2003 14 December :: 4.04pm
:: Music: Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow-Picture
The second time performing!!
Today was the second time performing on stage!! I was not nervous at all and I didn't mess up!! Amber, Amanda, and Michelle come to the play!! Thankz guys I Love You!! After the play we had a lil party with the cast and crew that was fun, but we didn't really stay long cuz I had to stay for Finals which were that week. Thats really it. Byez!!
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 13 December :: 4.02pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Faith Hill-Cry
4.14 pm
Mood: chipper
Music: Kelis-Milkshake
Happy Early B-day Ali!!
I can't remember what I did in school so Im just going to tell ya about Ali's party. I got to drive in my car for the first time to Ali's party! Yea!! Her party was really fun. We laughed a lot, cuz we were talking about embarrassing moments mostly of tripping. Then Ali tripped and that was just to great!! We went to Blockbusters and rented a movie but Kelsey and I only saw a lil bit of it, cuz we had to leave. I slept at my Dad's house that night. I love my bed there!! I kinda messed it up so thats why these to are together. Hehe!
Hey!! Wow, the play is final going to be performed today, after all the rehearsals and practices Kelsey and I did at random places LoLz!! I was not nervous at all until like 5 mins before I had to go on and open the play. I messed up once, but no one noticed, so yea!! I was fine after that. Backstage was really messy with all the little kids who were baby angels. Some of them were lil brats no offense to them. Hehe!! I made friends with new people there soo thats really cool. I got a lot of compliments when the play was over it was great Hehe!! I got to drive my car Yea!! Kelsey and I went to Bre's house for her party after that and had a fun fun time at that! Adam was Hot!! And so was Ryan, but I talked to Adam more than Ryan. Adam is really good at hair LoLz!! Its Adam's boutique. Bre and I decided that if Adam was to every be gay is happened at Bre's party!! That guy was (Earl) was a damn monkey/moose!! I cant believe he could do all that cool breaking dancing stuff on the roof!! They can jump from tall stuff!! Kelsey you hit me with the damn ball!! Grr you!! Hehe!! Adam is really good at tickling!! You know what today was a day that I caught up with people I haven't seen since Elementary school. I talked to Catie and Shane, and I know both in Elementary school. After that Kelsey drove us home! LoL Kelsey remember how you over shot the turn Hehe!! I walked the dogs and went to bed.
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 16 December :: 9.33am
:: Mood: soothed
I feel left out w/ some ppl. I use to hate it w/ a degree of hate towards me. I couldn't understand how I let myself get sqeezed out of everything w/ some ppl. I couldn't stand it. Now I'm just use to it. I'm use to not getting invited, or being included in anything that these ppl do. it's been going on for a while and now i'm just use to the excluding.
Today I write to you at home. I am not in school at the moment b/c I'm getting my braces off. At leat i'm suppose to.
hmm..switchfoot..good band...
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 15 December :: 4.21pm
:: Mood: Blank
Secret santa
ok santa isnt so secret this are your people!
Amanda....has Kelsey
Michelle....has Anne
Anne......has me!
Kelsey.....has Ali
Ali....has Michelle
and I have .......Amanda
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 14 December :: 11.04am
:: Mood: awake
All I have to say, you can take it n e way you like., but it may not be as bad as you think (or is it? dun dun dunna!), well what I have to say is...I get something something in my dreams.
Don't think I odn't get ne in life, I do. Believe me I do...hehe.
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 13 December :: 11.58am
:: Mood: anxious
Holy shit
Midterms.......less than 96 hours away and im starting to freak. Each subject is a 2 hour test and it last for 3 days and im kinda unprepared. It is 20 % of every one of my grades. It could change my grade by a whole letter! Grrrrr and oh by the way Alis was fun, i needed that! Thanx yaz and happy b-day seriously early lolz! Byes i g2g to a study group
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 11 December :: 8.12pm
:: Mood: Moved
..::Something Different::..
