<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2003 10 November :: 4.24 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: grd

Death and Life
I thought today was pretty boring at first. I knew this morning that someone had gotten hit by a car but I didn't know who it was. I found out later that it was Corbin who I happen to know quite well. Tonight I found out that he didn't make it. Corbin was never one of my good friends, as a matter of fact in 7th grade I really didn't like him at all. In 8th grade, however, he became more my friend. I haven't talked to him in a very long time, and it was a real wake up call to know that I won't ever be able to talk to him again. Even though he wasn't a really good friend of mine, I'll still miss him and I just can't believe someone I know could die. I guess we're all just too sheltered from death these days. I haven't known that many people who have died, not well at least. It's just not normal in my mind. I hate the feeling knowing I'll never see or talk to that person again, it really blows my mind. So I guess this is just one of those life lessons, be sure you talk to people and make sure everyone in your life knows you need them. If you don't you might never get the chance.

By the way, to all of you who think this is just some lame excuse to be a drama queen, and also to those of you who may think that he deserved to die because he was "annoying" or a trouble-maker I have just two words for you... FUCK YOU!!
NO ONE, and I will repeat myself here NO ONE AT ALL deserves to die!!!!! Especially not for a reason as STUPID as that!!!

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 9 November :: 9.27 pm
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: Strong; Audio Adrenaline

I am so bored. Sunday's are almost always sit around and watch TV or clean days. Gotta' love that! (<--sarcasm) I didn't end up going to the Broken Sunday concert, none of my other friends went either tho, unless they didn't tell me, so it's all good I suppose. I'm so tired... it's only 9:30pm and I'm tired. That's not normal at all.
Ya' know, lately I've been getting really into Christian music. I especially like 89.9 WAY FM, it's such an awesome station. The Newsboys, Tait, P.O.D., Switchfoot, Relient K, and Stacy Orricco (i think i might have spelt that wrong) are all played on that channel. You should listen to it sometime if you haven't ever, and if you have you know what I'm talking about. Well I should be going now. HAVE A LOVELY DAY!!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 6 November :: 8.03 pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: Steph playing her flute!

An entry.
For those of you who don't know when the Brocken Sunday concert is it's Friday @ 7pm in the high school auditorium. It costs 5$. (I thought that it cost 3$ but I was wrong.) I might not be able to go anymore tho... evilness. I hate things that cost money, I only work in the summer, I have NO money!! Well not enough at least. lol I guess that might just be me tho, I tend to spend money the second I get it... unless I want something pretty expensive.... But anyway, I'm so bored. There is nothing to say really, except "hi how ya' doin' good? me too well g2g now buh bye" so i guess this shall be a short entry thing. I will see y'all later... have a LOVELY DAY!!

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 5 November :: 4.00 pm
:: Mood: excited

Confusion mixed w/ excitment!!
I'm very excited! This Friday I'm going to the Broken Sunday concert at my school. It's gonna' rock, I love rock and christian so the combo. is great. Not only that but next week competitve cheer starts! YAY! I've been so bored w/o having something to do after school. The bus is too loud and it gives me such a huge headache!! lordy... it's not even cool. So anyway... that guy that I was talking about in my last entry is really confusing me. Normally when he has a girl friend he doesn't flirt w/ other ppl, not as much as usual at least. But he still flirts with me, I don't get it! Well okay correction he still flirts w/ me when she's not around, but today after class we were walking together and when she came up things got strangely quiet and awkward. It was a little weird, not a good situation. Well I shalt stop boring you now. Have a wonderful day!!

7 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 5 November :: 4.00 pm
:: Mood: excited

Confusion mixed w/ excitment!!
I'm very excited! This Friday I'm going to the Broken Sunday concert at my school. It's gonna' rock, I love rock and christian so the combo. is great. Not only that but next week competitve cheer starts! YAY! I've been so bored w/o having something to do after school. The bus is too loud and it gives me such a huge headache!! lordy... it's not even cool. So anyway... that guy that I was talking about in my last entry is really confusing me. Normally when he has a girl friend he doesn't flirt w/ other ppl, not as much as usual at least. But he still flirts with me, I don't get it! Well okay correction he still flirts w/ me when she's not around, but today after class we were walking together and when she came up things got strangely quiet and awkward. It was a little weird, not a good situation. Well I shalt stop boring you now. Have a wonderful day!!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 4 November :: 7.44 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: GRD

1st entry
Well this is officially my first time writing an online journal. Kinda' weird, cuz I know that people I don't know could read it. But w/e.
So I've been thinking lately about how confusing guys are. You see there's this guy and I like him and he said he liked me and told a very good mutual friend of ours that he was thinking about asking me out, but now (a day later) he's going out w/ some other chick. Not that it's too crushing considering the fact that he's always kinda' crazy when it comes to this stuff, but still. So anyway, can you see what I mean about the confusingness of the whole situation??
Why does everyone think school is so bad? I mean, yea the work sucks but admit it, we would all die w/o seeing our friends so much. Summer gets SO boring cuz you never see your friends, well at least not as much. Well that's my take on it @ least.
Okay I'm gonna' stop now. Have a lovely day!!

Wanna' dance?

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