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:: 2005 9 September :: 12.02pm

Yeahhh. That last entry was so long I just deleted it. I only work for 3.5 hours today. holy crap. That's kind of awesome, just because it's Friday and it's payday and tomorrow I have to get up at 6 for class.
I want to just have one day where I'm not always counting hours. I'm so crazy! I'm going to write my granny a letter now. teehee. :-)



:: 2005 8 September :: 10.34pm
:: Music: The Recluse- Cursive

How'd I end up here to begin with?
I don't know.
And why do I start what I can't finish?
Oh please don't barrage me with the questions
To all those lovely answers
My ego's like my stomach, it keeps
Shitting what I feed it
But maybe I don't wanna finish anything
Maybe I can wait in bed till [he] comes home and whispers...
*You're in my web now,
I've come to wrap you up tight
Till it's time to bite down.*
I can't believe this cd had to grow on me. It's like a euphoric moment. Every song sounds good to me now. Hm.
Slept in, went to class, went pretty good, went to Char's, went to McD's to see Jess, went home and I am so energetic right now...it's crazy. Tomorrow I have to work then I'm going to go see The Exorcism of Emily Rose and maybe go to Friday's. And I have to go grocery shopping!
TOMORROW IS PAYDAY! It's funny, I only have enough gas paycheck-to-paycheck. I'm running low but I have enough to get to work. Then I need to cash my check. Haha. I have class Sat. morning @ 7:45 then work. blahshshshs.



:: 2005 8 September :: 3.00am
:: Music: From First To Last- Note To Self.

This is probably the most I've ever updated. So I'm looking at tattoos right now...and I can't believe what some people get. Not to mention the creepy guy that used to stop in at the cafe who had pooh bear characters on his arms.....ekkk.
I think I'm going to just get a plain star on my ankle or foot. What about on my ribcage? hm? Nah... Wait. I think I want some on my foot. Ugh. I have to go to class tomorrow. Er. Today. In about 11 hours. I'm going to bed now. No more of this journal stuff! ha



:: 2005 8 September :: 1.57am
:: Music: PURGING

they all know who you are...
They can't believe you'd show up here

I miss you.



:: 2005 8 September :: 1.13am
:: Music: The Honorary Title- Everything I Once Had

This song is so good. I can't get to sleep. I am going to play some guitar. Hopefully I won't wake anyone up. bwahaha.



:: 2005 7 September :: 10.59pm

Gahhhhh my heart. Yikes.
El interneto hasnt' been working very well so I never updated anything. The weekend was fun.
I had an interview at Applause Catering that I don't think went too well. Saturday Char and I went to Riverside to grill out w/his folks/sis/bro-in-law/baby. Yummy. Then we went to Lare-bear/Liz's new house in GR and it is cute! Jeff was there too! haha. And we played poker until 2 am and I won money! whoooo! Then I stayed the night at Char's and Sunday we went to see The 40-year Old Virgin which was slightly funny. Sunday I cooked out with my parents and Tuesday my classes started.
After a minor parking set-back that didn't seem too minor at the time, everything went fine. Nutrition was semi-okay but Bus. Eng. was boring and I met a girl that I already knew because we hung out/drank together before. We just didn't remember at first. It's Casey's friend Randi. So yeah, at least I know one person. My teacher reminds me of the 40-year old virgin/Eugene Levy/someone from Office Space. hooh. Since the class is over 3 hours long we got a 25 minute break so Randi and I went to the bookstore to get her book and the line was really long so we were late getting back to class and the door was closed so we walked in with chips and other stuff and had to walk all the way to the back and everyone was quiet so I don't think he likes us at all. But oh well.
Man I go on a whole heck of a lot. Anyway, I worked today at el cafe and it went fine. Tomorrow I have Nutrition from 2-3:30 then I see Char :-) hooooray.
G'night (for now)



:: 2005 7 September :: 10.01am

Ich spreche Deutsch! (und lieben sie...)

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:: 2005 6 September :: 11.26pm

What I usually do is buy another tranny, referb the seals and swap them out. Then you can referb the one you yanked out for when the one you installed goes out, which usually takes about a year.

I can meet you after work anytime you want in GR with the Bentley. Good luck, trannys suck.

Hector VonDub
¨€¨€¨€2000 GTI VR6 ¨€¨€¨€ 1989 Cabby ¨€¨€¨€ 1984 Rabbit GTI

this doesn't bode well.


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:: 2005 6 September :: 8.31pm

for jackie
á é í ó ú ä ë ï ö ü à è ì ò ù ñ ç ß º â ê î ô û

i love you!

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:: 2005 5 September :: 8.53pm

happy LABOR DABOR! 2005

yeah. it's been interesting. i picked up a couple of really sexy large diaphragm condenser mics at the guitar center extravaganza. still no SD1s though.

and i had good food. that's always nice.

and dad brought up an interesting idea:
putting all of my music onto dvds, rather than cds, because they can hold much more information. we'll have to look into that further.

that's all for now.

