I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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:: 2007 1 July :: 3.32pm

Roomate/s wanted
If anyone wants to join in on an apartment with my gf and I as long as she says its okay to let me know. Rent would be around 289 for two people or 193 for one..... let me know ok

you worry too much


:: 2007 29 June :: 11.02am

I either suing the city of grand rapids... or killing me some civil engineers...

p.s. I'm serious... except for the killing part...

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 28 June :: 3.07pm

Apparently cheeseburgers from wendys are worth getting in a big fuss about.
Shannon and I had quite the experience today.
We went in the side entrance to the wendy's parking lot that clearly states drive thru and has arrows pointing the way, and we pulled up to wait our turn and this bone head in a gaudy white station wagon got out of his vehicle and says "you guys aren't going to cut are you?" and I was like "Maybe" and he replies with "The line starts behind me, I suggest you get in it".
However, we were there before he was. (Douche bag).
I was going to cut just to be an ass, but I decided that if I had, he may run into me.
So I just hung back and let him go, and he rear-ended the truck in front of him.
And the guy in the truck was like "You fucking dumb ass! That is what you get for being a total ass hole".

Unemployment and Peoplelink are trying to jew me.
Bastards can suck my anus.
Because I specifically state on my application at Peoplelink I wouldn't work second shift, or for under $8.00 an hour, I apparently do not meet michigans standards to collect unemployment.
So they are going to try and make me pay back the money I collected on unemployment in may.
But I am protesting and they can kiss my fucking ass.

you worry too much


:: 2007 28 June :: 2.27pm

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, a long way from home.

you worry too much


:: 2007 28 June :: 5.01pm

Leaving Poland
COMING HOME PARTY (they say to put the important stuff first)

Yes, I'm returning to the mother land.. to the United States of America. I've been in Poland for ten months. Have you forgotten what I look like? If so, then you should come to my party and reacquaint yourself. If not, you should still come because I envy your good memory. Here are the details.

Jessica Schmidt's dad's house (on main street)
July 4th
5:30pm - pretty late because we'll be watching fireworks and celebrating

If you don't know where Jessica lives.. call her. Unfortunately I don't have her phone number. Maybe if she reads this note she will be so kind as to leave a comment with the number at which she can be reached. Orrr.. you can call me after July 1st at 696-9764.

I know it's Independence Day and you're all popular and torn between which party you're going to choose, but I hope you can at least stop by for ten minutes.

Do zobaczenia!

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 20 June :: 6.26pm
:: Music: Home: Daughtry

My grandmother is being transfered out of the adult care home she is in now.
I am very thankful for that.
I still don't like that she's going to be in an adult care facility, but I suppose ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
I talked to my Aunt Cheryel quite a bit over the weekend.
For about an hour each time actually, and we talked at least 3 times.

Baseball is almost over.
Thank goodness.
I do not know how much more I can take of having to deal with these kids.
They do not listen at ALL.
But I guess quite a few of them are scared to piss me off.

We have a terrible problem with ants.
They are driving me nuts.
They are the little ones too.
Not sure where the little fuckers are coming from being the apartment is really clean.

Anyway, I believe Im going to go clean my car out..

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 20 June :: 8.56am

I hear on the tv "A Might Heart is truly the first greatest film of the year"

ummmmm, 300.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 19 June :: 12.15pm

celica and focus > avenger

edit: also think about reverting to the total ass i was. to everyone except my crew. some of you might think that that never really ended. you dont even know what ass means if thats the case. bout' to get down and dirty.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 19 June :: 11.59am

Bye bye baby.
Don't be long.
I'll worry about you while you're gone.
I'll think of you in my dreams.
You'll never know just what you mean to me.....

you worry too much


:: 2007 19 June :: 5.50am


as a side note. I searched chris' journal for that. good times...

