2004 26 April :: 3.30pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: everytime
argh, lousy weekend. sick. ergh.
the yankee game sucked..but w/e no worries, they'll be fine. i know they will. i still had fun despite being sick. i love the gerspachs. they're so funny.
knick game was fun too...but wow they suck.
ahhh i hate catching up with school ugh...but at least it's a short week.
w/e there's nothing to say...crappy few days...hope things get better--warm weather would be nice.
wow how scary is it that there's like 6 weeks of school left?? I can't believe how fast it's gone by. It's insane. It's been a really interesting year. A good one I'd say, except for a few things. We're coming into the home stretch girls...sophomores in 2 months...crazy.
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2004 25 April :: 6.43pm
:: Mood: rejuvenated
:: Music: in the end
so tired
ah rimas last nite was sickkk..i haddd a madd good time!!! omg paulina..priceless dancint to linkin park haha my head will never recover!!! o man my voice was completely shot....annndd omg is rima a born again jap!! haha in a month or so we'll swap stufF!!
saw my girllz at the it was like real world and road rules, huH! haha those abercroimbie models kate! lol <3 ekls
2004 25 April :: 5.22pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: im shakin- rooney
well now that thats off my chest...
somethings been scaring me lately. ive come to learn that some of the people im friends with are so two faced its disgusting. its like, when they see you in the hallway they wave and smile and come and give u the hugest hug, then tell u that they love your new pants---but as soon as your back is turned they go up to another one of their two faced friends and say something like: omg can you believe what she was wearing today? it was absolutely the ugliest thing ive ever seen. as ive been paying attention to these particular people lately, ive noticed how mean they actually are. theyre all so judgemental with their comments and stuff, so quick to judge others even when they dont even know them....literally. and the worst part of it all is that its all rooted in their insecurities. can you imagine what life would be like if every time someone thought something it would be forced to come out of their mouths? or not even that, just imagine if the world was a place where everyone was themselves...there was no pretending, no insecurities. do you remember when we were little and we all used to pretend to be people we werent? we would dress up like mommies and put on makeup and high heeled shoes 8 sizes too big for our feet, and wheel our baby dolls with their arms falling off wearing stained clothes in their little plastic baby strollers, and we'd walk around the house on the "street" and talk on our pretend cell phones to someone named "honey" or "darling", bossing them around or complaing to them about how they'll be home late from "work". those few people who are still stuck in the past still pretend, but instead of putting on high heeled shoes 8 sizes too big for their feet and wearing clip on earings and a hat with a big bow that flopped down over their eyes so they could barely see, they put on a fake smile and cover up their real personality with a fake one that tricks people into liking them....even trusting them with information you know that they could use against you and then letting them, all because you thought that they were actually who theyre trying to be when theyre around you.
next week is the pediatric aids kids for kids fair and i CANNOT wait. its gunna b crazy, i hope the weathers nice, it really was icky 2 years ago, that sucked. wow i cannot wait, its gunna b waaaay fun!
---danielle morgan
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2004 23 April :: 7.50pm
2004 22 April :: 8.57pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: jojo- get out
2004 21 April :: 6.27pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: TLC-Unpretty
Wow...dml, that sucks, and makes me sad :(...Fortunately my parents don't force many grade expectations on me. I'm usually the one with the expectations of myself. I mean they obviously want me to do well but they're okay with not getting all A's all the time. As long as they know that I know I'm capable of better. My report card was very good. I'm so happy about global.
OMG Props to Erica and Kira for showing me the FUNNIEST WEBSITE EVER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Google: Pixyland Peter Pan, first site...OMG WHAT A FREAKKK!!!!! HAHAHA "TINK MADE ME LAUGH!"
Oh, how I LOVE how you love to antagonize me...I really do love it, it's just so sweet and nice.
I've been violating my parent's trust lately. Something I hate doing and don't want to do. But how can they expect me to go through highschool without experiencing such typical things? I'm torn as to whether or not I should feel bad about this.
SO things that have been saving me from going insane:
the weekend
the yankees
that just about covers it but then again they are 2 big things.
O.C. tonight wheeee..omg one tree hill so good, as always.
anyone have any tips for NOT procrastinating? They really should make it an official disease.