I feel like I wanna give. Give money to the poor, give expensive presents to all, help out my ma around the house a lot more. It's all strange to me; this feeling. You see, I am a selfish person most times. I may not show it on somethings, but it's there tearing me away and wanting to be an evil selfish brat that I can be. I believe that I wanna help my mom out soo much more is b/c I know how she feels now. I REALLY know. I've been busy, very busy w/ school and at home w/ HW. After I'm done I wanna go to bed but I can't b/c there is still more to do around the house. No one will help or have the willing to. They're lazy and just wanna do what they want not what they need to do. I feel like I have to do it all and it's too exhausting for me. That's what my mom has been saying all these years! She can't do it alone. I fully understand now. It's great but it sux! I don't wanna know how it feels. You know feeling like you can't accomplish the things that are most imprtant and having it all on your mind day and night, night and day, never resting.
OK another thing..BL wont let me be! I broke up w/ him 2 times and he calls saying I have decided and we will still be together. there I got sucked into it. I can't say no to the booger. It sux! I don't wanna be w/ him but then I do. W/e. I, myself have think it is best for us to not to be together, but he doesn't understand nor listen to me. Grrrr!!!!!
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Here's what I found in my drawer:::
Did you ever wonder what the "candy cane" is red and white, and shaped like a cane? Few people know that it was designed by a candy maker in Indiana.
He began w/ a stick of pure white, hard candy. White to symbolize the Virgin birth and the sinless nature of Jesus. Hard, to symbolize the Solid Rock, the foundation of the Church & firmness of the promises of God.
The candymaker then formed it into a "J" to represent the preciousname of Jesus, who came to earth as our Savior. It could also represnt the staff of the "Good Sheperd" with which He reaches down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs who, like all of us sheep, have gone astray.
Thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candy maker strained it w/ red stripes. He used 3 small stripes to show the stripes of the scourging Jesus received, by which we are healed. The large red stripe was for the blood shed by Jesus on the cross so that we could have the gift of Eternal Life, which is for all who believe.
The original meaning is still there and I pray that through the symbol of the "Candy Cane" the wonder of Jesus and His great love for us will be seen by all those who have "eyes to see and ears to hear".
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 10 December :: 3.57pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Perfect-Simple plan
I don't know what to put!!
Hey!! Today was funny in Economics we had a report to write about on World Trade, and John went up to go read his and it was WAY off the topic and then Ms. Davis was like "That has nothing to do with World Trade." and He say's "Ohh I have that over there." Everyone was laughing it was great!! Tom and John have the best laughs every!! All the reports were the same either steel imports or the Europe currency and Tom was like "Has everyone gone?" and Amada, Pryia and I were like "No." and He asked "What? Do you have a problem speaking in front of the class." I said "No, its not that its just that its the same thing everyone else has read its not exciting anymore." Tom says "Since when were you going to be at the edge of your seat over a school report." or something close to that. It was funny. The Robby went and Geez even when Ms. Davis called his name it was funny cuz he was sleeping. So he walks up there and He was like "Im going to stand at the podium so I can use it to stand up cuz Im really tired." He was reading his report about this wall that Israel was going to build around it to keep suicide bombers out, and he was saying how it would effect the economy for a wall that long would cost alot of money, and if he was a suicide bomber how a wall wouldn't stop him. Ward was like "Wait, what does this have to do with World Trade?" Robby was like "Cuz there is a wall around it people won't be able to traded that easily, and they might even have to pay "Im not a suicide bomber" toll." Hehe!! I thought it was good. I don't think he deserved a zero for it. Do you?? I got Robby's locker number today, but he doesn't remember his combination until he gets there. Im going to write him a note sometime. In lunch today I got to thinking that I was going to miss all the seniors who were going to graduate, cuz I can't picture school and class without them. It bites!! I talked to Levi after school without Kelsey this time and I didn't know he was 16! It was fun, nothing big. Well, Im going to go Byez!! Mwaz!!
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 7 December :: 3.26pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Girls and Boys- Good Charlotte
Really good day today!!
