2007 19 March :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: aggravated
I just got done screaming at the top of my lungs for ten minutes, so I thought I'd share:
On CNN tonight (w/ Paula Zahn), there was a panel of professionals (lawyers and such) commenting/discussing the war.
Paula: How do you justify what we are doing in Iraq right now?
Conservative Constitutional Lawyer: Well, I can tell we're succeeding because there hasn't been a terrorist attack on United States soil since 9/11.
[michelle screams for ten minutes]
First of all, just because we haven't had an attack doesn't mean the war in Iraq is preventing that. Before 9/11, the previous attack was in 1993 (the first time the WTC was attacked). Let's do the math, shall we? Eight years. We've only been in Iraq for five years [note, this is the start of the fifth year]. Plus, did we forget that Iraq had absolutely NOTHING to do with the terrorist attack on 9/11. Did we forget that the bombers came from Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan? NOT Iraq.
Last night on CNN, Col. Alan King was asked why we shouldn't follow a strategy that outlines prompt withdrawl of troops (the plan made by the Democrats):
[Paraphrased, but close]
"We shouldn't withdraw troops because it will cause a huge outbreak of violence and gas prices would go up, and that would be a huge inconvience/hardship on our economy right now."
Jesus Christ.
Only 50% of troops believe that we will succeed in Iraq, and only 32% of the American people approve of the "war".
What happened to a government BY THE PEOPLE?
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 18 March :: 12.18pm
St. Patrick's Day didn't end so happily. It started great, though. I bought a blue male beta and his name is Patrick, and got other provisions from the store. My roommate and I got pizza from Hungry Howie's and watched Finding Nemo (in honor of Patrick, of course). Then Rueben started drunk calling me. We walked to McDonald's, then some guy's apartment, had a few, walked back. I stayed with Rueben until nine and I came back to my room to find my roommate had just puked all over, including my bed. All I wanted to do was sleep in my BED!
So I put on my pajamas, trekked back to Ruebens and slept until one. Came back, told her that she puked on my stuff and she apologized and left me to clean all of it except for the exceptionally big chunks on my lit book and my flute case.
If you can't hold your liquor, don't drink! It'll save me from a dorm that smells like puke and bed and books covered in brown chunks.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 17 March :: 2.45pm
Just got done cleaning the dorm and my side of the bedroom. Started at ten. Ugh.
At least it's clean...three bags of trash later...
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 16 March :: 9.46pm
what should i name my cute little kitten? it is spotted like a cow black and white with a black patch over her eye.
yeah it's a girl help me out.
i was thinking priscilla because we already have elvis :0) you know... priscilla was elvis's wife. get it...?
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 15 March :: 7.28pm
oh my goodness today was so exhausting.
i really do like working at the day care but it is so tiring. working 9-6 or 8:30 -6 with screaming kids is like....ahhhh.
i have a headache!
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 15 March :: 3.04pm
humans are the most frustrating and mind boggeling creatures on earth
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 15 March :: 12.03am
So, Barack Obama. Yeah. He pretty much makes we want to cream my pants. Figuratively speaking, at least.
I just got done watching him give a speech at a fire fighter conference on C-Span. Of course, it was a lot about his campaign, and his stance on ISSUES.
Anyway, for all of you complaining that he doesn't have a stance, he does, and here are a few of them:
1. Iraq War: He is currently drawing up a plan (with other Senators) to withdraw troops from Iraq. He has never believed that war was the way to go and that the war has no military solution, and we shouldn't be in the middle of another country's civil war. His plan outlines that troop withdrawl begins May 2007, and ends ten months later on March 1, 2008.
2. Health Care: America spends more than any other country in the world on health care (about $8 billion), yet there are many families who avoid doctor visits because they cost more than they make in a week. He, along with other Democrats, really believe in Universal Health Care. I know, I know, I'm not quite sure how this would all work. But, it's worked for Canada and Great Britian, and everyone would be covered.
3. Veterans/ War Injuries: Of course issues like the Walter Reed Veteran's hospital have been really upfront lately. He is encouraging more funding for Veteran hospitals, and healthcare for veterans in general.
4. Energy: Wants to start working with car manufacturers to use technology already in place to be less dependent on oil. This way, we won't have to fight other country's civil wars to make sure they don't jack up oil prices on us. Hmmm.....
[edit] and by jack up oil prices, i'm talking about them cutting us off so that the price goes up and our economy goes into chaos, you know, the whole supply and demand thing...or blackmail..or whatever they call it nowadays.
If we don't rely on oil, we won't have that problem, that's all i'm saying.
5. Education: Stop making requirements so stupid. No Child Left Behind says that you either improve, or we take more money away from you. Hmm, wouldn't you think that if the government took away funding, the school would do WORSE? That's not what the current administration is saying. Anyway, Barack wants to increase funding for schools and dramatically alter the means by which schools get that money (i.e., oh, lets think, if a school is doing bad, how about we give them more money, so they can hire more qualified teachers, and so they can get text books that aren't from 1983). Plus, he wants to increase teacher salaries to make them comparable to other like jobs in the United States. What an idea! Actually paying those people in charge of the intelligence of our next generation! Who wudda thunk it~
Anyway, there are a couple things, and some rantings. Please feel free to comment, I know you would anyway.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 14 March :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: awake
"This is not a clash of civilisations or religions, and it reaches far beyond Islam and America, on which efforts are being made to focus the conflict in order to create the delusion of a visible confrontation and a solution based upon force. There is indeed a fundamental antagonism here, but one that points past the spectre of America (which is perhaps the epicentre, but in no sense the sole embodiment, of globalisation) and the spectre of Islam (which is not the embodiment of terrorism either) to triumphant globalisation battling against itself."
