2006 14 February :: 8.46pm
Turn out the lights. My life, on standby. :-(
This weekend was different. Saturday Charlie and I drove all the way up to Gaylord to go to this restaurant called Legends on the Hill. It's at Treetops resort. Three hours away. It's where I wanted to go for New Years but we couldn't. He said he never forgot. And that felt really nice. When we got there it was totally different than we expected. Freezer paper tablecloths, the works. I just laughed. I don't think we needed a bigger sign that said "We're not from around here". But I laughed. The ride was nice. The talking. The silence. The laughing. Everything. All the gas stations we had to stop at so I could pee. Haha. It's a beautiful relaxing town that looks like Switzerland. I asked him to pull over on the way back so I could give him a ring that I'd gotten him.
Monday I spent the night there and waited up for him to get home from work. I stopped The Big Lebowski and jumped out of bed to greet him at the door with a hug. But he was upset and held on tight.
His mom has cancer.
But I have this feeling and I can't explain it. I've been praying so much for her to get better. I just have this feeling like it's not her time yet. How could I know such a thing? When I told him "It's going to be okay." He asked "How do you know?" And I had no idea. I just feel like how could God take such a wonderful person away like that. Maybe it just doesn't feel real. She has so many people who love her. And a new grand-daughter. She feels that our lives are pre-destined so she doesn't want to get treatment. I don't know. But I feel like she's going to be okay. I hope so. :-(
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2006 14 February :: 8.20pm
:: Music: HH- Life On Standby
I need you now, more like yesterday, the last day I could see you smile.
It's felt more real than ever before.
Waiting. Waiting.
Till I could hold you.
I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all away.
I just know
It's going to be okay.
There's too much sadness.
It's going to be okay.
let go lightly
2006 14 February :: 6.04pm
:: Mood: loved
happy valentines day everyone! i know it's been forever since i've posted but i wanted to let you all know that i love you! muah muah muah!! kisses for everyone!!
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2006 14 February :: 12.31pm
only three classes left... one of which being russian. This shouldn't take very long.
P.S. A small unknown fact about me... In 5th grade I had dennis rodman shoes...
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2006 14 February :: 10.48am
*mellodramatic sigh*
another valentines day...
Insert lonely story cliche here...
now I wait for beautiful women to respond saying that they desire my company to be their valentine...
and now chris responds, to my dissapointment, with his flamboiant comment, followed by phil who is using 1337 speak...
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2006 13 February :: 11.02pm
well . . . i played scrabble this weekend like i planned.
but i was pretty much only into it for like the first half.
robby kept cheating. but i had a dictionary at my disposal.
so it was all good.
i still am not sure if i am sane, this weekend did absolutely nothing to get me closer to the truth. blah.
school sucks.
i need a vacation away from everything i know.
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2006 13 February :: 9.06pm
If there's one thing I've learned about high school it would be that POPULARITY changes anyone and EVERYONE.
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2006 13 February :: 1.13pm
I'm giddy like I used to be. I think that's a good sign. I haven't been giddy in a while. I feel a lot of love.
Today we went to the Amway. It was pretty cool getting to see what goes on behind the scenes. I almost forgot about the tour today. Then I took a test. I think I did pretty well.
Quit coming up with excuses you're going to blow us all off anyway. You already have.
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2006 12 February :: 11.11pm
omg 11:11 it's such a sign
AHHHAHAHAHAHAH finally saw the love of my life tonight. no, not Bob Sagett, silly- ROMAN!
love love love love him. wanna shout it from the rooftops i am pretedning to be rascal flatts and i dont know the words but i love himmmmmmmmmmmm
and quote of the day
"I eat your boogers for fun, Jess!"
Well yes then everything is settled I shall never go another THREE FRICKEN WEEKS without seeing my glorious lover boy ever ever ever again because it SUCKS
and i love him so much
i love you baby!!
oh and at Olive Garden:
"So wait, is it Free salad OR soup? So are you gonna bring him the salad? and if i get the soup it's free? Are you bringing him a big bowl? So i could just have some of his?"
"Wow, it's only $28 this time? Last time it was like $50." "Oh, they must have charged us for the free bread sticks"
"Could I get a box for the soup too?" "Oh i'll bring you a bowl"
"How bout one for the water?"
"Bring us some more mints." "You'll get a bigger tip!"
"What's your name again?" "Amanda D." "We're gonna have you EVERY time! Aren't you excited?"
"Is she guarding the alcohol?"
"No one said Bonjourno to us" "What did you say to me?! I'm sick of all you damn Italians!"
"Bring her a big sombrero" "Ma'am I'm sorry I dont know if you were aware, but we're in Italy, not MOROCCO"
"What would happen, PERSAY, if it happened to be one of our Birthdays?!"
"You know you get. I just had to collapse.." "Right, you just had to take a sit down"
"What? What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" "I had to puke"
"Did you think that was gross???" "Psh, no. I eat your boogers for fun, Jess"
"LIVE GIRLS! And come see our 25 cent movie arcade!"
lol lets just say we had a bit too much fun lol. Oh and dont take any of that too literally!! lol.
yeah so and .....
a ten dollar silverware set!!
i love you baby! so much! today was JUST what i needed and i wish the rest of my world would disappear.
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2006 12 February :: 10.25pm
:: Mood: überfrohlich
:: Music: kein Musik