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 19 June :: 5.34am

so the one night I say to myself... man kevin, probably a good idea to get some sleep... here I am.

you worry too much


:: 2007 16 June :: 9.12pm

I'm sitting in McDonalds because Miranda is a douche.
But not really, I love her.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 15 June :: 12.36pm

penDUBS says "pistol grip pump on my lap at all times. they can be fucking with other doggys shit but they cant be fucking with mine. i think ill take out all you motherfuckers without dely"

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 13 June :: 8.25pm

This has been a rough week.
I've been battling a headache for 2.5 days.
The heat is really getting to me.
The forcast shows 94 for like Monday.
With rain.
How fucking retarded.

I wish every day could be like my birthday, and the night leading into my birthday.
They were the best couple of days.

you worry too much


:: 2007 13 June :: 12.30pm

Yeah, 98% of you should go fuck yourselves. Then put on a black jump suit and run into oncoming traffic. Yeah, I'm not joking.

I wish I didnt care about anyone so spraying my brains all over to escape stupidity and hypocricy would seem like a rational plan. Dont ask what my problem is, because chances are....you guessed it, you're the problem.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 12 June :: 8.14am

Ach, ich fühl's, es ist verschwunden. Ewig hin der Liebe Glück!

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 9 June :: 9.03pm

I went with my mom and my aunt to take my grandma some of her things at the adult care home.
The guy told us that while we were gone, she kept asking if he could call one of her daughters because her appointment was over.
It was extremely sad.
And then when we walked in, she kept asking when we were going to take her home.
And she'd start crying as soon as we told her that she had to stay.
She'd ask us why a dozen times.
It was so hard having her ask me that.
Her dimensia is getting worse.
She thinks that she fell this friday, and not last friday.
And doesn't understand why she's in the adult care.

It was seriously heartbreaking.
And then I come home to things out of place, my front door wide open.
I guess Im just frustrated.

7 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 9 June :: 8.56pm

Do you ever feel invisible?

you worry too much


:: 2007 9 June :: 1.57pm

I had a very good birthday.
Plans changed a little bit, but it was still a very good day.
I went to the movies last night and saw Knocked up.
I thought it was pretty funny.
I didn't get to go to B-Dubs like I had anticipated, but what can ya do.
I'm not going to make a big deal of it.

My grandmother was put in an adult care facility.
Her house is going to be put up for sale.
And my uncle cut his finger off yesterday.

I don't know if I can deal with my grandma being in a place like that.
I don't know if I can go through that again.
I watched my grandma vanzoest in an adult care/nursing home facility, and it broke my heart.
It was horrible.

you worry too much


:: 2007 8 June :: 3.58pm

My mom says to my father - " our damn bathroom sink has been leaking for 2 years, and you lay around and watch Paris Hilton go back to jail?" my dad - "It had shades of the OJ Simpson chase"

you worry too much


:: 2007 8 June :: 12.27pm

Guess what I'm listening to? The new QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE CD!!!!!
It's amazing. Go check it out here QOTSA

It's orgasmic.

you worry too much


:: 2007 8 June :: 12.11pm

swimming today at the community pool so if anyone calls i'll probably be there..... take care all peace

you worry too much


:: 2007 8 June :: 1.49am

Right now I am using my new birthday gift.
I like my birthday.
My birthday gift from Michael was a wireless keyboard, mouse and speaker set.
It's fancy.
I love him!
He told me that he was going to get me the monitor I have been wanting for like ever now, but they didn't have the one I wanted.
He came home from work at like 11:30.
I don't know if it was because he had a lack of sleep today or if it's because it's my birthday.
I had a little birthday party at work.
I got a barbie cake. Its the one with the barbie in the middle and then the dress is the cake.
It was sweet.
I got an inflatable monkey.
A fuzzy pink tiara.
A fuzzy blue fan.
Scented bubbles. (Mint, Chocolate and Strawberry).
This will be one of the most memorable birthdays!
And I'm only twenty.
God, I feel really damn old. hahaha

Anyway it is time for me to go to bed so that I can get up really early and get the stuff done that I need to get done.
It's my birthday bitches!

