2004 16 January :: 8.04 am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: good idea...lets listen to music
The 3rd Consecutive Snowday
Congradulations CNS, the immpossible has come. The superindtendent had no say this time...
So... I dont remember what I did yesturday...oh yeah. Lauren came over and we ate 2 boxes of mac and cheese. What else did we do...oh we made smoothies and uhhh watched TV? Then my mom and I got in a big fight (sorry to Lauren since you had to watch and she wanted participation from the audience) I got pretty pissed. Thankfully my dad was in a good mood and took us to blockbuster. Lauren and I went back to her house and watched Requiem for a Dream. It was very different. I liked it. So we ate spagetti raigu style and her dad drove me home. Then I felt like shit for the rest of the night. This house has that effect.
So today...the superintendant sucks but. She didnt call our school until we were all up and getting ready to go. Oh well, Im kind of happy we have it off. Parts of me wanted to go. All I know...is I need to get out of this damn house.
So I think thats it...
its good enough for now...surely, I'll be back later
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2004 15 January :: 9.33 am
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: Straylight Run- Decent
Good Morning
So I dont really have a reason to update but thats okay...
Last night I went to the grocery store!!! Oh and the dollar store!!! It was funny. My mom thought it would be a great idea to go to the dollar store. Well we got in there and I wanted everything I saw. That'll teach her. I ended up with heart candies, 2 puzzles and silly putty. So then we went to the grocery store and I got everything on my grocery list! I even got a bagel while I was there!!! (Im trying to make this sound interesting). So we got cappachino delight slim fast shakes and orange cream. Thats pretty cool. Oh and I got deodorant that smells like ambition...whatever ambition smells like. I also got toothpaste that I saw Emeril using on tv. That was about it for my grocery store experience.
I just remembered the dream I had last night. Haha It was odd.
-- So a bunch of us were on a bus coming back from a field trip. The seats were wicked small and we had to fit three in a seat. I think I was sitting with Lisa and some funny looking kid. James was there and so was Lauren. The bus was also a boat and to get home we had to go through this river. The river was curvey and we were going really fast and it was hard to keep your head up. So Lauren and I had a great idea...we went through the roof and into the water. Lisa came too but she was pissed. So Lauren and I were running through the water and Lisa was bitching that we were going to soak the bus. So we saw the bus driver who was driving the bus from outside of it in the water. He smiled at us and started reading his soaking wet newspaper. We decided we had enough of the merky gross lake water and we went to get back on the bus. Now Lisa was flipping out screaming something about towels. We went through the back and everyone clapped. We got back to school and an asshole teacher started yelling at ours for letting us off the bus. He threatened to get him fired and he said "shit"...then I went into another dream. It was Sean, his brothers and his dad. His dad was driving them to karate. So he dropped them off and we had to go get something so we went somewhere else. Now this is weird. I wasnt sitting in the van, I was sitting where the right wheel of the car goes. Then there were these chinese guys in motorcycles in front of us. They were being dumb and like making it hard to drive so his dad started driving up their asses. Somehow the chinese motorcyclists and the van ended up on the side of the road. They were all bitching back and forth. Sean's dad picked up a hubcap and threw it at the chinese guy and it went into his head. It was pretty bloody. So then his dad was walking away and the dead looking chinese man took a ninja star out of his pocket and through it at his dad. It hit him in the head but it didnt cut him open or anything. So he fell to the ground and started talking about all this crazy stuff since he had like a concusion. So I got him up and we started walking to Toys R' Us because that was where we were meeting Sean and his brothers. I called 911 and the lady was completely stupid and just saying really dumb things so I got pissed off and hung up. We finally got to Toys R Us and Sean and his brothers were walking out the door. I ran up to Sean and his dad ran to Ryan (which was weird because he could harldy walk 2 seconds before). I started crying and Sean said "Aw shut up, Im not into this crying bullshit" ... So I slapped him and went inside the store. I saw someone I knew and we went inside this Barbie play house. There we mirrors in there that the girl was trying to convince her mom to get her for her room. Her parents wouldnt get them for her though because they were orange borders with a flower design and a picture of barbies head with a pleasent smile...next to her head it said "Fuck"...so her mom said no. Then I had another dream that I was telling Sean about my dreams and he told me to come over and go swimming...I went through my whole house looking for a bathingsuit and they all didnt fit or match.
--and that was about it for my dream. Wow I didnt realize how long it was. I guess this entry kind of had a purpose.
