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:: 2004 11 July :: 10.02 pm
:: Mood: nervous

It amazes me how hypocritcal some people can's really everything that defines Edgemont and it's major flaw. People pretend that order and society doesn't matter and that individuality is key to success and blah they're all "rebellious" and then meanwhile deep down they DO insanely care about all of those things and have no shame in showing it. It's just a bad message too, like you can just get whatever you want if you whine. And unfortunately people here feed into that and will give you whatever you want even if it's not right for you.

RENT was fantastic. JAI from queer eye was in it omg what a surprise! And we got autographs and pics at the end :) WOW it was great seeing scary...she wasn't a great Mimi vocally but it was awesome seeing her. I missed Manley though :( I honestly pity anyone who hasn't had the privelege of seeing that show. IMO, it's brilliant. And the people who say they don't like it are just talking out of their asses and pretending to be such non conformists.

haha, i'm quite nice today aren't i?

WELL that's all.

1 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 9 July :: 10.13 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: yanks game

there's no place like home...(couldn't resist)
It's GREAT to be back.

For once, it really is. I'm sick of being around my bratty cousin, the three-month- behind radio stations, the boredom and the marlin fans. (had to go to a game was fun but the fans are pathetic and there's these whore's an atrocity to the sport it really is) It was a really fun trip though lol. I got so much driving practice (on the street..uber scary)!

One good thing that came out of my cousin's mouth on the trip:
"Anyone who says High School is the best part of your life, is living really freakin small."

RENT tomorrow! Words can't even say how excited I am (I'm sure you can tell and are sick of my away messages lol) But seriously...I cannot freaking wait!!

I'm also excited to be able to just take it easy, hang out with the edgemont crew and whatnot. There's one thing in the near future I am highly not looking forward to...but I know it'll be fine once it's over with. Not everything can be perfect.

El Report Card came. There were a few things I was baffled about. 1) Spanish fourth quarter grade was much better than I thought 2) Espanol final was much...worse 3) 90 on the regents..holy shit!!! The hardest final was the one i did the best on! (I got the same grade on all my other finals, ehh w/e) I KNOW I could have studied a lot more...But I'm just NOT an overacheiver, I never will be...thats not who I am. And I'm fine with that and happy about it. I'm proud of myself.

just saw dodgeball haha...too funny.

I feel really bad for Mary-Kate Olsen...sorry that was extremely random but for some reason it really makes me really sad :(

I'm so excited for summer...I get the feeling this is gonna be a great one.

goodbye love<33(ahhh rent omg lol)


:: 2004 4 July :: 11.04 pm
:: Mood: quixotic

HaPpY bIrThdAy AmEriCa!!!
Just finished a nice lil fourth of July. Fireworks across the water were nice but our home fireworks were much fun! And my american flag cake was gorg.

It's been a good trip. My cousin who everyone worships (nicknamed "The Messiah") just got back from Asia so I'm happy about that. We've done a lot of things I used to love to do here but lately stopped doing so I'm very happy about that too. I saw The Terminal, it was muy bueno. Did some awesome shopping as well and got my first juicy item (GASP! I'm prob the only one in emont)!! A cute white peasent skirt :)

I've also had some driving lessons from my aunt!! She's taken me to the church parking lot in her lexus and I was so scared I was gonna total it but I'm doing pretty good actually. She says i dont give her whip lash like her kids gave her.

and some SICK yankee v. red sox games this past week--they were just swept by the mets, yikes, but its all good. I may be dragged into a MARLINS game this week--Gads!!

hmmm...not really much else worth talking about. I'm excited to get home in a few days and hang out with the e-mont crew.

I hope everyone's having fun.



:: 2004 29 June :: 2.25 pm
:: Mood: pensive
:: Music: RENT

All my life I've longed to discover something as true as this is...
I haven't been woohu-ing for a few days due to my excessive time spent on the computer which lead to a "whole-summer restriction" but now I'm in Miami, on vacation so I'm allowed. But I don't think that the punishment will last very long.

My Mom & I have been having plenty of problems lately...She told me that it's not the same and won't be for a while and never imagined us fighting the way we do. That made me very sad but I know it will go back to normal in a few years...we have a very tight relationship...But she's reading this book about mother/daughter relationships and I read a few pages and one part really stuck with me. It was all about seeing another half of someone's story--like many times with your mom you say/think often (or at least I do) "She sees me as a...." Or "She doesn't see why/how..." And the truth of the matter is that we don't truly want to be seperated completely from our mothers, that's a myth...all we really want is "connection, respect, and recognition."

