2006 7 December :: 1.36am
Pando at 5 on friday.....
bring 12 dollars if u want to go....
reply if u want to go or if u dont or cant k.....
saweet tubing and snowboarding
you worry too much
2006 5 December :: 4.26pm
it freaks me out a little when all these girls want to talk to my brother online.
i don't really get it.
i mean come on, he has bad hair.
besides that school is almost over. yippee.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 5 December :: 7.33am
You all can bitch about pot as much as you want. im going to laugh in 08 when voting to decriminalize pot is going to be on the ballet, and its going to pass. yup, this IS true. if it passes you can have up to two ounce on you and have to plants in your home and the worst that will happen is a 250 dollar fine. thats it.
if pot is SOOOOOOOOOOO terrible, why would michigan be doing this?
oh, yeah. google "decriminalizing pot in michigan" and notice how its not just michigan.
onward. i know people who have had a million dollar buisness that smoke every fucking day. and their cool people, they dont make bad decisions. they just like to get high. so the fuck what.
i might not be religious, but this is so true its unreal. God made pot, man made booze. who do you trust?
Perhaps you guys should think before you speak. I rest my case.
10 kids |
you worry too much
2006 2 December :: 12.02am
i am in an horrible mood.
i can't help but be pissed that i have to work every friday until 11:oo and then i get to hear about the great time that everyone had while i was at home.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 1 December :: 12.36am
two weeks left of the semester.
i need this.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 1 December :: 12.08am
He really is so sweet.
Today was fantastic.
3 kids |
you worry too much
2006 30 November :: 3.30am
Stupid Monkeys - Cryptosporidium
Well I'm watching Pulse which comes out in a week..... playing Destroy all humans two and typing on the internet looking for some deals on toolkits for cell phone housing.... hint hint for a christmas present... umm yeah not much else going on... work is great thats all i can say have fun all and whoever gets me christmas presents i will match the amount they spend on me.... haha alright have fun all peace.
you worry too much
2006 29 November :: 1.58pm
Im so sick of people saying shit.
Shit to try and break Mike and I up.
Especially when they know nothing about our relationship.
Fuckin' rat bastards.
If he was cheating, I think I'd know.
Considering we spend all our time together and if we aren't together he's texting me or calling me.
My favorite rumor is the one where he's been going to the tanner with some chick for since the beginning of the summer..
Columbia house is a pain in my ass..
Sending me a bill for 50 bucks, when I haven't EVER ordered ANYTHING from them.
6 kids |
you worry too much
2006 28 November :: 12.04am
The Modern Rock Station here is talking about me.
Its cool because I'm the only one who knows.
Woo 91.5
you worry too much
2006 28 November :: 12.00am
Its going to be one of those nights again.
No sleep. Too much work.
But I'm taking a break and listening to DMB.
I can't tell you how much I love them.
And there is going to be a studio album comming out in January!!
you worry too much
2006 26 November :: 7.10pm
So apparently i missed an awesome party.
Instead I was playing the role of the evil step mother.
Except I'm too cute to be evil..
4 kids |
you worry too much
2006 26 November :: 10.29am
party was good. except for dumb cunts.
9 kids |
you worry too much
2006 26 November :: 1.14am
dont really know what to write except work is going good.... yep thats really all that is.... peace
you worry too much
2006 25 November :: 7.33pm
I heart Jes Jes,
also I am a complete badass.
5 kids |
you worry too much
2006 23 November :: 8.59pm
They say death comes in threes.
I was waiting for the thrid. Now its here.
And I am so sorry.
you worry too much
2006 23 November :: 10.25am
i am thankful for:
ice cream
my friends
school being paid for
mi hermano's stupid hair
little mermaid glasses
robby carlstrom
being a girl
knowing what was going on in chem lab the other day
working on thanksgiving . . . seriously. my family is crazy.
3 kids |
you worry too much
2006 23 November :: 8.20am
Leave some memories that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you
7 kids |
you worry too much
2006 23 November :: 3.13am
LOL Ray is a loser
State the obvious, I didn't get my perfect fantasy
I realize you love yourself more than you could ever love me
So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy
That's fine; I'll tell mine you're gay
And by the way...
I hate that stupid old pickup truck
You never let me drive
You're a redneck heartbreak
Who's really bad at lying
So watch me strike a match
On all my wasted time
As far as I'm concerned you're
Just another picture to burn
There's no time for tears,
I'm just sitting here planning my revenge
There's nothing stopping me
From going out with all of your best friends
And if you come around saying sorry to me
My daddy's gonna show you how sorry you'll be
[Repeat Chorus]
If you're missing me,
You'd better keep it to yourself
Cause coming back around here
Would be bad for your health...
[Repeat Chorus]
Burn, burn, burn, baby, burn
You're just another picture to burn
Baby, burn...
you worry too much
2006 23 November :: 2.03am
such a damn conformist i am
 Create your own friendquiz here
5 kids |
you worry too much
2006 21 November :: 11.10pm
Well Im a conformist
Leave some memories that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you
6 kids |
you worry too much
2006 21 November :: 2.15pm
Well, I got my paper today and they scheduled my surgery for december freaking 18th. The day before my 20th Birthday. Hell no. ANNNDDD it's at carson city and they want to do it COLD KNIFE. HELL NO. Okay that is the oldest way of doing it and has the worst percentages of infertility and incompetent cervix. No Thank you. I am totally crying on the inside right now. Well.. almost on the outside. I'm holding it in. So... I think I'm getting a second opinion and with a doctor that is affiliated with spectrum health. Where they have actual freaking technology. Oh and you know who keeps fricking talking to jared. When.. they reason why we decided thursday to sunday pick her up at five.. is so we didn't have to talk to her. But yet she still texts and asks "can you do this, can we do this" blah blah. No.. it's 5 for a reason. It's always going to be 5, so we don't have to talk. WTF... could my life suck anymore?
you worry too much
2006 18 November :: 2.14pm
First of all this is not a pitty entry. I just like to let people know what's going on in my life so here goes..
