2005 27 January :: 8.31 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: Crimson Pain - BackPack
B-L-Double O-D
I am happy because I have written bomb ass lyrics for an instrumental i made. Its called Back Pack... Its not done yet, but shit, thats why I have Jenny... Either a ghost writer or partner, its no thing...
but here it is...
C: killin' everybody in sight with the weapons in my backpack (4x)
Verse 1
I pull out a fuckin' axe, prepare for attack
THUNK to the brain, now the body collapse
My axe is my buddy, gettin' victims bloody
I use it to turn people into silly putty
Now I use a Kama Sickle on folks who are fickle
And the pedophiles dying to show a kid a stickle
Beat them to death till nothing is left
But a bloody steak knife buried deep into his chest
Verse 2
So who's next to go? The one who diss my flo
Take a fuckin' cinder block and crackle up his dome
The next one gettin' hurt the one who diss my skirt (yes, i said skirt!)
Icepick to the neck; the juggular spurt
B-L-Double O-D, filled with insanity
Combined with the knowledge to unlock evility
Scrambling my brains, cuz i'm no longer sane
a bloody mess that I have left with no one else to share the blame
4 Fool(s) got Raw |
Lay the Smackdown! |
2005 25 January :: 7.12 pm
:: Mood: BOO YA
:: Music: My friggin' instrumentals, bitch!
Sorry about all the delays on my journals and shit, but I been working like the dickens on this damnedable computer writing beats for a show i'm doing in March
My homie Jeremy, AKA Monoxboogie AKA Boogie Man AKA Slingshot Nutz hooked me up... THAT IS SOOO MY NIGGA RIGHT THERE! He talked to this one dude by the name of Frantik Mindz and I got a spot for a show on March 11 at the Roseville Theatre in Roseville, MI.
For those of you who are stupid and don't live in Michigan, thats right near the D.E.T. the home of Hot Hits, which is owned by Alex Abbiss, CEO of Psychopathic Records, Comma. I put too many commas in that sentence so blah!
Thats what i'm gonna need to be doing in the next month is gettin' free studio, otherwise i'm fucked. Hopefully, it can be done. Then its off to DETROIT to fuck up really bad. lol naw, I got positivity runnin thru me, either that or i'm just light headed because I haven't been eatin' a lot as of late... I tell you, its fucking raining DIAMONDS for me as of this point... I just hope to GOD that I can get my shit done in time...
Thats it for now, because I can't think about anything else but this music, and I have to finish an email to my cousin, Becky..
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2005 19 January :: 1.08 pm
:: Mood: li'l chilly, but relieved
:: Music: ICP - FAYGO BREAK!
And now the song ends. OK LISTEN UP YALL! Today was a little bit better than yesterday... Granted the fact that it snowed like a motherfucker, and that I had to go in at 600 this morning, I would have to say that it wasn't all that bad. Took two hours to cover the whole complex, which is standard, but the faggiest thing was that it was 5+ inches of snow, plus wind was blowing like a motherfucker, so all day, there has been snow drift on the sidewalk and Chad and I had to take care of it all... we didn't anyways, because we had better shit to do. Like Me leaving early, and Chad painting mech rooms for another hour!!! HA! FAG!
I got to leave a little bit early today because last night, right after I got home from work, The phone rings, and it's Brian, another dickface prick I work with. He says that hes got mad car troubles, and he was asking me if I wanted to come in for his icecheck. I was fine with that, hey its an extra hour, and I really don't have to do much. Just sit in a cozy toasty warm automobile, and check for ICE on the stoops and steps of every building. There were only two different places that had problems, and after that, it was cream cheese. So around 800, when Trevor was here, Tom and I left to go to my work. Tom said that he wanted to watch me work and laugh at me, but hes stupid, cuz HE WAS WORKING TOO!!! AND IM THE ONE WHO GETS PAID FOR IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Free money, nukka!
Tom and I are checkin' out the corridors, and only two of them needed salt, so BOOM, BOOM! Done and done, and we went back to my place, and Mary called. Mary and I talked for a while, and we made some planz for today... shes gonna come with me and Trevor to Grandville to bowl at the Fairlanes. WGRD, our Alternative Rock station, is sponsoring something and it has to do with bowling. Trevor and I are bowling nutz so we decided we were gonna do it... We found out about this shit at the car show we went to on sunday.
