2007 5 October :: 3.53pm
I'm really confused.
7 kids |
you worry too much
2007 3 October :: 5.49pm
:: Music: Weezy - Top Back (Seat down low)
Red Flannel for the win. People at work were asking me at work what exactly we do up there. I told them I go with no plans, except for partying hard and seeing my town act like a buncha idiots. W00T.
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you worry too much
2007 27 September :: 11.51am
Vick is a dumbass. Not only does he get involved with one dog fighting ring, he's linked to another where the owner/leader was found murdered execution style. Then he fails a piss test. Laugh, rot in hell you ignorant fuck. I hope inmates have their way with your ass. Pun intented.
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you worry too much
2007 26 September :: 3.16pm
Name: Autumn Irene O'Connor
Weight: 8lbs 9oz
Length: 21 inches
Time: 12:15 PM

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you worry too much
2007 21 September :: 9.26pm
Interesting things have happened lately.
I was in shock for atleast a 24 hour time period.
Wednesday night around 10:15 we heard a knock at our door. So Mike told whoeverit was to come in because we were doing one of his Criminal Justice Quizzes online.. But whoever it was just kept knocking. So he got up and answered the door. Much to his and my surprise, there stands a man saturated in blood. From head to toe. Covered. Mike jumped back about 2 feet, and my eyes grew as big as they could possibly get. Mike asked the guy if he wanted us to call 911. But he just kept repeating 'i crashed my bike, please don't call the cops.. please man, don't.. i'll go to jail.. im drunk" So we got the guy a wet towel, so he could put it on the gaping hole he had in his head. Mike followed the guy out to the pavement when the guy realized he was at the wrong apartment. He took him down to his nephews apartment and the cops showed up. When Mike was talking to the cop, and the guys nephew one of them asked the guy if he got beat up. And the guy, who entirely intoxicated, said "yeah I did. that guy punched me in the face" (pointing at Mike) and Mike was like "dude, you just showed up on my door step, I don't know who you are". I went outside after swallowing my stomach, and there was a massive blood trail. Blood all over my door, bottom of the door frame, side of the door frame, our door mat, steps. In the mean time we're trying to find out where this guy came from, and what happened.. And we notice that his BICYCLE was leaning against one of the garages out back, and the door as well as his bike was covered with blood as well. So then we followed the trail back the other way, and found the spot where he crashed. He either hit a parked truck on his bike, or just simply fell over. There was an extreme puddle of blood on the ground and then smears on the front of the truck.
I haven't ever witnessed ANYTHING like that in my life.
When I went to try to go to sleep that night, I had knots in my stomach so bad that I thought I was going to puke and everytime I'd close my eyes, I'd picture that guy. When I did fall asleep, I'd start sweating so bad that I'd wake up, or Mike would wake me up.
I had nightmares.
Now Im just paranoid of everything and anything that could possibly be in the dark.
6 kids |
you worry too much
2007 19 September :: 2.37pm
I start working full time tonight. Third shift. I have mixed feelings about it. I mean I need the money but I wont have any sort of life anymore. I wont even get to see Justin except on Tuesdays. That just sucks. Not to mention I don't get to see my friends as it is. Only time will tell.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2007 7 September :: 3.44am
I do like him, just as friends though.
But we cuddled, it was cute.
He's cute.
you worry too much
2007 6 September :: 12.41pm
:: Mood: crazy
Wow... I can't believe how longs it's been since I actually updated either of my journals. How crazy life has been!
I never talk to anyone anymore and it makes me miss all those sad pathetic days of blink 182 and parties with the group.
I saw james about 4 months ago. He looked healthy. I think. I havn't heard anything from him since then.
I saw Joe yesturday while I was working. He's doing good it seems. Working third shift at family fare and his dad is out of the hospital.
I saw david with his very pretty girlfriend a month ago (yes while I was working). They both seem happy.
Everyone seems good but, you don't talk to anyone like you used to. I have finally been talking to Raych more. The problem was. I am poor and she is altell. I have verizon therefore talking to her takes up my whole 700 minutes that Jared and I share.
