2002 15 October :: 6.15pm
hooray.. tomorrow is the last day of the quarter and only two more tests... and thursday i go home.. stlouis... hooray. i'm so excited. party on friday hopefuly at lils, celebrating 1-6 and chilling with people i haven't seen in months. people i hope to see: allie lil les clayton nathan chris brian my bro dad sarah ben... sigh.... today i found out that next week on my bday i start swimming practice at 5am and have two tests. hoo-rah. that'll be enjoyable. i'm just foaming at the mouth for thursday morning to come......
Any Takers?
2002 14 October :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: work it
yea so friday was almost a complete nightmare. So i go 2 six flags and alyssa talked me into going w/ her druggie friends...britney, ashley, denise n them. I really only went kuz Allie was meetin me up there n i jus figured i'd use them 4 a ride n then jus ditch 'em. No prob rite? Wrong. It took 4ever 2 find allie...n alyssa wasnt helping at all...her constant bitching jus got 2 me 4 some reason..ha who woulda thunk? r ya pickin up my sarcasm? yes, good. So anyway, i finally find allie and as planned ditch the druggies. So then we meet up w/ dan n jarob oh and tommy too. omg..tommy was like saran wrap..i mean he's kool to talk 2 and everything but omg hes like a puppy dog. ahhhhrgggggg. But thats ok...heh. i got over it. So that night pretty much sucked...'cept 4 seein Allie, shes always fun n can cheer me up no matter how pissed i am.
soo...saturday i went 2 the mall w/ my mom 2 return the other 2 homecoming dresses. but as it turns of the dresses was over 30 days late...n they refused 2 return it. heh but my mother...being the stubborn person she is, complained n bitched...n finally she convinced them 2 take the dress back. it was pretty damn funny actually. Then sunday i went tanning, kuz i really needed to do that. my back is all messed up kuz my cheerleading outfit left tanlines from the games we were at. it's pretty sad actually. Im thinking ill tan some more this week kuz it still needs 2 even out more in time for homecoming. Which is this saturday! im sooo excited! I finally talked 2 lauren and have the whole carpool, etc. figured out.
So i stayed home from school 2day. it was great sleepin in til 12:30. i also got 2 miss a test, so that was good. Except 4 the fact of making it up 2morrow. arg. and from wut i hear from jake, its really hard. he got a C on it, so that means ill be getting....a D. that sux. o well ill get over it.
Any Takers?
2002 14 October :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: work it
yea so friday was almost a complete nightmare. So i go 2 six flags and alyssa talked me into going w/ her druggie friends...britney, ashley, denise n them. I really only went kuz Allie was meetin me up there n i jus figured i'd use them 4 a ride n then jus ditch 'em. No prob rite? Wrong. It took 4ever 2 find allie...n alyssa wasnt helping at all...her constant bitching jus got 2 me 4 some reason..ha who woulda thunk? r ya pickin up my sarcasm? yes, good. So anyway, i finally find allie and as planned ditch the druggies. So then we meet up w/ dan n jarob oh and tommy too. omg..tommy was like saran wrap..i mean he's kool to talk 2 and everything but omg hes like a puppy dog. ahhhhrgggggg. But thats ok...heh. i got over it. So that night pretty much sucked...'cept 4 seein Allie, shes always fun n can cheer me up no matter how pissed i am.
soo...saturday i went 2 the mall w/ my mom 2 return the other 2 homecoming dresses. but as it turns of the dresses was over 30 days late...n they refused 2 return it. heh but my mother...being the stubborn person she is, complained n bitched...n finally she convinced them 2 take the dress back. it was pretty damn funny actually. Then sunday i went tanning, kuz i really needed to do that. my back is all messed up kuz my cheerleading outfit left tanlines from the games we were at. it's pretty sad actually. Im thinking ill tan some more this week kuz it still needs 2 even out more in time for homecoming. Which is this saturday! im sooo excited! I finally talked 2 lauren and have the whole carpool, etc. figured out.
So i stayed home from school 2day. it was great sleepin in til 12:30. i also got 2 miss a test, so that was good. Except 4 the fact of making it up 2morrow. arg. and from wut i hear from jake, its really hard. he got a C on it, so that means ill be getting....a D. that sux. o well ill get over it.
Any Takers?
