
Birthplace: Gentofte, Denmark
Shoe size: 9 or 9.5
[ family ]
Parents: Dorte and Mads (now you understand my name, huh huh?)
Siblings: A lot. Peter, Jacob, Kristine, Annelise
Live with: mommy, stepdad, and Peter
Favorite relative: Isabel (no doubt, honey)
[ favorites ]
Number: 2
Color: Blue or Orange
Day: my birthday or christmas: dunno
Song: Pass the Courvoisier part II (never gets old)
poppy/rock music : Blink 182
real rock: I don't really like rock...
Movie: The Hurricane
Food: Foir Gras, stuff. I like lobster too
Band: NERD
Season: summer of winter
Sport: **Tennis**
Class: Social Studies
Teacher: Mr. Hoss
Drink: Coke, Baileys's
Veggie: spinach!! I don't get why people hate it...
TV Show: The Real World, That's So Raven
Radio Station: Hot 97, Power 105, z100 in needy times
Store: I don't know, there are so many
Word: bleh, I dunno. That's a dumb ass question anyway
Animal: a... let me think of something exotic... cat. Didn't work
Flower: I don't like flowers, but I guess roses
State: Cali or New York I guess
[ this or that ]
Me/You: Both
Coke/pepsi: Coke
Day/night: Night, day sucks
Aol/aim: aol
Cd/cassette: cd
Dvd/vhs: dvd
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: truck
Tall/short: tall!!
Lunch/dinner: Lunch
NSYNC/BSB: Just cuz I used to be obsessed with BSB, BSB. What can I say? I was 6. At least I'm not denying it, right?
Gap/Old Navy: Gap
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: silver
Alcohol/Weed: alcohol, of course
[Describe Your...]
Personality: Bitchy... I don't know, it would take a while to explain
Driving: Bad, jk I'm 14
Car or one you want: A black hummer, now that's a hot ass car. Or some kind of truck.
Room: Extremely ugly, very plain and white
School: It's nice. I only just moved here, less snobs. Still a lot though
Relationship with your parents:It's ok. I don't really see my dad that much
[Do You Have]
Any sisters:yes
Any brothers: yes
Any pets: Cat, THOMAS
A disease: yes, I have HIV. No, I'm pretty healthy
A pager: No, sorry
Personal phone number: Haha, no
A pool or hot tub: That's funny
A Car: please don't
[ love and relationships ]
Do you have a bf/gf?: nah
Do you have a crush?: not anymore I don't
How long have you liked him/her? wow, let's not get started
Why do you like this person?:, I have no idea why I did...
why r u single?: Boys hate me, something like that
How long was your longest relationship?: Like 2 months
How long was your shortest relationship?:wow, like 2 days
Who was your first "love"?: Well, Dan I guess
What do you miss about them?: He was sweet, I don't know...
[ the past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: I was mean to people, I should have been a lot nicer
Last thing you heard: My bro and his friend fighting
Last thing you saw: the computer sn?
Last thing you said: Peter, shut up!
Who is the last person you saw?: Tommy
Who is the last person you kissed?: When would you like to know?
Who is the last person you hugged?: I think it was Dorina or Peter
Who is the last person you fought with?: My Mom
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Dorina
What is the last TV show you saw?: Daria or somethin like that
What is the last song you heard?: Frontin'- Jay Z and PHARRELL
[ the present ]
What are you wearing?: grey shirt, grey What are you doing?: twhat do you think?
Who are you talking to?: Mike, Gerhard, and James
What song are you listening to?: none
Where are you?: upstairs
Are you online?: Yes
How are you feeling?: Kinda tired
Are you in a chatroom?: Nah
[ future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: Wednesday I believe
What are you going to do after this?: Tennis
Who are you going to talk to?: Gerhard, Nick, David, Kern, Victor, Francisco, you get the point
How old will you be when you graduate?: 18
What do you wanna be?: Lawyer or Journalist I guess...
[ have you ever ]
Drank?: yes
Smoked?: You gotta try everything out there at least once
Stolen: Hasn't everyone?
Done anything illegal?: Ya...
Wanted to die?: Not die
Hit someone?: Ya, this little freak
[ other ]
Do you write in cursive or print?: print
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
What is your sexual preference?: STRAIGHT AS A MO What piercings do you have?: Ears only
Any tattoos?: No
Do you drive?:In my mind...