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2004 14 January :: 4.38 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Something For Kate- Photograph
Today was nice
Last night sucked...completely sucked. But thats fine.
I woke up and had the baggyest eyes I've seen in a while. But that was also fine. It was a cold day so I got to go back to bed. I woke up around 9:30. I had a PB&J toasted sandwich and the best smoothie ever. I did pilates which was good. I watched the Devil's Advocate what I really liked. I thought it was an awesome movie. And my oppinions on movies always rule...haha not. But yeah it was good. No one has gotten home from work yet so its still quite which I dont mind. I wasnt bored at all today...it was nice. Even though Lauren ditched me but I wouldnt of expected anything else. Hey, she means well.
So tomorrow it is supposed to be colder than it was today. If we have school then it will just be ridiculous...or something. Haha. With my luck, we'll have a warm front roll in overnight.
So thats that for now. I want to go to the grocery store. Please take me.
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2004 13 January :: 3.46 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Alkaline Trio- Trouble Breathing
I didnt get to sleep until 2am this morning. I made PB&J and wrote a lot so it was okay.
Im blaming the stars.
So today I was just crazy hyper. I think thats a good thing because nothing is serious in those moods.
Mel drove Lauren and I to my house. "Ever have a soy nut?" I said that to Lauren in the middle of a different conversation. It was hillarious and we laughed for a long long time. Doesnt sound funny...I know.
So we ate wedgies and watched Montel cry and some horribley animated cartoon about a yak. Now some cartoons are cool when they look like shit but this one isnt one of them. Stupid.
So here I am...think think think says pooh
Yeah thats that
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2004 12 January :: 8.47 pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
:: Music: smile empty soul - the other side
bye bye people
I had a great day home alone. I wouldnt of done anything different.
Im so frustrated right now. It isnt anyones fault either. I just have gotten to the point (which i usually do once in a while) that I dont like the human race that much. There are the few acceptions...of course.
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2004 12 January :: 12.23 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: The Beautiful Mistake - for a good friend
I forgot my subject
So I took a day off today. It has been a good one too. Sean called this morning from SATprep which was funny and thoughtful. Then I found out both Lauren and Jen stayed home today. Melinda must have had a boring car ride. So having company is always good. I made chef boyardee pizza. That was commical. And it almost tasted good. I ate a lot of it either way.
no nevermind
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2004 11 January :: 7.44 pm
:: Mood: not sure
I have a hemmy!
So today I went to Sean's. I watched their band practice and such. Then football the rest of the time. Im not a big football person but thats fine because it was fun anyways. I bet you wish you had a hemmy! Too bad. Valentimes? Renember? Haha man oh man. Well thats about it.
Tomorrow is school...I hate that place.
My throat hurts...oh well...Im getting used to it.
So thats that...
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2004 10 January :: 10.26 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: 12 Stones- The way I feel
What does not belong -- Great book haha
So Lisa slept over and we ate Zesty buttered popcorn. It was fun.
Then I went to the guard preview show. It was fun, a bit on the depressing side but I wouldnt expect it to be any different. Yep...
So I went home for about an hour and then Dave picked me up and we went to Skaneatelas for a show. It was fun and they did very good. Its weird going to shows other than NS shows because you think that that is it. But then there is like a whole other "Scene" if youd call it that. Haha yeah.
The moon ruled tonight...anyone else notice that? I like the moon. Yeah Im the loser who noticed the moon.
People are sickly evil and I dont mind.
Well, thats my story and I think Im done...
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2004 9 January :: 7.56 pm
:: Mood: irritated
Hurray...heh no
So today was another moody one. It's like PMS without PMS.
Music- the teacher gave us the block to sleep, it ruled. Math- I learned...that wasnt too bad. Chem- I finished everything and got bored. C/H- Movie about mentally challenged people homes.
Then Mel drove me home...where I should have stayed all day. I thought I was going to just start screaming or crying all day...whatever came out first. So then I sat around. At 6 I met everyone at Borios. It had its ups and its downs. I talked to John for the first time in 2 years. That was cool. Jen and I got to color. Jenn got me honey mustard. Jen and Jenn...haha. Yeah...that was the fun had in that. Jen drove me home. Haha I miss her, we had a nice talk.