I've been thinking about my grandpa lately. Well, not actually he comes into my mind and I quickly scatter to find something else to think about. I'm not ready to go back just yet.'s been a fun few days in New York. Saying goodbye to people was very tough and I think it'll be hard this summer...but besides that...Sunday the city with Mer & Elise, American Girl Cafe is too cool...and the Gay Pride Parade, Carson from Queer Eye totally waved at us! Too funny. (And we just got the tix for RENT for the three of us. Ahhh Scary Spice here we come!) And then that night the Subway Series--a little shoutout for my dad's bday in the Stadium's marquee thing was very fun. And these few days are the Red Sox! Niceee. But I don't think all get all 3 on TV down here, grrr.
And now I'm back's like 1000 degrees, but I'm happy to be here...I hope it's a fun trip. It's certainly very hot...the weather in New York was perfect when we left.

I hope everyone's summers are off to a great start.



1 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 25 June :: 12.18 am

Why Do I Just Want to Cry Right Now?
Maybe it's because a few of the friends I've grown with and experienced with this year are just suddenly--leaving and gone. Like that. Tucked into a world that I feel I may never be able to live up to.

Maybe it's because of something I never thought I'd let myself get upset over.

Maybe it's because I feel like everything I thought I had I really never did.

Maybe it's because I just don't believe in everything I want to accomplish.

Or maybe I'm just being dramatic. Maybe I'm delirious and I need to gather my emotions and figure it out. Yeah, I think I'm okay. I just need to...organize myself.
Or maybe--I do just need to cry. Maybe I am upset and angry and feeling shitty.

Maybe for once I just need to let myself accept the fact that I can't always be happy and pretend that I'm "just being dramatic." And maybe things aren't so easy.


"My simpleness threatened by my own admission."~No Doubt

3 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 21 June :: 11.21 am
:: Mood: almost perfect...

first day of summer!!!
Saratoga was nice...i'm excited that i get to like design my room and stuff..the house is really pretty and cute and i'm so excited to get up there. It's just too much fun.

The thing I'm a little annoyed about is that I have to work until the end of the track meet which is like septemberrrr...but hopefully it will lighten up and i'll be able to come home more frequently...and hopefully I'll get some visitors! I know florida people are coming but I want some edgemontians to come too.

i saw the day after tomorrow this weekend. i really enjoyed it. scares the hell out of me to imagine something like that happening. but it got me into quite the movie mood.

I dont think i updated about everything being OVER! Earth sci i found very hard and it was def. made out to be much easier than it was. But w/e it's done and finished...not going to worry about it.

Wow...sophomores. I just can't believe it. We're growing up so fast. This is the last week that we're all like home before we go our respective ways. It's really kind of sad. 10 months of drama and what-not and then its like a fresh slate.

But for once I'm actually not dreading the end of the summer. I'll be excited to go back and see everyone. I feel like this year I finally found myself and my place here.

so here's to summer '04...hope everyone's is awesome. Don't forget your roots.

...Until September

3 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 14 June :: 7.00 pm
:: Mood: mellow

How to make a Goobs827

3 parts mercy

3 parts brilliance

3 parts empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of lovability and enjoy!


Personality cocktail

Hmmm, interesante.

It's been quite the interesante weekend actually. Between Briggette's Saturday and my house yesterday and ahem something else. I'm sure you probably know what I'm talking about. But yeah, it's been crazy and fun and funny.

Global was fine today. Mult. Choice not so bad. Essays easy. I was so stressed last night much to my surprise. Now espanol, should be okay.

Not much else to say. I'm looking forward to these next few days and also kind of dreading them. It's odd but exciting.

Wow, weirdness.

And Erica congrats about Japan! Thats freakin awesome!


1 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 12 June :: 12.48 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: movie awards...

Boston was fun. Very short...hardly 24 hours but it was very nice to see the family.

Pre-prom was nice. Wow, the girls in our grade looked so gorgeous. I hope you all had a looked stunning.

