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:: 2004 18 February :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: Very, very tired indeed
:: Music: diabetes commercial

Screw editing my other entry.

I went to the banquet. It was a waste of bed time. The teachers did a skit about the "typical" teenager (jocks and preps), then a raffle (I won nothing ((DAMN POLICY DEBATERS)))...Whoa that looks funny. Anyway I should be sleeping right now. Rochelle gave me a MAJOR headache. I kept dozing off during the raffle. I slept on the way home. I do not feel as if I wish to do homework today. I have damn word problems again in math and they are stupid and I don't understand them! Goddamnit! *angry face*

I feel lazy. Inertia.



:: 2004 18 February :: 5.06pm
:: Mood: mildly tired... very overwhelmed
:: Music: Billy & Mandy

too much homework...
annoying day... I'm not going over last night, other than our team lost, but the play was AWESOME!!! ... sorry... word of mouth at work...
English: I did the "Should students have jobs during highschool" prompt... I said yes, although I could care less. that was life... comparison essay, DOL, ORB in that class... Biology: more genetic disorders... Jarrod ::drool::... Section Review and read the lab... Jarrod ::drool::... Math: we THOUGH McLean was gone... he wasn't damn it. We did work problems. When did you do them, Jessika? How far behind are we now??? Lunch: really nothing special... History: mapwork... haven't done maps in a really long time... I was getting ready to pound a lot of people, though... Band: I think Kellogg is insane.. we will not be ready for Tuesday... whatever... then I saw Drew in the hall ::drool some more:: ... Spanish: conjugating... nothing special... Health: Food label... need to destroy that class...
After school: Talked w/ Lucian, Meghan, Alisa, Jasmine, and co. ... yeah, Alisa and Jasmine are on *speaking terms* now... not that they're very friendly, though. Lucian wrote his phone number on all our arms... That kid is such a flirt. I need to add him to my email list... Oh, then I went downtown to apply @ the Children's Museum for my service learning project for this semester... then I walked up Central to Kauffman's, where my dad was getting a tux fitted. Well, I came in the store just as he went out the back, so I went out front to see the light turn green and him driving down Central. So, I chased him down to the Civic Center (which 1/4 mile of pseudo-sprinting is not good for my asthma w/out an inhaler...) Anyways... church night... damn it... hahaha...

11 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 18 February :: 6.35pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Full House

Stick your finger in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We listened to the tape of our concert and Aolean girls sounded worse than I remembered, so it made me happy. We sounded better as well. Whatever..

On Friday the GFH play festival thing is being shown! Someone come with me!!!!

I "get" to go to a banquet thing soon....I have so much homework. I don't think I am going to get done.

I need to sleep.....It makes me forgetful. I forgot what my point of updating was. I shall continue later more than likely.

3 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 17 February :: 11.47pm

I am stupid. I read some of my old entries.

I DID realize, however, who was always supportive, and who caused most of my problems then...

And once I conquered my atrocious typing skills, I became sad because of a few comments that were so fucking sweet just to be there.....

Yah. If you are curious enough, search through 150 billion entries and find them. I didn't think you wanted to know = p.



:: 2004 17 February :: 10.58pm
:: Mood: pissed off

Oh...where to start?
The concert was pretty damn terrible...First off, our soprano to alto count is 18:9 or 2:1.....twice as many. To lessen the count, the majority of the altos sing soprano. Our sopranos COMPLETELY missed their entire first PHRASE. We are the start of the concert, so the entire "mood" was off. The altos kept dropping out on 1 or 2 words at a time...I was the only one left singing. Then the sopranos went flat and I believe we did too. The next time we came in was missed by nearly everyone as well. We sounded terrible overall.

Aolian(or whatever)/the other choir that wasn't us: Guys - Lovely. Especially the tenors. They rock. Girls - REALLY young sounding. Altos were quiet and off. Sopranos were just really young sounding.

Fresh Orchestra - I do not know how they were to sound, but it seemed very flat. That is all...it sounded weird and flat to me.

Jazz Band - WOW. That is all. They fucking rocked. Which also reminds me...I wish to play a) saxophone! (alto preferance), b) trumpet, or c) bass (STILL!)

Then the little people and the mom were stupid. "Is that Ed that was walking with Bailey???!!" and such stupidity.

Ignorance truly is bliss. I wish I did not know some things. I would be so much happier. Take for instance Becca Triplet. She is happy. She is also the most oblivious person I know. I don't know anyone that is aware and happy at the same time.

