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one girl whose pages tore

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:: 2002 24 March :: 1.24pm
:: Music: Thrice-Phoenix Ignition

Weeee. The sun's comin up again. I think. I had fun last night with mike and heather. I felt bad mike wouldnt pick up ashley after i told her we would, so sorry ash. And sorry for being a penis to you larry, i love you man. I jsut got home from church. What a worthless institution it has become. I can see the good things that come from it, but i jsut cant accept the faith. Blah. I guess giving people hope that there is something big up there, and when you die there are better things ahead is good to most of society. But i can't lie to myself like that. I guess im cheerin up, i hope i return to my old self soon. Im missin it. I gtg do some shit and then have fun today. Peace. <3

see beyond what is


:: 2002 23 March :: 11.11am
:: Mood: crying (if that is a mood)

I cried myself to sleep last night. I woke up crying. I've been crying ever since you left. I look at you and see the world, but you dont see it in me. There is an empty spot in my heart now, a spot in which you left. A spot so big, Im not sure i have a heart left to give. I don't know how i'm alive after all of these wounds. But I am. My g/f dumped me on the beach last night. I think she tried to let me down easy. But nothing could let me down easy from her. I thought I had FINALLY found someone to just be with, I had finally found someone who i truely liked alot, TRUELY felt for. I wanted this one to last. But she didn't feel that for me. I don't think she will ever know what she meant to me. She was the stars in my sky, she lit up my life. My stars went out last night. I only hope they someday will return. I don't know what the future holds for us Ashley, but as long as you're in it maybe things wont be too bad. Just maybe things will return. Maybe.

10 paid close attention... | see beyond what is


:: 2002 22 March :: 12.17pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: poison the well-my mirror no longer reflects

choke on. choke on your forked tongue. as you lie to me again. you say its too early to show how we feel. just shove me away. just shove me away. but what can be said to someone who cant hear. or comprehend your actions. ive lost all faith in what ive been told. its all a lie...........damn. very good song there. gray sky today, i dont enjoy it. hopefully im gonna go to motts house :) or see ashleyand heather. or mike. :) :) life is good. <3 bye bye

see beyond what is

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