Hey!! I had such a good day today and its kinda funny, cuz my last entry was kinda sad Hehe!! Well, Amanda stayed at my house after school Friday and left Sunday night, so we had a lot to laugh about that weekend and today in class. Well, anyways about my day I had a bounce ball that I won Sunday (Yea me!) and I forgot that it was in my purse. Pryia was messing with it and she bounced it and it bounced underneath Ms. Davis's desk. John was right there so we were all like John can you get that for us. He went under the desk and got it and Ms. Davis was like "What are you doing?" John was like "Uhhh, Im getting a piece of paper." Then he was sitting in the back of the room messing with it. He gave it to Priya when he was done, and Pryia was doing that game when you hide it and the person has to pick the right hand, well I picked the wrong hand and I was acting all sad. It was just funny, but I guess you had to be there. After class I talked to Robby and I was telling how I was sorry that I didn't go to his work and he was like "I know you never come." Aww, I felt so happy Hehe!! On the way to Food Perp I realized Priya forgot to give the ball back to me, so when I saw her in the hallway I was like "Priya, gimmie me ball." and she said "Ok, go get it." and she throw it and I went after it, and she didn't even through it I felt like such a dog Hehe!! Then after she gives it to me I turn around and run into a chair!! I screamed too!! Hehe!! We were all walking and I saw Robby again and I said "Hey, aren't you supposed to be in Driver's ED?" and Aww, he just smiled and messed with my hair!! It was great! LMAO!! Well, when he left Amanda was bouncing the ball and it was in the parking lot, and it was going to go in the gutter thing, so I'm the only one running after the dumb thing! Hehe! Oh yea, I was moved in Food Prep cuz I was talking. She put me next to these guys and they were the total quite the whole time, I felt really weird, cuz I had so much to say and I was hyper, it was horrible!! That's really all I can think of that's even wroth writing about, so Byez! Mwaz!!
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 8 December :: 3.42pm
:: Mood: crappy
They are pricks. Why do I stay w/ them? No idea. They can be evil. VERY evil. I'm tired of their ways w/ things. It's gay. What can I do?? Nothin that's what. They will never change. It's the inability to change thing.
Wont give people a chance. Don't wanna give it a chance. Refuse ppl right away if they don't like what they see. Gay. Gay gay gay gay and more gay.
It's them, the way they are. Better except it, or it's screwed. Yes, exceptance is what is needed.
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 7 December :: 11.51am
:: Mood: frustrated
i now kno where the dumbest ppl in the world are.......the Rich Girl show! OMG grrr i just wanna choke them!grrrrr, they cant do anything for themselves!
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 7 December :: 11.09am
:: Mood: surprised
:: Music: Nirvava:Smells like teen spirit
Guitar, Michelles, and x-mas cards
Ok learning guitar, just had a lesson, harder than expected, but thats ok. Just got back from Michelles had a good time, it was lazy and that was what i wanted. Im so glad i didnt have to do anything. ;) I dont have the energy anymore, and i hope @ alis i dont have to do anything either. And by the way thanx for a friend at canterbury for the x-mas card, that was really sweet.Byes!
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 4 December :: 5.04pm
:: Mood: awake
Thought this was funny and soo true!
Finally, the guys side of the story. I must admit, it's pretty good.
We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules
from the male side. These are our rules! They're ALL important and not
in priority order.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a grown woman. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
2. Sunday = sports It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be, just accept it.
3. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
4. Crying is blackmail.
5. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
6. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
7. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what
we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
8. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
9. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
10. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
11. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
12. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
13. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
14. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during
15. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.
16. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
17. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
18. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's
wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
19. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
20. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine
21. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks.
22. You have enough clothes.
23. You have too many shoes.
24. I am in shape. Round is a shape.
Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight,
but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 2 December :: 8.42pm
:: Mood: Scum
:: Music: Cry me a River
Who am I? I am scum. Scum I am. I did it. I broke up w/ him. I regret soo damn much right now. I do not deserve to have nice guys. I should do the world a favor and just not date...EVER! I'm less than scum I am the fungus on the I am the parisite that eats on the fungus that lives on the scum. I hurt that kid soo damn much. It sucks. I wrote him a letter and he burned it! But that's not all he had his friends give it back to me and he wrote "fuck it then" on the back. I say that's immature, but he has the right. I just want someone to tell me that I did the right thing and that it wouldn't have worked out neways in the long run. I don't think anyone can tell me that though. I wanna call him soo bad right now. I can't, I shouldn't. He wont pick up anyways.
