2004 29 April :: 6.07 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Yeah - Usher (featuring a shit load of people)
ha ok day started out good, got bad, got better and now its awesome again. anyways, i got a 96 on my science test, i only missed 2 so yeah its ok. lol i said that the shoulder blades was the sternum instead of the scapula because i was trying to hurry up and get done and i just seen the "s" and i marked it. on the other one i think i put that the largest shin bone was the fibula instead of the tibia or something, lol whatever i got them mixed up. Soooo anyways...iv got like so many freakin cards from all my aunts and uncles and cousins. so far i got $135. lol im going shopping!! victoria secrets here i come! OMG TODAY I DID SQUATS WITH 200 POUNDS! YAY AND NOW I HURT AND IM REALLY HYPER SO BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING MORE STUPIDER IM LEAVING....
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2004 28 April :: 5.56 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Broken Wing - Martina McBride
we got finals coming up pretty soon, and today we had a small pre-test for our science ones, and chris and i were the only ones that made a hundred! yeah haha. BuT that was only a tiny ass little test with 40 questions on it. our finals gonna be like 200 questions so...yeah proabably not going to make a hundred on it : ( AnYwHo Oh mother of pearl theres like...well were building on a new wall or as mom calls it a "devider" thing right by the computer, and its not all the way up yet, just the frame of it, and so i always sit indian style in the computer chair and hold on to the frame and roll around (lol i know, i know but hey its fun!) and last night trevor got some nails and was nailing them into the frame, and yeah just sliced my finger open. lol had to tell that long no point to it story. anyways im bored, nobodys on, i think im going to go look for pictures to download. hehehe
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2004 27 April :: 5.48 pm
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: Gone Country - Alan Jackson
my birthday is thursday ill Finally be 15 *rolls my eyes*. im so much younger then everyone, but im 'bout half past give-a-shit anymore about almost everything. anyways, mom just come runnin through the door yellin at me and told me i have to "turn the computer off RIGHT NOW" so whatevers up her ass im gonna get an earful tonight bout it.
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2004 24 April :: 1.08 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Living in a moment - Ty Herndon
mom and dad havent been home much lately because of all the calls they've been getting. there hasnt been much fires because of the rain, but theres been a whole lot of first responder calls due to the rain. trevors still not old enough to understand why he cant go with them on the calls, so he crys almost every time they have to grab their gear and run out the door. i hate the fact that their both firefighters but oh well they are and they aint gonna change it because they both love it blah blah blah. anyways, i finally took some pictures. i ended up just using the polaroid, because mom had went and picked up the pictures and then she lost them from work to the house. i do not understand how she could manage that, but she did. so anyways, i need to go put them in the mail before the mailman runs by and then i cant get it sent off till monday. so yeah...later
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2004 23 April :: 7.17 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Write this down - George Strait
Every Day Life
i think i put to much stress on kelly. hes got a LOT of crap going on in his life, and...well i do not know. anyways, im going to go ahead and just pay for our journals so that it aint hanging over his head that he needs to, so that itll just be done and over with. 4 dollars, that is NOT very much. anyways, the weather here has been horrible lately, tornado watches every freaking night, thunderstorms that prevent me from getting on the computer so that it doesnt get FRIED. ahh its aggravating. storm season aint good for a computer addicts stress level. BuT its all good. kellys not going to be on tonight due to work, so im stuck with karl. lol jk i love him to death hes like the older brother i never had. lol i found our old microphone, i knew that we had one at one point but never could find it, so anyways yeah it works still and karl heard me sing...pretty bad on his part. lol alright ima go now so later
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2004 21 April :: 5.19 pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: I hate you - 3 Days Grace
last night i had yet another panic attack. it was storming really bad, we was under tornado watch and everything, and i was going to ashleys room with her to talk or something i dont remember, and she was just messing around and she shoved me down the stairs, well its like 3 steps so whatever, and i started screaming (oh i guess knowing that i have a real phobia of the dark would help in the understanding of this story) and i tried to turn on the lights but i guess the bulb had burnt out or something because i couldnt get it on, and then with the storm and all it was just crazy. i collapsed at the base of the stairs, i was bawling and hyperventalating and i couldnt breath...ahh the crazyness. but anyways today i forgot my glasses on my bed, and i ran into a friggin pole. i felt so dumb, but whatever. iv just had a really bad day, and it started last night if that makes any since. oh well, my life as we know it i guess. later
i dont even know if kellys working tonight or not
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2004 20 April :: 6.57 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Im moving on - Rascall Flatts
i feel like crying, been feeling that way for a few days now, so finally i just went and bought a bunch of cd's that had sappy love songs on them and iv been listening to them and crying my eyes out. kelly i guess got in a fight today, and then comes home and his parents are talking to his brother about some stuff, and i dont know he sount pretty stressed out, so i didnt get to talk to him to long because he had to go. im worried about him and i hope hes ok...ahh my life has become so confusing lately. i dont know whatever later
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2004 19 April :: 6.33 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Remember When - Alan Jackson / Little Things - Tanya Tucker
nicole and karl are both gone, dougs acting depressed, probably due to chemo, and kellys off...doing something. everyone is off doing something down here, ashleys at a baseball game (shes manager) dads coaching trevors baseball teams practice, moms helping a friend paint her house, and taylors at grams. i dont know, iv been depressed lately, but its all good. maybe its due to the fact that nicole and karl are "not" fighting *rolls my eyes* crazy people. omg i have so many like sappy love songs just running around my head and im just sitting here singing them out loud crying. ahh great stuff. ok well iv to go pee so later
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2004 17 April :: 11.30 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Then you can tell me goodbye - Neal McCoy
friggin msn. i swear. i finally just went ahead and downloaded the new one so they would get off my case. freaks. anyways, i finally got nicole to open up a little bit...had to make her pissed off first though, but now i understand most of why shes feelin like she is...or whatever. tonight our church put on a senior saints banquet for all the old people to come, eat, and laugh at the retarded people putting on retarded skits, and mom decided that this year she wanted it recorded. so i had to sit in the back with a camcorder and tape it all. my wrist hurts from holding it up, because trevor broke the stand. ahh good times. anyways, i have a bunch of homework, but tomorrow we have a lunch thing with gramma and grampa harrison, so its going to end up being late before i get started on it. great. well, ashley just got home from her date, and she just yelled at me about how i didnt change the litter pan, but she never told me to...so im guessing it went bad. hopefully not as bad as mine did with turner....gotta go find out
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2004 17 April :: 12.53 pm
:: Mood: In love...ahh
:: Music: Just to see you smile - Tim McGraw
To My Psycho
lmao kelly is so damn sweet. dont know what i would do without that man, dont ever wanna know either.
Thats alright Im ok it aint nothin' but another day, But only God knows where Ill be if you ever stop loving me...I need you gotta have you in my life, by my side Everynight that Im breathin, I need you
Yup thats a good song...one of the singers is sexy as hell too....anyways lol later
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