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Down for the count...

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:: 2003 3 September :: 5.56 am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: none of ur business-salt an pepper

we have a fuckin test tomorrow!! it makes me so mad. only 2 1/2 weeks into school and they are already thorwin tests at us. stupid fuckin retards. of course its only physicle science....but still!! anyways, sam is supposed to stop by and give ash her homework tonight (ash has tha tummy flu and missed the last 3 days of school) and if she does, then ima gonna get msn!! woohoo! ok well im off to do the frigin' mound of homework that i have...... do teachers think that we have only one class or somethin, and thats why they give us so much homework?? i have homework in every class but one (gym). freakin dumbass ppl...


:: 2003 2 September :: 5.34 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: speak-nicklecreek

ho hum, im bored tired an bored. there is nothing to do. i hate school with a passion. my stupid history teacher spits on u when he talks and my assigned seat is right up in tha freakin front, so i get 2 showers every morning, yay! ne ways, i just got done talking to sam in tha cr and apperently shes moving to canada and marring this guy marc, that she met in tha cr....but shes not leavin till like december or maybe may. yea kinda scary, but if she loves him i caint blame her, cuz i got me a man from the cr and i love him enough to go meet him....maybe not move in and marry him yet, but deffinitly meet him.....

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:: 2003 1 September :: 1.00 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: loose urself-eminem

woohoo! i just succesfully added kelly as a friend. lol it took me a few minutes to figure out exactly how i was supposed to do it but it has been done! lataz


:: 2003 1 September :: 12.41 pm
:: Mood: guilty
:: Music: how do i-leeann rimes

i feel so bad right now. i was depressed and so i wrote kelly and told him that i dont blame him for wanting to break up with me, and so that made him feel bad. i really shouldnt be online because i have a shit load of work to do today. im getting msn so that me and kell can talk....finally. im listining to a bunch of country right now and all these old sad songs keep cuming on and so im crying cuz of them. lol. i cry all the time now, and i know y, but since kells probably gonna read this, ill just leave it to where i know, and though hes smart enough to figure it out, itll be because he knows and not because i told him : )


:: 2003 31 August :: 6.29 am
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: angel-amanda perez

ouch...i just got into a fist fight. lol the first time i go out in 3 1/2 days and i end up gettin into a fight. anyways this is what happend...i went to wal-mart with my family and all of them but taylor left and so taylor and i went and looked around and we ran into one of her little friends, and the little kid actually started to cus taylor out. so i told tha lil kids sister to get her away from taylor and tha fuckin sister (i dont even know her damn name) freakin punches me in the face! so we go at it and then sum one called security and so were not allowed back into monette wal-mart anymores. though it wasnt my fault, cus she started it, but i got in a few punches so its all good. but i have a giant bruise on my ribs and a black eye and a split lip. ill look purty for school ey?? lmao. but at least taylor didnt get hurt.
i love kelly!

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:: 2003 31 August :: 10.57 am
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: ur bodys a wonderland - john mayor

ok.....just got yet another from kelly, and he apologized for even bringing up the subject of us splitting up. his brother, for sum reason, blocked the chatroom, and so now we have to find another one so that we can talk, because emails r good, but not as good as one on one *wink wink* lol. woohoo im feelin crazy right now....crazy in love that is.

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:: 2003 30 August :: 3.14 am
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: *amsterdam* coldplay

um i just got an email from kelly, and he said that maybe we should just be friends, and i started crying really bad, and my hands are shaking and i can barely type. i love him so much, but if he wants to end it, what can i do?? he lives in michigan and im down here in missouri, so i dont really know what to do. right now i just want to go like cry myself to sleep or something.

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:: 2003 29 August :: 2.20 am
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: *calling all angels* train

i just got a letter from kelly and i wanna talk with him now....but we caint at the moment. so im kinda mad but its ok. anyways i stayed home from school today cuz im on my period and i was really mad and didnt want to go to school, told my dad to fuck off when he told me i was going no matter what, got smacked and grounded...and then he felt bad for smacking me and let me stay home! lol he is so totally and compleatly wrapped around my finger. its great. oh he also un-grounded me, cuz he said that i didnt really know what i was saying because i was having hormon problems. lol. ok well im going to the to ya lataz.


:: 2003 28 August :: 7.05 am
:: Mood: dirty
:: Music: *work it* missy elliot

hey! this is the furst time doin this...kinda feelin stupid but its alright! i heard bout this place from my boi friend kelly. we met over the internet and we have been goin out for exactly 2 months and 14 dayz today! teehee anyways the vma's are on and i gosta go watch them so lataz!

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