Do you have glasses or braces?: neither
Did you like this survey?: It's ok, beats doing nothing
What do you most like about your body?: hair color, maybe. Texture is just nasty
Do you think you're good looking?: No
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: What do you think?
Do you look like any celebrities?: For some reason people say Drew Barrymore, but I guess they were retarded. Cuz obviously not
[ fashion ]
Do you wear a watch?:Nope
How many coats and jackets do you own?: I don't know, some
Favorite pants/skirt color?: hmm, I don't care
most expensive item of clothing?: Riley Shirt, way overprized.
Most treasured?: I like it all
What kind of shoes do you wear?: Wow, don't ask that. Bright colors usually
1 failure |
be daring
2003 23 June :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: 21 Questions- 50 (just cuz it's really good)
depressed-- for no reason at all
Today was actually pretty good. I had McDonalds for lunch, together with my mom and my brother. Seems lame I know, but sometimes it's pretty great just spending quality time with your family. I'm playing tennis these days as you might know, and I had to be at SMS at four. When I was sitting in the car, I was pretty nervous I don't know why I just get that sometimes. I haven't seen any of them for a year, that's probably why. I felt like a little kid again, meeting new friends. But it was all good, when K came over and hugged me. Damn, he's sweet. It wasn't as much fun as I had expected, I don't know why nothing has changed. They're all still there, and things haven't change. We're all a happy family. Hold up... Wait one second... Steven wasn't there. Wow, I miss him. I missed him today too, people don't know where he is. I wish I had his number of his e-mail address or something. But I don't. I'll ask Greg tomorrow, he might know where he is.
I don't know what Lee was doing bringing back his balls to the court, everyone hates him. Not very wise making racial or national jokes, when everyone there is either foreign or another race. Just cuz he's a little blond haired, blue eyed fatty doesn't mean he can do stuff like that to others. I was sitting there, talking to Nick and Gerhard and all of a sudden he comes up all macho (hehe, he thinks): "Linda (the boss) would not appreciate you eating ice cream on the court, so go over there and eat it there." I was like, fine be that was. I didn't say it, but thought it and I just left with Nick. But then he looked at me and went "Especially you!". Are you fuking kidding me? I should talk to Linda, I could get him fired you know... Maybe I should tell him that. He's a loser, LEE I HATE YOU. Everyone hates him, he can just fuk off and leave everyone be. I'm kinda mad because of that.
It was so weird, while we were doing runnign exercises I got like this astma attack (I don't even have astma). And I seriously couldn't run for 10 minutes. I don't know what happened, maybe I didn't drink enough water or something. W/e, no one cares. I didn't die.
Maybe that's why I feel kinda depressed right now. Last year I had no worries, I didn't feel like I had to prove myself to anyone. I didn't care if people called me a bitch, or if people hated me now. I feel like I have to be a better person, even though everyone still acts the same. I guess I'm just being stupid, cuz no one cares how I act. I'll be me, that's all I can deal with anyway. I sould go do something crazy right now, to keep my mind off being a bitch. Or not. Tomorrow is another day, I'll chill with the guys. Yes! Looking forward to it already.
Have fun people!
be daring
2003 22 June :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: guilty
:: Music: Where Is The Love- Black Eyes Peas feat. Justin T
shyt to the shytz
First of all, I apologize with passion to my friend. The bestest of friends, you know I love you so much. Without you I would be lost, that's all there is to it. I didn't mean to hurt you with that, I just wanted to express how I felt to the world, not like anyone is reading any of this anyway. That's why I wrote it don't you see? I was scared... I'm ok now though, all thanks to you. You're such a sweet child, you make me feel like a Baileys's shake. And that's a good thing, I tell you.
Second time, I'm writing today; ha, I have no life but what's new? Dorina and me went to this boring ass barbecue. Or could you call it that? There was no meat there, only pasta and some other crap. And the kids there were annoying. Fortunaly, Scarsdale Village was really close by so we just got ice cream and walked around for a bit. Tennis is starting tomorrow, and I am over excited. It's gonna be a lot of fun, actually.
be daring
2003 22 June :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Aw Nah- Nappy Roots
Potter rocks my world, and more...
