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Down for the count...

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:: 2005 25 February :: 11.01 pm
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm

"You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal"
ahh love that song....

(all the following takes place in the hall goin to 6th hour)
Andy: Hey Rachel *pauses* will you go on a date with me?
Me: Aww I would love too...but I can't until I'm 16...
Andy: Oh....ok....well when do you turn 16? Cause I'll call your dad and ask him and stuff...
Me: *laughing* April 29
Andy: Ok, that's not that far away, you're worth waiting for *kisses my cheek* (in which he got yelled at for!)
Me: *blushes furiously and walks away*

he is Sooooooooo sweet! lol i love Andy to death....actually, i've decided that i use love way to easily. I don't Really love him, I like him. he's a really close friend that i've had forever. I need to stop using love so freely. I'm going to end up getting hurt for that one of these days.

I want to buy 'The Notebook' and watch it over and over again. It was such a good story line.

mom brought home a dog she found abandoned at Wal-Mart. It's a really pretty bird dog and everyone loves least when they aren't trying to sleep apparently. I keep getting yelled at because the "dog needs some water", "the dog needs some food", "the dog needs to go outside" and on and on its like omg leave me alone and do it yourself!
ehh it's driving me mad.
I want to name her Jezabelle...just because she looks like a Jezabelle. They want to name her Brittany....she is a Brittany Bird Dog. it's like omg how gay is that?!
retarded people. I do not want to live with them any longer....but my computers here so i shall...

_Freak_ on a _Leash_


:: 2005 24 February :: 10.56 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Black Dog - Led Zeppelin

Just watched Van Wilder

"umm it's still warm!!"
"I think I've had this before..."
--- ---
"I am the shit"
"oh you will be"

*sighs* you just gotta love that movie


:: 2005 24 February :: 6.53 pm
:: Mood: grumpy
:: Music: This I gotta see - Andy Griggs

I have laundry. That's the one thing I always have to do. Sucks, but ehh. Instead of walking down to Taylor and Ashley's rooms though, I put their clothes on this little shelf in the hallway going down the stairs. Taylor had put her bag on the shelf and I was trying to scoot it over to put her clothes there and the fucking thing fell off and squished my foot to shit. I think it's broken, dad said it looks that way too. It's swollen so freakin bad and I can't move my foot from the middle toe down. lmao it's hilarious because it's retarded but it really hurts :(

I've had to much coffee in to short of a time so I'm like really fucked up right now.

tuna fish sounds good for some reason. I usually don't like to eat it that much but I think I'm gonna go see if we have any

[edit] - heh, we gots tuna!


:: 2005 24 February :: 5.05 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

lol here's a few pictures of me that Taylor (little sis) took for no reason whatsoever. it's funny though.

Free Image Hosting at
me putting on what i live for: lipgloss

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me and my hot straw....

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just a picture...not my best...ehh

Free Image Hosting at
saving best for last is me biting taylors nose. heh, so funny

now, im gonna go sleep

5 <3 | <3

:: 2005 23 February :: 9.41 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Broken Road - Rascal Flatts

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
I was dying in geometry today. I was having like a coughing fit and I absolutly could not talk and I could barely breath. I kept trying to tell Mrs. Christman that I needed to go get a drink. She ignored me. I finally just get up and leave and go try to quit coughing. I come back like 10 minutes later and she starts bitching at me about how I'm "not supposed to just leave class like that" and how I'm "not allowed in the hallways during class" and she just kept going on and on. I was like "omg I tried to get your attention but you kept blabbing on and ignoring me though you Had to have seen my hand in the air for ten freakin minutes!" hmm....harmless enough....but of course she sent me to the principals. He excused it and said that she should have let me go when I first started coughing and that she's a fucking retard...heh...ok I made that last bit up but yeah, he should have said it...

Found out that Nicole and Karl are still together yesterday. That was Quite the shock for sure. He said he didn't know if they were together still or not, but yesterday she asked if I had "heard from [her] boyfriend" so I was like oh....ok....
It'll be ok though...I Hope...ehh

I have decided that mom is bipolar

hmmm everyone is starting to add me to their friends list...ok that's a major lie. I think I'm only the "friend of" about....5 people at max. That's ok though....*big smile*

hmm...made a typo today.
Very funny....then again really fucking I made it at school and got yelled at for being at "that kind of website!"
_check it out folks_

Well....good luck to those of you who like someone...heh....


lol love them. so cute


6 <3 | <3

:: 2005 21 February :: 12.32 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Little Sister - Queens of the Stone Age

my journal really pisses me off. I absolutly hate how i know nothing about computers at all, and i can't figure out anything about them.
i want to change my username because i am no longer obsessed with butterflies, i don't like the colors of my journal, i don't like the background.
I really want something that has to do with 3 Doors Down, Coldplay, Green day, or Smile Empty Soul. Now, seeing as how i know nothing, i don't even know if there are backgrounds with any of them.
I am completely helpless...but that's ok
I haven't heard from Karl since the 15th. I know that aint Really that long, but i'm still upset. i don't really have anything to be worried about seeing as how he's just in training and not over seas or anything, but....well i don't know. i worry to much about everything, so, send the guy i love away for 6 months and yeah, i'm bound to be a little crazy.
but that's ok too. He'll be fine...
dad said he could come down this summer for a while. yay!