I wish I knew nothing.



:: 2004 17 February :: 8.32pm
:: Mood: amazed

Kids, you really have to see the play Saturday. You know me... mister moody... well this play was awesome... just very.. mysterious and... I don't know... You'll have to see...

6 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 16 February :: 11.37pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: movieeeeeeeeeee

My mouse roller thing can massage my finger......wow....Ba da daaaaa!!!!
WooooooO NO BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not now at least.

I took a long ass nap today.

Out of lack of better things to do, I am updating(again!).

I am now talking to Roxanne, Alex(ander), and Alex.

I talked to Nick for a little..errr...LONG.. while. He disgraced me beyond reason. But before it he helped me with my math. So he is *slightly* forgiven.

I also called Gwen. She is bringing me a book. Yay Gwen!

2 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 16 February :: 9.32pm

I must update once more.

Call me pathetic if you wish, but I had to change my icon and this is what I came up with.

I got this from some chick's sight, but she ripped it off w/o giving props, so I am not sure where it came from. I guess I will just have to keep in mind that I WOULD let you all know who made it, and make them feel special, but stupid people are, well...STUPID.

I am feeling that way lots lately....(what it says)



:: 2004 16 February :: 6.17pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: water...Oprah

Damn words.
God damnit it. I resorted to doing homework and discovered the math homework sucks royal cock. They are all word problems and the wording confuses me greatly.

Will someone help me?! *bursts into tears*

3 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 16 February :: 5.06pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Leave me alone...(Limpe Bizkit! - Nookie!!!!)

I am procrastinating.
Woo hyper and nothing to do for once! = (.

It is SO fucking nice outside! If I had somewhere to walk I actually would! Gladly!

How long it will last I am not sure. The little people and mom just walked in.

They got the dog a carrier thing so my dog quits destroying the house. They have her in there now, and I have to listen to her whining and I feel terrible = (.

Last night I was at Roxanne's house. Pretty uneventful, but good to get away.

Britney Spears' Toxic is on!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!...

not really.

I like comments ; )....



:: 2004 16 February :: 2.04pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: 80's stuff... can't remember the name

they made the move again...
Last night as I was *trying* to fall asleep, my parents came in and said, "Nick, we want you to call up some friends tomorrow and go to the movies, or crash the mall, or something. Don't worry about your homework getting in the way."
As they turned and left I just bit my tounge and gripped the bed, because I was sure as hell I was going to throw my lamp at them... I wanted to do something yesterday, but no, they fell asleep for half the day. God knows I should never wake the parents or *thumb of under-god parents* will squish me... So I didn't do anything yesterday. So, today, I work on my homework, come downstairs thinking my dad would like help putting the tree away (yes, mid-February and our Christmas tree is just now being disassembled) but he didn't. He's nowhere to be found down here, even though it's his idea that the tree should be out of the house. I didn't bring my clothes down for laundry 'till noon (bad because my dad wanted them in the morning... but hey, the parents don't seem to care). And, of course, as much as my parents want me to do something now, I'm not and they won't do a thing about it... they're so inconsistant in life. They wonder why I get pissed at them. Oh well... I'd walk to the mall except that they'll tell me it's too cold and I've got no one to go with. 45º, President's Day (plenty of people shopping... good sales after all)... how could it be such a problem for me to walk half a mile? Because my parents are just dumb at times. Didn't want to see a movie... nothing good worth seeing, unless I really want to sneak into the R rated movies, which I don't right now. So I'm just a little SOL today.
I didn't enjoy my shower this morning (strange comment, I know)... As I was rinsing, I noticed this huge ball of hair on the floor of the shower, and I just thought, "Shit... here comes the baldness." Then, as I was drying off, both my knees started flaking a crap load of dead skin... I think my body's going into decay. Plus, the shin that Mark slid into is now yellow (which might be good, as it was blue before, but it's much more ugly now...). Maybe it would've been better if school had been today. Then I'd not feel like I'm wasting the day away again... nope, that's a lie, I'd just waste it at school.
Off to practice piano... buh bye folks.

1 truth | lie


:: 2004 15 February :: 8.30pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: my song...

I changed it...
Yeah... I changed the title to my journal, as I thought I would. I think I need to write a song for it... that will take a LONG time...
Anyways, my meeting was cancelled today (huzzah!), I took a nap (VERY not like me) and had a strange dream that I really can't remember. Um, the parents are home... I've been pretty useless today... I want to be out, go out, get away from this household...