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2004 21 April :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: empty apartment- yellowcard
"take you away from that empty apartment..."
i got my report card in the mail today. god, if theres one thing that would fuck my week up, i shoulda known it was that---not that it was bad or anything, it was totally fine, just not up to my parents' "standards". my first b+ in spanish ever---they almost died. my mom was yelling at me like crazy, it was awful...and the stupid part is that she makes me believe that thats what im worth....a b+, and even though thats a good grade, she makes me feel stupid---both of them did. and with math, nothing even happened with that grade, i have my solid b for the whole year so far and they were disappointed in that one because they "thought i was going to get a b+", which all of a sudden had become acceptable to them. and in global, i have an a-, which is awesome, but to them, its not acceptable because its less than my usual a. i mean sure, i was a little disappointed when i saw some of my grades dropped, no one likes when that happens, but i wasnt dissatisfied with them, they still managed to stay in my acceptable range, but they didnt exceed my parents' expectations. god that makes me sick, it was awful when my mom was yelling at me....i cried. i dont know why, i wasnt disappointed in myself, but it just reminds me of that day when i got a b on my math test [once again, not bad], but my dad said "you have to do better" and stared me down---once again, even though i saw it as acceptable, the way he said it and how he looked at me made me feel so stupid, like "how the fuck could u get a b and not be distraught danielle?". im not perfect, i dont get a's in everything, and im okay with that, i dont know why they cant be....
.......and what makes me feel even worse is that as all parents do, they see me as perfect, so i know it kills them even more when the imperfections surface.
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2004 20 April :: 5.05pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: will hung-shake your bon bon..haha
4/20 hayyy
this week is going by crazy sucks even more since I'm coming off of one of the best/funniest weekends I've had in a while.
I can't wait for the weekend...I really can't...and we need to make it longer.
Anyway...I'm sad because the Yankees are not doing well...I'm dissapointed in A-Rod and the gang, but not mad...we'll get our groove I guess. We have okay to good pitching, not great since good pitching always beats good hitting. We do have an amazingly sick lineup and I know it can do great things. I hope they clean up by Sunday...It'd be my first time seeing them beat Boston live. I so can't wait. I <3 Yankee Stadium.
And while I'm not a big bball fan, I'm way excited to go to the Knick game Thursday. Playoffs in msg are soooooooo awesome.
err what else? ugh lawyer for global...Erica, we're gonna DIE.
I've been having insomnia lately. It sucks. Like the insomnia I had in elementary school. I hate it so much. Insomnia is awful.
wow, for once I just have nothing else to say. This absolutely sucks. Ughhh.
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2004 20 April :: 9.41am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: smoke 2 joints
good bye mr 87º
im in the lgi for study hall...this hoe keeps chekin our comps to see that we're on good sites or whatever so i have like 5 oldd word docs just felt like sayin hi..
luv u all
mish says hi
God Bless,
2004 18 April :: 9.43pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: sic transit gloria- brand new
you know, its movies can make you think. the other night i saw the weirdest movie, it seriously was one of the weirdest movies ive ever seen. it was sad and depressing, and also disappointing to see how some people actually live. it was about this innocent girl whos life became corrupt because of this new lifestyle she decided to try out. she would steal stuff and smoke and drink and do drugs and have sex and lie and cheat and cut herself and she let her family life go down the tubes. she was in 7th grade. her mother would tell her that she loved her and she would tell her to "fuck off you stupid bitch". that absolutely killed me, but it was 10 times worse when she would say those things because all i could think of is how much it must hurt to open your heart to someone by telling them that you love them, and not having that love returned, i know that the first time i experience that im going to cry. just watching it happen to that mother in the movie made me want to cry. and the worst part of it all is that every time that scenario would happen i would see me and my mom. not like i tell her to fuck off bitch when she says i love you to me, its just that a lot of times when she says it to me, i find myself saying "thanks". it makes me feel horrible now, i mean i cant believe i say "thank you". i cant even imagine how horrible that must make her feel. im not doing that n e more, just because me and my mom dont get along all the time doesnt mean i should be so cruel. uggh god, i need to get my act together. i feel so awful.