So now I am here and Lisa is coming over and spending the night. That will be fun. Tomorrow...show? I dont know. SOOOoo...yeah thats that. Im in such a great mood. Sorry to anyone who had to talk to me. No, no Im not. I dont think I was out of line. Haha I just made myself sound like a dog or something. Oh well...Im going back to my cage so I can eat biscuits and sit with my leash that isnt actually connected to anything. No one will get that because you werent there. HA.
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2004 8 January :: 4.08 pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: bird tapes...because im a bird
I just got really angry over something stupid. Damn me.
Today wasnt too bad. History- finished watching Glory, Gym- good fun squaredancing, Psych- Started watching A Beautiful Mind, English- bullshitted my wat through a test and passed it and watched everyone do presentations.
I have to do my presentation on monday...I hate doing those. Ugh.
After school Lisa came with me to "Peer Tutoring" for history. So I need to do this essay and the "Tutor" didnt know anything about the topic. So I asked the teacher, she told me and I left after only being there for 20 minutes. The teacher got mad at me but it was really a waste of my time...I mean...going and eating bagels in the confrence room is a way better idea.
And here I am...my head hurts. Someone I know would say "Whats new" but he also said "and this is getting your way" ... ass haha
Im freezing and there is a girl on TV that really needs to die but I bet if I changed the channel I'd find another that needed to die so whats the point of changing the channel or even complaining. Damn, Im a dumbass
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2004 7 January :: 3.59 pm
:: Mood: devious
Terrence sent me that site. Its like a big message board where people bash different people in their school. CNS has a board on there. Now I find it all dumb and mean and stuff but its hillarious. The people posting on there arent even doing a good job. So...this is what I want from all my witted friends...some of you are extremely good at this. Register to the site and lets tear it up and take it over... I think it would be awesome. Check it out...take it and own it...
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2004 7 January :: 3.08 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: counting crows- mr. jones
Memories and Butterfies
Aww yeah
So...my alarm didnt wake me up this morning. It was weird. I had a dream in the morning and it must have had my attention so occupied that even my alarm couldnt get me. So my dad woke me up and I was about 20 minutes late. It was pathetic but I burst out into tears because I didnt want to go to school. I felt like crap. Then I had to ride the bus...bleck. I got to school and thats when it hit me that I REALLY should have stayed home. I was so irritable. Everything that everyone said to me pissed me off and I was very very short with people. Class wise it was a good day. Some reason I was working really hard. I even did work in homeroom! Maybe Im turning over a new leaf. Well thats probably taking it alittle too far but oh well. So now I am eating mac and cheese...it was funny because Richard just IMed me and said I always eat mac and cheese...such an understatment. Haha. Im about to whip out the math A I need done by tomorrow. I think Im half way through. Too bad I have to skip half of them...damn Im stupid.
Shit, I have an essay for history I have to do too. Damn me damn me damn me! Time hates me...I wish I had a remote.
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2004 6 January :: 2.51 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Mars Volta cd
So lets see...
Last night I was up until midnight doing a project for english. At least the story I had to read was good. "I know what you need" by Stephen King.
I woke up still feeling quite crappy. School was good mood wise. I wasnt like angry or anything lol. Just physically I feel like complete dung. My head, throat, neck, ears and back all hurt. I have swollen glands all over my neck which feel really funny. I didnt even have to hand in that project I stayed up all night for today. How gay.
So my mom is bringing me home mcdonalds...hopefully I can swollow it. Then I might be going to the doctors to see if that man can do anything for me.
Lisa, thank you for having the same symptoms as me and feeling like dung with me. Im glad to know we'll die together. Haha yeah...you missed so much fun in english today.
Oh yeah...highlight of the day was Jay burning Lauren and I cd's...I love getting cd's
Thats it...
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2004 5 January :: 3.01 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: 12 Stones- The way I feel
home sweet home
School is a horrible place. I had a day...it wasnt bad nor good. Ofcourse someone reminding you how unhappy you look and all that shit helped alot. Dont worry, I forgive you. So it was school-like. Back to that...yay.
Then it was DD and Mcdonalds. Annnnd then Ryan B. gave me a ride home. That was nice of him...actually he just didnt have anything else better to do. So now I am home. Like I just got home and I rushed to this stupid thing that controls my life. I have nothing good to put in here so yeah...
I didnt mention that Colin brought me in a BRIGHT GREEN allstar reader book-it pin! That was the good part of the day
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2004 4 January :: 8.52 pm
:: Mood: WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW...why would you ask me?
I do believe in fairies I do I do ... bet you called that
dont feel like typing ... mom wants on
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