2012 11 July :: 6.22am
After months, suddenly reading up on this stuff, and my spirit just /cries out/ for it. Just begs for more. Needs it.
Why did I ever drift away. This is so /right./
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2012 9 July :: 7.05pm
Drinking just isn't near as fun as it used to be.
Dam getting old.
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2012 4 July :: 1.51pm
I think I've been having dreams in book form.
In the past, like when I was playing a given video game in some marathon week long stretch I would have dreams in that format. 1st person, 3rd person, etc.
I started re-reading the entire Wheel of Time series so I have some idea of what is happening in it when the final book comes out. It ends up being around 1500 full sized single spaced 12pt font pdf pages.
I've been reading like 4 hours a day. 3 of which are usually right before I go to sleep. In any case - I keep on having dreams that are very very heavy in dialog. They are vivid, and I can even recall what is happening. I can just never really put a visual aspect to it.
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2012 4 July :: 1.59am
sometimes i'm just so angry...
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2012 2 July :: 10.38am
So I've learned that when I'm suspicious about someone's motives I am usually correct.
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2012 1 July :: 11.37pm
On a roll.
See the problem with blenders is they always let you down.
Get a good one and it breaks. Get a bad one, it breaks.
I cant take another hit like that. Our microwave. Then the other one. Then the blenders. Thats right. An s. Now we have another blender. How many?
I want to love again, I'm just not sure.
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2012 29 June :: 8.49pm
The thing I really hate about the last week is that now EVERYONE is calling it "obamacare".
Usually when you steal back a word, you pick one that wasn't a turd to begin with.
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2012 29 June :: 6.29pm
Things are going great. Taking my boards next week, nervous and excited all at the same time. So ready to start a new job. Things with Jordan are still going strong were moving in together the 1st weekend of august. I cant wait :)
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2012 29 June :: 12.02am
Give me a fat faggot treat with hot cum sauce!
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2012 27 June :: 12.32am
I think the only thing I even remotely miss from Cedar Springs is Sue's kitchen. We don't really have a good substitute up here. Its something about the same waiter and the same old guys in the corner every time you go there. Even months apart. The pocket change coffee and toast was nice too.
I suppose I rather miss the countryside and green things and space as well, but as best I can tell Cedar Springs has lost these things. Last I knew it lost what small town charm it had. Its slightly less dilapidated, but in the cheap plastic veneer kind of way as opposed to any real positive changes.
I suppose real estate is still pretty cheap.
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2012 23 June :: 10.42pm
Because I've made it a point to be nice on facebook.
Its so hard not to respond to idiots on facebook. I'll probably start ranting on here for no other reason than I can, and I need too sometimes.
Its almost prime time political season. Its early, but you can sense these things if you pay attention. The political full moon is coming out and god knows what I'll turn into.
I do know that its already affecting other people. This seasons choice of information distribution has already been chosen. Its one liner thought-dumps in the form of words/picture/words. Lolcats for idiots, and that's saying something.
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2012 19 June :: 11.02pm
ugggh, i hate depression.
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2012 19 June :: 1.22am
sometimes i don't know the next road to take.
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2012 14 June :: 1.28pm
my woohu is more than 10 years old, thanks andy.
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2012 9 June :: 11.56pm
why am i here
What am I doing here?
To get to know people? When was the last time I made and kept a friend online?
To make friends? All I do is learn more reasons to hate humanity. Also, none of the nice ones I meet have enough in common with me.
To share opinions? The internet is much more full of assholes and trolls than it once was. Sharing opinions is just begging to be mocked.
To document my life? Not really publicly possible these days without a great deal of anonymity. It used to not matter so much.
To waste time?
To find nice art?
To find stuff that offends/upsets me?
I really need to just block everything except cute animals and insightful youtube channels.
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2012 1 June :: 1.25pm
I imagine it would be more fiscally responsible to send me a noticea notice than to put a warrant of levy on my wshit.
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2012 1 June :: 1.25pm
I imagine it would be more fiscally responsible to send me a noticea notice than to put a warrant of levy on my wshit.