I can't believe I am going to have a baby. What is life going to be like? OMG it's so crazy. It isn't going to be just Jared and I. We are going to have a real family, all the time. I mean. Jared has a daughter but... it's different. I try to make it not different. But it is and it always will be. I just can't wait to bring her home and put her in her crib and dress her in all the clothes we got. And of course.. for me to loose all this stupid weight I have gained. A part of me is scared that she will turn out a he. Haha.. knowing my luck I wouldn't be suprised. Anyways.. I don't know what to write. Now that I have internet maybe I will keep this thing updated. doubt it but maybe.
If you want to look at any pictures or anything go to my myspace. You can see how fat I am now. :)
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you worry too much
2007 5 September :: 3.40pm
So it's been awhile since I have had something of some use or interest.
I still work the same shitty job.
Mike and I are doing great. Wonderful as a matter of fact.
I spent a lot of time with my dad, sister and brother (in law) this weekend.
I had a lot of fun.
Mike went to fireworks with my sister, dad and I.
We walked.. Pretty amazing.
Hopefully this time next year, Mike will be a probation officer or whatever he decides to be, and I will be able to not work haha..
I got my first speeding ticket..
I just called to see how much it is going to be..
$86 dollars isn't bad. :)
5 kids |
you worry too much
1988 1 January :: 2.11pm
so I am at school right now just dicking the time away.
I had to take the bus because my car broke down and so I borrowed one from my parents but then it broke down too. its been a bad week and now i have to go and buy books and that will be pretty damn hefty in itself. yuck on book buying.
andy and I seem to be pretty okay all things considered. we moved and our new apartment is awesome sauce.
no other news.
im going to trek it across campus to see if books are cheaper at brians. im fairly sure they are also I have three hours to kill before my next class.
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you worry too much
2007 26 August :: 12.26am
Thursday my friend Katelyn had her baby. I am way excited because I get to see her tomorrow!!
I also went to see Ally and her pregnant belly today.
I cannot wait until she has her baby..
1 kid |
you worry too much
2007 23 August :: 1.45pm
I'm all moved in. Everything is wonderful. I have to go get books tomorrow and registir for two more classes.
And I got my ticket for QotSA!!!!!!!!!!
They are going to be at the Orbit Room, so its sure to be an amazing concert!!
you worry too much
2007 23 August :: 12.38pm
Guess who's gettin tickets to see fuckin Megadeth bitches' !!
Yea.. you suck
you worry too much
2007 21 August :: 3.42pm
Wow...I've spent the last two hours reading past entries.
It made me sad cause I really miss everyone, and probably will never talk again to those I miss most.
I've also noticed I've gotten progressively dumber. Uh oh.
Why can't things go back to the way they used to be?
That was 3 or 4 years ago.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2007 19 August :: 1.35am
:: Music: Regina Spektor
Fotografia, Uniwersytet, Spac.
I never realized how uncomfortable this little box is to type in. It's shoved to the bottom left corner and no more than an inch and half high. The white background is pretty depressing too. I guess it's the perfect atmosphere for sappy Internet blogging.
There are a lot of things I want to do with my life. I wonder about if I'm doing them. I feel like I'm trying hard, but not making it very far. Why am I going to Alma College? I have proved that I'm a city person. I'm a street photographer. I'm going to a school with an excellent photography program.. but the school is in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of Michigan, to be exact. Not that Michigan is nothing. I have grown very fond of my state over the last year. But after living a year in Warsaw, I simply won't survive long in a small town.
