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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2005 30 November :: 9.16am

this weekend i had the most exhilerating experience. i went to keegans and he worked me really good. my WHOLE body was like spinning. It was great. I finally understand what hard work it is. i mean, i was sweating, breathing hard, and it even a hurt a little bit. they always say that it does. that its not as easy as some may think. keegan stressed that it's all in the form and positions... and you absolutely HAVE to throw your hips into it or it just doesnt work. im so sore today in all the right places...................................................

because we were BREAK DANCING. mwah ha ha. yeah, picture that. little teeny tiny me "breakin it down". *giggles. it was really fun though. you dirty minded fools. pshhh.

break was pretty good... i hate school. i hate being here. i honestly wouldnt mind it as much if it didnt start so early. waking up at 6 is the hardest thing for me to do.... gahh..

i got most all my christmas shopping down this week. noo.. not on black friday, that could have killed me.... did you see that footage of people getting trampled! geeeesh. i got keegan all taken care of which is a HUGE chunk of my shopping. at the end of the holiday season... i'll probably be about 500 dollars in the hole.. and thats only including my mom, keegan, little sister, and brandi. yikes... its a good think i dont have bills to pay.

i feel like scrubbing it the whole rest of the year... yeah... sounds like a plan....

OOOHH.. we ordered my senior pictures yesterday. im so excited to get them back. my mom ordered a ginourmous one too. 16x20 i think it was..... woot hoot!

oook, im pretty sure thats my life so far..

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:: 2005 29 November :: 7.56pm

He wont leave me alone, ever. It's getting really annoying and when I try to tell him that I DONT LIKE HIM..he doesn't get it and it freaks me out when he is like in one million of my classes and his locker is like right next to mine. Somebody save me....

It's Miller time says:
not talkin?
~Ashley~ says:
It's Miller time says:
you like tryed not to look at me today :(
~Ashley~ says:
um ok..srry
It's Miller time says:
i just noticed that normaly you do sometimes
It's Miller time says:
but today i would look at you and you would like look away really fast
It's Miller time says:
its alright
It's Miller time says:
just wanted to kno what was up
~Ashley~ says:
It's Miller time says:
its kewl but i just thought it was sorda weird
~Ashley~ says:
lol sorry
It's Miller time says:
i kno im geting probly anoyying with this whole thing.

^ Yeah, you think!?!?

It's Miller time says:
Hey is 1.7 in the english packet due tomarrow?
Ashley-sometimes you just don't get the hints!!!! says:
we aren't even on 1.7
It's Miller time says:
ohh really then i guess im ahead of everyone for once
Ashley-sometimes you just don't get the hints!!!! says:
umm we aren't even on that...were on 10.6..but ok..

Sometimes I can be such a bitch but if I'm nice to him then he's going to think I like him, so the only way to get my point across is to be a bitch. Oh well...he'll get over it.

Miss stacy cain you can't want that..we have a plan remember!??!

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:: 2005 29 November :: 6.55pm

Sometimes I just miss the way things used to be.

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:: 2005 29 November :: 6.31pm

Life is good.

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:: 2005 28 November :: 11.41pm

I guess I'm just naive for thinking that...

But thats what I get for thinking.

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:: 2005 28 November :: 10.23pm

ok... so i have pretty much learned and masterd the art of sewing this weekend.... so i'm not the best... yet but hey it is a start.
let me tell you it was tough... lol. Sewing has it's own language.
oh well i did.. i'm almost done and i can say i learned somthing new over break.

Turkey was great. Sleep was wonderful. Sewing is new. That my friends is my break.

Say what??


:: 2005 28 November :: 3.36pm

Haha I just remembered when I was at Jessica's when we were trying to sleep she had a cd in with a whole bunch of differen't songs on it and I was pretty much asleep and in my dream I heard the song "goodbye to you" and I woke up and it was playing and I was like "JESSICA JESSICA WE HAVE TO TURN THIS OFF RIGHT NOW!!" and I couldn't figure out how beacause it was pitch black so I woke her up to turn the song off. Haha I am such a nice friend....

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:: 2005 28 November :: 2.37pm

"You're just mad because you are a skip-bo loser lol".

<3 ashley

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:: 2005 27 November :: 10.45pm

Lol Lisa and I just talked on the phone for 84 minutes. Your jealous, I know.

So umm...

