2006 28 February :: 10.48am
So yeah I have the best suprise for my boyfriend and he's gonna fricken love me more than he already does!
let go lightly
2006 28 February :: 10.40am
i got it!
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2006 27 February :: 9.32pm
I must.
No, I WILL win!
Lol I really hope anyway!
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2006 27 February :: 3.34pm
ahhhhhh if this works out i'll feel like the best girlfriend EVER!! hooray!
let go lightly
2006 27 February :: 2.10am
Aber, das war ein gut Wochenende, ich denke. Ich habe nicht gearbeitet. Ich habe immer etwas zu machen gehabt
Ich habe sehr viel Hausaufgaben für Deutsch. Acht Stunden bis morgen. Nicht lange.
: :
google it or something. see how bad my grammar really is.
: )
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2006 26 February :: 7.26pm
Made a final decision.

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2006 26 February :: 1.21pm
i've gone completly off my gord.
but seriously? fucking sheets?
i feel like such a waste sometimes. and also a psycho. i don't know. i need to start voulunteering or something. or maybe declare my major. hmmpt.
i want to work this week. i fianally got Gabe and Adayja to start talking. And i got Paigen to do her tasks. uuuuggggggggg.
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2006 24 February :: 12.43pm
There's a fire forming, not too far from here
Along the east coast maybe, it resides in you, my dear
Worn out on our courtesy, we've made our curtain calls
Like vampire bats deprived of blood, into the New York City night we crawl
let go lightly
2006 23 February :: 10.40pm
So..... I guess I'm gonna take an anger management class. It was kind of a joke but...
Yeah who saw that one coming.
I dunooooo nevermind. *breathes*
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2006 23 February :: 7.27pm
:: Music: E.P. - If i can dream
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2006 23 February :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: sad/pissed off/cranky/terrible.
I miss you.
You know That I love you
I have loved you all along And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go.
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore.
I wanted you to stay cause I needed... I need to hear you say That I love you I have loved you all along. And I forgive you for being away for far too long.
So keep breathing cause I'm not leaving you anymore. Believe it, hold on to me and never let me go. Keep breathing cause I'm not leaving you anymore. Believe it, hold on to me and never let me go.
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2006 23 February :: 3.21pm
let go lightly
2006 23 February :: 2.46pm
holographic puzzles are NOT as cool as they may seem. it just makes things so much harder. like you try to fit the pieces together, but you can't because everytime you turn them a little bit, the picture changes.
shit. what's wrong with just wanting things to be a little bit more like they used to?
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2006 23 February :: 11.46am
... with modifications, of course:
When you listen to the music and you like to sing along,
You want to get the meaning out of each and ev’ry song.
Then you find yourself a message and some words to call your own,
But don't go all alone; take them home.
Miffed again there is nothing I do;
Except for anything --- anything for you.
those were my favorites. and yes, i read the whole gol'durn thang.
last night was wonderful. i'm really quite a huge fan of cuddling. but my back is kind of upset with me. now i'm gonna hop in the shower, get some fresh clothes, make some lunch, and pretend i'm ready for this quiz. which, by the way - you know, in case you were wondering - i'm not.
: )
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2006 23 February :: 11.16am
So the kid says...
"Well, cigarette companies won't put money into curing cancer because that would disprove their theory that cigarettes cause cancer..."
I know... and the worst part is that about half the class gave the good old... "mm hmmm" of agreeance after he made this uncanny statement.
but me, with my finely tuned bullshit prevention system, had to argue
"I'm pretty sure we are all know that cigarettes cause cancer..."
when did this thought even come into his mind? Are you fucking stupid? I went on with:
" Alot of research went into this, it wasn't some doctor arguing with a corporate head like babies. I'm sure, after this doctor has provided irrefutable (sp) evidence ,that there's some head of a tobacco company that argues, " I do not believe that ciggarettes cause cancer..." and then everyones like
" well, the guy in the nice suit does have a point..."
