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:: 2004 16 January :: 1.41 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: cheeseburger in paradise

so, yeah, we had exams these past two days. they were half-days, which actually kinda sucks. i mean why do they have to drag exams on for two days??? why not just have one full day and one day off????? i'd like that alot better, but maybe its just me.

so exams, yeah, they sucked. none of them were as hard as i thought. the only one i thought was hard was the geography exam. most of the answers didnt make any sence, so i used the all powerful INNY MEENY MINY MO spell and guessed on half of em!!!

but yeah, i missed having band today. isnt that sad??? but what im gonna miss most is all the low brass. i mean im not gonna see the people in concert band much anymore, and it sucks.

but um.....yeah....... anyone know when robucks gonna have challenges???? if you were in my position, would you challenge??? i mean i dont have anything to loose, but i dont wanna piss rueben or addison off...... so yeah, im kinda confused on what to do. i just wanna do whats best for the band. i know this sounds like im making shit up, but honestly i've gotten used to playin a crappy part, and its not important anymore.

but yeah, our trio for solo ensemble is gonna suck ass!!!!!! i mean we only have a little time to practice, and we've only looked at it once. so yeah, we're screwed...

so, yeah, im done

im gone,

8 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2004 15 January :: 11.52 am

ha, i told you all that i was the next einstein!

4 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2004 11 January :: 12.47 am
:: Mood: not bad
:: Music: blah..... um....music

yeah, so today i went to the movies with brandi poole, alisa, jesi sly, chet, the foreigner, and laatz. we went to see big fish. addison, katie, chis, and katie were there too. it was a decent movie if you caught all the crap that was meant. i dont think to many people did though. but like i said, not a bad movie.

yeah, i went to the dance yesterday.... a waste of time as always. had fun with it though. i think i embarassed jessica, but oh well, thats her problem. yeah, i dunno what else to talk about, so im gone.


1 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2004 3 January :: 12.29 am
:: Mood: amazingly not to bad
:: Music: mix

so, today my mom and i went to a music store and spent a shit load of money on sheet music for me!!! im really glad, cause i needed some more!! but yeah, we bought 3 books, one of Bach music, one of Gershwin, and one Hits of the 60's. the bach is my favorite, but all of them are awsome! so yeah.....

i've realized that im a complete and utter band geek!!! but i actually dont care anymore!!!! i mean why should i?? but yeah....... im just rambling now.......so.....

um.......how is everyone's break going? mine sucks!

yeah, i have an essay to write too, well not write, but finish..... and yeah, i should do that! um..... oops! this is gonna suck, cause its a HUGE part of our grade!!! and i have a lot of work to do on it! oh well, its due tuesday.......that means on monday night, i can add all the crap i dont have here!!!! yep, monday night is gonna suck!!! its gonna be a late night monday, i can tell!!!

but yeah, im done wasting your time

im gone,

oh yeah, thank all of you for listening to me ramble on and on

8 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 30 December :: 11.57 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: a random assortment of music i have downloaded

same as always: NOTHING!!!!
i feel the need to update, but im not sure what about.
i mean, theres no lack of things to bitch about....i mean with me there's always SOMETHING to complain about. i dunno, i think theres something wrong with me. i dont feel like complaining......its not right!

and im starting to think that this whole rob having a girlfriend thing isnt really that great of an idea. i dont like to allow people to get close to me........i mean she doesnt seem the type to, but still, its not how i work!!! i work alone.....i flirt with who i want when i want.........and i dont wanna hurt her.... i mean i've stopped but it feels weird!!!!
i dont wanna slip and do something stupid that ends up hurting her! but, i dont wanna break up cause of me being stupid either!!!!!

IM SO SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah......its just so odd to actually think about stuff like this........i usually let it go, and see what happens....but i dont wanna hurt her!!!!!

okay enough about that........ for now

so yeah.....i've also realized that what i thought was a good friendship with one of my thought to be best friends is basically a one way friendship.....with me doing all the work!! but oh well, if im alone im alone, i've been there......might as well go back

hm.......i've also realized that people ignore me alot to.......and its usually when i actually wanna talk to them about something semi important.....but when im just messing around they hear every word i say!!!! i hate it!!!!!!!! im sick of it.....i dont know what to do or how to fix it but i've had it!!!! to hell with people, i'll just stop talking to people, that'll fix everything, right? okay, now that that's settled on to the next issue

oh wait, i think that was it.......hm....... oh well, i guess im done

im gone,

8 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 17 December :: 7.50 pm
:: Mood: alright i guess
:: Music: tom petty

same as always
burger king thingy was today. that sucked. i was the only one in our group to do anything. i played by myself throughout the night. i finally left the damned place at quarter to 7. i was there for over 3 hours!!!!! but yeah, it was fun, but i NEVER want to hear christmas music again!!!!