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:: 2005 4 September :: 3.11pm

fuck me in the ass!

no, don't. i was just kidding. that's seriously uncool. "outbound traffic only!"

no. dinner was good. but i feel like i'm so far behind on everything. and i can't seem to summon the motivation to rectify the situation.

so, there you have it. i'll just sit on my ass and watch it go by. because i'm sick and tired of fighting.

at least i'm not angry or bitter about it. just a smidgen on the sad side of things. ...disappointed, you might say.

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:: 2005 2 September :: 8.00pm

i am quoting Albus Dumbledore at the end of book 3:

"This is magic at its deepest, its most impenetrable, Harry. But trust me . . . the time may come when you will be very glad you saved Pettigrew's life."

maybe i caught something. or maybe i'm just grappling. but all of the hints seem to be pretty obvious. she definitely has it down to an art... well, it may be formulaic. but it's still an art.

i bet you're wondering why i don't have anything better to do with my friday night.

me too.

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:: 2005 2 September :: 3.40pm
:: Mood: weirded out
:: Music: Chevelle - Vitamin R

i don't think i did very well on the communications quiz. and i was a couple minutes late, because the bus left without me, and the other one didn't come through for like half an hour.

all in all, it was not a terrific day. but now it's over. sort of.

now i'm just sitting in my dorm. i don't get it. i'm surrounded by my peers, intellectually and otherwise, i have a free bus ticket to anywhere in the city, i'm living on my own, and yet...

i'm so lonely. for no reason. i feel more dependent on other people now than i ever have before... and now none of them are around anymore. and - don't tell anybody, but - i really suck at this. just the whole college thing. is not my bag or whatever. well, it is... it SHOULD be. but i can't shake this inadequacy.



:: 2005 2 September :: 11.02am
:: Mood: disconcerted

so, i went to my 9 o'clock german class today, right? i was like 10 mins early, so the room was dark, and nobody was there.

one girl shows up, and asks me for a pen. 9 rolls around and she bugs out. so, i hop on the computer to check blackboard and make sure i didn't miss an announcement or something. nothing on blackboard, nothing on student email, nothing on hotmail, nothing in the syllabus. i can find absolutely no reason whatsoever that there weren't 25 other kids and a professor in that classroom.

what the hell did i miss? and why does it seem to be me that's always missing this stuff?

i double checked and triple checked. i know i was in the right room. at the correct time. well, obviously i wasn't. but to the best of my knowledge... i was. Was die Verdammt!

i don't know what to do. i do know that i will be super pissed if my class downtown is cancelled.

gah. bullshit.



:: 2005 1 September :: 10.57am


man. this could get a little weird.

kommen sie Großbritannien

i need to find the german question mark. !"§$%&/()=?


woher ich?

ah. kommen sie Großbritannien?

this will slow me down some. oh well. itäs kinda fun. AH! apostrophe! ummm..... `;:_,;ÖÄPÜ*+'##''''`ß ? it's. there we go.

it's kinda fun.


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:: 2005 31 August :: 7.34pm
:: Music: Comeback Kid - Wake the Dead

rope, sturdy tree, and you
Boy has gone. I don't care who reads this.

Effin' eff eff eff you.

I made friends with a guitar major today. We're gonna jam after piano class on Wednesday.



:: 2005 31 August :: 9.02pm
:: Music: JamisonParker- Dusk, The Day After

Holy Carp! Yes. . . Holy carp.
My mom just said that she had a customer from Otsego or something say that gas was $3.80 over there!!! I just wish I could boycott it but that wouldn't do anything except leave me stranded.
Sometimes I just get this overwhelming rush of joy and happiness with life. Like everything is going to be okay and everything is going to work out with my life. Everything will fall into place. I am going to get an awesome job, I am going to classes I like, I will be 18 soon, and more importantly, even if those things don't work out (except me being 18), I am with the person I love and he will stand by me and help me through everything.



:: 2005 31 August :: 8.23pm
:: Music: Gimme Dat

Chef Simpson called me today and I have an interview on friday!!!!!!!!
It's my dream job. Seriously. Awesome. I could have a chance of going to Italy sometime. Maybe after a long time of working there, but still. Awesomely awesome. This will be my 5th job!!! I'm only 17 and this will be my 5th job. It's okay, it's experience. I've never gotten fired (knock on wood)
I can't wait till classes start actually. It's cool. For my birthday we're all goin' to margarita grill and then I'm getting a tat. For sure.



:: 2005 30 August :: 11.15pm

gah. it's too late.

i have german at 9 tomorrow. i'm still not sure about that one.

sprechen wie deutsch? not in the least.

i don't think i'm going to go lift.