-Jean Baudrillard
It's too bad he died last Tuesday.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 13 March :: 8.32pm
So i really really like my new job at the daycare. i seriously love those kids so much. it always makes me want to be a mommy but yeah duh i know i shouldn't right now. but hey it is what i want most out of life so i'm not suprised that working at a daycare makes me want a kid even more. Everyone says it makes you realize why you dont want a kid yet but seriously i rarely see that side of it. but still, i realistically don't want a kid until i'm like 23 or 24. okay ggeez i am getting way too personal.
sooooooooooo i watched borat last night with roman. i thought it was...interesting. i liked the chicken.
ummmm i work 9 hour days at the daycare it is really really tiring. but i love it.
i love roman so much. we are doing so much "better' i guess you could say even though that sounds like the wrong way to put it... since our little time apart when i went to florida. we are in a better mood with each other. have more patience with each other. It just had been a long time since we had spent more than like 2 days apart from each other so it was good for us. ANYWAY
blah blah i'm rambling. i think my parents are buying me a gym membership for my birthday. i hope they do . i seriously want to lose like 30 pounds. i want to be like supertiny and wear my freaking clothes that i used to be able to so i dont have to throw them out lol. ahh it's said but i'm just more content with my body even if it is bigger.
omg today at the daycare yeah i know this is horrible but the "teacher" that i was working with ( we are all called teachers) was "teaching" stuff about syllables and she seriously was teaching it ALL wrong. but i just couldn't correct her because i didn't want to embarass her. i finally sort of corrected her when she said one of the kids had 2 syllables in his name and he said no i have 1 i said yeah he's actually right and i tried to explain why but seirously she was like "Rake, rA-ake" i'm like dude no, it's one syllable. i seoriusly couldn't take it. it was making me so upset that she was teaching these precious little children the wrong way AHH. Beans, feel me on this! Justine, feel me on this! Jessie and Michelle, I know you know what i'm sayin girls! People are so dumb! ahhhhhhhhhhhh how can you not know what syllables are... then again, i'm not even sure ifi 'm spelling that word correctly.
oh PAUL i bought you a present!!! :0)
anyway i'm gonna go.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 12 March :: 9.41am
I walked outside this morning and it was grey and raining.
This is the happiest I've been in a long time.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 12 March :: 9.12am
does anyone have any suggestion of what i can write a demonstrative or informative speech on ...
it's kinda sorta pretty much due today so... yeah i need help.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 12 March :: 9.11am
omg i totally had a dream last night that i bet George Bush and shook his hand.
he was wearing a cowboy hat.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 11 March :: 2.48pm
Back at Central. I had a nervous break down during work yesterday. We had a "Ram Pride" day, and it was loud and there was horrible karoke and cheerleaders, and they made us wear orange shirts. Plus there was a ton of people, and the ones that weren't all "yay rams!!" were really pissed off.
Plus, the management was being a bitch, and then we got slammed later in the day when everyone went home.
But at least I have two months off before summer and i have to do that everyday.
Ed meeting at six. Preamble: Check. Scavenger hunt: Check. Quiz review: Check.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 7 March :: 8.25pm
Oh god. My mother.
Rueben and I are moving probably moving in together next year up at Mt. Pleasant, and for many reasons, but the main one being money. It's so much cheaper to live outside of town than in a dorm. My mother doesn't like the idea of us living together because we aren't married. She has told me flat out that it's immoral and she doesn't understand why we have to live together. She also said that she thinks if we live together now, we won't get married, or if we do, we won't value it as much.
I could not disagree more. We are from two very different generations. If she wanted me to be conservative, then she should have raised me like she was raised, being Catholic and getting yelled at all the time for doing things that weren't normal. How can she pass judgement on my life, what I want to do, when she all she does is complain about her life. She complains about my dad every time I'm home. All day. Every day. She complains about how my brother and I don't do enough around the house (and I'm not even there). She complains about work and drinks way too much when she's alone here because my dad works third shift and she works first.
My feelings have been clashing so much lately. I've been at home, work, and observing at school. I feel like I'm being drawn back and reliving the past ten years of my life. It's nice, it's comfortable, because it's what I'm use to. But then, being here for only a couple days reminds me why I was so anxious to get the hell out of here. It's things like that which made me move sixty miles away and limit contact to a few ten minute phone conversations a week. I don't miss it as much as I thought I did. It's not worth feeling "normal" to be here and having to consider any other people's judgement but my own. I know I'm young, but I know what I want in life. I know the difference between right and wrong, and I know how to treat others with respect. I don't need other people telling me how to live my life, especially when they don't know what kind of situation I might be in.
Rant is done.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..