I think its great that Mary and I are holding down our relationship for now, and strictly working on the friends part. Thats the one part that we kinda skipped out on. You see, I don't like being alone, and having no one to love or even to be loved in return. Thats why I bounce into a relationship so quickly. I don't do it on purpose, but I feel some obligation deep inside to do this shit. But my problem is that I do weird and goofy shit to get the girl, and when I do get the girl, it shuts down, and i'm a completely changed and boring person. Just like my friend Drew. Except hes always boring, unless he sets something on fire. Thats his thing. Sure, i'm a pyro, but this dude IS Pyro. I'm suprised that Drew doesn't jump in a red and yellow leotard, pop a gas pack on his back, and run around with a fucking lighter, going "PYRO WILL T E R M I N A T E YOU!" If he did, i'd call him very gay. Me and my counterparts, Tom and Trev... NASTIC!!!!!!!! all call him gay; now I can't speak for either of them, but I really think that Drew is a HUGE closet case. If you see him with his leather jacket and matching faggy cowboy hat, you'd think so too... I know Trevor's dad thinks hes a flamer, but like I said, can't talk for Trevor or Tom on this one.
Just to let you people know, I have no problem with gay people... that is, until they look at my ass. Then its a problem. I don't want dudes undressing me with their eyes, thinkin' that they wish they could bob my bobber... And if I catch them... BOOF!!! Steel Toe Boot to the motherfucking Grill!
Back to the lecture. Back to work, man... thats what i was getting at...
After that shovel disaster, Me and Chad had to go to each dumpster and shovel and salt the motherfuckers, cuz *sing songy* "someone didn't do-o-o it...." Fuckers. But hey, thats less time in the mech room. I say that if Chad likes it so much, then he shouldn't bring me in it, too... I like my own time and space, cuz that helps out. Having more than one dude in a cramped spot is just really uncomfortable.
And speaking of Chad and uncomfortable, that dude is a total homophobe. He shaved his head completely fucking bald, which I think was a stupid move on his part. Its fucking winter, and he shaves his head because he says that hes tired of worrying about his hair. Well, aren't we a manly man now?
I hate people who shave their head completely bald, ESPECIALLY if it doesn't make them look good. I figure that if he really wants to be bald, he should do what every other real man does... Wait a while! It'll happen. Just because some closet case body builder dude decided to do it once doesn't make it a manly statement. It just makes you look like a muscley-looking human fucking penis man. I even told the guys at work that he looks like that the only way to jack him off was to put him in a bearhug and jump up and down...
But I thought about that, and he looks completely fucking rediculous. So I took one finger, and ran it across his head, and he freaked, as if I was hitting on him. I swear, sometimes, I think i'm just doing this shit to get him so pissed off that he just starts going off and beats my ass... I hate the prick so much, i'm basically willing to risk my own to get him fired and lose both his job at The Crossings and his spot in the military, cuz I will just say that the fucker is mentally insane, and doesn't belong there. Then I'll be happy.
I have said that what the military really needs is a Few Good Crazy-in-the-fucked-up-head Men and Lifer Criminals in Prisons, but no one listens, really. I think that the government should really think about that... Look at it this way; Lifers don't really have much to live for, but if they were to serve their country, by sending Just them to Iraq with a Suicide Bomb strapped to their bodies, thats basically killing two birds with one stone, but no... They have to be model citizens that everyone gives a shit about, and the Lifers just rot in jail... Our government is stupid, and Chad is just a shining image of that.
Stupid Fucking Racist Rednecks, who want to go out there and give it their all to kill a bunch of "Camel Fuckers" as Chad so put it... It just shows how ignorant our country has become. I hate the fact that our country is so fucking prejudiced, and so fucking high and mighty because we are the most powerful nation in the world... SO FUCKING WHAT?! Just because we are doesn't mean that we have to shove it in everyone elses face. And We, I say, are the reason that world peace will never come to be... that is, until Vulcans come out and straighten out the crazy ones... WHERE IS SPOCK WHEN YOU NEED HIM!?!
But back to what I was saying, now that i'm done knocking our government (homophobes, too), I have to say that i'm glad that all the military in my family isn't like Chad. Otherwise, i'd have to go apeshit on them, too... the only active one is my Uncle Steve, and hes my godfather...
But anyways, that was pretty much work. Then I went home and did laundry...
There is one thing that I keep on trying to bring up about when Mary and I broke up but I keep on fucking forgetting. Hopefully, I'll write it down if and when I can walk freely with a pad of paper and a pen without anyone at work breathing down my neck...
But I gotta get some shit done, so I'm out this piece for now.
~~~ PEACE!!!! ~~~
4 Fool(s) got Raw |
Lay the Smackdown! |
2005 18 January :: 4.20 pm
:: Mood: hoo-ha
:: Music: Untitled Beat I Made
First off, I gotta say that I find it weird that my posting started at 420pm, and I have no weed... Oh, well.