9 comments | feedback


:: 2005 30 August :: 10.28pm
:: Music: Boys Night Out - Purging

I'm feeling kind of weird. Anxious-like. Earlier today I layed in bed and knew I had places to go and that I should get up and I wanted to, but then I didn't want to leave the house at all, I just wanted to read. Ergh. I visited Ash at work today and dodged el bosso. Then I worked out. Then I went to Applause catering. Head...hurts. I think I'm going crazy. I just don't know what I want to do ever!



:: 2005 29 August :: 10.38pm

I love you more than words can say.
I am so tired. I woke up around 2 this morning then went back to sleep until 4:30 when I had to get up to go open at work. Blahhh. I didn't feel very well this morning. Uh oh. Eh I never feel very well in the morning. I saw Char later on today. I got him a grill. Yay! Then I worked out at the gym for like 15 minutes because they were closing. So I'm going again tomorrow and I'm going to Applause to send my resume and hopefully talk to Chef Simpson. Then I'm going to chill because I need time to relax before next week. Classes start. Eek.
On Saturday Char and I went down to CC and all the buildings were locked because we went too late. Ugh. But one of my classes is in the North building and I like the grassy plaza in front of it I will be there a lot I'm sure. And in the ATC building. VISIT ME IN THE CAFE IN OCTOBER! Ya.
That's about it.



:: 2005 29 August :: 9.01am
:: Music: BnL - Crazy

I wonder how first block went/is going.

i'm gonna go down early so i can pay the ticket today.

jim and i got up at 6:45 and went to the fieldhouse (with some girl, of course) to do some lifting and abs. it felt good, but i didn't overexert myself... which is uncharacteristic. we're gonna do it again on wednesday. it just feels good. i might go again tomorrow just for shits and giggles. although, not at any 7 in the morning. although, i think i have class at nine.

well, i'll try and do some sort of cardio tomorrow.

jim is the ab MASTER! holy hell. i guess he was in advanced PE in school. it's quite insane.

maybe tomorrow i'll do some plate exercises. okay, just the curl-type things that i love oh-so-much. we'll see.

feels good.

and it's automatic, baby. 'cause it feels good. these extrasensory sensations.

i'll shut up now.

3 comments | feedback


:: 2005 29 August :: 12.08am



outrageous mandolin!

rockin' ryan rapes roomates


so much for those raisins...

i do like complimentary penguin rides!

no one has to be, just do.



that's why jackie is too awesome for words.

speaking of awesome...

by some bizarre twist of fate, i somehow managed to get a hold of a ticket to the 3 doors down concert at the van andel tonight.

it was quite the rockin' show. i also saw breaking benjamin and staind (but we showed up a little late). it was weird how it all worked out. but i had fun. and it cost me a grand total of $4, so really, you can't beat it.

plus i got to know joshua a little better. he seems like a pretty cool kid. one more name to add to my list. which i can't figure out. because jim's with half a dozen chicks every single night.

i guess they like the scruffy look. whatev. i'm happy with what i have. and rightfully so.

oh. the GTI is falling apart.

i guess i need to replace the entire passenger side axle, including cv joints. the ball joint and everything should be all set though. and i'm gonna need to replace the seal that was leaking into the cv boot in the first place. wherever the hell that is. and i need to find the heater core... and make sure everything's sealed up. that's where the mive guys suspect the coolant is coming from. i also heard somebody say head gasket... which doesn't sound too appealing. i really think that once i get the transmission all sorted, i'll feel a lot better. but until then, i'll be taking the bus. which means no trips down to kzoo for awhile. AAAAAHHHH! i seriously don't know what i'm going to do. and dad thinks the ticket is going to be 200-300 dollaz, and 6 points on my license. which is hella bullcrap. and insurance above 1500 a year. for plpd.

of course... that's worst-case scenario. which i'm afraid i may be in.

geh. no sense worrying about it right now. but i've had my fun for the summer. now it's nose to the grindstone. and forcing myself to be amicable and socially active. sucky.

oh well. i might learn something.

g'night. and laugh a little. i myself am away laughing on a fast camel...

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:: 2005 28 August :: 7.52pm

We're back together. We got back together on Friday morning.
Everything is wonderful. We are more in love now than ever before. It's like love makes more sense now, in a subconsious way. Like everything is brighter. Anyway, things are really good. I am so in love with Charlie. I can't wait till we get married :-D hehe



:: 2005 27 August :: 11.56pm
:: Music: queensryche - empire


well. jace helped walk me through the wizards for my network settings. i really wanted to ask teh fil, but i couldn't. this worked i guess.

it's still not on the wireless network... it's through the ethernet, but i set up all the networking for wireless. i don't get it. but whatever. at least it's working now.

and i love jackie.

a lot.

every time i think about her, this wonderful feeling surges up inside of me. and it always feels so clean and pure... like i felt when i was a little kid. like i'm myself again.


peace and love to all. from college. (class starts monday).

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