Finals have been okay. English w/e I didn't do amazing on but the multiple choice is only .5 points each so I think I'll be okay. Math was very easy for me. Only 3 more to go. I'm so scared for global. 2 Essays aghh. This will be the test I am going to need every minute I get.

But besides that I'm so excited it's almost over. I have a job at the track in Saratoga now so I'm really very excited for summer.

Hmm...not much else to say. I love this whole finals state of mind...It's very laid back...take a test...relax, hang out. Things are going very well.



:: 2004 8 June :: 9.30 pm
:: Mood: satisfied

Tis Ova
Today was strange. It really didn't hit me that it was the LAST time for going to my classes this year. All the things I was worried about or thought about regarding school, are just--over. As I mentioned a few posts down, it's been a crazy year.

But this post is here to discuss the more school parts of school. My work has been very consistent this year.

Earth Science: Ha. Mr. Weiner=horrible teacher but great guy. He's so nice. I feel bad for him, he's tortured. The class was fine though.
Spanish: Ugh. Mrs. Lehv could be nice but she could be a total bitch. It was by far the most I ever worked in Spanish and I'm thrilled to get out of that class and very much look forward to Mr. Thoren :)
English: Sproulean. Loved her, hated her, loved her, hated her. As Kate would say "You start to like her again, and then she wears a Polo shirt and Coach belt and you hate her again." She is SO Charlotte from Sex&The City
Global: Best, best, best class ever. So entertaining. Not just that, but Mrs. Kuklis is the best teacher I have EVER had. Her dedication and time spent just trying to make us want to learn is unbelievable. And she had to put up with us. I respect her soooo much and wish I could have her every year. It was a pleasure and relief to have a teacher like her.
Math: I did very well this year with Ms. A. I'm really happy I have her next year.
Ceramics/Studio Art: Some great memories. Gonna miss the Joan.

And to my girls: S/E/K/J: Best friends a girl can ask for. So many memories. Lysm. B: it's been a bumpy road but I still cherish our friendship with all my heart. Love you more than you know. E/D: So glad we got closer this year. Love you. {EMSSMCKKEELLJHN}<--some oldies, some newies.. Love you girls...thanks for the laughs and for always being there. Guys too...thanks for the crazy moments...sab: greatest seniors ever, thanks for all the advice.

And while I read some of your posts and hear what people have to say, I was wondering about the whole closure issue. I think it's going to get harder each year actually. It just comforts me to know that I have worked to become the best person, student and friend I can be. And as weird as today was, that's closure for me. But if you don't feel closure, just remember sophomore year is just 3 months away and you can always just pick up where you left off. But I think everyone is happy this year is over. I think we can all agree in saying its been insane for all of us. Just be proud of all you've accomplished. As Brig pointed out to me, we're halfway through our times at Edgemont, enjoy it and live it up.

Great, just got Professor Snape. Dammit. Now I have to worry about it during finals and Boston. UGH. No wonder I took a 2 hour nap today. ERGH!!! Frustration alert.

and now, I must go study for finals..Oh's not THAT over. Ha.

*goodbye freshmen's been real


:: 2004 6 June :: 5.06 pm
:: Mood: cold

So my little fiesta seemed to be a success. I'm so happy to hear that people enjoyed themselves. I really did too. It was fun just listening to those songs come on and people like looking around to find people that they have a joke with about the song or really brings people together. I love those/you girls so much. We're all so different and I just think we have such a good grade and I love having all of us together.

Belmont Stakes was extremely sad. I thought he won. I was so upset :( Poor Smarty. Damn Mexi haha Kate.

2 days Craziness. I studied a bit today, yay! I have a good week ahead: 2 days of school, 2 finals...and only 3 of those days do I have to get up early which is a WONDERFUL thing for me. (math final at 12:30..I know some people hate that but it's like my savior)

Thursday is my cousin's business school graduation, so after the math final my Dad and I are gonna fly up to Boston (since the final is at 12:30 we can't make the ceremony...I could've rescheduled the final but I just didn't want to) and we'll have dinner with the fam and spend the night. I'm excited but a little worried since I'll probably be missing the whopper global review.

I'm so excited for these upcoming few weeks before everyone leaves...They're gonna be a blast.