Work sucks, and thats a damn truth, man. I at least got up and didn't feel hella groggy like I usually do. But I get there, and come to find out that a shit load of salt is coming in, and they forgot their forklift. So all the grounds guys (4) and all the maintenence guys (6) have to help put this shit away in the garage... For those of you not keeping score, thats 10 dudes in a barn... DRUNKEN BARN DANCE!!!! and theres 11 palettes of salt coming in... Also, I should let the new kids on the block know that I work for an apartment complex. Since I live in Michigan, the winter job sucks dickhole...
But that shit took like an hour and half.. my feet got cold... I wanted to do some shoveling, but no, i had to help Chad paint until noon, when I went on lunch. While I was at lunch, I sat at the computer and made a rap beat. I have no lyrics for it yet, but when I do come up with shit, you KNOW it'll be fresh. CUZ IM A JUGGALO AND THATS WHAT I DO IMAKESHITFRESHMUTHAFACKU!
When I left from lunch, i made damn sure i wore my boots, cuz FUCK PAINTING! I did it so i could clean the handicap walkways behind the buildings, and now i'm fresh because i got it all done... Thanks to the wind for sending me mad props on drift, I got it done quicker than you can say a dirty limrick while you're drunk...
Now I'm home, and I have to go back in a while for an Ice check... maybe. I really don't want to, cuz i'm hungry. And I want to play the Matrix Online (Beta Version), either that or make more beats...
The reason why i'm making all these beats now is because my homie Jeremy, AKA Boogie Man, told me that in March I could do a concert in March with Drastikill if I can get some beats and some lyrics down pat... So I'm doin' shit in this apartment for all that I can, unless Tom's fat ass is sittin' on the computer talking to people on Gamefaqs.
I know he wants to get his fake business boomin and all, but fuck I got obligations, damn it... I could get PAID FOR THIS! UNDERSTAND? PAID (if i could get this to be bigger font, i would)
If you wanna listen to my beat, you'll have to hit me up on AIM and if you have DSL or greater, you're luckier than the others... name is undeadgoatboy on AIM so be happy!
Mary is working right now, and I want to see her again. I think that hanging out and doing stuff will help her trust in me again. I would like to go mini golfing except Craigs Cruisers' course is closed. FUCKING MICHIGAN! Why don't they have an indoor mini golf place somewhere? Oh well, maybe she likes go-carts, eh? Or laser tag... I have taken her to Craigs Cruisers before, and we had a pretty good time. Altho I spent a few bills on this Boxing simulator. I beat it at least, but that last guy is always a whore... I think she played Ticket games... Next time, I will be with her, not just taking her to the arcade.
As some of you may or may not know, I used to be constantly antagonized by my peers. SO I always had no friends. And I was always one to just let it slide by. But not by the time I got into 8th grade.
One day, I just couldn't take it any longer. One kid just had to say the wrong thing, and BOOF I threw a right hook right into his gut. RIGHT IN THE FUCKING HALLWAY. Luckily there was a ton of other people around me, so no teachers saw it. He just sat there coughing. I caught that fuck right off guard, if I do say so myself... he never told anyone that I socked his ass, so I never got in trouble. If I saw him again, I'd throw a fucking hook to his grill for real. Asshole.
6 Fool(s) got Raw |
Lay the Smackdown! |
2005 17 January :: 10.34 pm
:: Mood: Fine
:: Music: Dark Lotus - Consume Your Soul
Today was the D-Day, and it was to happen right after I got out of work.
I guess I should talk about whats happened over the weekend. Shit started like this; Jenny wanted to come over, so she did. She wanted to spend the night, even though Mary didn't wanted her to, but she did. I didn't have any beef with this, even though Mary did. I know that, now.
Jenny stayed over from saturday to sunday, upon me. She also wanted to stay over Sunday to Monday, upon Thomas. The whole time, tho, it was pretty much for Trevor. Thats how I saw it... Thats how everyone saw it at my house. And everything was cool.
But one problem was when I was trying to set shit up with Mary to talk to her about our problems. She had asked if Jenny was there, and I lied... I lied because I was sick of our fighting and I didn't want to get into another fight. That was wrong on my part.
Well, Mary and I finally got together to talk about stuff, and it was pretty much blunt. I asked her if she would like to start, and she suggested that I did. I told her that I didn't want her to be mad or to hate me, but I thought that it was in our best interests if we broke up. She told me she was thinking the same thing. but I said it would be good to take a break and work on our friendship more. By this time, we shared a moment of tears and hugging. That was the first time ever that she had seen me cry.