Kelly, i love "little sister" and i just sit here and listen to it all the time now. wonderful song. I shall never doubt your taste in music ever again...well....not that i did anyways...umm....*runs away*

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:: 2005 20 February :: 10.04 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Monday Morning Church - Alan Jackson / Patty Loveless

Last night I went to a party at KC's house. Hardly anyone was there, so we all decided to watch a movie. I was the only one who had what we wanted to watch (Dodgeball) and so KC, Caleb and I all go to my house to get it. While I was looking around for it, Caleb and KC did some my underwear drawer. They stole two of my thongs and when we got back to KC's, they put them on and wrestled. It was really freaking funny...but disgusting at the same time. They both had a hairy ass and their balls were hanging out and their dick always fell out...lmao it was just crazy. Anyways, at the end of the night they decided that they had best take them off and give them back to me. Being the generous person that I am, I let them keep them.
No way in hell will I ever touch them again.

3 <3 | <3

:: 2005 18 February :: 7.23 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Broken - Seether / Amy Lee

Dead or Dying
I'm either getting strep throat or broncitis or however you spell it. Dad says broncitis mom says strep. I swear I'm going to die. I woke up at 7, after only four hours of sleep, to Trevor crying because nobody was home. mom and dad were at work, Ashley was at grammas and Taylor was at a friends. He was pissed. I finally got him to go back to sleep...after I cooked him breakfast and he watched Rescuers Down Under. I was ready to pass out by then from all the Sudafed I had taken. Ashley came and got him at around 11, and so I slept then after I had finished cleaning up the kitchen and started laundry. I woke up at twelve famished so I fixed a sandwich and ended up dropping the mayo jar and it went everywhere. omg I hate the smell of that shit, but I like it on my sandwich. After I cleaned that mess up I get on here for a while and eat half my sandwich and then at about 2 I went back to sleep and I just got up like 20 minutes ago.
Great day....
I might go over to Tessi's Saturday and then we're going to go over to KC's with Chelsi. Ryan, whom is in love with Tessi, will be there and KC of course, who is Chelsi's boyfriend....where does that leave Rachel? Reading the book that I'm bringing of course. Fun Fun Fun. I don't see why I can't get a boyfriend...well an Older boyfriend. Like every freakin freshman likes me and it's completely horrible. I got a dozen roses from Jon...yes, a freshman...for V-Day Even thought I have turned him down all 5 times he has asked me out. Pathetic....but the roses were pretty so they're still on my dresser lol.
Um...well that's pretty much it. oooh Kelly added me as a friend again *happy dances* I feel loved now...*big sigh*
omfg I told Doug that I had used like every freakin Kleenex in the house and he's like "That horny huh? wow...." I was like "ummm" lol how the hell do you reply to that? Ahh the craziness!


:: 2005 14 February :: 5.47 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Mockingbird - Eminem

last night i was switching laundry and i found one of those things, like the pointers that pull out really long and then you can like push it all together and make it small when you're not using it. anyways, it had a magnet on it because its main purpose is to put it down in like sink drains and get stuff thats fallen into them. anyways, i was like flicking it and the magnet flys off and hits my shower door. it shatters. i got yelled at for like 30 minutes straight from mom, dad just laughed, and then mom cooled down and it was all ok. i didn't even get grounded. i was so scared though. i had to take all the glass out of the door frame that hadnt fallen. i got cut like so many times. it was actually pretty fun though. well, not getting cut but like messing with the glass because...well i dont know why but it was still fun.
anyways, happy valentines day...even though i dont think anyone reads this piece of shit.


:: 2005 10 February :: 5.58 pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: Let me be in love - Tracy Byrd

Weeeeeeeell....i was doing great just sitting here eating, not doing anything...and then i dropped ketchup on my pants. that kind of ruined the "laid back" mood i was in. anyways, im not supposed to be on here because i got grounded for ooooh about 2 weeks. so gay. it wasn't even my fault but im not going to go into it.
but, i should be getting off before i get caught and sentenced to another week or two. that would be horrible

<3 | Random Journal