I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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:: 2006 24 April :: 1.30am

It's okay. We're helping the people in Iraq. And fitting in time for golf.
'Bring it on'

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 24 April :: 11.57pm

Mike and I combined our movie collections.
Dear lord is it huge.. the movie collection that is.
He has me do his laundry now.
So that he doesn't have to go home to get clothes.
His time spent in sheridan, is spent with his daughter.
Our relationship grows more and more each day.

We saw Brian and his girlfriend at Taco Bell tonight
I caused an awkward moment.
I guess saying "you're out late on a school night" to Tiffany was the wrong thing to say.
Either that or it was "My Brian, your daughter is growing up so fast".
Because I got a couple of dirty looks and they didn't talk to us anymore.

Im a bitch. But it's fun.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 24 April :: 8.10pm

okay. one exam down. only two days left at Arcadia. sad sad.

you worry too much


:: 2006 24 April :: 7.54pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Earwig- Drag

I don't like the conditions of my life right now. A few weeks ago, it was excellent. Things have changed. It's only a few weeks. And I have a feeling things are about to get a little worse. I'm going to be more lonely for a while, so I apologize if I complain at all. I just can't keep having "friendships" like the ones I have with Torrell and Angie. I know this. I'm putting a stop to it. After I go there once more.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 23 April :: 6.12pm

Well I'm going to CMU for sure.

Im pretty sure im going to work at MPI this summer and make the big bucks.

And this last friday i rated a Division 1 at State Solo & Ensemble.
The lady i sang for was great, and she told me one thing i will use for sure:"you have a big voice, dont waste it, let it out"

and my sight reading was soooo bad. But i still got a 1 in it. I think i owe it to the guy i went in front of. He helped me out a ton.

Mom is going in for surgery on friday. They have taking he off her medicine to keep he Sjrogens Syndrome down. We dont know what the outcome of her off her medicine will be, but she could die durring surgery if she keeps on it.

please, send a prayer out for my mom.

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 22 April :: 4.00pm

If I hadn't already paid for my dress. I'd tell them to fuck off.

This has been a very good week. Things are going so great between Mike and I. We are very happy. AND I have hung out with FRIENDS! Imagine that. My car got fixed as well. Mike and I went out in public together in GRAND RAPIDS. We also went to my moms the other day. And he took me to meet his grandma, and a couple more aunts and uncles.

Yesterday we went to hospital to see his cousin Nora, because she lost her baby. She was 5 months along and the baby died. However, they think the doctor killed it. I feel so bad for her. We took her flowers and a card.

We went to the Secretary of State yesterday and there was this guy sitting behind us, and the lady that was walking around asking the people what they were there for and what not, asked him if he wanted his title today or mailed to him in which he'd recieve it in 5-7 days. Without hesitation he goes "Whats faster?". Mike and I laughed for about 5 mintues.

When we were on our way to grand rapids we were behind this van that stopped at a GREEN light. Mike and his road rage that is like 10 times worse than mine, goes "People need to learn how to read". I was like "hey, uhm, I hate to break it to you, but stop LIGHTS don't have words on them".

Last night I hung out with Rachel Waringa. It was nice to see her again. I miss her.

Anyway.. Im bored.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 22 April :: 2.17pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: U2-with or without you

Wow, its been quite the time since i've been in here. Not a whole lot is new. I no longer work in the factory. I got a store on Alpine. Its just like the one in Cedar that my parents own, except its a different name, and i'm the manager of this one. So thats pretty exciting. It calls for a long summer, but it also calls for a lot of money! Umm.....i'm on crutches right now, lol so that kinda sucks. But it shouldn't last long. I strained a muscle on my foot. Let's see........my sister moved back in with me. Her and Todd are kinda having troubles. Kelsie is gettin big. She will be a year old on June 3rd. I can't wait for the day to come when she says her first word. She's crawling pretty good, but she can't walk yet, and she's really trying to talk. So all that is pretty exciting. I don't know what else to talk about really. I just recently turned 19 on April 7th. yay. I spent my birthday weekend with my sister. So that was a lot of fun. It's nice to be around her more. If any of you know me and my sister, then you know what i mean. We're a close brother and sister. Hmm......and thats probably about it. Kevin L. Meek

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 22 April :: 1.40pm

last night at parkway was fuckin ausome, damn i love titties... i have been in an ausome mood latley, i have been goin out and doin more stuff then ever before

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 19 April :: 10.03pm

Oh my gosh. Best night ever!