The thing is that both her and I are sick and tired of the fighting. We fight too much about dumb stuff, and We don't want to fight anymore. So right now, we are friends, and I have to say that I think that our friendship will go well...
I hope that this is merely temporary and that we could possibly be back together within a few months... I hope sometime by her Prom, because I think that this year, I would hope to not make myself look like a freek like I did last year. I had her rubber band my hair when it was dyed black, and I painted my face. Hey, I thought I looked fresh as hell, so fuck all yall.
I know that there are a select few friends that will not like my decision, but the thing is that its MY decision. I love her very much, and I would like to be with her for the rest of my life, but I believe that before, things were just blown way too out of proportion.
We decided that if things go down, we are leaving our friends out of it. That could have been a problem to begin with.
And there are a few things that I have to work on. Mainly one is that I need to bring back my ability of Spontainuity... WAFFLE KAKEZ!!!! And We will be helping eachother along the way.
So, in the end, I hope that alls well, and that i've made the right decision. And I never got my hat back...
I want my hat back...
2 Fool(s) got Raw |
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2005 14 January :: 3.57 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Twiztid - Whatthefuck!?!?!
I fucked up on shit... So I deleted it. I fucked up bad...
6 Fool(s) got Raw |
Lay the Smackdown! |
2005 13 January :: 8.43 pm
:: Mood: I feel like Waffles
:: Music: Still Banana Phone

Average Christian
You're not going to become a minister anytime soon, but you do your best to live your life in a Christian way. This means that although you probably don't attend church every Sunday, you do your best to follow the Ten Commandments, help the needy and generally be an all around good person. Who needs to follow the entire bible anyways? It was written ages ago, and Christ transmuted it by giving his life.
wow, and I was hoping I would be a Shintuist...
oh well...
I gotta tell you all I love this fucking Journal shit... but for now; Waffles...
Ok, I now ate waffles, and i'm now playing WWF Smackdown vs. Raw on the PS2. On this game, I'm doing story mode, and i'm becoming the Don Mega pimp daddy of both brands... I'm getting ready to finish up yet another week of wasted time and matches to yet fuck another Diva whore of this inustry... Which is pretty ironic enough, considering its Stacy Keibler and shes going to be at the Devos Place in downtown Grand Rapids this sunday, and I'm gonna go chill with Jeremy to look at her legs... I mean, ass... no wait, i mean Tits... Ok, i'm looking at cars, cuz its a car show... haha got you didn't i? I'm gonna look at her tittiez...
But I'm playing as my Create-a-Wrester, cuz i'm a juggalo and i'm all about the personal character... just thought i'd throw in the juggalo part cuz i don't give a fuck...
I been talking to Jenny for a while, and I have to say that she and my homez Trevnastic seemed to have hit it off since that ICP concert on Dec. 1. Haven't heard about any titty gropage yet, but i'm sure i will... I have a feeling this will go further than friendship, cuz shes cool as fuck (and gothic) and Trevor is desperate... i'm fuckin' around, Stalka's great, cuz hes smart and funny and all that stuff that i'm not. I'm a lunatic on ADD meds and needs a rubber room... and waffles.
and for the record, i'm not interested in hearing about titty gropage either, cuz thats my little kittle, damn it! And YES THATS A MADE UP WORD! I KNOW CUZ I MADE IT UP, BITCHES, AND NOW ITS TRADEMARKED! I WANT A QUARTER WHENEVER SOMEBODY SAYS IT!
Trevor and I have been friends for 5 years now, along with Tom, but this ain't about Tom and his fat ass, its about me and the DS.
Trevor been calling himself either TAS or DEATH as far as I known him, and about 4 months ago, i told him that i wanted to do a rap dup and hes down to scrap the scratch pad, and write some tunes... Thats where his name altered into Tha Deathstalka! And I came up with Kreyz cuz my name is Kevin Reynolds... you gettin' it, muthafacku!?!? McKormik is a re-rendition of my favorite South Park Character, Kenny McCormick. Cuz hes po' and so am I. And since he never dies, and I'm a juggalo, and the fact that a JUGGALO WILL NEVER DIE!!!! WHUT!!!!... it all comes into play...
If you don't like it, you can fuck the fuck off my fuck, fucker!
13 Fool(s) got Raw |
Lay the Smackdown! |
2005 13 January :: 7.29 pm
:: Mood: Juggalistic
:: Music: Banana Phone
Well, its about time that I got this damned Journal started... So where should I begin...