2002 14 October :: 3.41am
:: Music: For Justin
I haven\'t written in a while, then again i haven\'t had much to say. Ray and posse are coming in this wednesday. I suppose i\'ll have people in and out of my house most of this weekend. Summit\'s homecoming is on is the first Racketball practice. I\'m thinken there\'s going to be a party on Friday night and the practice that next morning would be at 8. Diana told me that since so many girls wanted to play that the try outs would be rough. I\'ve never played, and frankly i don\'t really care to make a fool of myself. 8am on a Saturdays kinda rough as well. I would actually have to sleep on friday nights. In addition to practices every wednesday...who knows what i\'m going to do. I have to talk to Dr. Anderson about lax as well...ahh will it never end? No, i suppose it won\'t.
We have testing tomorrow which means we get out 11:30. The mother decided we were going to bond that day and she\'s taking me to spa. I really don\'t think it will be that bad. I\'ve never been to a \"spa\" so this should be interesting. She has all these treatment deals all picked out for me...i think she\'s going to try and buy me clothes too. Hmm...all that\'s in Frontenac are J.Crews and other ridiculously expensive stores...hmm, this day could get very interesting.
So i went to the Rams game yesterday. My Dad\'s boss invted us, the Wethington\'s and the Steven\'s. Beau was definitely there looking even more gorgeous than usual.Yea good thing he\'s 18 and acts like he\'s my brother. That must sound creepy, maybe i should explain. Beau and i have grown up together. My dad and his dad are best friends, and so were we...until he got into highschool. He was always kinda goofy lookin, and really lanky and it was just Beau. The big brother i never had. Well Sophmore year comes around and he\'s just all of a sudden this gorgeous creature. Ironic isn\'t it?
Ah, i have about 58757697 things to do today, and i just don\'t care to do any of them. None of our homework is due till wednesday but i guess i really should get alot of it done so it\'s not hanging over me tomorrow. It\'s also about 0 degrees in my room right now and i\'m definitely still in my little uniform skirt. Rieke\'s just a big crazy woman and thought it was warm in her room so she had all her fans on and the window open. Yea, it\'s definitely only about 40 degrees outside. I froze through the whole class. Well, if anyone actually took the time to read this i alpologize for endless rambling. I wonder if anyone actually ever reads what i have to say...hmm. Until then.
Any Takers?
2002 13 October :: 8.19pm
its better this way... i say...
so about once every year when it gets really really cold out and i have my window open and everything sucks, i lie on my floor (because thats how low i feel)... and i become a big cliche (size 10) and turn on sarah mclachlan. i dont even know the name of the song but its about "the winter here is cold... and bitter... it chills us to the bone.. havent seen the sun in weeks... too long too far from home... " and so on. and then i cry for like, an hour straight. its going down to 34 degrees tonight...
Any Takers?
2002 11 October :: 4.27pm
youre just like a dream
show me show me show me how you do that trick... the one that makes me scream she said... the one that makes me laugh she said... and threw her arms around my neck... show me how you do it and i promise that i promise that i'll run away with you...
its friiiiday. we aint got no jobs.. we aint got shit to do! lets get high. (-friday)
so um, yeah... in a few minutes i am going to pick up colleen then we are going to go watch angies softball game. after that we will hopefully get drunk because its ashely whites birthday and whatnot... yay for beer. otherwise people like me who are unprepared to confront reality may actually have to. it was a swell place but sometimes i;d just prefer not to return.
'but underneath theres an expression that the makeup isnt making. life under the big top... its about freedom its about faking...' -ad
thank jehova for the weekend.
Any Takers?
2002 11 October :: 6.52am
its about 5:45 am and ive been watching the news for 45 minutes. there were four different shootings in north st.louis last night... three cheers for the right to bear arms....
Any Takers?
