2003 22 July :: 6.13pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: no music
so um, mandy got a car...hehe
4 Performances |
2003 21 July :: 1.25am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: mya // my love is like whoa
put me and solange together and you get ::wink wink::
not much has changed since last entry, i'm back home with my mom again <333 wheeee. tomorrow, or actually toady, heh, i start my thing at the JCC, I kinda regret saying ok now, but w/e it's something to do. Umm, Jenna and Jecca fun time <3 damn you two. Um on another note chaz is hott lol yea lol he is, enough said.
I'm out like a fat boy playin dodgeball, lol i shouldnt say that.
p.s. ms doherty thank you for the i eat dirt icon.
2003 16 July :: 11.25am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: I do love you // from coyote ugly
I dont know what to think, mixed emotions i guess
I've had a good weekend, and a good couple of past days, i'm just really confused right now. I'm sick of losing boys to my best friends, it's like the worst feeling i could ever have. I like this kid, yess everyone knows who i'm talking about, and i thought that i use to be able to say that we were "good friends" but now i dont know, there's no effort on his part, heh..maybe i'm crazy maybe it's in my head, but im sad, and i dont wanna be, summer has actually been ok, and now i'm gonna be sad? ::slaps face:: mandy, stop, it's just in your head...
...i hope so
12 Performances |
2003 14 July :: 12.05pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: little t and one track mike//shaniqua
Wooooooooo <3
2003 14 July :: 11.42am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: matchbox 20//unwell
In The Last 48 Hours, Have You:
01. Cried: ummm...oh wait, yeah.
02. Bought something: food
03. Gotten sick: nope
04. Sang: yes
05. Eaten: yeaaa
06. Been kissed: by jessica, and licked <3.
07. Felt stupid: nope
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: kinda
09. Met someone new: lots of people
10. Moved on: over what?
11. Talk to an ex: ummm, no.
12. Missed an ex: definitly not.
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yepp
14. Had a serious talk: kinda
15. Missed someone: yesss
16. Hugged someone: yesss
17. Fought with your parents: yea
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yes...
Social Life:
01. Best girl friend: Jenna//jecca//maria//lauren//and peejalicious
02. Best guy friend: umm jon and stephen?
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope
04. If no, current dating partner: noo
05. Hobbies: nothing, nothing,nothing. sleeping <3.
06. Pager: no
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: ?
08. What type automobile do you drive: not telling, it's soooo gross.
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: santa fe
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: umm friends
11. Where is the best hangout: 3plets house//paige//beach//anywhere im with jecca...
12. Do you have a job: no, i neeeeed one
13. Do you attend church: cpl times a year?
14. Do you like being around people: most people
01. Have you known the longest: peej
02. Do you argue the most with: paige
03. Do you always get along with: jecca
04. Is the most trustworthy: jenna//jecca//lauren//peeeeeeeeeeeeeej
05. Makes you laugh the most: jenna//jecca//definitly, peeeeeej.
06. Has been there through all the hard times: umm, peej, I dont know.
07. Has the coolest parents: jenna//jecca//peej//and 3plets <3.
08. Has the coolest siblings: 3plets
09. Is the most blunt: jenna
10. Is the smartest: jecca or peej
01. Who is your role model: dont knoww
02. What is some of your pet peeves: umm, come back to me, too long.
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: haha, im the queen of that
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: lol, im mandy, yes.
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: no
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): nope
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: lol yeaa
08. Would you rather be dumper or dumped: i dont know..
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": Relationship.
10. Want someone you don't have right now: yes
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: umm, not best guy friend, but a close one.
12. Do you want to get married: not now, but eventually.
13. Do you want kids: yeah
14. Do you believe in psychics: dont know
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: No
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my nose
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: no idea
18. Are you happy with you: not really
19. Are you happy with your life: not really
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: umm, i had more freedom, and i wasnt like cooped up.
[ Current Clothes ] dickies and a grey tank top
[ Current Mood ] excited for Lauren's bday
[ Current Music ] umm, dont know
[ Current Taste ] dunkaroos
[ Current Make-up ] black eye liner//mascara
[ Current Hair ] straightened, but in a pony tail
[ Current Annoyance ] umm, not telling you.