It's just that I don't want to fall in love. We were going in the path that I didn't want to take. He wants a more intamit and serious relationship and I just want fun and have some seriousness to it, but not l-o-v-e. Love as a friend or as a close friend, but not the serious love. I'm too young for that and besides he would be going to college in a year and I would be left behind, if we lasted that long. It would of been more dreadful and confusing by the end right????? In some ways I am glad that we broke up, but why do I feel hurt and also feel that I lost someone close to me and that I wanna cry? It's like someone died. I'm soo confused about this. I've never felt soo confused about a break up before. It feels wrong sometimes that we broke up. It's sux totally. OK I have to go now. Just...I need help on this...
sad..scum AndI
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 1 December :: 5.50pm
:: Mood: accomplished
Ok I did it. I told him how I feel. I kinda regret it, but I am glad that I got it off my chest. Ok. I think that is all I have to say now. I'm gonna go call Jared.
I didn' t know that sea-turtle wears emo's um....funny!
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 1 December :: 12.48pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Nirvana:Paper cuts
Hey hey hey!
BACK FROM WI! Yay! I actually did have a pretty good time. Went to the Packer v. 49er game and we won! Woohoo! Monday worked on a project, tuesday and wednesday worked on food! Thursday ate and left my friggin aweseom cuzzin Becky and went to Algoma and met up w/ my best friend. Shopped w/ her and another close friend Heidi and went to Chinease. It worked out that Kelley and I went w/ her and her 18 yr old bf who drove us to the movies and he brought our R tickets(thought i ahould use him lolz) and saw Love Actually again! Ive seen it 3 times now! Saturday did my older ppl visits and left town. Flew back yeterday, my 2nd plane was 3 hours late, we even had to switch planes! That is almost worse than your lesbians on your flight Michelle! LOLZ! Anyway I got back late and had TONS to do but i made it (so far) in ancient history right now so i should probably go......lolz tear tear SOMEONE my playboi isnt here today but i will see him for 2 full days! YAY! LOLz okay ttyl and Amanda how could you tell me about that concert???grrrrr lolz cant wait to go w/ anne and amanda on thursday(we'll have a tubular time!) Byes
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 28 November :: 3.56am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Breath- Michelle Branch
Hey! I sometimes don't get guys. I know its usaully how guys don't get girls, but I think girls can sometimes be alot more clearer than guys. I mean if a guy tells you he is going to the beach and that you should come with a few of your friends. You would think "Ok, he wants to hang out." Well, thats what I thought, but I guess I was wrong, cuz when I told him I could go he said he wasn't even sure that he could go now. Whats with this?? I don't know maybe its cuz he is working that day. He did tell me that I should vist him at his job that day, and I told him I would once my car is able to be drivin. I don't know I just wish that people could be up front about things. I think it would be a lot easier on everyone.
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 25 November :: 3.34pm
:: Mood: aggravated
I know what I am doing now. I am pushing him away. I want to push him away. I want to get mad, so I have a reason to break up w/ him. I do it self-consciencely )(however u spell it)( Why am I doin this? Probably b/c it got more serious then i want it right now. Plus, he loves me waaaaay more then I love him. I feel pressure too. Not good.
He keeps telling me that he loves me and all that. I don't need to know it all the damn time. Once in a while is good enough for me.
I still have feelings for this other guy. I dunno what's about it though. I don't think he even likes me, i guess that's why i'm not pursuing it.
I like leppy a lot, just not LOVE. I care for the guy a lot, but just like a close friend. Closest buddy, friend love. I'm not IN love and I don't wanna be right now. I'm too young. I dunno what's going on w/ me right now.'s sooo aggravateing.
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 24 November :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Def Lepord
My weekend
I went to the Miami Football game. I was surounded by the Redskin's cheerleaders in the stands. Yea, sorry guys. I know you wish you were me. Sorry again. They were doin their dances and what-not. They kept me entertained.
I went to Fort Lauderdale beach. Neato place dawg. Nice surf shop they have there. I bought a Volcum beanie. yoo-hoo.
So I traveled back today, so I skipped school. O well. What are u gonna do?
This Thanksgiving I am not looking forward to. Gr. I don't want to travel. I wanna stay here and have friends come over and just be lazy, but noooo I can't even do that. I must go to Georgia w/ my grandparent's in their motor home and then go to a theme park and be drope 200 and something feet. Fine! So be it! lol. I only like the theme park part.
I wanna c alan. I haven't seen that kid in such a long time. I wanna c nick. I'll c him tomorrow though, if he's at school.
