I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark.
And all the friends that I was telling.
And all the playful misspellings.
And every bite I gave you left a mark.
Tiny vessels oozed into your neck,
and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.
I cleaned out my closet and my drawers today. Its amazing some of the things that I found A notebook from my Junior year with "Jackie + Chris" in Japanese scribbled in various places on it. A note from my freshman year from Tim Seifken asking me to Swirl. A note from Zach Garnsey from when we were going out. A bunch of pictures of Jessie Wilde and I at the RHCP concert. Random choir pictures from Cedar. Awards from more recent years that I remembered encouraged me to pursue a music career. Pictures of old friends, and many other things. It made me sad going through my things, pitching some of it, tucking away my favorite memories. The thing that made me the saddest was how I remembered that things were good. And I just want things to be that good again, you know? Nonetheless, I cleaned everything out, and re-packed my drawers so that I can move my dressers easier. Hopefully things will start going better.
So i haven't updated in about a month.
Figured it was time I should.
Still looking for a job.
Christmas is around the corner.
All my shopping is done.
I have christmas with my moms family today at 3.
Christmas with my dads family tomorrow at 1.
Christmas with my dad sometime between now and monday.
Christmas with my mom monday I believe.
Christmas with Paula and Jim and the kids on Monday night Tuesday morning.
And i think that about sums up my christmas' for 2007.
The closer christmas gets, the more exited I get.
And I get to see my sister and my brother in law!
So every knows I'm in the habit of saying things that get me in trouble. Well watch this, and wait and see what Jeff Ross says to Courtney Love. I've never been a fan of Kurt Cobain, but damn.
Why is it that anytime someone has a song they like or is stuck in their head they have to post the lyrics to it?
I don't mind hearing about what other music people like.. But instead of posting every word of the song and taking up half a page doing it.. Just post the Name of he band and title of the song and "If" I feel like knowing what the lyrics are.. i can look them up myself or just listen to it.
Maybe its cause Im lazy and don't like scrolling past a half o' page of lyrics, but it really annoys me when people do that.
2007 1 December :: 9.36am
:: Music: CSS- My hot hot sex
I should quit watching I am legend trailers
I had a dream the other day. Zombies where attacking the world and I was the last person alive. I fended them off with a club I made from a tire iron. My hideout was Rivertown mall, especially Dicks sporting goods. I slept in the rafters in a canoe and climbed up there with a rope ladder. So if any of you become zombies.... stay away from Dicks sporting goods or else.
Peace at last..
Well, She is finally getting the help she needs and that is a huge weight taken off my shoulders. Its nice being able to stay out late with my friends and not have to answer for myself when i come home.
I'm tire of being treated like a 13 year old with a curfew. Why do women always assume that just because you live together that they can dictate everything you do. I'm sorry if i sound like an asshole, but if i haven't put a ring on your finger, whether were living together or not, I do not answer to you or anyone but myself and am not jumping thru hoops to make you happy.
Yesterday I spent a good portion of my afternoon, and evening at the hospital.
My grandmother was admitted for observation because they still weren't quite positive why she quit breathing. They think it may have been a mini stroke.
This is already a hard time of year as it is.
6 years ago wednesday my grandfather passed away. (it was the day before thanksgiving that year as well).
3 years ago my grandmother passed away the day before christmas eve.
2007 15 November :: 4.02am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Chad VanGaalen
My hardest classes are the one credit music classes...
Next Semester:
-Sight Sing Ear Train II -
-Concert Choir -
-History Survey Music II -
-Academic Learning Skills -
-Mass Comm Contemp Socty -
-Piano Class II -
-Bowling -
-Voice Lesson -
-Studio Class -
-Voice Area Recital/Music 097 -
-Opera -
So Christmas came early at my house last night.
Mike bought me a 20 inch Widescreen (because they only had widescreen) Flat Panel Monitor.
I have a sort of interview tomorrow, to take an IQ Test.
There is a place in Edmore looking for an Office Assistant and April from Manpower is looking into that for me.
2007 30 October :: 3.33pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: The Kinks
Joe recently posted old quotes from my journal and it got me thinking of how I made a word document of all of the quotes over the years and it ended up being 58 pages in size 10 font. Nice, huh? Anyway, here are all of the quotes basically ever quoted for you to save and probably eventually actually get through! Enjoy.
ok well i'm doing nothing today. just sitting around chilling playing beautiful katamari and some halo 3.... god i want xbox live back this sucks lol. well everyone if anyone wants to do something today give me a jingle i'm free. peace.
Red Head
At first it was an amazing orange.
My family laughed at me.
Chelsi flipped a bit.
The girl at Sally's laughed at me.
Now it's an odd (good) red.
I am pleased with it.
Petoskey was so wonderful.
I enjoy king sized beds.
I also enjoy heaters on 80.