Sarah Weddington is probably the most awesome person on the whole planet. I think I'll have to be an official femminst in her honor.

seriously. nicest person ever.

and i never thought that much about abortion before. i never was emotional about it anyway.

so this is what i think: stay the fuck away from my uterus.

if i had the oppurtunity to move to canada and jake would come with me i'd be gone in a heartbeat. this country is moving backwards and i'm not going with it.

ps-jessica benzer, she compared fighting the pro-choice fight to LOTR.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 19 April :: 5.55pm

we dont flip the bird.
we dont cuss and scream when the cars dont move and the light turns.
we dont lock our doors when we leave the house
there aint nobody here that we keep out
and thats the way we do it in our town
youll never hear me apologize for growing up strong
growing up right
living life by the golden rule sayin' yes ma'am thank you
green fields for miles and miles aint nothing but country on the radio.

aint no burning flags on our courthouse square
youll see old glory flying everywhere

aint no five star restaurant atmosphere
daddys home grown beefs whats for dinner here
and we wash it down with a tall cold beer.

I thank the good lord I was born and bred corn fed.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 19 April :: 4.24pm

heres to the worst day ever...

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 19 April :: 12.18pm

Me: If she had half a fucking brain, it'd kill her.

Jason says: as aposed to the 1/64th brain she has now?

Me: More like .00001/Infinity

Jason says: that was the smallest easy fraction I could think of.

Me: Im not good with fractions as you can tell.. haha

Jason says: considering you used a decimal in one.

you worry too much


:: 2006 19 April :: 9.02am
:: Music: Three Six Mafia

Yawn. I might be ditchin meijer for a job at the high school for the paintball team. regardless what i do it would be something i enjoy, and am halfway decent at. otherwise, not shit has been up with me.

people. post. tell my how you're doing. im curious.

We dont give a fuck.

9 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 18 April :: 9.27pm

My New E-mail is Not-Asleep_Not-Awake@hotmail.com

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 18 April :: 3.32pm
:: Mood: *confused*
:: Music: *tears and rain - james blunt*

*with beautiful weather comes new beginnings*
The past few days have been the best.
Today especially.
The weather is nice.
And Mike and I have been having so much fun together.
He has smiled so much.
It feels so great inside to see him smile.
We've both learned so much about each other today too.
And I'm falling in love with him all over again.
Which makes it all the harder.
He is truly the love of my life.
I don't want it to end.

you worry too much


:: 2006 18 April :: 11.44am

hahaha, cedar people who used to hang out by the window in the main hall near the crotch read this.
so I was just reminising(sp). I went back and looked at stacy's old journal and the one where I insulted everybody I could have possibly insulted. 101 comments I think over 3 days or something. pretty good. I don't even remember what spawned it. It must have been those damn pictures with the lyrics. I still hate those by the way. Basically my plan was just to throw as much bullshit and random insults into the arena, and that's what I got back from everyone, bullshit. Some of the stuff was kind of harsh. I had a good time with some of it though. Funny part is I hang out with these people now sometimes. here's how it went.

Me: Babble babble babble

Joe: You fuck pigs!

Me: You're stupid for saying I fuck pigs!

Joe: I hate coherency!

Jimi : My cock is huge! I agree with joe! Brag!

Me : babble babble babble

Stacy : I like sasauge!

Rachel from belding : you're an asshole!

Me: You're a cum guzzling whore!

Rachel : Shit!

Me : Tool! Tool!

Some Jessica Girl : I have no part in this, but I enter anyway with extended comments on how you don't make any sense, even though that was obvious from the get-go!

Me: your stupid for not noticing that I was merely babbling! And I'm stupid for never using the correct fomr of " you're"! TooL!

Phil: haha, TOol!