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 4 June :: 11.55pm
:: Mood: anxious

so i'm sitting here in the hospital with my best friend mary. her water's been broken and the contractions are finally starting. i'm excited for her. i get to be aunt connie to baby kailyn. i can't wait. but while i'm here i'm just thinking about my life. no more serious relationships for now.. even tho all i want is a family. i want a child bad. but at the same time i'm actually single and enjoy the freedom. there is someone i like, someone i used to care alot about. bran is being a jerk. he wants me but he keeps running hot and cold. its just not even fair. but the problem w/the guy i like... he's seeing someone. that's just so hard. ..... well... i dunno.. i'm taking off for now... adios!

you worry too much


:: 2007 4 June :: 7.16pm

well all I have officially moved out on my own so if anyone wants to hang out with me my address is 994 4 mile rd nw apt 1a, grand rapids michigan 49544.

I leave for kentucky tonight so if anyone wants to hang out wednesday will be the best day for this week so hit me up. k peace out everyone. oh yeah the apartment is on alpine :p


4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 4 June :: 4.04pm

Stupid jeans.
I tell ya what.
I'm going to stop wearing them all together.
2 pairs of jeans ruined in 2 days.
Yesterday I noticed that my new jeans, that I have only worn twice mind you, have tears in the top inside corners of the back pockets.
Today Christine was being hooker trash and decided that she'd be funny and tap this oil thing on the pin machine while I was reaching up to fill the pin tub, and she got oil all over my hand, and my jeans.
So now I have this big huge yellow oil stain.
Oh well.
I have the one pair soaked in SHOUT right now. Hopefully that will do the trick.
Otherwise, I'm making that fat bitch buy me a new pair of jeans.
I'm crabby if you haven't noticed.
I have friday off of work.
And if you're smart, you'll know why.
I'm not sure if Carley and I are still on for Red Lobster or not.
I'll be too poor, considering I'll only have a 3 days check this week because my lazy ass never got up friday morning.
Well I did, but it wasn't to my alarm.
It was to Mike saying "what the fuck are you still doing here?"
Yep. So I spent the day in bed with him because I'm a lazy fuck.
And that is pretty much where I spent most of my weekend.
Other than saturday afternoon when I was at the ER with my grandmother.
She fell and broke her left arm just below her shoulder.
Has a black eye.
And is in pretty rough shape.

9 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 4 June :: 8.29am

I got this e-mail from my english professer yesterday. There was a lot more, but this was just the end.

"...I am going to see if I and my eternal fiancee can afford, didn't know if you were aware there was a real opera in Det this summer or not, or if you were interested, but when I got this, I thought of you. Nice having you in my class, your culture and intelligence cancelled out the obnoxious rednecks behind you (no names!), Thanks, Clint Burhans"

It made me laugh. For some reason my professers really like me (except my piano teacher). It made my day.

you worry too much


:: 2007 1 June :: 6.46pm

My new favorite food.
Grilled cheese and spaghetti sauce.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 1 June :: 1.19pm

A serious update on my behalf. If you don't like it, piss off.
In some ways I feel like I have messed up my life, yet I feel like I have everything I need and I'm happy.
I have lead it in a path that would take a very long time to reconstruct if such events happened that would cause me to fall flat on my ass.
I know that if Mike and I ever split up, I wouldn't be the same.
It would take me a very long time to get over it and even then, I don't think I could fully get over it.
I used to be a pretty independent person.
I could hold my own, and I didn't need a guy there all the time.
But I was very unhappy and I made a lot of decisions that I'm not proud of.
I let my mother get the best of me.
I am very happy with Mike, but sometimes I feel like I'm not cut out for this whole relationship thing.
Maybe its that I'm still in shock that we have been together for 19 months.
Whatever the reason is, it doesn't explain why I keep screwing up.
Why I can't put my sarcastic, bitter, 'could-give-a-fuck-less' attitude in the closet.
I feel like I have to do everything I can to see how long before he breaks.
I feel like I keep screwing up all the time, or saying the wrong things, to see what will happen.
To see if he's had the last straw.
Why does my brain have to be so cluster-fucked with thoughts and emotions all the time.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 1 June :: 8.23am

James has Mono, which means I'm screwed.

you worry too much

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