blah blah blah
don't remember what my last update was. if i didn't mention it, president's ball was friday. that was fun. i got to dress up in my suit again. i realized i need a light grey shirt with a full collar and requires cufflinks, though...
yesterday we (shannon) basically lazed around all day. then went downtown for coffee and a walk. that was super cool. then today we went to the museum. which was also super cool. but i told her i need a breather... and she should need one too. so, we're planning on seeing the vagina monologues on tuesday. i'll hopefully manage to resist the urge to call her until then.
it's just that i need to focus on homework for awhile. and it's not that when she's around she demands that much attention, or any attention at all really, it's just that i lack the discipline to ignore the fact that she's here and she's entertaining herself and i need to get shit done. especially when it's shit i don't want to do. like write a history paper. or study for a stats test. or study for a german quiz. or write a german essay. or read a novel for honors.
speaking of which, my homework beckons.
i'm glad professor place is taking things into his own hands and ditching the auf geht's curriculum. the whole "immersion" thing is cool and all, but really, i need to know some grammar structure as well. that way i can recognize when things are past tense. or figure out what the subject is. like, i didn't even know "Hausaufgaben" was plural until like ten mins. ago. that's some serious bullshit. but i am definitely learning a lot from him, and i very much want to go to germany now. for serious. just to live and talk to people and stuff. by which i mean, listen to people, since i would be far too ashamed to talk. and they all speak english anyway.
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2006 12 February :: 5.28pm
I've been thinking. This weekend was really really great. I've got a cyst on my ovary, but that's okay.
But I'm realizing this. I hate drinking and drugs. It's all so stupid. And I'm not just saying that because I've never tried it. But I really do think it ruins things. When I'm drunk I get in trouble or I cry or I think I'm dying. When I'm sober and see drunk people I think, "what's the point?" And I'm always uncomfortable at parties where people are drinking. They scare me and it's boring. Everyone acts so stupid. Plus it's illegal and can get you into all kinds of trouble. People who are allowed to drink get used by people who are younger. Then there are the people who keep me up all night because it's Thirstly Thursday. I like sleeping. I don't like hearing your gangsta rap coming down the pipe at three in the morning while you sing along. I don't like finding girls passed out in front of their doors. I don't like people thinking I"m weird when I decide that tonight is not a good idea.
And I'm all for making weed legal, just so we can stop wasting time and money. The war on drugs seems like it's mostly bullshit. It could be regulated and people could actually make a profit without getting in trouble. But I know it's more complicated than that and also probably too late, but it would be a nice birthday present. As of now, it's screwing up my family, and it's the most horrible thing. Don't tell me that I'm wrong. I'm just so sick and tired. It's breaking my heart.
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2006 12 February :: 3.51pm
Yesterday was a lot of fun. The ride was long but it was nice. :-)
He never forgot. It felt good.
He means more to me than he will ever know.
It was a good day.
let go lightly
2006 12 February :: 6.38am
finally! i get to see roman for the first time in 3 weeks .
sooooooooooo happy!
thanks girls last night for a fun time at swirl.
oh and jess honestly you broke my toe. it's all purple, blue and black and it hurts so bad and i can't walk on it. so now i am cripple. but i know it wasn't your fault .
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2006 11 February :: 4.14pm
:: Mood: unexpected
20 years old.
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2006 10 February :: 11.33am
:: Mood: kinda sleepy
:: Music: n/a
so, president's ball tonight. should be fun. but now i have to do homework for my 2pm class. and after that, i'm at the radio station for 3 hours. i'm doing a 3pm show, and my normal 5pm show. if you'd care to listen,
after that is dinner and dancing. and i really should iron my shirt and stuff. but i guess i'll have to go without. i think i'll wear the prom outfit though. i hope it's here. i may have left it at home. which would be teh suck.
i'm surprised nobody mentioned the nude woman smothered in guacamole.
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2006 9 February :: 11.19pm
Today was a really good day. Had some fun with my good ol friend Becca. Took a test that I think I did fairly well on. Talked to my love. He makes me so happy. I played the guitar a lot and actually learned a whole song and it sounds good. I love it. Tomorrow's going to be really nice too. And fun. And awesome. I'm excited. :-) So yeah, that's what's been going on. The other night at work, we did a bridal tasting where all these brides come in, along with all our vendors, and we just make a bunch of fancy stuff. It was pretty neat. We had our Choc. fountain out too. Yummy. Works been going well.
Anyway, that's about it.
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2006 8 February :: 4.12pm
this morning had so much promise.
doughnuts, sausage and strawberries.
but my piano teacher is hella crazy and scary.
and also i have a sore throat, mr. aleman makes me really mad and so does sarra b. ug.
and i'm sick again. it's been two years.
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2006 8 February :: 4.00pm
:: Mood: asi-asi
:: Music: Aerosmith - Dream On
this may prove dangerous...
*edit* let me know if you want to know what i searched... lol *edit*
- Visit:
- Search for:
1) Where you grew up.
2) Where you live now.
3) Your name
4) Your grandmother's name
5) Your favorite food.
6) Your Favorite Drink
7) Your Favorite Song
8) Your favorite smell.



