2006 27 December :: 3.53pm
The exciting news is that I smell really good.
The not so exciting news is that I have to work in an hour.
Christmas, was it real, or but a dream?
New Years: What's going on, where's the party at? Who with?
All of these questions!! I need answers!!
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 25 December :: 8.53pm
this is NOT to incinuate (sp) anything but i'm honestly just CURIOUS
::::how young do you think is TOO young to get married???:::::
again, i'm just curious what people think.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 25 December :: 7.34pm
:: Mood: cynical
Merry Christmas, everyone. A day filled with socially retarded cousins, fattening food, and ackward gift-giving.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 24 December :: 1.07am
:: Mood: aggravated
The worst day of my entire freaking life.
Today. Work. Horrible. Cry. I worked from three to midnight. It was suppose to be eleven thirty, but people are douche bags and shop at meijer and leave shit in places it doesn't belong and then I have to sort it from millions of shopping carts before I can go home the whole while telling everyone that approaches the service desk, "I'm sorry, we're closed for the night."
"You close? I thought you were open twenty four hours."
"The store, not the desk. We close at eleven."
They glance at the clock which reads [insert time between 11:01 and midnight].
"Well, could you still do this [return, price adjustment, exchange, sale of lottery or tobacco, or listen to me bitch about something you can do nothing about].
"No, I'm sorry, we're closed."
And I turn around, continue sorting out candles that stink of peppermint, cheaply made Christmas ornaments, and ugly little sweaters made for dogs, and ignore them.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 23 December :: 3.46pm
i dyed my hair darker last night.
thanks to jess for helping me.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 21 December :: 10.36pm
so yeah i got a bad grade in my math class even though i worked my ass off in that class and now i'll probably never keep my scholarship unless i get all a's next semester which iwont and i will fail at life
...as predicted.
i hate davenport university it is horrible and should die.
goodnight .
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 19 December :: 6.58pm
Official grades are in. 3.93.
It's pretty okay.
There's work tomorrow, and a dentist appointment. I'm getting metal in my head, again. Oh joyous.
Jessie is coming over later and we will commence gift giving. I am quite excited. No doubt.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 19 December :: 9.49am
:: Mood: content
So many things to do today. Give blood (which I am finally able to do since I was blacklisted), go to coffee with Jenny, and get a present for mother's birthday. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.
I work tomorrow. And the next day, and the day after that. I work until I leave on the seventh.
I wrapped presents yesterday and realized that I still have more shopping to do. I wish I was still five and a macaroni card would do the trick. I like making things better, anyhow. I like being constructive.
The first thing I did this morning was wake up and play my flute. It was good.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 17 December :: 7.05pm
:: Mood: complacent
It's amazing that I don't update as much here as I do when I am at school. I blame that on two things : Having a life and friends here, and having a dial up connection that takes me five minutes to get to the woohu main page.
Christmas tree is up. Charlie Brown Christmas is on the telly. I've been bombarded by nonmusical Christmas songs for the past month. I baked cookies Friday. I went Christmas shopping yesterday. I wore my grandma snowman sweater the other day. And it still doesn't feel like Christmas. I guess it's just not one of those things you can't force.
I'm free until Wednesday. Get ahold of me and we'll romp.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 14 December :: 12.41pm
One more exam to go. Get car. Check out with RA. Drive home.
Jenny - Are you going to be at the middle school concert tonight? I am...you should come. If not, we need to get together this weekend!
Rueben - I probably won't answer my phone until I start driving home around three thirty.
Matt - I tried to call you last night, but it was busy.
Jessie - Feathers.
6 comment..choose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 12 December :: 6.40pm
:: Mood: accomplished
I cleaned my room today. I took out two bags of trash from my side of the room alone. It was pretty crazy. Well, now I'm all packed up and ready to come home for some holiday fun! Call me, email me, send me poetry, I don't care, but get a hold of me if you want to hang out! I'll be back on Thursday, and then I leave again on January 7th (except this time, Rueben's coming with me!). It's all quite exciting.
I figured out that, if my English exam went well, I'll end up with all A's for the semester. Pretty good, I figured.
Ah, well, I miss you all, and hope to see you soon!
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 12 December :: 11.45am
hmm, I'm at school, and I'm pretty darn hungry, and I don't have class till 1:15, then work after that till 10:30, so I guess I better eat something. But what!? hmmm....
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2006 11 December :: 7.18pm
:: Mood: cranky
Exam. Today. At eight a.m. I'm so tired.
It really wasn't an exam. It was extra credit for showing up and completing a survey about the class. We also got to listen to Woody Guthrie sing "This Land is Your Land."
Oh, and my professor read us "The Night Before Christmas."
I'm so glad the government is paying for part of my college.
My English exam was harsh. We'll see how I did. It unfortunately reminded me of AP lit with Mrs. Dolbee. I couldn't stop thinking "ample support."
Now I'm tired and I'm pretty sure I forgot to lock the dorm door. Oh well. I don't really have anything anyone can steal now, anyway.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..