It's money. It's all about money. If I had money I would drop Alma and go to study at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. If I had money I would buy a decent camera and photoshop. I don't have a camera right now. Can you believe that? I have this feeling of hopelessness without it.. this nothingless. When I was in the UP this weekend, my camera broke. I can't afford a new one. I want a nice one though, not just another digital camera every tourist or mom has. Sometimes I wonder who I'm kidding though. I don't know a damn thing about photoshop, about aperature or other camera technicalities. I feel like I know little more than the average photo taker. I guess that's not important though. What's important is that I take photos because I love to do it. I get frustrated, though, when I think my photo could be so much more, but my camera makes it look pixely or ruins the colors. I try to convince myself it will be better when I start college because I can get a job and save up for things like a nice camera, lenses, and I'll be taking classes to learn all of the ins and outs of photography and exercise my ability. But it's difficult to take a photography course with no camera. And it's difficult to get a camera when you owe the school $1,200 before you can even start classes and I've got less than half of that in my bank account. All I can do is rely on my parents once again, even though they can't spare the money. It only adds to the amount that I owe them. Maybe you shouldn't owe your parents, but I know they don't have much more money than I do, so I feel obligated.
I've been thinking about Poland a lot lately. I always think about Poland. Why is it that life works out in almost painfully ironic ways? My best friend is in Hungary. I know a language that will probably never help me in Alma, MI. My camera breaks a week before I start photography classes. Heh. All I can do is laugh about it. I accept that I need to work harder having circumstances like this.. most of the people I love the very most are all around the world. I will probably only see a few of them ever again, and then maybe only once more. And I know that I'm going to meet many more people that I will cherish.. and never see again. It's something I accept in traveling though.
I wish I could study in Australia. I really want that the most. I wish that the school would be more helpful to me and I wish I knew what my plan was for even the next year, let alone the next four years.
Perhaps I'm complaining. But who looks at this anyway?
God I hate money.
Justine.. you take really beautiful photographs. They make me feel everything at once.
Perhaps I should sleep. It has been a long day.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2007 17 August :: 12.00pm
:: Music: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I think I got asked on a date last night. My roomie thinks so too. So what did I do? I went shopping. I don't have time for dates *eye roll*
Today is my last day at work. I have to admit, one of my favorite parts of this job is my title. It just sounds offical. (I'm Jackie Robinson. I am a Marketing Intern for Skanska, a Worldwide Construction Management Company.)
I move in 5 days. I have yet to pack. I'm not worried though, I packed everything in one night last year. I paid my ticket, my phone bill, my credit card, and tuition(kind of). I'm ready for school. Nevrous for classes, but ready to start.
you worry too much
2007 10 August :: 4.16pm
:: Mood: Enraged.
If you thought your day was bad..
What needs to change:
While you do work hard, it has been observed for some time that instead of being respectful and helpful to your co-workers, you have been a major contributor to a hostile, judgemental and difficult work environment. Belittling, jabbing comments as well as rough handling of equipment and passing of material are just few examples of behavior that must stop. While you may argue about others not going enough, it is not much different than what you were able to do when you first started. You have also exhibited these types of behaviors with people not even in your work cell.
It was hoped that discussing these issues, you would take an honest look at yourself and look for ways to improve the situation. Unfortunately, right after this conversation, the same negative behaviors were displayed.
Why this is a concern
These types of behaviors are contrary to the values of GRC and undermine the teamwork required to achieve the highest of overall results. Your condescending and hostile behavior towards others is consuming several people's times on these issues and making work difficult for others on a daily basis.
What results are expected
Everyone who comes to work should expect to be treated respectfully and professionally. When issues or problems arise, we should be honest and look for ways to solve the problem and find was to achieve the highest overall result. When new people come into GRC, rather than belittling them, you should be making them feel welcomed and help them perform their job better. This may mean doing more than your share initially until they learn how to do the job efficiently.
What happens next
You need to aware that creating a hostile work environment can begrounds for immediate termination. If we do not see a dramatic difference in your behavior, termination of employment will be the immediate consequence for you.