Mitch: Way to use everything that maddox uses! I only used to quote penny arcade every day nonstop!

Me: Way to notice things I make obvious! Asshole! FUCK!!!

Mithc: I'm sorry I couldn't have made that last comment longer, I was just so excited I noticed obvious things...

Me: Want to be in my music video with jessa? You'll get to make out with her, I promise...

Mitch: YES!

Tom: I kick ass

Me: yay!

Rachel : Blahhh!!! I'm a vampire!!! I'll use our 5 second sexual encounter to deduct conclusions about everything!!


Jimi: My cock is still huge... but I'll make sure I can negify that comment by stating that my penis is as small as a japanese mans penis, there by stereotyping japanese men... although I earlier refered to you as hitler/ and or agreed with someone when they made that reference... I hate myself

Stacy: am I still even relevent in this argument?

Me: watch as I continue on, regretting everything I say

Joe: I still think you fuck goats (insert reference to my mother being a dirty whore)


I think we should all come together and make this a play... or movie... or a novel that has a play made about it that turns into a movie. It would be fun...

It is, however, good to see that everyone has grown up so much. I consider Joe a good guy, dont' really have much to do with jimi, and Stacy is always cool in my book. Rachel, apologize for the whole whore thing. Phil... you're just phil. Mitch and I have our disagreements but we never let it get to us. It's all good and fun. Infact, reading how stupid we all were made me feel really good about today. Japan in 44 days! I'm goin clubbin. With your response today, leave me what you would like from japan, and for the 55th time, no you cannot have a child. go:

13 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 18 April :: 7.04am


One of the greatest cover-ups of the last century was the fact that Hitler
did not commit suicide in his bunker, but was in fact tea-bagged to death by
Chuck Norris.

each hair on chuck norris' beard has it's own beard.

Chuck Norris owns the greatest poker face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a joker, a get out of jail free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game Uno.

Chuck Norris is the reason Cap'n Crunch's eyebrows are on his hat.

you worry too much


:: 2006 17 April :: 10.31am
:: Music: johnny cash ~ cocaine

so i'm gonna save up money and get my tattoo on my back covered up. probally with a tribal design

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 16 April :: 4.49pm
:: Mood: *pissy*
:: Music: *nobody said it was easy - coldplay*

*pictures from my surgery*

Yeah, I know this is just what you wanted to see for Easter.

I'm still in a pissy mood.
But it's okay.
I passed up my chance to hang out with the most gorgeous guy ever.
Yes, I'm fucking retarted.
And in love with a complete ass hole.

9 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 16 April :: 12.19pm

well some dumbass was beepin me, the other night about Holly and my mom, and the ficticous charater kelly miller. there was no kelly miller, there never will be, i just said that to get the point acrost. there is a girl however, i dont feel to put the name in here, i dont feel like having her bein stalked.

oh if the guy that beeped me reads this i live at 224 lake in sand lake, lets see if you can man up to what you say?

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 16 April :: 6.11am

friday was so beautiful. keegan and i went to AJ's and went mini golfing (which i won) and then in the batting cages. i'm not sure that i've ever even held a baseball bat.. lol.

then we got ice cream and went to riverside park which was wonderful. after that we drove around downtown and stopped at nicks house (breakdancer) and last but not least, got smoothies from coldstone. it was a really good night.

saturday we had a yearbook work day. the senior section is seriously awesome. if you havent bought a yearbook you NEED to. for the people who didnt buy a book this year.. i think that once it comes out next year and people see how good it is, we're going to sell all of our extras.i just did 3 spreads in 3 days. (just so you know.. it takes some poeple about a month or more just to do one) im so excited for the book to be done!

yesterday after the yearbook thing and before i went to work, i went for a run/walk. i havent excersised in so long. and then i got home.. cleaned out under our bunny hut (which was long due... ugh) and wheel barrowed it to the back of our property. i was just in such a good mood ijust wanted to be outside. but TODAY my legs hurt from overdoing it on my walk thing, my back hurts from lifting the wheelbarrow wrong, my shoulders hurt from doing countless handstands, and my tricept is a bit inflamed. ah well, who cares.

