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one girl whose pages tore

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:: 2003 12 February :: 6.53am

awoken into the mandibles of an emotional death-grip. adios.

see beyond what is


:: 2003 29 January :: 7.46pm

you cannot win this war. hate is love at its highest.

life is a minefield. tread lightly.

1 paid close attention | see beyond what is


:: 2003 16 January :: 9.50pm
:: Mood: anxious

complex transmission
fourth reich culture: americana. (ill save this for another day.)

anyways, have you ever stopped to think that everything happening around you is a chemical reaction? what you see, taste, feel, smell, hear. what you see is just reactions being turned into electrical and chemical signals your brain can process. same with smell, taste, hearing, etc. so in turn, is that what life just is? an existance that can be rationalized through logic and chemical processes?

what about the thought process? what is the chemical process that allows me to think, to create. what makes me suddendly think of something like a game of Halo during a class, gives me an imagination, etc..? this realm of existance is far too complex.

and so the general population stops there. i'd say most dont even question "who" they are. people just lay down their arm of inquiry and accept something along the lines of "god created me as a complete and unique entity, and anything else is irrelevent."

im not one to subscribe to this belief; in fact it makes me sick. the fact that people dont question who they are, what goes on inside their cerebrum, why they are even here. I want to know what the hell makes me tick. do the things i do. why i'm here living life. because to me god is dead. just being born is not good enough. simplicity is extinct. if anyone out there with views and opinions on existence and life would like to share, please do so. feedback is appreciated.

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:: 2003 9 January :: 9.00pm
:: Mood: cheerful

i had a great conversation with you today. who knows how long the river runs. or more importantly, how deep?

see beyond what is


:: 2002 22 December :: 12.23am
:: Mood: accomplished

ive decided to change my attitude.
if you dont accept me fuck you. 8D

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:: 2002 19 December :: 8.07pm

haahahahahaa. i love the insolent little flies flitting about. so amusing to watch as they buzz and fret over nuisances. such an inconsequential existence to possess. exemplifying such a trait of humanity.

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:: 2002 7 December :: 3.35pm

hi. i was at home the other day when i noticed my trust was missing. if you see it anywhere, please call me and tell me where. perhaps its not too late. thank you. have a nice day.


3 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 23 November :: 5.00pm

your quest for fame
will become your claim to shame
your hunger for popularity
will strip you of all clarity
and leave you solitary.

3 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 21 November :: 9.26pm

Shades of crimson divinty swirl about my starry gaze. And in the light, as transparent as they make themselves, they still grip my flitting heart with their effervescent beauty. Truly a spectacle beheld amongst the eye of the beholder. A silent transmission from the heart is sent, hoping the recieving end will respond.

2 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 28 October :: 9.19pm
:: Mood: interrogative

Free Your Mind
what if. your world collapsed. what if one day you looked through someone's eyes and saw into their head. peered through a television set. what if you looked through all of these material objects as if they were invisible? what if all the meager little threads in the parchment that holds your life together were to suddenly snap. because someday. things will enter a state of full collapse. and sure, there you are, in your comfortable, cozy mindset. funny thing is, most are too absent minded to realize something has collapsed. that something is wrong. and then there some never even realize anything has ever happened. A Native American could see the absent minded nature of most humans in the 1700's, and was,I believe,to effectively sum this up in one sentence:"The only thing the whiteman can understand is a mustket ball to the head." Unfortunately for you, that is your only cure. Free Your Mind.

9 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 23 October :: 9.06pm
:: Mood: Perpetuating Nothingness

Upon insightful thinking I have reached my own conjecture in that we are merely beings chosen to carry out the task of keeping the flame of humanity alit, never knowing or gaining any assurance as to why we do so. Always progressing backwards or regressing fowards. Essentially, we are perpetuating nothingness. Keeping alive the past and present because we have no higher task to take hold of. However, it is in this task that we divise a purpose of our existence.
You may hear one state their purpose in life is to be a teacher, soldier, fireman, artist, model, fashion designer, musician, etc. In essance what are all of these voacations doing? Are they fighting fires or teaching or defending others or writing music because they have chosen the task themself? Or perhaps, the task has chosen them. While it is comforting to think that one has chosen their vocation based upon the liberty of choice in their mind, I have conjured a different conclusion. Take myself up to about a year ago for example. All my life, from infancy to present, i have been surrounded by airplanes. I have been taken on a sickening number of flights for someone my age. Put into cockpits, taken to airshows, shown countless videos and given more books and readings on airplanes than I could read. No wonder why up to a year ago i wanted to be a pilot. It's what i had been taught, shown, and put amongst me my whole life. Chosen by ideas i had formed due to this so called thing named "inspiration." I'd rather refer to it as imitation. Following something that isn't yours. People laying down the foundation of their life based upon another's life. Individuality is begininning to wither on the vine. People like to talk about the advent of robots and how great it would be. But they fail to realize that we are not making robots. In turn, we are becoming the them. goodnight.

16 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 9 October :: 9.30pm
:: Mood: arslefargle
:: Music: liberate your mind

to whine about something so stupid when you had the same resources but chose to allocate them differently then another is dumb as fuck. that's like whining about feeling inferior because you gave someone a slice of a pizza you bought, whereas the other person gave them the whole pizza. ROAR IM A DINOSAUR. I think i just went insane. or perhaps i caught a sliver of sanity. Pardon sir, but you must be mistaken, for no shred of sanity may exist in all its being upon this run amok chaos, for surely the gluttons would satiate their hunger amongnst the sane.

2 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 5 October :: 12.40pm

is this a relationship? or are we auditioning for for soap operas? :-()

2 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 29 September :: 4.37pm
:: Music: Ratm - Bulls On Parade

Sacrifice. Because payback can be a bitch. Hypocriticism thrown back in your face. Hiiiii Yaaaa.

4 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 21 September :: 1.04am

sorry .just do what you want. thats all you can do.

5 paid close attention... | see beyond what is

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