That is a letter I recieved from the HR Director. Shannon recieved the same letter. So after reading that you'll understand how my day went. As most of you may know I have had a problem with Christine for awhile now. Things have never escalated to the point where she felt the need to tell our supervisor every little detail of every conversation. Im not trying to make myself sound better than her, or be immature and childish about any of this. However, I do not appreciate her jumping down my throat for supposedly copping an attitude. I was simply stating a true fact, and she blew up at me. It is not my fault she misconstrued that situation as well as when Stacy and Shannon hashed it out, after Stacy tried hashing it out with me. I am in no place to point fingers, because I am guilty of being rude, and judgemental. I also do not appreciated Christine telling Shannon when she first started that she better not let me meet her boyfriend because I would try and steal him. Also that I was trying to come between a supposed love affair between Brandon and Angel. I do not know where she got any of that. (For the record, and Im pretty sure all of you realize that I am very at home with Mike. I do not need another man. And I wouldn't be a susie-homewrecker and try to break people up. If people at work are having a love affair, that is their business.) I am not guilty of talking behind their backs because whatever I have to say, I willingly say it to their faces. I have a spine, and Im not going to back down. I don't lay down helpless to be kicked. I may have done that once upon a time, however things have changed.
I do not know where they got that I belittle the new hires, when the only person on the line I have said was slow, was Christine. And thats because she's been there 3 years, and still cannot keep up. When I started working there, I was told the first day by the supervisor that gossip was not tolerated, and if I didn't make rate after a certain amount of time, I would be let go. What happened to those policies?
Also, I am not offended easily, nor disturbed. But when I hear things come from Christines mouth about how her 11 year old daughter wants to get her clit pierced. Or how she found a used condom in her 13 year old daughters backpack. Or how her 17 year old sons girlfriend has a smelly pussy. I am very offended and disturbed. It is uncalled for, true or not, to say those things in the workplace. Especially about your own kids.
And trust me, I have tried telling my supervisor all of this, and it obviously hasn't gotten me anywhere. I am all out of ideas.
you worry too much
2007 7 August :: 10.11am
Roscoe invited me to go see Hot Rod with Dan, Jasper, Jeff and Julie. I thought it was really funny. Dumb. But funny. I almost peed myself when I saw QOTSA. Roscoe was like "How in the hell did you even know it was them?!" :D They looked like some crazy 80's band. It made my day.
you worry too much
2007 3 August :: 11.31pm
I haven't posted anything in here for a little while now. Partly because I am completely tapped on anything I want to say. I have done enough communicating lately that I have nothing left to vent. However, the tables have turned. I am frustrated and confused. I feel like I'm being selfish on all that is going on. But its the only thing that feels right. I just wish things were different. I don't even know where to begin.
I dont understand why I can't just forget the fact that she's my mother. I don't understand anything she does. I don't get why I try. I don't get why no matter how hard I try to avoid her, or how many times I say I hate over there, I end up there. I always leave pissed off, or this time, crying because Im so upset. Its because of things I witness, things that are said or things that are done. I don't get why I can't come to terms with the fact that my mother is an alcoholic that smokes pot and prefers men over her children no matter how hard she tries to say otherwise. I have a hard time trying not to care. I do so good for awhile, and then I break because i feel bad. I hate how I can be so cold and act like no one around me exsists, yet Im always worrying about everyone. I always have something big on my mind, and I get stressed out. I honestly, do not understand my mother. At all. I truly do not understand her. And she doesn't understand me. She doesn't realize that she has hurt me.
For instance, tonight I was over there washing my car, and spending time with her, like she has wanted to do for a couple of weeks now, and Joe shows up. Granted I new he was going to come over to get rid of the bat(s) she had. Anyway, she basically ignored the fact that I was there, and made plans for her, Joe and his friend to all go back to his place. After Joe's friend asked if I wanted to come out there, she spoke up and said "oh yeah, you can go if you want". And then rushed me out.
Not to mention the fact that earlier in the week, she invited my brother to go over to my grandma's to pick out what he wanted out of her stuff, but not I. Not the one who she had just spoke with on the phone. She is giving some of my grandmothers things to Joe. She knows that I'd like a few things that belonged to my grandmother and also they were things that she knows I have said I needed for my apartment.. Apparently, I do not rate, but here I go feeling sorry for myself.
I find it quite hard to believe that the only thing that keeps me sane, the one and only thing that I didn't ever think I'd have, is the only thing that makes sense in my life day after day. I have found happiness with him. I love him entirely and I honestly would go crazy without him.
