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Down for the count...

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:: 2004 17 June :: 12.16 pm
:: Mood: bored

i dont know what to do because he dont ever talk to me anymore. he doesnt answer my emails or if hes on messenger and i mesage him then he just dont answer me, he goes to "busy" mode, or he just simply goes offline. god ya know i feel like a freakin stalker because i keep trying to get him to talk to me but he WonT
With better news, i have to get eye surgery. my eye got cut last summer, never healed, and then 2 nights ago it cut open even worse. it hurts like constantly and so yep, getta go get eye surgery yay!
Im extreamly bored so im going to go so bye.

9 <3 | <3

:: 2004 14 June :: 3.55 pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: Save a horse (ride a cowboy) - Big & Rich

I just apologized for yelling at him...then he "might not respond because he is set to busy". so...I don't know what to think. It might be someone else in his family but I don't know. I'm done with it. We need to talk to see if were going to stay together or not, but he'll have to approach me first.
Anyways, the weather finally made it up to 95 degrees. Dad has yet to fix the a/c so I'm going to like have a heat stroke. I'm all alone, and I need to do the floor, but it is way to hot to do anything. I did the dishes and almost freakin passed out it was so hot. lol I'm pamperd, I'm not used to the hot weather. Everyone went to Neosho because mom had a yearly checkup and Taylor might have broken her hand (she spent the night with her friend Lamore, and fell down the stairs twice. Just remember I never said she was bright) and she had to get it x-rayed and so everyone just went along to go shopping, and I was going to, but I woke up with a killer migraine, and sitting in front of this stupid computer is killing me, but yeah...I want to talk to Kelly. Anyways, yeah, they were going to go shopping too and I'm missing out :-( probably gonna get chinese food too :'( I hate making faces, just wish there was a little "pick the face you want" thingy like on MSN or Yahoo! messenger. *sighs* oh well. I've got to go pee so later.

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:: 2004 14 June :: 2.47 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: A place to fall apart - Merle Haggard

Leave it to Me
ok...I like...just broke up with Kelly I think...but I dont think so. omg I got mad because he wasn't talking and just spilt my heart. I don't even fucking know if it was him! I'm so Stupid! omg I love him so much I don't even have him in my life. He's Never around anymore, and damnit I'm his girlfriend and we live so far away and I have to see him you know? But I can't. He got on earlier, after like 2 weeks being gone again, and the First fucking thing he said was about how he was so happy because there was a new game center thing being set up and he knew the owners. Didn't even bother giving me a simple hello. I don't know, maybe it was for the best, but...well I don't know. I just want him happy, and I don't think he was happy with me. Guess I'll never know now. He didn't talk all through it, and he still hasn't talked to me. I don't want him gone from my life. Ever. I hope he thinks this is for the best too and doesn't shun me or anything.


:: 2004 14 June :: 11.56 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: I swear - John Michael Montgomery

I miss my baby
I love Kelly. I know Kelly loves me. I'm just not so sure that he's In love with me. I miss him so much, and I just want to talk to him and...oh well. I guess maybe his computers messed up again, or maybe hes to busy to get on, or his parents won't let him get on or something. I mean...well I don't know what I mean. I suppose it will all work out in the end. Whether we stay together or not, things will have to work out.


:: 2004 10 June :: 2.45 pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Amsterdam - Coldplay

Time off
I am taking a break from msn is all I suppose, because yeah contact through email. anyways, no talking to anyone directly.
Haha I just cut my hair because I was in a bad mood and it didn't turn out much as planned. lmao I cut it so I would have another layer in front, and now I just pretty much got bangs. lol they're long enough that I can just brush them off to the side. Ashley and Taylor was all like "omg moms going to kill you!!" dont pay much attention to me, and most definitly not to my hair. psychos. anyways, yeah I'm an emotional hair cutter. get called a name, cut my hair, ruin my favorite shirt, cut my hair. lol I've actually gotten quite good over the years....except this time. oh well, its just hair it shall all grow back :D

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:: 2004 9 June :: 12.34 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Whiskey lullaby - Brad Paisly/Allison Krauss

No smoking around Butterfly. Thankyou for your co-operation.



I am so tired. good night all

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:: 2004 8 June :: 9.43 am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Rough and Ready - Trace Adkins

lmfao oh hell I just painted Trevors nails. Ahh funny. He was like "oh my God I'm going to be So beautiful!" and giggling and moving around. lmao I swear he better not turn out gay but I am starting to wonder. Of course he's only around's never around so though he has a father, he's not exactly got the male figure to look up to. lol anyways, yeah I feel like painting nails today so I'm going to make Taylor take her nail polish off and I'm going to repaint hers.
Trevors ain't to bad's just this really shiny silver stuff. Oh it's called Baby Blue Crystal, and yeah I suppose it does look a lil blue in the light...more silver though. lol anyways...yeah will be going now

omG so gay, this thing won't do some of the AlT command things *pouts*


:: 2004 8 June :: 9.24 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Sick and tired of being sick and tired - Cross Canadian Ragweed/LeeAnn Womack

Talked to Kelly yesterday for the first time in a Long time. Didn't exactly go as I had thought it would. I don't know maybe it's just me that's fucked up.
I just couldn't get myself to call her Chloe, so it's back to Paige. That name is sticking no matter what.
I keep getting introduced to all these new people by the friends I already have, and then those other people add me to their MSN so I just go ahead and add them too, but then we like never talk again. So I have like a thousand people on MSN now that I don't even remember. It's truely just wonderful.
Karl finally got back from his trip. lol he looks like a lobster. He's all red except for thin little strips on his shoulders that's just white as could be from his wifebeater. Funny Funny.
I have the kids to myself today. yay *rolls my eyes* Mom promised them I would take them to the creek this afternoon. omG I know, just so nice of her! I would just as well tell them to fill the pool up with the waterhose and have at it in the back yard, but they much perfer the creek as every psychotic kid that wants to be biten by a water snake does. Just wonderful. I think I shall stay out of the water on this outing.


:: 2004 6 June :: 10.28 am
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: Leave (Get Out) - JoJo

Especially the ones that go off right after you've sat down, and spray your ass. Dont'cha just hate that?

What pisses you off?

Created by ptocheia

Lmao now THAT is truely funny. haha
...yeah why sign my name I know who I am, and if your reading my journal then you must know who I am too

Ahh named the Rat. New name is Chloe....yes I wanted it to be Paige, but the family wouldn't stop bitching about how "they didn't like that name" and "that name doesn't fit her" I caved in. No I'm not a total pushover, I just hate when my family speaks -.-


:: 2004 5 June :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Yeah - Usher

I want a mirror above my bed when I start having sex....

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