I guess I could start by thanking the person who got it for me; my surrogate sista, Jenny. Thank you, Squish, and a big hugglez to you, lil one! *HUGGLEZ*
Ok, enough of the psycho rantings, on to the realiztic shit!
FIRST OFF!!!!!! My best friend in the whole wide world, Thomas, started a fake company for Gamefaqs.com 's Random Insanity board, called Stroker Co.
STROKER CO. © all rights reserved.
Enough Copyright infringements, now...
But anyways, I am assistant Head of Human resources and torture... My homie Deathstalka is the Big Head of said job... We basically do the same thing, but he has seniority, since he got the job 2 1/2 hours before I did... I don't know how hes been holding his job, but I have tortured 10 people so far and I started today at 420 PM... ironic, I know, but hey, I dont care what you think!
Jenny plans on going to my house on saturday, and my girlfriend, Mary, is probably pissed about it, but I could give a flying fucka!
I look at it this way; I love Mary with all my heart and all my soul, and all my money... No wait scratch that, just my heart and my soul... I don't have any money of my own, cuz I spend it on friday... But the thing is that I pretty much nearly broke her trust last year, July, for hanging around this other bitch for some odd reason... I drank a bottle of Stupid Ass mixed with Pimp Juice, and look where it got me...
But right now, Mary has and STILL IS regaining trust in me, but I'm being rather impatient... SO, I guess my way to get her to regain trust is probably pissing her off, but i've been pissed off at the mere fact that she doesn't want me hanging out with my female homiez, but she can hang out with all the dudes she wants? FUCK THAT, I and a few others in the peanut gallery say...
Peanut Gallery consists of myself, Trevor, Jenny, and Thomas... and maybe Jeremy, a hardcore juggalo who lives in the middle of Butt Fuck Grand Rapids
Yes, the Cat is out of the bag, for I am a juggalo, and so are all of my friends... Except maybe Thomas... He, I think, is starting to become one, which is weird, cuz he used to listen to ICP a lot before I met him, and somewhat while I tried to sabatoge his car... I mean, hang out with him...
Enough of the bullshit! NOW TO THE BUTTSECKS!
whoops... Forgot to turn the light on...
Yeah, I weird, I know, but Thats how I am... Just deal with it, and don't ask any questions. For I know how to spell everything correctly, except for supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... TREVOR HELP ME!
Now I'm hungry... So I'm leaving... after this quick message.
Never take flying Lessons from John Denver... Ever.
Oh Kay, when I was 3, my mom left my dad cuz my dad fucked my moms sister. STOP LAUGHING! Anyways, we went on a moving bindge for a while, moving from Oscar the Grouch's crib to my grama and grampas, to my aunt Sues who lived in Hasslet at the time, to my mom's friends house who lived a block away from my moms sister, who fucked my dad (another story inbetween here, i'll elaborate in the future), to some fucking flea bitten Roach Motel Two story in the ghetto. Dakin Street was the street, and it was Southwest Ghetto Cheeze in my view... but it was a place to live...
There were tons of black people in this neighborhood, and I at this age never knew of racism, ever. Didn't know it existed. I just saw people then, as I wish the world would look at everything now, but no avail, so I must kill everyone who is white and has less than 32 teeth... But I tell you, the neighborhood was bad, the water was bad, the food was bad, and I accidentally superglued my hand to my stomach...
Well, one day, I was playing with some toys in the living room, Playing House with this Roach named Martinez, when I smelled smoke and heard FIRE! Oh God, did I love fire... and apparently, so did the neighbors across the street, cuz their whole HOUSE WAS ON FIRE...
Then was the time i knew that I didn't wanna live in that neighborhood, cuz when you can feel heat from the fire across the street, its time to move on... by this time I was 4, and I wanted out, so a few weeks later, I tried to set my carpet on fire... I knew what them neighbors were going through, but I didn't wake up my mom to give her any reason... Just grabbed her lighter and took a fork, pulled up some carpet and foof, FIRE!
But the smell woke up my mom, and she started to stomp them bitches out, and kicked my ass, screaming, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT, KEVIN?!"
And she took that lighter, and she took the Flame Tip and burnt all the tips of my fingers, to show me what it would feel like just a little bit if i succeeded in my mission. She explained that that pain would be all over me and much worse if i did set the house on fire... I'm glad I didnt, but we did move in the next few months, cuz our landlord was a whore.
The End... Bitch.
Ok, i'll talk to you later, ninjas, bitches, and juggalos alike
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