2002 10 October :: 5.39pm
:: Mood: confused
so yea...tom wants me to go to the creepycrawl 2nite to see the "hand-me-downs" play. steve said i should go n if i ever talk 2 allie she'll prob make me ah, w/e. well 2morrow nite the plan is six flags. it should be fun, we'll see. the last time me allie, alyssa, emily n jessica went 2 six flags we went on the dragons wing..omg, it was such a rush! i would so do it again if i had money..damn! oh i talked to ben on the phone the other nite..he was trying 2 get me 2 prank jeff or act like a prostitute ha that woulda been funny..2 bad he wasnt home but jeff said ben knew he wouldnt be home..? so huh. i dn. They make me laugh so much..but jeff can be an ass at times...he jus trys 2 hard. Well...alyssa and stanza are going out now...thats an interesting couple rite there. I actually kinda told kevin he should ask her out...jus kuz i figured she'd say no n we'd both get a laugh about it. But NOOO..she says yes 2 him! i was shocked kuz like so picky. n this kid is not cute at im not sure wut this girl is thinkin. o well..w/e she wunts 2 do. ha but it's funny kuz hes already pissin her off...he called her n her friends stuck up. i dn wuts up with that but wutever..he mite be getting dumped sooner than i thought.
Now last nite we had a game and then after wards we had our cheer clinic. but at the game..we were doin a cheer facing the audience and the soccer ball was kicked hella hard n landed rite n the middle of haley n amanda. ha i think it woulda be fucking hilarious if one of 'em got hit. heh arent i nice? but it would long as it wasnt me! heehee! but neways..the clinic was after our game and it was soo much fun! We learned how to do 3 new builds, one of which were chairs. basically a chair is where the base lifts the flyer up n the flyer pretty much sits on the base's hands. it looks so kool tho. after our next practice im thinkin we'll be able to do 'em at games. so this works out. but supposedly alyssa v. said that we should fly the flyers that arent 130 lbs. n god damn..we dont have ne flyers that weigh that much so i dn wut she's thinkin. but this pissed me off kuz she was referring 2 me and ashley. Ashley is like the same size as me, plus a lil' muscle. but yea shes little. So i was kinda offended but its funny kuz laurens planning on having some1 else fly amber since alyssa is so cocky about flying 70 lbs of nothing! So this works out...i still get to fly and Alyssa gets screwed over. I find this quite funny. well i best be gonna go call tom..and allie too, see what the deal is 2nite.
Any Takers?
2002 8 October :: 5.18am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: So Impossible
Oh what a day. Back to school so it felt like a monday. Yesterdays day off was nice though. Lizz, Tom, Steve, and I all headed up to \"the new mall\". Lizz and i went solely for the ice cream. I did buy a Dashboard shirt and a Green Day poster, heh only in my bag would you find both items together. We talked about homecoming, and Tom acted strangely so that conversation stopped fairly quick. Came home and had dinner with the father. That hasn\'t happened in a while...and i was the one that cooked. A definite rareity (sp?) in this house. He left for Canada today, don\'t know when he\'ll be back though. I did however fail to finish my physics homework. Fortunatly for me she forgot to collect it. Signed up for the Racketball clinic, Lacrosse\'s is (is that right?) coming up as well. Quarter grades came out. I\'m not failing anything which is always a plus. I have a c in both English and Physics. My physics grade was wrong though i was happy to hear. So if i\'m lucky with all the points she missed i\'ll add up to a B. Now that i\'ve rambled on pointlessly about grades and what not i might try to move onto something different...
Lauren decided we were all going to get Chinese tonight for dinner. So, evidentally there will be a bunch of UA girls at \"The Webster Wok\" tonight. I was invited, so i suppose i\'ll make my way down there sometime this evening. Chinese is actually sounding pretty good.
Called Nathan last night. His Dad said he\'d call me back...and sure enough, a little after 10 he did. I felt like i was in 7th grade again trying to sneak a phonecall with him. Though neither one of my parents care anymore, i still do. It was a very boring conversation...basic small talk. I miss when he used to call to tell me what seemed like the biggest or greatest thing to him. I miss when i knew i could call him and cry, and it would be ok. He had to go, so we hung up and i put my headphones back on. Standard Lines started playing and i almost cried. I can\'t help but think of him when i hear that song...
A funny thing happened today. Mike Dusman im\'d me. I should explain. Last February, i went up to visit Sarah and Mike and Lowell came over to her house one night. Mike and i clicked pretty well. So the next night this kid Abhi has a party and Mike was definitely there. All in all at the end of the night we ended up making out in Abhi\'s basement. I left a few days later and i haven\'t seen him since. We kept in touch little, but nothing big. So today, pretty much out of no where he starts talking to me. And we actually talked for a while. I hate to say it, but it was kind of nice. He\'s been such an ass to Elyse, and i told myself i wouldn\'t let myself like him again the next time i went up, but i\'m scared i won\'t be able to keep my promise. I\'ll talk to Ray, see what she says.
