I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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:: 2008 6 February :: 12.46am


So, why the change (again) Andy?

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 5 February :: 2.56pm

So Giants win, and Pats didnt. Makes me happy.

Oh and Broke Lesnar is stupid and doesnt know how to fight for shit and tapped out in like the first 2 minutes of his fight. Regardless someone will say he was rocking Frank Mir. Truth be told, Brock sucks. Watch the fight and look at his stance, and how he seems like hes not sure what he should be doing. Hes probley still getting used to actually hitting someone.

you worry too much


:: 2008 5 February :: 1.04pm

P.s. Earth Intruders by Bjork makes me dance like a hippy.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2008 4 February :: 5.41am

I have work today and then tomorrow then off Wednesday but I really don't care. I need a job that I have fun at because I get more pissed each day I go in. I hate jumping jobs but trust me this is no laughing matter. I mean yeah I get paid to work out but at the same time it costs alot of money to feed myself. well anywho off to work I go Hi ho Hi ho.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 3 February :: 11.14pm

Josh Homme has to be one of the coolest fuckers in the world.

Eagles of Death Metal is due for a new album on Valentines day. Its titled "Heart On".

you worry too much


:: 2008 31 January :: 11.40am

I have been working out every day for the past week. Its exciting and stuff. Ashley and I do a class for an hour, lift weights for a half hour, then swim for a half hour. Needless to say, it kicks my ass, but I feel better already. Hopefully I will see results eventuly. Lord knows I feel them. lol

Also, not only do I love Eagles of Death Metal, QOTSA and Desert sessions, I'm now really into Kyuss. Good stuff man.

you worry too much


:: 2008 27 January :: 8.46pm

I'm going to be an aunt!

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 27 January :: 11.15am

So im sitting on my dads laptop, getting my ass chewed out by my mom via msn about a lowsy 45 bucks, and at the same time shes talking to my dad on his cell phone while he's sitting directly across from me talking crap about me.


2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 25 January :: 12.13am

To elaborate...

you worry too much


:: 2008 25 January :: 12.05am

and all the while, I'm thinking....

I need a map of your head, translate it into english so I can learn to not make you frown
feel better if you vent? put your frustrations into four letter words.

Your communication skills are improving kevin-san, just take a chill pill and enjoy the moment.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 24 January :: 12.20am

You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!

*My new ringtone*

you worry too much


:: 2008 23 January :: 12.32pm

Another year older.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2008 23 January :: 8.40am

I fucking hate this town.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 22 January :: 9.08am

So, I have all the pieces I could possibly need, but I'm still not seeing how they all come together to form that picture of a kitten. This stresses me out.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 21 January :: 3.13am

Im not sure if its because I found the movie Evan Almighty to be inspiring or what, but I feel beyond content right now.
Things are getting better everyday.
I have a great relationship.
Money is tight, but we are getting by somehow.
I still haven't found a job, but I am hoping that changes soon.
And, I don't hate the world.

you worry too much


:: 2008 21 January :: 12.37am

I hate when names haunt.


you worry too much


:: 2008 19 January :: 8.08pm
:: Music: Wyclef - Sweetest girl

Yawn. Last night was something else. I love it when I black out.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2008 19 January :: 6.28pm

I am loving my new Rock Band game. Oh and I believe Lallo [edit] and Jackie [edit] will love the fact that Q.O.T.S.A. is on it. Very great game and I recommend it to anyone who loves Guitar Hero. :D

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 17 January :: 2.20pm

Locked my keys in my car today.
Lucky for me, the campus police brought a slim jim and unlocked it. I also have gotten my $300 fee waived for moving off campus.

It's been a fun day

you worry too much


:: 2008 16 January :: 4.21pm

SOooooo we are downgrading our place and so if anyone wants to buy any of my stuff just let me know.
We have a pretty extensive dvd collection that is all up for grabs as well as a Wii that I am willing to sell with all of the accessories also. my number is 516-0563
We also have some books and cds. pretty much if you want to buy anything just let give me a price and I will probably sell it to you.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2008 15 January :: 11.37pm

Just thought id make an update so anyone who still cares knows that I'm alive still, not sure what im going to do yet, just put my app in at a few places hope i get a call from one of them.

On a positive note, i passed one of my michigan state certification tests, soon ill be certified for engine tune up and performance, next is brakes, then who knows.

anyways.. i wouldnt expect to see me for a while, i may be online from time to time but i think its a good time to disappear for a while..

*Waves* bye

you worry too much


:: 2008 14 January :: 11.57am

Morning classes suck. But Its not so hard anymore, which is good. At least I dont have any 8am classes.

My roomies and I are signing a lease today/tomorrow for our apartment next year. They are really nice, brand new in fact. Three floors, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, diningroom, kitchen, and livingroom. Its kind of like the apartment I have right now, only better. The best thing about it is they are leasing it for $290 a month, which is amazing because it's basicly on campus. The year after is going to be $360 a month. Woo for me.

Opera rehersal tonight.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 13 January :: 12.17pm

i had pneumonia how awesome is that. not that great actually but yeah i'm gonna go so i can help out my sick gf lol. alright ttyl

you worry too much


:: 2008 12 January :: 8.34pm

Talking to Justy made me remember my dream from the other night..
My sister and i were in this cave type thing, and she was asking me why I hadn't found a job yet.. And I told her that there really wasn't anything around here.. and she was like "my friend amy saw you at the bank the other day, and she told me that if you had a makeover, that you might have a better chance of getting a job"

you worry too much


:: 2008 11 January :: 5.12pm

So my dreams have been out of wack lately, and so is my sleep schedule.

Tuesday night I had a dream that my parents were dating again, and my father proposed..

I had another strange one last night, but I don't remember it now.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 7 January :: 5.14pm
:: Music: a day to be alone - one less reason

Its amazing how your surroundings impact your feelings.
Lately I have had more than enough time to think about things.
And I'm not sure if it's because I'm a very fickle indecisive person, or because I really truly do not know what I want out of life, but I haven't been able to come up with an answer for anything.
The more I think, the more clustered everything gets.
I'm almost positive what i want to go to college for, and career i want to pursue.
I feel that my boyfriend deserves more than what I am capable of giving him.
But I know that if that were true, he'd leave or been gone a long time ago.
Which makes me very grateful for every moment I've spent with him, every memory we've created, and anxious for moments and memories to come.

Is it possible to be so completely happy, yet feel so depressed at the same time?

Oh, and I suck at journal entries..

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 6 January :: 2.58am

just the line
"im already pregnant, really what other shenanigans can I get into"
that line by itself has me dying to see Juno with ellen page.
anybody who has seen it throw your opinion at me because honestly this is one of the those movies that if it sucks I am going to be really pissed because im so excited for it
I wish I had some money

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2008 5 January :: 4.41pm

woo... that was a close one...

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2008 4 January :: 12.17pm

i am tired.
bored and tired. I wish I had some money and something worth doing to do. valentines day is coming up and I am still not sure what i am supposed to get for andy. shit. money is tight. again. but it is okay
liveable. yar. I think that I may make a toasted pb and j and eat it with a tall cold glass of milk. mmhmm. yall got my number use it.

you worry too much


:: 2007 31 December :: 3.59am

La famila. I love that i have two legit families. All i gotta say is my niggas since day one.

you worry too much

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