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2012 1 June :: 1.22pm
So first off I recognize my delinquency in that matter but with multiple student loans through multiple companies they can slip through thecracks. Thank you state of Michigan for not telling me I'm behind but instead just garnishing 25% of my income. Seriously. Fuck off
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2012 31 May :: 5.47pm
What the fuck is going on.
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2012 29 May :: 10.33am
I have a notion, a feeling that something big is about to happen, something is going to change and something is going to come to fruitition out of nowhere.
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2012 24 May :: 4.45pm
Two more classes left then I graduate, so happy it is finally here. So ready for Jordan to come home, sucks only having him for weekends.
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2012 23 May :: 9.50pm
I seriously cannot find a person to cover my shift on Friday. This frustrates me because I feel like if one of my coworkers needed a day off to go to their friends visitation service that I would cover their shift in a heartbeat. The one Guy said that he has people coming in from out of town and I'm like seriously have a fucking heart. Generally I tell my boss that I'm not coming in but he is on vacation. I just want to be with you guys. It seems to be the only thing that helps this hurt subside. There is a small chance that I can make it but I wont know until Friday morning.
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2012 22 May :: 7.04pm
I remember the day he became my friend. For years I would see him at parties and he would call me Justin's sister. That night at the Sparta Beer Tent he spilled his beer down the front of my shirt and I said Bitch if you're going to spill your beer on me you'd best learn my name. Years of random hanging out and bdubs trips. Then I left Andy Clute and he became a person who I could call to cry to. A friend whom I could depend on for anything. A random Stony cruise (with me driving because he always scared the shit out of me behind the wheel). The only person who I would allow to fuck with my radio knowing that he would inevitabley turn to my across the universe soundtrack because it was the only thing we agreed on. I will miss you Andy. If I have said it once I have said it a million times. You will always be my favorite Andy.
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2012 19 May :: 11.32am
Look out, we got a badass over here
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2012 9 May :: 6.44pm
Loving life! 10 more class days then I'm done with school! Cant wait! So ready to have a summer free of school. Things are still going great with Jordan, cant wait to start living together. Even though we pretty much already are now. Shadow just keeps getting bigger, learned how to swim in deep water yesterday so proud. Other then that just happy with my life right now :)
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2012 7 May :: 1.33pm
I am addicted to that certainty in whose absence my selfishness is
In the first moments I was action. I moved, even though my certainty and knowledge had been shattered. From here, I can't see precisely what moved me. Some inexplicable sense that the next step, despite not mattering, was worth making.
But I've coasted to a halt. I sit motionless and restless. That is my selfishness. Though I have no certainty to speak of, it should be obvious what the next step is. [I]It's all out there[/I].
But then I stop. There are people, connections, responsibilities. Am I allowing myself to be especially possessed? Have I surrendered myself to be objectified? Does covenant imply objectification?
I am living in a paralyzing tension- on the one hand, the potential for absolute freedom. On the other, knowing how alone that freedom makes me.
Can I bind myself that way? Is there anything else to do?
_|_ If it looks something like that, then I have some writing to do.
It's funny that tripping over the answer gets me to ask the right question. My life would move along more quickly if I could do things the other way around.
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2012 6 May :: 6.05pm
:: Music: The dog days are over
Sometimes I feel like the world is talking to me.
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2012 30 April :: 2.39pm
One exam and around 20 hours of paper writing to go.
Alllmost done.
Allllmost there.
*Que a bloke with a British accent*
"Almost where?"
"Whats there?"
oh fuck.
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2012 26 April :: 10.36am
One lab accident short of being a super villain.
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2012 25 April :: 5.13pm
Things are going great, almost a month left till I graduate. I cant wait. Me and Jordan are doing great. We plan on moving in together between july/august. Pretty much already living together with how much time we spend together. Started biggiest loser again, so ready for the wt to fall off by summer. Shadow is getting huge, already 42 pounds. House projects are coming along, going to be finishing the basement soon and making it in to a fun room or as jordan calls it his " man cave". Disc golf league started and softball will be soon, love summer.
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