Christopher Best studied composition under Edward Cowie (Lancaster), HughWood (Cambridge) and Nigel Osborne (Nottingham). He now divides his timebetween freelance composition and working as Senior Lecturer and Reader inMusic Composition at Dartington College of Arts in Devon. He has receivednumerous awards and scholarships, including Northern Ireland's 'Sonorities'composition prize and a four month Danish Government grant to work at theCopenhagen Conservatoire.Much of his more recent work has been in collaboration with choreographersand dance companies, such as Scottish Dance Theatre, Jamaican NationalDance, Kaleidoscope Dance Project and Bimba Dance Theatre. This has led in turn to related education work in cross-media collaboration; directing theComposers/Choreographers Exchanges at the South Bank in London in 1998 and 2000, and in Madrid in 2001 and 2002. He has also contributed articles toDance Theatre Journal and Animated Magazine. Chris is also established as a concert composer, recent work taking much from the experiences of working with dance. spnm invited him to write a piece for the 1997 Spitalfields Festival, and other compositions (including Another Kind of Air, Rossetti Dances and Moonlighting) have been selected by the reading panel. Recent compositions include a large-scale orchestral piece for Kokoro, a 60 minute CD Waking Dance and How Great, How Fall'n written for the John Armitage Memorial concert series and premiered earlier this year at St Bride's church in London.

"Police dog Kaiser and his handler, police officer Christopher Best, keep an eye on train travellers in Washington."



okay, so the alcoholism has to show through at some point, i suppose...

^ totally bizarre... ^

... hm, i suppose i deserve this for some reason?
there you have it. all of my innermost thoughts betrayed by google image search.
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