but yeah, me and [her] are goin out, and it seems to be going alright. but yeah, um.... if anything intresting happens i'll probably tell y'all, unless its none of your buisness. which most of it isnt anyways, but what the heck.

well, im outta stuff to talk about, so see ya.

im gone,

3 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 15 December :: 9.46 pm
:: Mood: eh
:: Music: cant get enough of your love - bad co.

never have had one, never will
so yeah, i solved my "problem".

i am now officially taken. and i dont really know how to handle it, but hey, what the heck. whats life without a little doubt? so yeah, i just hope she's not the smuggling, kill robs lifestyle, type of girl.

but yeah, just to let y'all know. at the moment im not gonna reveal a name, but im willing to bet you can take a good guess as to who it is.

im gone,

4 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 11 December :: 4.11 pm

im confused!!

i found a girl who likes me...and i like her too. but i dont really know if i wanna go out with her or not. she's already asked me and all....which is odd.....but i dont know what to say.

should i take a chance? im all for that.

but i also like a few others...and im not sure how they feel about me..

oh well...i'll figure it out.... i hope


7 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 6 December :: 4.35 pm

okay... so friday night i went to mandi's party. good times.... i saw pamela... its been a really long time since i've seen her. so that was cool....i met a few new people too.. but yeah....good times....

and tonight i have to go with my family to a griffins game with jons little boy scout friends... which kinda sucks.

but yeah...just to let yall know im alive and fine....

i kinda want a girlfriend now....but im kinda picky about stuff like that.....so it wont happen :(

well, im gone

12 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 26 November :: 12.35 am

im so..... bah..... theres no point complaining about anything, no one cares.

ever get that feeling of self hate, only its not you that your mad at????
yeah, thats how i feel, only worse

err........... theres no words to describe how horrible i feel. its inbetween self hatred and not caring. actually its a mix of both.. and i cant stand it!!!

but yeah, we went bowling tonight (for band) and it sucked. i was with rueben, DeAna, brittany, and rachele. and it seemed that like whenever i left they were all talking about me, and that pisses me off!!!

but whatever, i dont care anymore.... i just want all this crap to end.... somehow..


8 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 22 November :: 11.20 pm

How old are you? (how cliche of me):15
Do you like sports?:a few
What kind of movies do you like?:comedy and action
Are you a virgin? (Come on Claire, answer the question!):yep
Do you get it?:get it? whats there to get?
Are you a fan of pop culture from the 80's?:the 80's is the bomb
Are your parents still together?:yep
What is your favorite article of clothing?:on me or on someone else?
Why is rap popular?:cause rap is crap... and people must like crap nowadays
Why are you taking this quiz?:im bored
How'd you find bzoink?:woohu
What kind of IM service do you use?:yahoo, aol, msn
What is your e-mail domain?:yahoo, hotmail
Are you a thespian?:huh?
How about a techie?:nope
Do you know what a techie is?:kinda
Are monkeys cool?:monkeys are awsome
Even tho they fling poo?:thats half the fun
Where do you rent your movies from?:um.... a few places in cedar
Is the movie theater a rip off?:no, but the popcorn there is
Do you go to concerts or shows?:not alot
Is punk a fashion statement?:yep
What time is it?:naptime
Are you cold?:kinda
Do your hands get cold if you type for a long time?:yep
Have you ever seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show?:nope
Did you find Tim Curry Sexy?:huh?
Who is Billy?:maddison..... he's the best
Why can't Coke and Pepsi get along?:because coke kicks pepsi's ass
Would you ever be a communist?:yep, but a good one
Was communism just a red herring?:sure why not
Did you get that?:nope
Tim Curry really is amazing, huh?:huh?
Ever heard Lucky Boys Confusion?:no, but i bet its confusing
What do you think of them?:poo
Do you read Shakespeare?:no, it sucks
Do you like country music?:a few songs are alright
Do you find Tim McGraw strangely sexy?:nope
Isn't Faith Hill lucky?:sure
Do you like cats?:NO!!!
Is my cat's name (Kia-Ka) weird?:nope
Have you kissed someone of the same sex?:yeah, my little brother
Is it weird that I grab my friends boobs? (I'm a girl):i think its great, let me see next time
Are labels bad?:yeah
What about on food?:on food its good
Do you have good friends whose last names you don't know?:um........ yeah a few
Have you ever had lice?:nope
Do you have an online diary/jurnal?:yep
Wanna give me the link?:if your reading this you probably know it
Does having one make you emo?:um....
Or just more emo than you were before?:just a little more
Do you remember when no one knew what emo meant?:yep
Do you remember when Good Charlotte wasn't a house hold name?:yeah, and there still not in EVERY house
Is "Smells Like Teen Spirit" the only Nirvana song you really know?:nope
Did u c the episode of Room Raiders when the chik said Kurt Cobain wrong?:huh??
Have you seen "Tupac: Resurrection"?:nope
If not, will you?:maybe
Do you cut yourself?:yeah, paper cuts hurt like a bitch
On purpose?:nope
Did a friend tell you about sex as a child?:i cant remember
Who is your hero?:superman
Have you done drugs?:nope
Are you sXe?:what?
Do you know what that is?:no
Is it wrong to be brutally honest, in your opinion?:nope, i am all the time
Does it bother you that my spelling sucks?:yes
Do you know the differance between there, their and they're?:yep
Have you had your wisdome teeth out?:not yet
Wht is 69 such a funny number?:its not funny, its fun
What about 420?:cause half of america is potheads
Who actually gets high at 4:20?:alot of people
Do you get high every day?:nope
Are you a lush?:huh
Does your gf/bf hate it?:dont have one
Did you get that?:not at all
Do you know what a lush is?:nope
Do you think luch is a weird last name?:that would suck
What is the weirdest way you've seen Ryan spelt?:raiyn
Are you bored of my quiz?:gettin there
Did you take it cuz you were bored?:yep
Do you like Christina Aguleria?:she's kinda hott
Does her song about her dad make you cry?:no
Have you heard "Touch of My Hand" yet?:no
Do you get it on with yourself?:not all the time
Is it weird that I don't?:yeah
Would you believe me if I swore I don't?:no
What if I had proof?:nope
Who is Fred Larry?:Larry Fred's other half
Why do I get so much junk mail?:cause you look at porn
What will you do when you're done with this?:do another quiz, cause im bored
What time is it now?:11:09
Do you like your middle name?:nope
Are you glad I'm done?:kinda
I can keep going if you like =)

