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Down for the count...

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:: 2004 2 April :: 5.12 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Last Kiss - Pearl Jam

i pissed karl off. i should have left him alone, and he didnt even talk to me today, i was just sitting there feeling like an ass so i got off. anyways, i cant do anything about it now, so ill just...not talk to one of my best friends. yeah that shall go over easy. anyways, when i got home today, dad told me to pack myself some clothes and get ready to go over to my cousins house, so that i could spend the night with them because they are leaving at like 5 in the morning and i have to watch their 4 kids. i didnt want to do anything this weekend, expecially after last night with what all happend with karl, i wanted to sit on my butt and be depressed because kelly has to work on weekends...but now i dont get to sleep in and im going to be watching kids. the 2 little ones are fine, jakes like just a year old, and halee is around 4, but jesse's 11 and is at the point where he thinks he is the almighty God and everyone should bow down to him, and Emily is quiet but devious. she takes shit from jesse and does exactly as he tells her too. so itll be just fun and games tonight and tomorrow *rolls her eyes* anyways, i cant complain to much, the pay is really freakin good, last time i got 75 bucks and i only watched them fer like 5 hours, and this time im with them for tonight and all day tomorrow...

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:: 2004 31 March :: 10.46 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: gigilo - Nick Cannon

omg lol i have to go pee so increadiably bad, but im not going to because i dont want to be sent to bed, lol dads been telling me to go to bed anyways, but kelly and i did something on yahoo messenger and were doodling...or he is, im not much of the doodler, im the writer. but anyways its quiet intertaining lol. anyways i gotta go pay attention to what hes doing lol bye! oh my freakin enter button dont work for some reason, and its really aggravating. i cant even go lower to put my name. Rach


:: 2004 31 March :: 11.00 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: cowboy take me away - Dixie Chicks

Something or Another
ok someone downloaded something on the damn computer that had the "parasite" (as our computer teacher called it) adware on it or in it or whatever. so, now we have like the slowest computer of all times. but its only slow sometimes, like earlier it was really freakin slow, and now its back to its normal pace. its confusing, maybe the dumb adware thing has nothing to do with it, i dont know, im not very smart in the technology department. im good at reading, so ill just stick to my books. anyways, were going to have this computer guy come and work his magic and hopefully all the problems shall be gone by the end of the week. that is, if dad ever freakin calls him. we finally got the second phone line, now we just have to run the actual line from under the house up to the inside, itll take like an hour to get it all sorted out, and he still hasnt done it. weve had it since like last thursday. he pisses me off so much, oh and mom has been at my throat nonstop lately, dont know what the crap i did to her, but i cant even do anything about it or fight back because i cant afford to get grounded because i dont want to not talk to kelly and them, and i already aint talked to them for 2 days. good lord i swear my life is falling apart now, i dont know how kelly can put up with all my drama, im suprised he dont just crack. i love him so much and hes one of the reasons i keep going, i couldnt do it without him, as a friend or as a boyfriend. i love you sweety, more then youll ever know

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:: 2004 28 March :: 4.11 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: Hungry Eyes - ??

i aint talked to kelly since thrusday, and only for a few minutes then. hes got himself a new job, and he has to be there by like 5:30 which is 4:30 over here, but he has to leave at 5/4 to get there or whatever, and i get home at 4 and i dont know what time he gets off...and yeah its fucked up. anyways, at kaylas birthday party, justin and i wrestled, and i was in my pajama pants, and he picked me up and threw me down on the mattress and the whole crotch and leg ripped out of them...yeah they kinda saw some stuff no one but me has seen at this age. i was so embarrassed, but i went, got some jeans on and finished wrestling. i got so many damn bruises and im so sore, but it was so much fun. i accidentally kicked him in the balls, and he almost started crying, so i felt so bad, but he regrouped pretty fast and got me down and just sat on me. then we watched texas chainsaw massacure and freddy vs jason. then we wrestled some more, ate, and talked a lot about stuff. it was an interesting night. i got mooned and i saw a penis...great night. i hope kellys aint as big as that one or he can just pleasure himself when we meet....