:: 2004 3 June :: 6.34 pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: Natalie Imbruglia~Torn

...I'm cold and I am shamed bound and broken on the floor
Yeah, so the yearbook isn't wonderful but I think it's still cute and I'm obsessed with it.

Yanks are kicking ass lately...quite happy about that.

I've basically quit school. I'm really not doing any work, at all. I'm really winding down when everyone is supposed to be gearing up. Haven't done anything and haven't started studying for finals. I know people think I'm probably exaggerating...But I'm really not at all. It's really quite bad.

I'm excited for mi fiesta tomorrow. I totally forgot about it and people are like reminding me, and I'm like wow already? It should be fun. It's just weird because my birthday isn't for three months and people are gonna be like "happy birthday!" and I'm gonna be like what?

I should be going to the awards but I'm not. The thing is that I know I have a PTSA award but I don't know about academics (last year they didn't tell me I was getting one and I ended up getting two...quite scary) So, I'm not gonna go and sit there for 2 hours and only get one or two awards...It's not that important to me anyway. I set my own standards and it's nice that the school recognizes them but I'm proud of myself for my accomplishments even if it means that I have one too many B's for an award or just enough. And it's kind of hurtful. People should be proud of themselves for acheiving their own goals and it's really kind of a self esteem knocker when nobody in the school seems to care and it's all about A's, A's, A's.

So, that seems to be sufficient for today. I must go figure out a way to study.

Peace, enjoy the sun
Much Love<3Gabs

5 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 1 June :: 3.18 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Donna Lewis~i love you always forever

Happy 150th Entry Woohu!
Yes so a few weeks ago I stumbled across the fact that this is the 150th entry of my woohu. I decided to build on that and do a little commemeration. So this will be a combination of end of the year post/150th woohu post. It's been almost a year...and 150 thats like a little less than half of the year I what a loser I am, lol. But a lot of my posts were just stupid little short ones that didn't need to exist.

Rather than just talk about the most important parts of my year I went back in time and picked out the posts that highlighted my life the past year. Some of these posts were crucial moments in my life, some I just liked and thought were cute:

June 10, 2003: First Post
June 12: That post about being grateful...I got a bitch comment about it (I will find you biatch!) but I'm still proud of it.
June 16: End of 8th grade post...I've changed so much and my end of the year state of minds have altered a lot since then.
June 23: Criteria for friends--that was cute.
August 24: Highlight of summer (by the numbers) That summer was excellent.
Aug 25: Dad's horse Carson Hollow Dies. This was a big deal for me.
Oct 19: Aaron Boone--'nuff said. KP, BS, GA at the mall..never forget that lol. I talked about people I didn't like. That's changed a lot. I like everyone now.
Oct 26: This one must have annoyed the crap out of everyone, but I'm proud of it.
Nov 19: My community service project--big deal to me...Split moods.
Nov 29: Grandma...that was a big part of the year.
Dec 3: Private Post.
Dec 16: Angry at cousin.
Dec 22: I thought I was going to die on the airplane, yeah, silly me.
Jan. 7, 2004: Conscience Vs. Heart..went with heart, thought it was wrong but in the long run I'm glad I did what I did.
Jan 15: Important part of my year... :)
Jan 31, Feb 2, 4: Grandpa passes away. This was quite a part of my year.
Feb. 21: St. Thomas
Feb 27: Frost Valley
March 3: Covers many emotional problems I had in the year that I've fixed.
March 9: My crazy family
March 17: Terrorism
Mar 21: The play!!!
March 23: I just thought it was funny...I got sick so much this year like usual.
March 31: Yet another turning point in the year...I was also doubting some friends
April 10: cute questonairre
Apr 12: Wawi...I <3 her.
April 17: Tito night...Though I got in trouble--wouldn't have changed it for the world.
May 15: <3 this quote
May 13: Spice Girls foreverrrr.

wow....that's it. I have the most posts in this little community we have (though many people deleted their journals) And I know people think lj's are for attention starved people (ahem, we def. aren't) but I'm not going to stop updating because this woohu has taught me so much about myself...and I love our community. I feel like we're all there for each other and even though we may not all hang out it's like we have this secret special bond somehow. It's weird to know that other people are reading our journals besides you guys.