" yeah, he's right..."
Then I said..
" and that's my point if you completely ignore the fact that they put a goddamn sticker on every pack that says. " FUCK TARD, SMOKING THIS SHIT MAY CAUSE DEADLY CANCER!"
Then everyone did the "mm hmmm" of agreeance with me...
maybe we should just install a hand that comes out and back hands you when you try to smoke... Nobody can want to smoke so bad that they can completely ignore being bitch slapped like a new york whore everytime they try to consume your menthol flavored doom... I'd actually appreciate it, it would stop me from doing it...
who the fuck smokes menthols anyway? who thinks that just because it's mint flavored it's going to taste better, and/or make your breath not smell like a gorilla's flaming bowell movements...
I had a good coma yesterday...
God damn. anyways, been pretty bored... how is everyone?
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2006 22 February :: 11.24am
i don't know why everyone has to be so ridiculous, but they are.
on monday i had this hispanic culture midterm and i knew it was going to be hard. but not so stupid. okay. so we talked a lot about cuba and this movie we watched and i read about two million things about
puerto rico
i love lucy
the mexican revolution
the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
the spanish american war
the cuban revolution
the bay of pigs/cuban missile crisis
dominican republic
san salvador
hipanic television-english and spanish
hispanic politics
the rafters
the cuban adjustment act of 1966
the jones act
the foraker act
so i had to know all this stuff. i went to every class. i participated. i read the texts. did well on the pop quizzes. everything.
did we get a study guide?
did we talk about a movie that wasn't on the midterm instead of reviewing like she promised?
and you know what's on this seven question essay test?
what is a chicano?
an obscrure little detail that i vaugley remember talking about like the second day of class. and she goes on and on about how we talked about it so much and blah blah blah and its origins. and everyone's like no way, we didn't talk about it that much. even the people who knew what it was guessed.
i just don't understand how i could filter all that information when the test only had seven questions and i had no clue what they could be about.
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2006 22 February :: 10.26am
let go lightly
2006 21 February :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: listless
:: Music: pink floyd - shine on you crazy diamond
cautionary tales of mischief and malevolence
garg. life hasn't been exceptionally hard lately, but i've been exceptionally slow. not stupid. just slow, if that makes sense.
another wonderful talk last night. that girl amazes me. and she listens, and doesn't stop me from rambling. which i keep telling her is dangerous. apparently she begs to differ.
i have a Deutsch Prüfung tomorrow at ten. that should be fun. but no class thurs. or fri. morning... das ist sehr gut. und mittwoch abend, ich will mit shannon treffen. ich treffe mit sie gern. wir sind fernsehen und Film sehen. das ist auch sehr gut.
oh, and i'm totally whoring up the intertron.
so, my woohu is spud.
my facebook is chris best
my myspace is chris
my open diary is space3monkey
my live journal is space3monkey
i still will only really use woohu. but i opened up the other ones to keep tabs on a certain someone.
oh and i'm also on the GVSU harry potter club boards. and mive, of course.
now i may NEVER EVER get anything done. maybe.
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2006 21 February :: 10.14pm
Oh my goodness.
That was an awesome time. Went to the Grand Culinary Affair. Pretty cool. My feet ache like whoa though cause I wore stupid shoes. It was worth it. Tickets were $65 so I was happy I got to go. There was a lot of awesome food and I saw a lot of people I worked with and knew. I'm glad my aunt had a good time.
The most fun was the dart game. For $20 you get 2 throws. You aim at chef hats and then people pull cards out and the number on it corresponds to a gift. Well I didn't ever think I'd play cause it was so much, but my aunt gave me $40 to do it. So I threw and won 2 things... It was so cool. I got my knife kit for school, and normally it'd be about $250 or so...And I got a cookbook so that's pretty neat. It was a good time.
let go lightly
2006 21 February :: 9.57pm
Yeah well once again...
let go lightly