[ Current Smell ] nothing
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] sleeping//or going over lauren's
[ Current Desktop Picture ] rainbow thing with stars, its hott.
[ Current Book you're reading ] one flew over the cukoo's nest (sp?)
[ Current CD in CD Player ] a mix
[ DVD in player ] the smokers
[ Current Color Of Fingernails ] nothingg
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] blue purple thing
[ Current Refreshment ] gatorade
[ Current Worry ] that you're not mad, and that you get in ok. oh yeah, and that everything is ok btwn me and jon, and the third one is, what am i getting lauren for her bday?!
2003 12 July :: 1.37am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: necro // light my fire
friends my ass
people are full of shit, dont believe anything with a penis.
4 Performances |
2003 11 July :: 5.08pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: jackson five // abc
I go to NY...20 days
Paris comes home...11 days (i think?)
Lauren's bday...3 days
Stephen comes home...3 days
Jenna comes home...2 days
Paige comes home....less than two hours
hmm, not to many things, if i'm missing something tell meeeeeeee
"I fell in love with your amazing smile while the rest of the world called it ordinary"
5 Performances |
2003 10 July :: 1.35am
:: Mood: emaculent...licious <33
:: Music: jack johnson // bubble toes
// my hair tie is cutting off my circulation \\
hello friend, im home, im back, im sooo happy, i just wanna glue myself here, and never leave, im soo happy. A lot has happened since summer has started, i've made new friends with people i never would have expected to be friends with, and im bringing in the old ones that i've missed so much. Maria im glad we're talking, i miss you like you wouldnt believe. Jenna, Stephanie, Jecca, Dana, and Paige i really hope that at our get together, when it happens, i hope that it goes well, it'll be so awesome if things can click again! Licious, no words, just emotions, you mean the more than you know to me, thank you for listening to my crap all summer. Jon, i never expected us to become friends, it's soo weird, in a good way, you mean a lot to me now, and thank you for always being there, it means more than you can imagine.
It's weird, just a couple weeks ago, i was starting to feel empty,starting to feel like no one cared, i had no friends, but everythings coming together, and i guess in reality, i can't be happier, for the moment.
I'm home, and i'm ready to go back out and see people, it's been a cpl weeks since i've seen any friend, it's time, lol.
i'm out
p.s. <3 to andrew
p.s.s jenna i miss you
p.s.s.s. paige, you can come back now
p.s.s.s.s. lauren, really, galavanting? it's timeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3.
6 Performances |
2003 29 June :: 12.43pm
:: Mood: dont have one
:: Music: mandy moore- only hope. yes mandy moore.
I've realized a lot lately, i need to stop being so uptight and have fun
e n j o y myself and my time, im 16...have fuun.
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back
i miss you...
2 Performances |
2003 27 June :: 4.53pm
:: Mood: confoozled <3
:: Music: bouncing souls- i like your mom
::hits self in the head:: here i go again, im soooo stupid..........................
I went to the beach today, with miss jessica <33 i miss her, it was good to chill with her, we're gonna have to have a JUST mandy and jessica day, but i had fun, i hope she did too. At the beach we found, elena, tina, peasha, gina, jason (blaahh), jimmy, and eric mandel, and "the brother" <--the cigg guy. It was fun, Jessica said that Tina and Jimmy were cute, i agree, but tina says she's just tina, anywayss...i had fun today, relaxing, i wanna go back to the beach tomorrow, its nice there, we'll see...who knows.
also, went to cici's with jecca. eric, peasha, and gina met up with us, they had the munchies, the three of them ate a lot, but its ok <3.
I met solange, she's day
Thanks jecca <33333
..oh man here i go again....maybe i can change things, i can only try....i guess?
2003 26 June :: 9.57pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: [[michelle branch]] are you happy now?
Could you look me in the eye, and tell me that your happy now?
I'm homeee but just for the weekend, but its good enough for me, it's perfect, i was needed my bed, my room, my house, my mom, and my in such a good mood.