4 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 15 February :: 4.10pm
:: Mood: exanimate
:: Music: AFI - Synesthesia...AAR - last song...Blind Melon - No Rain....RBF- Beer...wow this is taking long

Adding more to before. WHOA! I made a rhyme! Rock on! ^_^
I forgot stuff and did not wish to edit my last entry.

I gave my mom the pills Mishelle colored to save me. My mom did not believe me and said they were colored with a pen. It was nail polish stupid lady!

Later that day, she saw my wrist as I was wiping dog spit off my pants. She demanded to see it more, and said it was bruised. I really did not see how she got that, but there IS slight discoloring from wearing my Death all the time...Then she said an entire layer of skin was rubbed off and asked what the scab was from. The scab was just a dot, so I said I landed on a tack. Worst excuse I have ever thought up, but I am not spontaneous. I had accidentally dropped a tack on my bed and landed on it when I flopped down. She did not believe it (nor did I!), so now I am thought of as being suicidal AND taking illegal drugs from her.

I was not the one that took the Prozac but will never turn in anyone...I am too passive and unconfrontational.

I have a bloody nose right now.

Which reminds me...I have been spitting up more and more blood lately. Not because of a bloody nose though. I don't think it is good...but whatever.

Brownies need to come out of the oven!

I have a concert on Tuesday. Everyone needs to come watch us suck. I hate the songs we sing.

I am talking to my brother....



6 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2004 15 February :: 1.45pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: Eve 6 .....

Sundays are always bad days...
I woke up at 8:45 this morning, which would usually be good.... except that I went to sleep at 2:30 last night. Yeah... something about these continuous nights of only 6 sleeping hours... just screwy.
Last night, Lacey got home at about 9:00 ... I guess CMR and GFH tied for first @ festival. Y'all should come to see the show on Tuesday.... well, actually... I might go Saturday (as you can see, yet to be determined). Jennie came over too, and we talked and talked and laughed and talked and carried on and finally went to sleep. As of now, my parents are still not home, for all we know they're still in Missoula. I haven't done anything today, other than messing around on the piano. This is bad, because BSA is today, and I haven't done anything in the past month for requirements... I feel kind of... yeah...
So, I feel like today is a pointless day... yup... just kind of... eh... do I sound hung over at all? I wouldn't know, I'm not a drunkard... but for all I know, I sound like some sort of freakish drunk man right now...
Oh... I'm thinking I should change my journal title. After all, I've written something for the two I've had/have. I'll have to think on it, I guess... but I'm getting tired of the quote from that poem... it was a crappy one anyways... and I'm getting tired of the color scheme... oh well...

1 truth | lie


:: 2004 15 February :: 5.25am
:: Mood: about to cry...irritated....angry....cold..tired
:: Music: Ataris - Boys of Summer, Finger 11...I like this band

Damn I suck.
I can finally get to Woohu so I am updating. Before my computer was in such a terrible state I could not even get to Internet Explorer at all, but Kyle (friend from Idaho) fixed it for me. Yah.

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I got to thinking about how terrible sleep is. More than 1/3 of your life is unaccounted for due to sleep. You can not tell what is going on. The thoughts you wish would forever vanish are suddenly thought of. It is a state similar to near death. Absolutely no control is granted. You just have to deal with sleep. Nothing will change it. The mere aspect of such a thing seemed horrendous. I would soon be leaving the world. I could die in my sleep and I would never know if I was still sleeping or not. Whenever I drift off, the next thing I know it is around 5, 8, 12 hours later. Sometimes I remember dreaming, but usually not. It seems as if my life just...disappears...

Today was good. I went to lunch with my mom and a few of her friends at Golden Corral. After, we roamed Market Place, saw Roxanne, my mom finally met hers. Then to Famous Footwear. I got some boots. Saw Ashley K. I hate her. Went to Petco to get pig vitamins. Saw Mishelle's dad but wasn't sure if it was him or not. Went to Barnes and Noble and looked a lot.

I did get to go to Kaylene's house. 'Twas fun, but everyone but me was hellishly late. Watched part of Encino Man (Damn Gwen!), The Excorsist, watched the phone be passed around of Nick...Gwen screamed alot. Watched a little Drumline then came home and I want to go to bed.

I better push enter while my computer is still alive.

2 truthsooth sayers | lie

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