I'm a loser and I don't deserve the guy that I have now b/c at this moment i don't desire him and that's terrible. There's times that I do desire him soo very much so, but when I'm w/ or talking to certain ppl I feel ashamed for having him and just wanting to make out w/ those ppl and stuff. Nick and Alan put me to shame and it sux. I'll just turn Morman and go out w/ all of 'em. There my problem i solved!
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 22 November :: 12.50pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: 3 days grace- I hate everything
_Anne's Party_
Soooo it was fun. For the most part ne ways. It was uncomfortable between Jeremy and I and Jon and I. Jon still likes me which sux monkey balls that have blue bum and that are french (wee). Never the right time...
Jeremy and I got over the uncomfortable state sorta maybe.
Bre--- I HATE her!!! I've tried to be nice and at leat like her a lil tiny bit but nope, can't do it. Sh'es gona to far. She's in my territory w/ stuff and she's a bigger poser than I knew. Grrr!!! She made me soo damn pissed.
NIck---I'm starting to like him again and that's bad. I have a b/f. Not good!! He makes me feel guilty for having a b/f.
I dunno what to do at all!!!!
I really didn't want Leppy there, I was glad when he left. Thta's bad too.
Ok..well I'm gonna go now. ta ta.
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 22 November :: 1.16am
:: Mood: confused
Ok so this dude.....he isnt apparently a player but he is a "playboi".......whut the hell? apparently there is something behind this but i have no idea whut it would be. it sounded like a playboi is better than a player in the sence that they dont use gurls, just kno them. but...apparently there is more to playboi but becuz im a gurl i cant kno, which pisses me off cuzz i already kno 2 much.can someone pluhezz help me out here?
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 21 November :: 9.34pm
:: Mood: sad
Just my luck, i fall for a player! Ok it has been a lloonnnggg time since i like someone ALOT and he is a player! Apparently he has a different girl in his bed every week! And he goes far w/ ppl. GGRRRRR! This blows chunks, i like him alot 2! Tear tear(for real)! Oh well, ill just go back to being cold hearted cuzz i cant stand players.:-(
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 18 November :: 6.09pm
Happy b-day Michelle! 3 years till you can do seniors!lolz
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 18 November :: 10.19am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: It's my party I can Cry if i want to...You would to if it hapened to you!
_*_My Birthday_*_
Today is November 18th, my B-day. OH what a wonderful day for me. Well Lets see.... This morning on the bus Anne gave me her gift to me. It was a Gift card to FYE. Thanks hun! Dick threw "thing 2" at me. Thanks for that LDM! Kyle gave me a big B-day hug. Yum Yum! LOL. J/k.
I went to go open my locker and I got a big surprise! Amanda gave me a browine cake thing w/ a small clown balloon. Yay! That surprised me a lot! I bet the brownies are gonna be gone by the end of the day b/c of lunch. Thanks Mandy!
Leppy got me a green carebears hoodie. It's an inside joke w/ a bear and lepercons stuff. I'm wearing it now. I love it a lot. I feel special. It's soo damn soft!
That's all I got so far. It's actually more than I thought.
The weekend after Turkey weekend I think I may have a sleep over w/ the "Klan" at my house. I'll c if i can do it. Don't worry we're not a "Klan", I just call us that when I'm refering to the main gang bang. Believe me we do bang. LOL!!! Sorry...
I'm in school now, still, n e ways. Ok, well I'll write l8r.
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 17 November :: 11.07pm
:: Mood: excited
Hehe ok i dont kno how many of you watch Average Joe and im like ashamed that i admit to it but it is so addicting! Ok for those of you that dont kno whut the deal is they put this really funny sweet chick w/ the 16 fat ugly nerds. She thinks that they are gunna be really hot but GUESS NOT! Well she starts really falling for these guys that are ugly but really sweet and she has her list down to 3 guys. Well now they just added a twist.....they added 3 of the hottest guys i have ever seen in my life! and i mean HOT!!! like you look at them and you have an orgasim!!!LIKE OMG! So Fucking Hot!(and if you kno me, you kno i dont just say that about anyone). my heart started beating 100 miles per hour just looking at them! LOL Hehe ok ya i kno im pathetic but tune in next Monday night and you will see whut i mean, it is well worth it NBC Mon nights 10pm!MMWWAAAHHH Hot alert!LOL
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 17 November :: 8.49am
:: Mood: Thinking again
:: Music: Relient K- what am i getting into?