we're going to my uncle david and aunt pats today for easter dinner. keegans coming after he gets out of work. he has to be in at 11 and his boss wouldnt let him come in at 12 after church. like ANYONES gonna be eating at logans on easter during church hours. so that's to bad.

the "easter bunny" brought me the carrie underwood cd and a silk robe in my easter basket this morning (thats right, im 17 and still get easter baskets and christmas stockings... my mom doesnt want to let go) and im SEEING carrie underwood at the KENNY CONCERT! i can barely stand the wait. derks bently is gonna be there too.. but i dont really like him. BUT brandi and i just got tickets for the tim mcgraw and faith hill concert too! OMG... now im just freaking out. because im going to two of the biggest concerts this year. i cant WAIT!

happy easter!

you worry too much


:: 2006 17 April :: 3.48am
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: Page France - Goodness

Truth Be Told

God Damnit I Am Sexy!!!

Tuesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe The I.A. performs 3$ cover charge

Wednesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe the I.A. performs 2$ cover. (there is also an open mic that night after we perform if you like to listen to fucking retarted emo kids.)

Thursdays @ 9pm at The Eastown Hookah Lounge the I.A. performs
5$ cover charge
3$ fun fingerfood buffet.
Comedy and hookahs ....what could be better.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 15 April :: 2.45pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Chiodos - To Trixie and Reptile, Thanks for Everything

Hack Attack!

And from far away, people cower under window sills, behind curtains, peering through blinds. "Who could this be?" "He certainly doesn't look Asain..." "Where is his suit and mask? And what about his sword?"

No, there isn't a ninja on the loose. It's just me, playing hacky sack in my driveway. But I always wonder what people think from far away, because they probably can't see the hack.

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 15 April :: 10.15am

is there any way to make this all go away? i just want to be happy and actually hold on to that. i just feel any motivation and good feelings ebbing way.

you worry too much


:: 2006 15 April :: 2.04am

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 14 April :: 11.14pm

He asked me.

I said yes.

God, am i stupid? I should have said no.

Now i dont know what to do.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 14 April :: 10.50am

Excuse me for being selfish.
For being bitter and crabby.
It's all for good reason and will hopefully end soon.
I didn't know that having knee surgery and having a fever at the same time, would cause my mom to not want to talk to me, or come see me.
It's total crock of ass.
She's mad because I'm depressed and being pissy.
I'm stuck in my fucking apartment on crutches.
I spend too much time alone.
Yet, when she has her surgery, she expects me to be there everyday.
I don't know if I can do it.
If only I was as heartless as her.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 14 April :: 2.45am


2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 13 April :: 11.25pm

ok well i tried my first vegetarian burger...... and my decision is

NO MORE MEAT!!!!!!!!!!

they are so good its unbelievable...... i'm gonna get fat on them lol so ummm yeah thats my update


you worry too much


:: 2006 13 April :: 11.37am

so i'm back and badder than ever. i know that isn't even correct, but i mean that i'm a bad-ass. you know how i roll.

i'm not even fully functional and i'm still badder than you. i can't even walk up stairs and i'm such an m-fing baddy mcbadderson sack.

also i can't sleep. freaking a. i went to bed at 10:30. didn't fall asleep til almost one woke up again at 4:30 to read and then woke up again at 6:40 to go to menards and fill out an app. i'm a monster. then i helped jake jump start his car and drove all the way to the zoo and didn't pass out. then i dragged my bag upstairs without any help.

you can't even touch me.

i miss jenna and i don't know where she is and my belly hurts and i'm hungry. and i don't want to put pants on.

okay and these people owe me:
Chris Best-One Georgia Book
Jessica Wilde-Ditto (sorry I keep nagging, I just love my little bookies)
Travis Macdonald-How to Survive the Loss of a Love (I know you don't even read this, but it's not called how to survive the loss of a book) IF ANYONE COMES IN CONTACT WITH THIS CHILD OR HIS TWIN SHOULD NOTIFY HIM OF MY ANGER.
Biondi-The Diary of Marie Antoinette.

That is all.

3 kids | you worry too much

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