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:: 2004 24 March :: 1.02 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: The Scientist - Coldplay

today there was the business, accounting, computer skills, and typing competitions up at Crowder college, and i made it in the top six out of the Business class, so i had to go up there and take a few tests, and it was so freakin hard! omg they had like everything on the test that we aint gone over yet, but at the end there was some stuff that i knew, so its all good. lol i dont think i placed though...oh well. anyways my butt and boobs hurt from being on the bouncy bus all day. to school to crowder from crowder from school. yeah. and all the roads are so damn bouncy. yeah anywho, today is the last wednesday that we get out early so that really sucks bum bum. omg iv got such a headache so bye bye


:: 2004 20 March :: 10.49 am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Never (Past tense) - The Roc Project

Ungrounded vs. Grounded
i kinda got my parents convinced that today, instead of monday, is the day that im ungrounded. so anyways they allowed me to get back on, and i was all excited, and i was gonna talk to everyone, ones on. so im sittin here all alone : ( but its alright, ill be able to talk to them soon...unless when ashley gets home she realizes that my due date or undue date is monday. today is such a drag, its humidy and gray and im pretty sure its going to rain before to long. perfect day to read, but iv got so much homework, im only going to be able to read my school books. yay. anyways, i was watching holes with taylor the other night, and that dude Zero looks exactly like this guy i know, and he acts like him too. i didnt realize that till i was watching disney with the kids i was babysitting last night and this new show "going to the mat" came on, and it has him in it. oh i laughed so freakin hard its like scary how much they look alike. anyways im going to go, im bored and iv run out of things to say.
oh, iv decided im sick of signing my journal how i do at the end. time for change i think


:: 2004 18 March :: 11.39 am
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: The way you move - Outkast

Yeah yeah i got grounded yet again, but hey it wasnt even for a full week, so its alright i supposse, but anyways i get to lawfully get back on Monday, but right now im breakin the law cuz im obviously on. it was an oppertunity that i was forced to take though, no ones home but me, no one to watch me...i had to let kelly, karl, and nicole know where i was and stuff...though they probably had assumed i was grounded cuz thats all i ever am anymore. tiss no fair at all...anyways alright im gonna go check my email and stuff so bye bye


:: 2004 12 March :: 6.26 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: This Love - Maroon 5

ok the damn kid that i got for child care is set on like krack baby omg! im so going to kill the fucking thing. omg i was peeing and the thing went off, so i had to hold the key in the back and wipe all at the same time...and im not cordinated at all. i almost fell off the damn toilet. i swear i aint going pee no more untill i get rid of the damn thing. anyways, i was going to stay on the internet untill kelly got done eatting, but the krack head started crying and so i had to get off then mom got home and wouldnt let me get back on so i missed him...again. so i hope he gets back on soon. everyones at the ball game tonight, i perfer to stay home obviously, and so anyways i get to stay on without anyone yelling at me to get off. so anyways i aint got nothing else to say so later

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:: 2004 10 March :: 1.18 am
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: miss you - Blink-182

Locked Out
lmao ok we get out at 12 still on wendsday and we got home, and ashley wasnt with us cuz we had math and science competitions (lol i wasnt smart enough to make the team) and shes the only one that has a key to the house, and omg lol i wasted 3 bobby pins trying to get the door unlocked, and then dipshit taylor was like "oh grammas got my key!"so she runs up there and everything was fine and dandy and we got in the house. but im still out 3 bobby pins, and my shoulders going to be bruised. but it was fun and now were good. oh and after we got into the house, ashley got home. lmfao go figure. ok well im going to finish my report so bye


:: 2004 9 March :: 8.49 am
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Everything - Fefe Dobson

im tired and iv got a shit load of homework to finish, but nope im going to talk to my friends and not do it, lol as kelly puts it im procrastinating....yeah thats to big of a word for me but oh well it was fun using it *shrugs* lmfao moms watching this old movie where this volcano is erupting and all these kids with lepercy are on the island with the volcano and all these guys are rushing to save them, but trying not to touch them because they dont want to get lepercy...lmfao its funny as hell but anyways, nicoles like...depressed or something and i dont know whats wrong with her, but she says nothings wrong so ill just leave her alone about it...ok well lol i guess i could at least work on my report while on here so bye bye

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