I suppose i should get ready for my chinese food outing, seeing as i\'m still in half my unifrom. I guess i should really get that physics done phone has been ringing like crazy, i wonder who it is...
\" I used to live in a room full of mirrors all i seen was me but i can\'t stand it no more so i smash the mirror and set me free\"
Any Takers?
2002 7 October :: 10.14pm
i just read that the average age that a girl first menstruates is 12, regardless of ethnicity... it just keeps getting younger too. i know in a sense its positive because it reflects all the improvements in nutrition and whatnot, but on the same token its so sad that girls have to deal with this shit earlier and earlier...
Any Takers?
2002 6 October :: 9.18am
The kareoke contest happened today. I dind't win. Didn't expect to though either. I really don't think it went that well. I know i can do better, i just got so nervous and i don't know why. Oh well.
So homecoming went down. And i'm happy t say i really did have a great time. Unfortunatly Mario knows exactly what to do in getting girls to fall for him.
He held my hand. No one ever holds my hand.
He put his arms around my weist, which just makes me melt into the ground.
The after party wasn't too bad either actually. Poor Katie though. Her date was so awful to her. I really felt bad.
So we get to this girl Kathryn's house. Yea, didn't know who she was, we just kinda showed up at her house. Katie and i talked for a while. She's really cool, i like her. We sat on Kat's trampoline and froze. Joey and Andrew came and jumped so Katie and i joined them. Yea, we were definitely still in our dresses but it was cool. Mario talked to Danielle and Katie. I'll type more late, but at the moment my mind seems to be drifting. I'm very distant. Not sure in what way though, just not all there. I suppose i could be upset over how i sang today. But maybe not. Denise and i are supposed to hang out tomrrow. She's a fun girl. I might go write now. Thouh, that would ber very similar to what i'm doing as of right now. Who knows? Not me, that's for damn sure.
Any Takers?
2002 6 October :: 9.52am
"Where are we going?"
"So what's the rush?"
-The lost boys
Any Takers?
2002 6 October :: 1.11am
:: Mood: tired

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
heh that's kinda funny.
Any Takers?
2002 4 October :: 11.34pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: short skirt, looong jacket. heehee
So 2nite i go 2 the football game, not completely b/c i wunted to but b/c we had 2 perform with the little girls from the clinic. It was ok. I'm not big on lil' kids, they tend to bug me at times. omg..we decided to do a post elevator w/ this one little we get her up there n she musta been scared in front of all those people b/c she just bent her knees and came flying backward...on ME! so..thank god i caught her! That coulda been so bad if i hadn't. But whew. So after that..we all go hang out n talk...but im like freezing my ass of kuz i 4got my pants n its like 60 degrees n im in my lil skirt and a t-shirt. So that deff. was not fun. Other than that...well I saw Ben, but didn't say much...i should have worked my charm...but i guess sometimes i get nervous in front of thats weird kuz i dont usaully...i mean 4 the most part im pretty confident w/ whoever. huh. funny how that works. I saw Brad of course...hes fun. Horny. but always fun. I need 2 do something w/ that boy pretty soon. O boy...2nite tommy was tryin 2 make the moves...n if it was ANYONE else...well almost ne1 i would flirted right back...but he was all tryin 2 put his arm around me..i was like uhh no. that aint gonna happen. He's 2 clingy 4 me. I am very independent. I suppose that's a good thing though. O yea...I also talked 2 andrew. my god that boy has changed so much...i dn wut happened 2 him. But like....hes jus...different, kinda into himself or something. So that bugs me, kuz i cannot stand ppl who are like that. Well...i got my 3rd dress the other day. It's very hot...n it is the winner. The other 2 dresses are goin back. its black, sparkly, AND strapless. N wuts nice is its long, but has a it looks flowy. Its sooo pretty, i absolutely luv it! That reminds me..Allie's dance was 2nite. Ohh i hope she had a blast w/ Mario. Kuz if not..aww ill be hearing about it soon tho, that's 4 sure. I bettin its over at 11ish? Yeah..somethin like that. I'm gettin sleepy now...see i was gonna wait 4 benny 2 get on but it doesnt look like he's gonna so...hmm darn. I wunted 2 talk 2 that boy. ah well, later i guess.
1 Greedy Bastard |
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