Thank you Jackie B, Jackie L, and Stephanie for the comments <333333333
Friday night, im going to see The Music Man, Justin i heard so many good things about it, im looking foward to it, my mom is too lol, she's a dork
Tomorrow im suppose to go to the beach with jecca, i miss her <3 we have catching up to do, jecca jecca jecca
Im still thinking a lot but ...but not about him, you'd be proud, bout something else...i dont know... crazy do do do
*call if you wanna chill*
peace out homes
p.s. thank you ivy for the attempt of my picture and marissa thank you for your help too :-) <3
2003 22 June :: 2.32pm
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: [[sublime]] boss dj <3
why is everyone so freakin happy?
wow, im actually talking to david hedlund, havent talked to him in years. well everyone seems so happy and cheery lately, why cant i be just as happy with them? its my turn too!!
um not a whole lot to say, just lot of thinking going on, a lot about you. i dont know i need help...
p.s. congrats miss nicole <3 [[i'm jealous lol]]
4 Performances |
2003 19 June :: 4.05pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: the office
ive decided that i want to meet up with somebody again, someone i havent seen since 5th grade...britney fioto..anyone know her?
hmm...this could be interesting...:-)
<3 mandyyy
3 Performances |
2003 15 June :: 1.12pm
:: Mood: my eyes hurt
:: Music: [[simple plan]] perfect
fathers day? a joyous occasion with a father and his child[ren]...fuck that.
This weekend was ok, Thursday i went to Lauren's it was fun, even though she seems to think it wasnt, it was. thanks. Then friday mama picked me up and i was grounded for the night, which i guess was ok, i mean i wanted to go to the show to see ******. but thats ok, another time, another time. So saturday, i did some stuff around the house, i dyed my hair <3, and then went back to lauren's. I got there and she was sleeping, awe. yeah, me and dan didnt let her sleep a lot, buahah. So later, matt came over. LAUREN MADE US DINNEr, it was good. Then we went over to a vacant parking lot, and i watched them do fireworks, it was fun, lauren was the leader of the cult, standing on a lighting up bucket, ha. we got back to laurens, and i introduced matt and dan into spank the monkey and they got it to play the song, hah, and then i tried to live up to all my talk, and i couldnt, sorry guys. Lauren fell asleep at like 2? But we found this amazing new game, involves a fish tank and aliens, amazing. Thank you Brian.
Today, sunday, fathers day, bah. I went to lunch with Lauren and her step dad, Charlie, im jealous, she has a great step dad, heh. Thank for lunch <3. Now im waiting for my mom to get home to take me to my dads, so i can have a wonderful day with my father. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *points gun to head*. he's become such a dick lately, i hope i get this job at chuck e cheese, so i can be in boca a lot, and it becomes so much of a hassle, that i get to come home early, that would be so nice, then i'd get to have a life, and see friends, and see my mom.
Hey Dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according
To plan?
Do you think I’m wasting
My time doing things I
Wanna do?
But it hurts when you
Disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can’t pretend that
I’m alright
And you can’t change me
‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be
My hero?
All the days
You spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don’t
Care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can’t stand another fight
And nothing’ alright
Nothing’s gonna change
The things that you said
Nothing’s gonna make this
Right again
Please don’t turn your back
I can’t believe it’s hard
Just to talk to you
But you don’t understand
‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
<3 always
p.s. if anyone knows how to do the blurr thing, like on zac wolf's live journal, the comment link, let me know, cause its a m a z i n g.
2 Performances |
2003 11 June :: 2.29am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: nahh its late..ill get yelled at.
i shoulda known better
Well i've been at my dads a little less than a week, and i cant stand it, not so much that i cant stand being here, just that i cant stand being away from my house, my room, my mom and my friends. it seems that ever since i left on friday everyone has forgotten about me. dont know what to think about that...heh.
Ive been talking to stephen alot, and we're talking talking not just a b/s conversation, but talking...its nice. i miss him, but atleast we can still chat online, or he can listen to me texting him late at night w/o responding. :-P Little over a month til your back, a month til im back too! wooo lol.
i dont want everyone to suddenly start calling me again now that i said something, (not that it would happen or anything) it all should have been done in the first place...whatever.
*so its narrowed down..i think, i hope. we'll see what the summer brings*
old fact: i still think kevin is hottt
2 Performances |