In good news, my brother-in-law is going to be a Cop. (I believe that is what my mother said. It was hard to comprehend anything she was saying).
4 kids |
you worry too much
2007 26 July :: 9.48am
going to the hospital
well all its finally here. Perry's gf is having her baby. kinda scary. little Perry's running around. anywho thats where I'll be so take care and have fun.
you worry too much
2007 23 July :: 10.48pm
My Zune is amazing.
I really love it :D
you worry too much
2007 21 July :: 9.03pm
This morning about 4 AM, I broke down.
I lost all control. It was probably for the best.
I had been a wreck all week.
I was being an irritable bitch and was hard to be around.
Im glad that I got out what I had to say.
But more importantly, Im happy that I was able to finally talk to him.
He actually seemed to care.
And he held my hand.
That made me feel whole again.
God I love him.
you worry too much
2007 18 July :: 2.49pm
I would really like to have another party like this
"So the party was pretty bad ass if i do say so myself..
Quite a few people showed up..
Aj, Brenton, Jay and I started playing hack in the barn and all of the sudden the whole party migrated into the barn.. It was pretty cool actually..
Things kept pretty civil till the end up the party when rocko started talking shit to aj because we stopped him from trying to mac on my cool-aid, but its alright, ive known him for years since back when my brother was in middle school.. he just had a little too much captain in him...
Other than that it was great.. lots of old friends, had some good times... shared some good stories and some jokes.. and passed around the liquor.. We had more beer than the nearest bar packed in the fridge and sitting by us in the garage.. 2-30 packs, a 24 pack, 2- fifths, and a half gallon of SoCo.. So there was plenty to go around..
Thanks everyone for showing.. now for the credits..
Party preperation - Box + AJ
Director - Box
Producer - Box + AJ
Cast And Crew
Box - Box
Aj - Drunk
Gfizzle- David
Beer Guy 1 - Mark
Beer Guy 2 - Steve
Jay - Keepin it real.. Finally got his drivers license..
Brenten - Woodnigger
Mindy - Still sleeping on my couch - drives a saturn
Chel-Unit - Hammered
Bonnie - My Coolaid
Smashly - Not appearing in this party
Erica - always wearing a hoodie... *Shrugs* ive got nuthin
Tony - Showing up late.. only one sober.. other than bonnie
Ramerio - Party Slut.. :P
Rocko - Shortest person there
Keith - Was actually cool for once
Steve - 2 Sheets to the wind
Tanya - Not far behind him
Un-named girl with steve and tanya... - Getting mac'd on by ramerio
Kristin - Drank herself retarded...
Chuck Norris - Walker Texas Ranger
KLQ - Playing a badass lineup
DJ - Yours Truly
Crowd Control - Aj, David, and a Winchester Model 120- 12 Gauge
Cleanup Crew - Whoever is still sleeping in my living room
Beer - Bud light, Miller Light, Busch
Liquor - Captain Morgan, Souther Comfort, Absolute Vodka
Bathroom Reading material - Latest Issue of Summit Magazine"
Yea.. those were good times i tell ya'
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you worry too much
2007 18 July :: 2.39pm
Today, I became so bored and desperate to use the internet. I went to the last place in the world anyone would expect to see me.. a library.. Yea thats right.. Scary huh?
Well As of lately, ive been doing a whole lot of nothing, since i dont have a job as of lately ive had way too much time on my hands. so if anyone needs any work done on their car.. or computer.. or anything of the sort.. Let me know.. I may be starting to work again soon, but am not 100% on that.
Auto repair for half the price a shop will quote.. thats my offer. Or if its something simple and stupid.. im sure we can work someting out.
If anyone wants to just hang out, im almost always home so just stop by..
you worry too much
2007 13 July :: 9.13pm
Nothing exciting has really happened in my life.
I'm still bitter, and distant.
I doubt that will ever change.
I'm still with Mike.
And I'm very happy.
I'm currently looking for a second job.
So if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Carley: I apologize if you recieve the same text from me a dozen times. Service in Sheridan is crap and doesn't send my texts and then when it does, they send like a dozen times.
I sliced my finger open today.