Today was basically Harry Potter all day. I dont' really consider today much of a "day" I ddi nothing. That's probably because I woke up at like 12, and then I just read. I can really read a lot, when I set my mind to it, I already finished half of HP, and I only got it yesterday... It's really good, except that Harry is really uspet in the whole book. Except when he's around Cho Chang of course. A lot of stuff happens though, it's the best book. I think it's the best Harry Potter book yet! So all of you cool people reading it have something to look forward to. I feel really bad for my entry yesterday, a lot of stuff was running through my veins in there. But I guess I was smart enough not to diss anyone, that would have been stupid. Not that anyone reads this, at all. I think two people have read my entries. Whatever though, that's not why I'm writing. I write to get stuff out, to feel good. I like writing, even though I suck. But who cares? I'm not gonna end up being a journalist either. Plus, I only write well when I don't intend to. So I'm basically lost, and I have given up all hope for taking that path.
Anyway, away from my poor writing skills. You know sometimes when you're depressed for no reason what so ever? I do that all the time. It's horrible, why do people do that. Cuz I have a feeling I'm not the only one. I mean you're allowed to feel depressed if your boyfriend broke up with you, or if you and your best friend are having a fight, or if someone died?But I think it should be forbidden to be depressed for no reason. Sometimes I just sit and feel depressed. I don't cry, I never cry. I'm not very emotional like that. And then I think to msyelf "why are you depressed?" and I don't have an answer. It scares me, I know that sounds weird. But I scare myself all the time.
You know the other day I was thinking... How when I was 12, and first started to hit puperty I never thought my teen years would be hard or emotionally challenging. I was so nice to my parents, respectful. They loved me, I had a baby brother, friends that loved me. There were no complicattiosn at first, except whether to wear the grey or the blue sweater. I barely care about that anymore. I like clothes and stuff, but it's not an obsession anymore. Not like it used to be. I wish I was that age again, everyone loved everyone and no one was mean to each other. At least not the way we're mean to each other now. But it's ok, things change. I don't mind, that's the way it is. I know all of these stupid people use it, but it's true "Life's a bitch and then you die..." It's very true though. There are some good things in life, but most are bad and should be banned. I don't even think peopel that do lots of volunteer work to help other people, are really happy in the end. I've tried it, ti does not make you feel any better. Sometimes it's just tirering, and it doesn't help at all. So what was the point of this entry you ask? Nothing! It's just me writing about stuff that wanders my mind sometimes. My mind is like that, jumps from one thing to another. I'm just writing what I feel. Don't kill me, please.
be daring
2003 21 June :: 11.04pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Jay Z feat. PHARRELL- Frontin'
nothing-- as usual
People that do exciting stuff everyday are lucky. Waaay lucky... Mad lucky. W/e, u want it to be. I did nothing for the past two days, at least nothing that excites me. I consider myself pretty enthousiastic and outgoing when I'm around the right people. But these days, it seems like there's nothing random or fun to do. I'm the girl who dances in the rain, when everyone sits inside. I'm the girl who dances to the Mexican music outside Casa Maya. I'm th girl who throws popcorn at the fat people. That's me! I don't feel like I can live my true identity these days. I'm way bored, and I feel like I'm growing. Growing away from my friends, not with them. One of my best ones here, I feel we're growing apart. She's finding new friends, and it seems like she wants to be with them rather than me. She has more of a craving to be accepted than me, that's probably why. I really don't care that much what people think, I do what I want when I want to. I guess that's why people hate me so much. But my friend, she really wants to be accepted I think and these new people she's hanging out with are considered cool. I think they're nice and stuff, but they don't have a desire to become friends with me. I know where to step down, and I don't look for people. People look for me... That's probably why I have no friends.
Summer is great though, except for all of these emotions running through my head. Each day seems to grow more challenging. I wish I was the little 5 year old once again, with 5 different boy friends and no worries at all. I kinda enjoy sometimes just sitting at home doing nothing. I guess in that aspect I'm kind of a loner, but that's ok. I hang out with my friends anyway. I went grocery shopping with my mom, just to be nice. And it rained so hard, and of course I went out and just stood there. It's pretty refreshing actually, it wasn't that cold either. Rain is my good friend, even though it has kept me company long enough. I think it's being selfish, shouldn't sun be able to chill wit me too? Huh huh huh? What up wit dat, huh Rainy? Alright, I'll stop acting like a dork. I'm not saying this for attention, I hate people that do that. For an example, durng Science about two weeks ago we were talking about people being different. And the guy that thinks he's waaay different comes up and goes "well, then I guess you can't look at me" or something stupid like that. First of all he's not different, and second of all if he really was different he wouldn't be saying somethin dumb like that. It's not about how you dress, or how you act really. It's mostly about what you think, and what do with those thoughts. Well, I guess it's his problem I don't really care. Oh, and by the way I'm getting really annoyed with people always telling you what to wear and what not to wear. It doesn't matter, not that I have the most "different" style. But it doesn't matter, people should do and wear and say what they want. No restrictions. It's stupid. Well, enough about my chattering...
