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:: 2004 26 May :: 3.41 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Wasting My Time - Default

ROMANTIC ONE. The really most most most important
for you is that she/he is romantic. You love it
to get love letters, red roses and be in a
romantic atmosphere. He/She must make you think
that you are the most beautiful of all. When
he/she is romantic she/he has got you in his
hands. When he/she tells you all that he/she
feels for you, you are devoted to him/her. At
this point you are easy to be tempt. Your heart
is soft and pure and you would never cheat as
long as you love your partner. But if he cheats
you, you are not hiding your feelings and show
how much she/he hurt you because you trusted in
him/her and never thought he/she could do this
to you.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla

lol yes another quiz result. what can i say? im addicted.
this one actually hit right on. i love romance.
~As always~
Pst, I love that picture and I want that dress!!! lol


:: 2004 26 May :: 3.21 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Leave(Get out) - JoJo

Ahh!!! I just got my grade card, and I thought I was going to end up failing everything because of finals, but no!! I didn't fail anything!!! yay! ahh I'm so happy now. I got A's, 2 A+'s 2 B+'s and then one B-. curse Algebra and it's confusingness. why must i find what x is for always?!? *cries*
Damn my sister, shes fucking smart. she got all A+'s. err! anyways, she studies and gets all her shit done, so I suppose I could be happy for her too...*pouts*
lol anyways, I'm going to go feed Savannah so later

4 <3 | <3

:: 2004 26 May :: 9.39 am
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: It's gonna be love - Mandy Moore

Ashley finds it highly amusing to embarrass me to no limits while I'm talking to everyone on msn. she always just hits random keys, then shes like "sorry there was a spider on the keyboard", and its really old because she does it to everyone all the time! but, she is rather funny from time to time. the other 97% of the time she should die. all fairness i bet im annoying as hell to her too.
Earlier she was really hyper, and I called her gay because of something that she said, which I dont even remember now, and so she started throwing things at me, and she got dads tool box and threw a pair of wire cutters, but made them land on the couch thank God because I would now be dead, and it ended up ripping the couch, and taking a chunk of the padding out, so we both flip out and go look at it, and then she punches me and i punch her back and just...yeah lol my arm hurts. anyways, she went to my aunts to help her clean her house, and shes making me sew up the couch which sucks but oh well, i suppose to save my sisters ass...its the old couch anyways, i doubt mom and dad would care to much, were gonna get rid of it before to long anyways.
My updates are going to start getting duller and duller because i have absolutly Nothing to do during the summers. we stay home and watch taylor and trevor and clean house. every day. yeah the house is like freaking spotless during the summers, all because moms a psychopath who has to have everything spotless and shinning. us 4 have our moments, but its always those "you'd have to be here for it" things, that no one but those actually here would find amusing.
anyways, i want a waffle, but its way to late to be eatting breakfast, so ill hold off for another 3 hours and eat one then *sighs*


:: 2004 26 May :: 12.37 am
:: Mood: lethargic
:: Music: It's Gonna be Love - Mandy Moore

I didn't talk to anyone today. well ok I just got done talking to Doug, but we only talked for like 10 minutes because apparently he has some band audition tomorrow and he's going to sleep. Kelly signed on, but he never said anything, and I'm not supposed to message him first becaus his msn signes him in automatically and I don't exactly want to say something...not sexual ; ) him and it be his father. That would be rather awkward. Anyways, it was probably some one other then him.
Ashley went to prom with this Andrew guy, and yes, I did threaten him...but they've not stopped talking on the phone since then. He calls like 2-3 times a week, and they talk way into the wee hours (which always makes her bitchy the next day of course) and they're talking right now, but our cordless phone quit working for some reason, and so she had to use the one with the cord in the kitchen, and she stole the computer chair and so now I'm using the uncomfortable kitchen chairs, which, though they are pretty, hurt my ass. majorly. not a good thing to hurt my ass. it shall pay later when my use for it is over.
I was doing dishes by hand (moms psychotic and decided I needed to do them by hand this summer instead of using the brand new dishwasher we bought...yeah. I guess to save gas or something since it's so high anymore) and I was like shakey for somereason and I ended up breaking 2 cups, 2 plates and like 4 bowls. lmfao we're going to have to keep buying more dishes if I keep this up. anyways, I didn't mean to, I was crying and frankly, mom didn't get mad at me, she just told me to be more careful, and that I'll need to do better at it for when I get married. Ha. I will so be the proud owner of a WonderFul dishwasher when I'm married thank you very much mother. Pshh don't know what she was thinking saying that.
Lately I have been like addicted to A Walk To Remember. I watch it at least twice every day. usually once in the morning and then late at night. lol that's how Ash managed to swipe the computer chair, I was in my room watching it, though it was the 3 time I've watched it today, watched it twice in a row tonight and then in the afternoon during lunch I watched it. Truely and great movie, though I bawl my eyes out Every Single Time I watch it. Guess I feel like crying lately or something.
Kelly and I talked on microphone Monday night. I talk to loud in the mic though *blushes* I have a loud voice and I can't help it lol. His voice is soooo sexy *giggles* ahh that's something to dream about right there I tell you. Ahh do I love that man.
Alright, I think I'm done with this update, I'm off to play pool. I'm so addicted to pool now, I didn't even know how to play it, but at school Caleb was playing it in Business, and...yeah, I got caught on it. lol I can't really play though, when I have the actual stick thingy in my hand. Once, we all went to this bowling ally thing, and there were no lanes open, so we decided to, of course, play pool, and when I hit that one ball that you're supposed to hit to hit the other balls (yeah I told yall I don't know nothing about the game) I hit it to hard and it flew off the table thing and hit this old guy in the back of the leg and dead legged him, which yeah almost made him fall. lmfao I felt so horrible and of course all my friends wouldn't leave me alone about it, and from time to time yeah they still remind me of it. It's all good though, it was funny I suppose...anyways, g'bye for now