This year has been insane. It's been THE year. This year changed my life like no other. I've had many "firsts" many "lasts", a death, getting caught, new friends, becoming a better person. It's all been just insane. I can't believe and comprehend how much I've changed. And I have to thank the girls who changed with me or the ones who didn't and managed to still handle me. I love you guys with all my heart. (But I will do a more specific end of the year post next week where I'll get into that stuff)

So, thank you woohu for being a place where I can learn about myself, learn about other (awesome!) people, and express my thoughts. This journal has helped me more ways than I realize. And thank you to my other woohuers for making me laugh and supporting me. I love you all.

So, signing off...Gabrielle

150 posts and countin'

6 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 25 May :: 7.49 pm
:: Mood: drained

so tutoring finale went fine--tear--haha i thought i wasnt going to get a card and David gives me a louis vuitton wallet. lmao.

i hate stupid things that you just want to know in order to make an observation about someone, and it's not a big deal but you just want to know.

and i hate random global tests and being exhausted.

i also hate that overwhelming fear of the future and everything it will come with, because you know that every year you have horrible moments of pain and emotional distress and you just wish they didnt have to come but you know they will and you fear which form they'll come in and how bad they'll be.

but i love looking at yearbooks and imagining what our senior year is going to be like. Who will be dating who...who will be friends...who won't...the thought of all of the memories i have just being combined and our grade just leaving is extremely frightening, overwhelming and satisfying at the same time. i cant wait til were seniors. i cant wait to culminate 13 years of our lives much drama as there is it's just going to be so liberating. but im also dreading it entirely. im sorry this is extremely random and um...early, but i just was thinking about it.

well thanks for reading my random thoughts, ill stop blabbering now. i suppose im delirious from lack of sleep.

much love<33

2 . | DrOp1bAybZ...

:: 2004 23 May :: 2.00 pm
:: Mood: recumbent

oh sit
its been quite the interesting weekend. little dolly, oh geez. had a little 6th grade style fun with elise last night.

oliver is back, he's so cute, but it makes me realize that im so much more of a cat person.

yes and eliz i know what you mean about the peer leadership--it makes me crazy too. i dont think anything could describe it better than cliche. and while i love the girls who got picked and they're all my friends and i dont hold it against them, i really dont, it's still very frustrating and discouraging to now try other things like a-school when they dont take chances on people and stick with the obvious.

yes and ive realized how overacheiving people here are, and most of the time its not their fault, it's just the standard here that everything you do must be for college... i think im sort of in the face doesnt explode when someone talks about their college resume but i do get annoyed after a while. and i wont just give in and play a sport or do some club that i dont want to do just for college. you have to have a sense of yourself and what you like to do. while i do have a sense of my future and do things partly for college and what not, i think some people just take it a little too far. i honestly dont have anyone specific in mind but i see these conversations out there. you're life will go on if you dont get into ap euro or honors english, i promise it will. but generally i dont care if people are obsessive over it. it's not my problem or life and i understand the pressure and expectations. people just have to continue to remember that there are things that are much more important. people lose sight of that.

end of school is approaching and something about it is just very blissful i feel like ive changed a lot...i have a lot to say about this year but im planning on saving that for a nice big chunker post in a couple weeks when school is over. its hard to put into words but i have a lot to say.

it's really bizarre to see Alfonso Soriano in a Ranger's jersey. It's sort of sad. It's actually really sad.

hmm in like 2 weeks finals will be like 2 days away...i think i should start studying. or do my homework or go for a run.


i'll watch the yankee game or go to the mall instead. why not? you're only 14 once.

much love<33


:: 2004 18 May :: 9.14 pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: the reason...

you wouldn't TEASE a girl would you???
hmm since no one has updated maybe i'll get something going...

not much is happening--im so excited i did so well on global. School is being extra-tedious though. I need it to just shhh. I can't decide a lot of things about school, idk how to explain it but it's like hard to figure out if it's been easy, hard, long short, fun,'s odd.

wow its like excruciatingly irritating for me how much Diana from American Idol NEEDS to die her hair brown. It's like killing me.

kind of upset hamptons has been postponed so many times...Ollie is coming this weekend yay and were babysittig for a couple weeks...niiice.

I'm really getting sick of school. I'm just so incredibly excited for summer. It's gonna be fab.

just 14 days of school + finals...can't wait for all of my spring festivities.


3 . | DrOp1bAybZ... | Random Journal