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2004 18 April :: 7.14pm
holler i aint payin 2$ so i love you all..and God bless..unless someone else would like to pay for me and then i'll pay em back ;-) hehehe...nice weekend..hell yah lacrosse..haha we'll get them hoez bak..
at lanas house holla
God Bless
2004 17 April :: 1.22pm
[Image Consultants Needed]
I redid my woohu, i started to think that my "peter pan" theme was getting comment and let me know what ur thoughts are.
3 CrAzY ThOUgHtS |
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2004 17 April :: 11.57am
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: Maroon 5~Sunday Morning
Last night was fun...tonight may be even more fun! wheeee!
I've been watching Michael Moore's Bowling For's absolutely brilliant, in my's so funny and it talks about this country and our obsession with guns and violence...and our obsession with fear. how this country is so scared of everything going wrong...and it never happens. And how prejudiced we are--and wow...I think maybe I'm starting to realize what's wrong with America--and no, not on a war status, on us as a culture and society. I strongly reccomend you guys to watch it! It's great.
I sent in my $2 yipeeeee.
wow, I thought there'd be more to say.
Oh. My. God. I love this warmth...I love the buds on the trees. It's beautiful...ahhh Spring!!!
Ciao Bellisimas~
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2004 14 April :: 9.40pm
:: Mood: pensive
:: Music: last train home- lost prophets
queries of my wondering mind.....
as i was taking a shower, my mind somehow wondered off onto this tangent which inspired me to write:
if theres one thing that i hate about other people is how they sort of take one picture of you and assume that thats how you always you always will be. [ill put this a couple ways because i dont think that sounded as clear as it did in my head]. people that you know have this image of you, kind of this mold made out of unbreakable, immovable material, that if you fail to fit into because for one day, for an hour, or even a minute you decide to deviate from that mold, they are absolutely taken aback by that. its about images. its about how people see you as what you "appear to be"----and it makes me think that if the people you think know you best are the ones to be surprised when you struggle to reshape that mold, why are they the ones who supposedly "know you best"? i know, that we've all tried to dent our molds every once and a while, you know, test something new out---find a new...."shape". sometimes its hard for others to accept this new shape we want to freaks them out. i know we dont like change, because ive been the one whos been freaked out before, but when you think about it, if no one dented their molds every once and a while, no ones mold would have room enough for them to grow.
1 CrAzY ThOUgHt |
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2004 14 April :: 6.41pm
:: Mood: quixotic
:: Music: champagne supernova- oasis
[make it up urself]
okay so i guess ill start out with my vacation---
went on a cruise with my family and the glickmans and had the most amazing time everrrrr. i honestly dont remember the last time i had so much fun. just the thought of being out in the middle of the ocean with no where to go and no one to disturb you is just so relaxing, and thats the one word i would use to describe this vacation. despite the fact that i got back to the room at 2 every night and woke up early every morning i must say that i came back refreshed as ever. theres nothing like a taste of summer to brighten my day. we met this girl jaclyn who was absolutely awesome and we hung out with her every night, we all skipped from group of friends to group of friends until the last night, and with each group finding a new joke or something to laugh about. wow i wish i could go back, and OMG do i miss that food! everything about it was just perfect, it was one of my favorite vacations.
All My Crusin Buddies:
*French Harvest
Kirk Cameron
Kirk Cameron's brother
Big Poppa
Hot kid with glasses
Hot Brad
Hot Pennsylvania Andrew
South Carolina
Devil Children 1 and 2
Fat Bitch
Fat Bitch's sister with the baby lobster
Hot kid i wanted to meet but never did
PA Brittany
Loser Slut
Girl With Big Teeth
and back to the wonderful world of first day back was okay, ive talked to josh a few times which was good after not hearing from him for a week, god i missed talking to him :)
its interesting---i always knew that i loved the guitar, but today when we were sitting in english the guitar advocacy was in the next room and i could hear them thru the wall. that instrument is absolutely INCREDIBLE. my mind just wanders when i hear it, and honestly, when i hear the sound i just smile. i feel like such a doof, but omg i just LOVE it. its so soothing, so---ahh, i cant even describe it. it almost brings tears to my eyes. its so beautiful. im definetly going to learn how to play one day.
**********and i said baby, ur gunna be the one that saves me, and after all, ur my wonderwall **********
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