Today was boring, got Harry Potter of course. Graaand book, I'm already on Chapter 15. It's pretty amazing, Harry seems to have finally gone through puperty. Finally, he's fifteen damnit. So I just read all day. Then at seven or so, I left to go to Shruti's surprise party. Most boring ting I've ever gone to. Wow... Pretty crazy. All we did was eat, and she already knew we were gonna do it for her. And there were only like five people there. Boredom. Right now I'm at home, watching my brother as usual. I should start charging my parents for these services, but oh well. Tennis is starting monday, and I'm excited. Love all of u guys: Excited to c all of u. C u soon, love to the brothers; Gerhard, Kern, David, Steven (even tho I don't know if you're still there, call me I miss you), Tomba (yaa boy), Alb, and Nick too. We'll have more fun this year. Some are missing out, like Dorina, but she'll realize at some point (I hope) what she missed. Anyway,
I'm out...
Once again, have an AMAZING summer all of you!
be daring
2003 19 June :: 9.21pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Excuse me Miss- Jay Z feat. PHARRELL
Ya, I'm bored. Today was another day of doing nothing, except today I really didn't do anything at all. I woke up, with a very pleasant phone call from Mrs. Eves that I haven't handed in my Spanish text Book... I guess I gotta pay her $50 for that damn book, even though it ain't even worth $10. But w/e, life goes goes.
My mom made me stay in all day, she made me clean like the entire house. Pretty horrible, she's mad at me for no reason. We went to Lord & Taylor, cuz my mom had to return some shyt, and just when I actually foudn soemthing in there that I liked we had to elave cuz my darling little brother had some kind of play date! We picked him up, and basically I spend the rest of the day playing the Sims. Just like Maxi actually... Tomorrow, hopefully, will be a little more well "fiesty". I don't know, just bored. And it doesn't even feel like summer. BOO HOO!
be daring
2003 17 June :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Color Blind- Counting Crows
bleeh-- stuff I wonder about
You know I wonder sometimes... I wonder about life. I dream about life, whatever I do it tears my brain apart. These are the thinfs I often wonder about
1. Why are people never happy?
2. Why do people take what they have for granted? (We all live in Edgemont, deal with it)
3. Why can't everyone just get along?
4. And why doesn't the "superior" race be happy for once?
5. Why is love stupid?
There's a lot more I think about, but these are the main ones. Let's start at number 1. Why are people never happy? yes, please why is that? No matter how you have, how much you spend, how much you do, you can never seem to just be happy. I know I have moments when I come hom and feel extremely happy and hyper, and other days I come home and feel depressed. I guess that's normal. But a person is never just happy. I guess it's impossible. I wish I was 4, everything was so easy then.
Why do people take things for granted? yes, why is that. I do it too, I'm not saying I don't but it still freaks me out. I, and most of us, live a really good life. Most of us can basically buy whatever we want, whenever we want. Sometimes when I see people on tv that have nothing, I think about it. People should be more happy. You know you could be a sick child in Africa with HIV right now, I know that's a horrific example but you hear me right? It's discusting, I hope everyone realizes this. You have a good life, get over yourself everyone!
3. Why are people always in fights, and why can't we just all get along? Why is there always so much drama. Nothing is resolved, and no one is happy. I always feel like screaming "Shut up, you won't remember this when you're 80", cuz you won't. The drama has to stop, people, no one likes it. It's good for nothing, and rotten.
4. I got the scoop I think on everything going on at my school, between the superior races. You know who you are, popular people. They seem to have more drama than me and my friends. It's crazy, they all live amazing lives and I don't know why they are always so dramatic. The Notorious (vocab word...) BIG once said, "more money, more problems". And he's right, only I'm gonna use different words. "More friends, more problems". I guess it's like that, I'm just telling of you: stop it, you don't know how many others are jealous of you.
5. Yes, and WHY oh WHY is love stupid? Just plain stupid... There's really nothing more to say about that, except that I know what it feels like...
Peace, have a great summer everyone. I know I will!!
<3 Kern
1 failure |
be daring