2 <3 | <3

:: 2004 23 May :: 12.44 pm
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: King of the Road - Roger Miller

lmfao ok the youth group classroom is down in the basement, and there's a Bunch of stairs to go down, so this morning on my way down there, being my gracefull self of course, I manage to fall down the last like maybe 10-15 stairs. lmfao my skirt flys up around my waist my shoe flys over and almost hits just funny. I twisted my ankle, but it's not too bad, and it Was slightly embarrassing, but they all know me to be a clutz so I didn't mind so much. anywhos, lunch is ready and we gotta hurry up and eat because we have to go to Julie's graduation. lol we get to watch Brooklynn while Julie's doing her thing. yay! I'm a still her from Ashley and Grandma mwahahaha!

2 <3 | <3

:: 2004 22 May :: 6.02 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Suga Suga - Baby Bash

HAHA, you're the fun kind of know when
you do embarassing stuff, pass out, and then
when you wake up you can't remember? Yeah
that's who you at least that's what I
say. Word of advice...drink WITH people, you
don't want anyone sober recalling events!

What kind of drunk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Haha...I don't even drink....but oh well. lol I'm like freaking ADDICTED to quizilla. fun fun stuff there.
Well I have to go fold all the laundry Ashleys let pile up because shes a Biotch and never does it.
alrighty lata lata bugga hata
lmfao my best friend in 6th grade used to sign that at the bottem of her letters...i still dont get it :s


:: 2004 22 May :: 1.48 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Bottem of a Bottle - Smile Empty Soul

lmfao ok we got like 3 lawnmowers, and like all of them died and mom started flipping out because she needed to mow. we mow a bunch of our neighbors lawns because they're all old and it gets to hot for them to do it, aNywayS, yeah all 3 mowers stopped, and dad wasnt here to fix them, mom started freaking out and so she just went to grammpas, got his truck and went and bought another one. so, lmfao now we have 4 mowers, 3 of which dont work. dads compleatly in shock, he caint believe she actually went and bought another one. lmfao ahh so funny. now moms happily mowing away shes singing and has the "satisfied" grin she gets when shes proud of herself. funny funny funny.


:: 2004 22 May :: 10.54 am
:: Mood: enraged
:: Music: F.U.R.B. - Frankie

God my mom pisses me off so much. She went off somewhere and left me this big long ass list of stuff to do, and she just called, and when I started to ask her something she just freaking hung up on me. When I call her at work and she just doesn't want to listen to us, then she just hangs the fucking phone up. omg sometimes I swear I do hate her. Shes such....bah! I can't even come up with something to call her.
I swear one day I'm going to go on strike and NOT clean the whole house for her and we'll see how she treats me then. I clean the whole house by myself, do laundry dishes floors, bathrooms, hell I even have to hang her clothes up because she doesn't "have the patients for it" and if I don't do all this shit for her then its my ass. Dad don't help, Ashleys never around to help, Taylors always off at grammas, and Trevor, well hell hes only 5 he cain't do the housework, about all he can do is to keep his toys picked up.
ANyways, enough ranting, I suppose I could have made this shorter and simply said: My life sucks. My mother should die.
Basically sums everything up right there

Ha ok now I have my wonderful Playtex gloves on and I'm ready to clean the bathroom!!!!
Dude its freaking hard to type in these, you don't have much finger controll cuz its hard to bend 'em...BUT I still love my Playtex gloves so don't say anything bad about them or I shall have to resort to kicking your ass mwahah.


:: 2004 22 May :: 10.14 am
:: Mood: in love
:: Music: Perfect - Sarah Evans

You're a Goodbye Kiss...
You have a goodbye kiss...sweet and romantic, but
tragic. Is your beloved one leaving?

What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I don't think he's leaving...Kelly?


:: 2004 21 May :: 7.12 pm
:: Mood: dorky

garbage pail kids
You're a Garbage Pail Kid!! You're dirty, foul,
disgusting, and wrong. But you're still funny
as hell.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You ask me why
I change the color of my hair (yeah)
You ask me why
I need thirty two pairs of shoes (to wear)

You seem to ask me why I got a lot of things
It's just a chick thing... you ought to let it go
You try to understand
but you don't have a clue........

That's what girls do
Keep you guessing the whole day through
Play your emotions push all your buttons it's true
That's what girls do

You ask me why
I gotta play so hard to get (yeah)
You ask me
do I play it cool just to make you sweat (yeah)

You want some kind of explanation I can give
It's just a chick thing... that your messin' with
to me it's black and white
but it's not gettin' through to you......


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Why should I change
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.... I'm havin', too much fun
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.... to you it's confusing
to me it's nothing new


LMfao thats off of The Hot Chick. lmfao i love that movie and i have that song stuck in my head. ahh its all good.

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