Ohso Random brought to you by BZOINK!

directions anyone?

:: 2003 21 November :: 11.33 pm

hey everyone, im in a semi-good mood today. nothing spectacular, but not bad.
i went to CMU for band today. some "instrument workshop". i dunno, it got me out of school, so im happy. it was actually kinda fun.

so yeah, my day went like this-->

i woke up and went to school early. rode a bus for 1 and a half hours to get to CMU. then when we got there we had to listen to some lecture that i didnt pay attention to.
then we did some breathing excersises and tounging stuff. it was pretty boring.
then we broke off into little groups and the trombones went there own way.
so then rueben and i went with the trombones to some other building, and we played for a bit. our instructer dude was an awsome player. he looked funny, but he was a good player.
so after a hour or so of that it was lunch time. reuben, gabe, fred, and i all went to a pizza hut buffet. blah blah blah, an hour later we went back with trombones
then our instructer had his quintet to play for us and it was awsome. he made some really good points. like it doesnt matter what part you play, as long as it sounds good. that made me think.. but yeah that was my day.

please feel free to add comments.. PLEASE!!!


2 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 16 November :: 12.16 am
:: Mood: lonely

um........ yeah, im surrounded by happy people, and i dont know what to do!!

but yeah, im kinda the odd man out now. almost everyone i know has a girlfriend ( or a boyfriend) and im single.

whats wrong with me?? i mean i like a few girls enough to go out with them, but i cant ask them out. i mean, i can, but im always afraid they'll say no. and when i do ask them they do!! so im so confused

but yeah, im thinking about saying screw all cedar girls, and just go out with girls from somewhere else, maybe i could pull a nicole, and have like 20 different requirements they have to have, like same age or older, not from cedar, ect. but eh, i'll figure that out once im shut down a few more times. (which will be soon im sure).

and im getting sick of being the "just a friend" guy. i mean i get that all the frickin time! am i really that bad? thats like the lowest excuse you can use, other than "its not you its me"

can someone answer me why i cant get a girlfriend?? someone please, anyone!!!!

but yeah, im done complaining (for now)


8 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 14 November :: 10.31 pm

im sick. and i feel like shit. and now, after today im extremely pissed (at myself).
so, um... yeah, thats all i got.


1 gave directions | directions anyone?

:: 2003 10 November :: 3.59 pm

okay, so i havent updated here in a long time, so i just thought that i'd let all of my friends know that im still alive and doing fine, i guess. so yeah

um.. soccers over with, and im really happy.
that, and marching band is over too!!! YES!!!!

um..... yeah, we've done all our crap for auditions in band and im kinda nervous. i dont really know why, cause usually im not nervous at all, but i am this year.

but yeah, if you read this write me something. just because i wanna know who all reads this.

im gone,

10 gave directions | directions anyone?

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