I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark.
And all the friends that I was telling.
And all the playful misspellings.
And every bite I gave you left a mark.
Tiny vessels oozed into your neck,
and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.
"Satellite developer Intelsat and the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation are other well-known names on the list."
no.... anyone but krispy kreme!! Fuck GM's financial aid plan... give that shit to Krispy Kreme!!
My theory:
If GM goes insolvent, thousands of people will lose jobs.
But given that we move the aid to Krispy Kreme, doughnut prices decrease at record pace and all the unemployed are too distracted by delicious glazed doughnuts to worry about how they're going to feed their kids (they could just feed them doughnuts as well, but that's unhealthy. This is where McDonald's comes in...) and live for the rest of their lives!
"Sectors least represented in the Bottom Rung group include natural products, forest products, healthcare, metals and mining"
I feel like I could have told that health care may still be one of the more highly desired items in case of economic meltdown, but who am I...
UFC was awesome last night. lots of killer kos. the next 2 are gonna be sweet as hell. anderson defends his belt and goes for a ufc record, 9 consecutive wins in the ufc, which he is still undefeated in. then after that rampage and rashad are gonna fight, which is going to be fantastic.
I really wish that the drama would just stay as far away from me as it could.
I absolutely hate it.
I hate it when people say anything that involves my boyfriend cheating on me.
Especially when we are barely apart, and he really doesn't have time to cheat.
It literally makes me sick to my stomach when someone says those words.
I instantly get tears in my eyes, and my stomach gets knotted up and I can't swallow.
It doesn't happen because I feel like I can't trust him.
And even though I know I can trust him, it still gets my mind thinking, well can I really trust him, how faithful is he, has he done it before, who is it..
It happens because I care so fucking much about him, and the thought of it eats me up inside, because I already don't feel good enough for him.
The thought of losing him kills me inside and I feel like my whole world is crashing and burning right before my eyes and there is nothing I can do about it.
I swear I go through this atleast 5 times a year, at minimum.
Where someone says he is cheating, or that he made a move on them, or something that involves him and another girl.
People fucking suck.
And they are lucky I'm not completely crazy.
I hate when my friends are all unhappy and their worlds are all falling apart.
The selfish part of me hates it, because it makes me reflect on my life.
The unselfish part of me hates it, because I hate watching my friends go through all that crap.
The only unhappy thing I have to look back on right now, is the fact that I have had a migraine for 2 almost 3 days now, and nothing is relieving the pain.
That and my cat is a bitch. I love her, I really do, but she needs a new home.
Whoa.... its been a few days
Yawn, i am fuckin tired. I still have enough energy to post though.
MSU has clinched the big ten title and only needs one more win to secure them as the full blown winners. and considering they play indiana (1-15 big ten record, the worst team) next it should be a gravy train to that title. cant wait to get my bracket for march madness, maybe ill actually win some money this year!
When i was making my way home the other night, i saw a car in the cemetary parking lot. this cemetary is only about 200 feet up the road from my house so i was wondering what in the hell they were doing there at 12:30 at night. as i drive by i notice that there is a fucking fire in the cemetary! i go home wait about 10 minutes, and here comes the fire truck roaring by. needless to say didnt appear that much was damaged, but still pretty crazy. i assume it was a pagen sacrifical ritual where a goats blood had been spilled in the hopes someones loved one would return to them. Fucking cultist.
Edit: I got pretty sweet at street fighter 4. pretty dope game. however, if you get pissed off when you lose in fighting games, i suggest getting high before you play. you might want to break a controller otherwise. ^^
I have an interview on Wednesday at 4 pm.
An office position at Town and Country Title Services.
Its 40 hours a week too! :)
Now I must find something to wear..
Yesterday was probably one of the worst days I have had in a long time.
I managed to lock my keys in my car in the ghetto.
And apparently my body felt it neccessary to breakdown at that moment, because I balled my eyes out.
Crying in public, not my thing.
A collage of cartilaginous contusions
and what everyone usually just assumes is
painted, peeling black lacquered
barrels connecting bullets to the haggard
I'm still kickin. I love the class and I'm really coming into my own with the language at this point, atleast when I put my mind to it...
I don't remember Spanish being this difficult to get into the mindset of grammatically. The best part now is that if I try to use any Spanish at all, I can't make that switch, so most of the little in between sentence sounds like , in english (umm, well, anyway, etc...) all end up coming out in Japanese. Plus it takes awhile to get into the grove of speaking in order to pronounce every word in your sentence correctly. But I managed, yesterday, to explain the rules of waterfall completely in Japanese so I look at that as some evidence of progress.
Yui's in Amsterdam (jealous) so things have been pretty boring.
I've had a hell of a time getting the replacement AC adapter for my lappy so I can call you guys.
Im a pill poppin animal
Last night was pretty fun. didnt do that well in madden though. only went 1 - 2 -.- . However i went 39 and 6 in COD4, whatchu know bought the golden uzi? Im so high you couldnt reach me with a fucking antenna
So it's looking like if I keep my nose to the grindstone I'll be graduating next summer with 2 Bachelor's of Science degrees. Two degrees in 3.5 years isn't bad. Then possibly graduate school.
2009 5 February :: 4.02pm
:: Music: T.i. - Sitting on top of the world
I think the media needs to get off the back of Phelps. Sure he has a picture of him smoke out of a bong. So the fuck what? Then some shitty police department starts talking about how their going to launch an investigation. On fucking what? Seriously? How the the hell are they going to launch an investigation on him over a PICTURE! for christ sakes for all they know is could have been tabacco in the bong (until phelps spoke publically on the subject). The mother fucker holds the all time gold medals, hes an American hero in millions of peoples eyes and this is the thanks he gets for it? I mean who even knows how long ago the photo was taken? i personally think its all bullshit, and if phelps whats to continue smoke a little bit of pot, fuck it. the mans earned his chance to sit back and fucking relax. Also, nobody bitch about him putting chinas shitty air in his lungs, but he puts a little THC in there and everyone losses their heads. Fuck the media, I support Phelps smoking all the pot he feels the need for. Infact, i want him to make a youtube video with all of his gold medals around his neck, and him just sitting there token. Thats just me though.
Msu - vs Indiana next, then at Ann arbor to make michigan our bitch. T-Walt is going to make Manny Harris his bitch. Bad year to be a UoM fan. Fuck them though. They fucked college football, and themselves in the ass. Go State!