In the Zone
It's weird. This feeling inside. Don't understand it. Confused. Puzzled. Maybe it's a missing feeling of something or someone. But what can I possibly miss or who from this god-forsaken place that I call home and cherish and love? There's nuttin here for me to stay, but yet I still hang around waiting. Waiting for something to discover to prove myself that my belief is wrong and that there is something here for me. I'm sure many people feel like this in their "Cape Coma". I'm not alone. It feels like it though over half the time. To escape, to be gone, to be free from this dead place all seems like a dream. A dream that will never come true. Maybe it's not true. Maybe I will be free, I will escape, I will be gone from here. But yet, the feeling is still there. Empty?? No clue. I think I am missing someone who I cherish and love. May I say myself that is a damn miricle!
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 16 November :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: chipper
Im happy, and that worries me because I kno that when good comes so does bad, the ying yang type thing. I was just talking to a friend about that and he completely knew where i was when i said that. There are a few new guys that are prospects and thats always good....really good. I am letting go of grudges, and school and my new school is getting easier to go to, im almost enjoying it!LOL i just got back from dinner w/ a really fun friend, she always amazes me in some way w/ her personality, i luv being around her! LOL (you kno who you are) and im looking forward to be around someone xoxo lol byes
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WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 13 November :: 8.17am
:: Mood: Open Minded
Just thinking....
"Pain is a necessary reminder of what happiness truly is. Without pain joy would die. This is a circular paradox that represents itself in every important aspect of the human philosophy. Without such ideals we would not exist as we are today."
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 11 November :: 5.49pm
:: Mood: snory and grateful
:: Music: Jets: Would you be my girl?
_Last Night_ToDay!
*DicK* came home w/ me and we played drums. My drum set that Ahh..then we walked to his dad's house. Long walk! Amanda and Anne came over a lil bit after us from Anne's mom's house by bike. That's kinda far. Poor amanda couldn't really handle it though. :(. We watched T.v and played PS2.
Then ahh....Nick, Jordan, Jenna, Mike, and that other dude that Jordan and Jenna r crazy about. He's no that great. He's a fag. Yep, a fag. At least Nick and I think so. Jordan and Jenna left. We skated and watched and sk8ed some more. Nick flirted w/ everyone. It bugged me.
Then we went inside and played PS2. fun fun fun. Then Amanda went home. I decided to sleep over. Nick had to go home at like 11. I took a shower in Dick's room. Nick and Kyle wouldn't leave me alone. Nick saw me in my bra b/c I opened the door to kick them out. I was scared *shiver* that they would come in the bathroom. Nick was trying to get me to flash him b/c I owe him.
He left a while later and when we were outside waiting for his dad to come a lil dog came in anne's yard. It was soo cute. Kyle and Dick thought it was called something else then it really was. They couldn't read the tag very well. We found the owner though and we played w/ the dog. Nick left and Anne and I went back to get some shut eye.
Anne and I went to the beach w/ Brandon. It was fun. Brandon is a big big big big HUge I mean HUGE DORK! Worse than me. That's pretty bad. We layed out & went in the cold freezing water and stuff. Yeah..then he dropped us off at Anne's.
Anne and I went in the pool, the spa and then her dad's bathtub. Poor Dick. He had to do yard work all day. He was pissed about it. I would be too.
Then I came home and got ready to go to drum practice. I'm wiped out yo. A guy from the pest control came over to do his thang, he was sooo friggin wierd dude. I was scared. *more shivers* As it turns out we were too late to go to drum practice. hallaluja!! My God has helped me today. WOO! but n e ways, I have to go practice now in my roomthough. So lata Cats!
WhAt Ya ThInK???
2003 11 November :: 4.29pm
:: Mood: sick
Hey, I was sick today, so i missed more school. I dunno whut i had but it kinda sucked. I got a call today and it was one of my teachers, Mr.Ndiangu'i and he called and had my class sing happy birthday to me! It was sooo sweet, then he asked why i wasnt in school and i told him i was feeling ill. he had the whole class scream FEEL BETTER AMBER and COME BACK TO SCHOOL SOON it was so cute. I dont think ive ever had a teacher do that before. For once someone acutally did make me feel better! LOL ttyl later
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WhAt Ya ThInK???