Break was pretty good. I seen In The Mix and Yours, Mine, and Ours. They were okay movies. I thought that Yours, Mine, and Ours was just like Cheaper By The Dozen but I was informed that Yours, Mine, and Ours was an old movie and it was re-made so I guess they didn't exactly copy. I also went to the mall with Lisa and it was so crazy there. There was so many people there I just wanted to shoot myself..haha kidding. Then I went to my friend Jessica's house and we went into her hot tub a million times with her neighbors. I'm glad we hung out because I missed her so much and we always end up talking about things that I wouldn't normally talk about with anyone here since she doesn't go to my school. They just finished their basement so her and her sister share the whole basement and it was like 2am and her sister was sleeping and we were talking and she said the funniest thing ever and I just started busting out laughing and I couldn't stop laughing and I was holding my blanket over my face so I wasn't as loud but it was still funny just because for some reason once I start laughing I just can't stop and im so damn loud when im with my friends.

But I'm getting bored so I am going to go.

<3 Ashley

I've lost myself somewhere deep inside of you.

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:: 2005 27 November :: 1.04pm

i know have a dozen roses hanging from every corner of my room. not to mention the 6 dried roses in different parts of my room and a vase full or dried rose buds from Scrooge last year. im so spoiled :)

yesterday was rough.... but then it wasnt. and we went to our restraunt (terriyaki and sushi) (btw, im not in the mood to correct my spelling errors) and everything was fine. the servers in there dont even give us menus anymore and automatically bring us 2 waters and big bowls of soup before we even order. *smiles.....

next saturday im going to ann arbor with keegans crew for a battle down there. hopefully it'll be exciting.. im sure it will.

AND we're getting a christmas tree next weekend from one of those old fashion horse hitched amish tree farms.... so we'll have our own christmas tree at his house in the same spot we exchanged gifts last year. the basement next to the couch where we shared our first kiss.

this will be a GREAT holiday season.

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:: 2005 27 November :: 12.00am
:: Mood: excited

Artistry Makeup Party!

Beauty Break!

You deserve to be pampered! You are invited to an exclusive Artistry product demonstration!

Artistry skin care and cosmetics are in the top five in the world when it comes to quality skin care and beauty. With formulations in a class of their own, and seals of approval from dermatologists, allergists, and ophthalmologists, you are definitely going to love the way your skin looks and feels!

Come out and learn about the product lines, try out the skin care systems for all skin types, and play with the hottest colors for the season! Take advantage of having a trained artistry specialist on hand for questions and to recommend the best skin care and colors for your specific skin type!

Come out December 3rd, 2005
at 2:00 pm
7020 15 Mile Rd.
Cedar Springs, MI 49319

Amy Mercer @ 696-5199 or 520-3270
Andrea Ippel toll free @ 1-866-267-7481
Hope to see you there!

*you can also rsvp on my woohu journal!

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:: 2005 26 November :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: cold

So many things to do, so little time to squeeze them all in. Everything is crazy busy, and I need to get together with my english group. I have a feeling we're going to be half assing our way to a B.

I swear I can hear music comming from somewhere in this house, but everytime I walk around I can't find the source. Maybe I'm finally going crazy. Maybe my house is haunted. These things I do not know.
Whatever it is, it has a good beat.

I think I figured out the reason why I shake when I drink. See, I get cold really easy, and when you drink you're body thinks it feels hot, and your blood vessels open up to let off the heat, which isn't really there, so it cools you when you're not hot, making your normal body temperature go down instead of a hot temperature go to normal. Then I shake because I'm cold. Just shivering, that's all that it is.

This imaginary music is driving me fucking nuts.

I want to be done, I want to be out. I'm not quite sure what I want to be doing instead, but just not this. All this shit. I hate it. I don't want to be stuck anywhere, I want to do what I want. I guess that's what everyone wants, but, as in Ethan Frome, "only the smart ones get away."

I hope I'm one of the smart ones.

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:: 2005 25 November :: 2.49pm

the first year has come and gone... and couldnt have been any more beautifull than it was. you make it beautifull... well actually... together we made it beautifull.

yesterday was perfect. lots of food, family, and togetherness. exactly how it should have been. :)

Say what??


:: 2005 24 November :: 10.33pm

So you got what you want out of me
Took me for the ride but you never
Bothered saying goodbye, No return
What I have, is all that I have
And Im so afraid of losing
And Im so afraid of bruising
Cause Ive been here before
But I still want more
And I'd do it all again.

Say what??


:: 2005 24 November :: 10.14pm

Greatest thing since the invention of the puke pocket:

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