It bled quite a bit, and has bled since I've been home.
Anyway I think I am going to go get cozy in my bed, or on the couch and watch Shooter.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2007 8 July :: 8.49pm
My Trip
First off I had a blast going down to Georgia cuz I'm the devil... not really but that would have been interesting. Anyways I went down there and those stupid DOT rules suck because I slept when I wanted to drive and Drove when I wanted to sleep. But again I'm a truck driver so there isnt much I could do but on my way down nothing happened except I had to cross some crazy monster ass bridge that I swear would have broke if I had another 5000 pounds on my trucks. So I get to my delivery and there is some jamaican guy at the docks and I cant understand anything he is saying which really really sucks. so i get unloaded and all that then I have to stop for a rest for 10 hours (again DOT rules suck). So I get that done and then get on my way. Everything is going good till I get to Nashville and mind you the people who built this highway carved it right into a damn mountain complete with mountain wall off ramps. Well as I'm going through Nashville bored out of my mind there all of a sudden is a car accident on the other side of the highway. Me being the good person I am stop and run across both sides of the highway where a woman around 35 or so has slammed her Ford coupe car into one of these mountain walls. Another driver stops who is on the side of the highway that the accident is on and helps me get the woman out of the car and we both notice her speedometer is broken and at 70 mph (the speed limit through Nashville is 55 and the off ramp she was getting off of is rated for 25). So we get her out as she is unconscious and we notice her leg and arm and possible something else is broken because there is blood everywhere (leg bone protruding through leg) but there seems to be blood leading to the middle of the highway where she hasnt been. We cant figure it out until we look next to the car is a child's toy that we accidentally pulled out with the woman and then it hits us as an opposing cars headlights shine on a little boys body laying in the middle of the highway. I rush over to the child to see if he is okay and well he isnt... I cant get any response from him and his eyes are open and blood is everywhere. There is nothing I can do. Finally after forever the Police and Paramedics show up after what seems an eternity and take statements names and other such things and send me on my way. I had the worst day of my life that night and couldn't clear my head of this image of a boy laying in the middle of the highway. I went to sleep and woke up sad and finally broke down. I feel so sorry for that woman and yet feel so angry because she first broke the speed limit by driving to fast then didnt have her child seatbelted down because he went through the windshield (as told to me by police), but I feel sad for her because she probably will regret ever driving again and not have her son there. I dont know what happened to the woman but I hope she is safe and sound but to the little boy whose name the police told me I hope he is in a better place. Take care everyone and please drive safe.
Jonathan Wiley
6 kids |
you worry too much
2007 4 July :: 1.54am
yeah well fuck you guys then
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you worry too much
2007 3 July :: 9.02am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: The Trucks
I know you know the words I want to hear.
Its just that you never say them when I'm near.
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you worry too much
2007 2 July :: 11.34am
Why do people compare themselves with others? Why dont you just live your life for yourself and let other people do their own thing without your two cents? If people want your opinion, give it to them. If not, shut the fuck up. Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes.
you worry too much
2007 2 July :: 9.29am
Sometimes I hate this obnoxious roller coaster.
Just when things seem ok I plunge into despair.
My sister got evicted from her apartment. She and her three kids moved into our living room. If you know anything about my house you would know how crazy small it is.
Mom is sick so much. She can't drive anymore. She can't write anymore. Each day her memory seems to be worse. And again, there is nothing I can do to help her through this.
But the Deftones concert was amazing. Miranda and I were second row center. I was so close to Chino, it was heaven.
The BNL concert was also amazing. I'm glad I went with my parents to that. They don’t really get out much anymore. So it was nice doing something they wanted.
Goo Goo Dolls, again, spectacular. We were pretty close.
I'm getting my Interpol ticket today.
I lost some scholarship money this year because my GPA was not good enough. But I'm getting grant money from CMU and from the government that I didn’t get last year. So that’s cool. I know I should go to ISU, but not yet.....
Again, it’s like I said. Life’s a roller coaster. Sometimes I almost can’t handle it, but sometimes it’s ok.
you worry too much