Well, I have to have surgery. I'm not sure when. Aparently I'm at a high risk for cervical cancer. From what was said by my ob-gyn I have pre-cancerous cells (severe dysplasyia). They called yesturday to schedule the conization (they remove a triangular portion of my lower cervix) and I was too chicken to answer the phone. I really don't want to do this, but I have to. Both of my doctors sugessted it because of the severe dysplaysia. I'll let you know more later. Like when I will have the surgery and all that information. It's also going to mak it difficult to have children. Which is my dream and everytime I think about it I want to cry. I mean I wish I was just stupid and didn't care and just got pregnant anyways. But.. I can't do that. There's too much at risk I guess.. I don't know. I just want to have a family of my own. Not jareds...
you worry too much
2006 13 November :: 2.14pm
Ha.. sorry. It just makes me happy after what I heard from jared. ;) If you know me... you'll find out what I'm talking about. I can't say it on here because it's about you know who. Heh.. anyways. Morgan went potty like a lot this weekend. It was great and she finally got excited and realized what she was doing. That was really good. A breakthrough finally!
Jared has an interview on thursday for dispatch and we are excited about that one. HOpefully he gets it because he hates what he's doing right now. We really could use the money with our house payments being over 1300 dollars and him only bringin home a little over 1600.. we're screwedskis. I need a job.
Anyways, I find out by this wednesday if Jared and I can start a family. If they say no.. too bad it's the only thing that will make our life complete. It's what I've always wanted and Jared wants it to.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 29 October :: 2.13pm
Well.. this weekend was interesting. I really just wish she'd swallow her pride and admit that she babies her. I mean.. come on. Every single person I talk to agrees. It's making it very hard to advance her. She's smart. Very smart. She can figure things out if you let her. It's just taking the time to do it that we believe is the problem. Either way. After about 4 months of trying she went potty in the toilet twice this weekend. We started using money. She likes to put it in her bank so yeah we "reward" her for using the potty. She ate everything that we gave her. Which we were just as suprised as last week when that happened. She ate lasagna hot dogs in buns chicken and dumplings, regular chicken breast... there's more. But man.. usually it's hard to get her to eat anything that isn't noodles, hot dog or breaded chicken. Anyways... things are getting a little bit better each weekend we have her. Maybe things will get better with the rest of my life huh?
you worry too much
2006 18 October :: 2.12pm
Toddlers Mother
Alright, so saturday was like the worst night that I have had in a long time. And it's all because of one particular person... You know who. Yeah.. She ruined our plans and went to leslees wedding even though she wasn't invited and then wouldn't let morgan get over the fact that she was there and we wanted her to sit with us so she ended up sitting by me with morgan on her lap. Yay :| Anyways once we finally got morgan away from her she kept making matters worse by coming up and talking to morgan. She ruined our plans to begin with and then made them worse by making morgan throw the worst temper tantrum I had ever seen her through but... supposidly she was fine. She acted just fine. Yeaah... right. I'm done with it. If she want's to ruin our time with morgan then I guess she can succeed. She did it saturday. So congratualations. Oh yeah.. Her boyfriend also had the nerve to yell at me for what Jared said.That would be the second time. So.. hmm.. grow a pair and tell him yourself.
you worry too much
2006 8 October :: 2.11pm
Well, I moved. So.. you probably won't see me online anymore. We can't afford it. The house payment is around 1491 now. WInter taxes are due in two months and we'll have to pay for the propane to be filled (minus 100). Yay. :| maybe we're in too deep.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 21 November :: 3.22am
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 20 November :: 8.44pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Elastica 2;1
The list is getting longer but the base is getting stronger
My car is fixed.
Cellphone Still Lost.
Still owe the bank money.
Still in debt with credit cards
Still working one shitty job
Still Living at my dads house.
Still alone.
(Ive got some problems to work on)
(but at least one of them is solved)
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 20 November :: 5.58pm
Im only miserable when I'm away from him.
The misery eats away at me as I sit and wonder what he's doing, what he's thinking.
And when we're together, I'm constantly questioning everything that he's thinking, and whether or not he truly wants to be with me.
Wednesday at 5 we are meeting with the guy that we are going to be getting the new place from.
I told the landlord last week we'd be out by DECEMBER 1st.
Won't be able to move in until the first of the year.
So I have to go talk to the landlord and try to extend that.
Otherwise we're screwed.
When we move we might be getting a dog.
Mike said it'd be our home warming present.
A plant would be our best bet.
But a dog would be nice.
Even though I love him entirely and he makes me happy, shouldn't I be happy even when we're apart?
I hate being away from him.
I love the way his scent lingers.
I love the way I can still feel his arms around me, even after he's not there.
And I love the way he looks at me.
Sadly, I still question whether he means it.
I'm constantly contradicting myself.
Questioning every thought, even every movement.
And just when I think that our relationship is coming to an end and I've braced myself for the moment, everything turns around.
The self-esteem I lack is well needed at this point.
The confidence I've never had, is desired.
I hate how I'm so insecure.
Will I ever lose this feeling that he wants/deserves better, prettier, smarter?
1 kid |
you worry too much