2005 8 March :: 12.25am
:: Music: Mariah Carey- its like that
Not much going on,,, I got to go home this weekend I had to get my hair done..you know..but anywyas I got to see Gina B and Baby Noah..He is jsut amazing and beautiful. I wanted to cry when i saw him, but i kept myself together. I am excited to go home for spring break. This week is goign to to filled with studyig b/c Hell Week # 2 is coming up. But I went To Maplewood to Teach Poetry today..it was i guess ok...We only had 1 fall asleep and about 5 not write anyhting at all...they are in 11th grade, but we had like 4 wirte some really good stuff. I wasn't that nervous about it, but it wasnt easy. I understand its a vocational schooland most of them dont give 2 shits about an english class, but at least try and show some respect. I just think in highschool I was differnet and going to a catholic school there is always a different level of respect. I would of loved to have College kids come in and teach, your not graded and it doesnt matter if you wirte. Just try. but I am jsut glad I am not being a teacher...I can't handle the no respect thing. I understand that not everyone likes or wants to write , and its something I love to do, but just try, you dont have to share, you don't have to be good, b/c everyone is good at wrtiing poetry. its just what ever you want it to be. I am jsut glad its a quick 40 minutes...I am excited about 4th grade on Wendsday... Its just funny to see how the older we get..the more and more alone we become and unwilling to be different and just try different thing..." we are so mature we revesre and become Prematue"...thats a line from my poem Premature....well i need to read a shit load...good night!
Why cant I be on Spring break..or away for spring break
Leave Your Soul
2005 28 February :: 12.04am
:: Mood: creative/?
:: Music: nirvana-you know you are right
not much to say
well i dont have much to say, i think i always say that and it turns into some long drawn out rambling...i jsut have been super annoyed by everything and everyone. College Sucks, If you knew me before college, I havent changed a bit, I might be the most depressing person, Ok i bitched about highschool and how bad I wanted out, but now I want out of here even more, if i have to spend an extra semester here I will kill somone...maybe not kill them but hurt someone. My emotions should not be up and down like this, no iam not chemicaly emblanced, I just dont think its fun, they say highschools are your best years...THAT WAS A LIE..then the people who disagreed with that were told College is the best 4 years of your life....well THAT WAS A LIE TOO! i jsut dont like school and the problem wouldnt be solved by transfering, b/c its too late and i think i would feel the same way no matter where I went....Everything Sucks...jsut liek this song iam listening to by modest mouse..i have to change this crap. I just want it to snow so i dont have to go to class, or to some elementry school, b/c as of right now i have no way to get there. I need a car, then maybe i will be happier, but a car isnt an option....finally a good song by Live- I alone...how fitting
Leave Your Soul
2005 21 February :: 1.34am
:: Music: Maroon 5
Howdy..didnt feel like saying "hey"
Well I just wanted to say hello, and that iam so glad this past week is over..3 exams and a paper that ended up getting pushed back and no sleep....it really sucked! so i caught up on sleep this weekend
(I want to go see Maroon 5 at CSU (which is Celeveland State) but anywas they are coming April 18th and I dont have a car so i dont know how this is going to work) ok enough ranting. Well i went to Kent's b-ball game on Sat. how about i was on TV...well yeah basically b/c the mascot (Flash...i know my school is great) fell from crowd surfing b/c beth, me and gina decied not to help in the effort,,,and a person in a damn eagle outfit fell from at least 8ft in front of my feet onto some hard ass stands....yeah we didnt even help him up! that was funny as hell b/c he was knocked out for a minute or two! but yeah that was fun. But they lost on national TV...but Antonio Gates was there...yeah he played b-ball at kent, but now paly football for the chargers..and he is fine and he needs to give me his watch!. so it was a good thing. but iam going to sleep..night
Leave Your Soul
2005 10 February :: 1.18am
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: Gavin Degraw
Iam gonna love you more than anyone...how fitting
Well i cant say this is going to be a rant. but a deep thought. I laid down to go to sleep last night and that is the time when all my thoughts come. i know its a shitty time, when all you want to do is sleep, b/c you have to get up in 5 hours and go to class...ok maybe there might be a little ranting. but here is what i was thinking about. i know its the most random thought, but with the great commercial holiday coming up...Valentines day...i want to talk about love. I don’t have any personal experience in this department, but i consider myself intelligent. And one day. Hopefully and truthfully i will be in love or feel love in my life. But i was thinking...ok i need stop ranting to get my point out before all of you stop reading! so here it is:
Is it possible to be jealous of someone you don’t even know. i mean you don’t know this persons name let alone who the are, and the bad thing is you don’t care…ok quick break...(THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING,ANYONE, but possibly as specific time! but ok)
What if you never spoke up and said you liked someone or that you have fallen madly in love with the idea of being in love. and that person has no idea, not a clue, and they are dating/in love with another girl. Who you don’t care to know there name, but jealously just takes over. I don’t consider my self a jealous person, but this is a good question (well hell i think its damn good) but ok. you see these "couples" wishing it was you. Then you start to wonder what is wrong with me? What is wrong with them? What do they see that I can't, Or what do people see when they look at me? Then you start to blame them with..."she’s not the pretty", "She is stupid" and the infamous "she is a bitch". Or the other route of "i bet he is talking to her right now, while lying in bed, and here I am in my extra long twin bed in my jail cell...alone. So what makes us women and men start to make up questions and worry about these people you don’t even know? I think the answer to that my friends is jealously another break…(my hair is in my face and i cant see...) ok took care of the problem. So people am I right, or am i wrong? What drives us to think these crazy thoughts at 2:30 am.. write them down in real journals...then have the nerve to write them down for the world to see? Maybe its just me, and i have some deep. And i mean deep seeded problem with love, or I am subconsciously jealous of make-believe people...
That my friends is the thought of the week…hopefully the next will be a Rant…for all my rant loving fans…Oh yeah I know people read this so post a comment. They make me feel important!
1 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2005 31 January :: 12.53am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Loud people out side....bitches
I need some Fresh Air..this place is suffocating me
well this is going to be short- maybe
I am going to sleep while its quite around here
School has been shitty. i have felt sick ever since i got back here, but my mom says its stress...i never felt like this before..like iam on the ferge of puking, but i talked to my mom yesterday and i fell 100% better. i dont know if its this place, or me. i just need to stop thinking and jsut let things flow. but yeah i got to talk to gina b, so iam calm now. i jsut cant wait to see her and baby noah. and my mom informed me that ray and melissa want to start having kids by next summer...what? me an aunt..iam too young for all this, but really iam not...iam happy. things seem to be going well. i went to church today..i felt good for going. i feel guilty when i dont go, no matter how lame the priest is. there is this energy inside a church...and iam missing something. but yeah iam trying to get grounded in this crazy world..i just need space, quiet, a pen and a paper, and iam good
i started writing poetry again...so my head is in a good place. iam going to sleep now, so good night and Be Safe
* i have been obessed with Parson's school of Design. I want to get my master in Photography from there, or get a master in Advetising(which is cool. b/c you cant major in PR and Advertsiing here....how stupid)
* Everyone watch Project Runway, American Idol, and the Road to stardom...i know iam lame as hell( my future husband Akil Dasan is on that show.....he palys real music)
Blessed are the poor in spirit they shall inherite the earth.......
1 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2005 19 January :: 9.55pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: The Duke GAme
Back to Kent
Hello People... well Gina B had a baby boy, Noah Russell Bryant 7lbs 13 oz...Jan 18th 2005 :) I am so happy but iam sad i cant be home. and i dont know the next time i will get to go home before the end of Feb. but iam so happy they are both healthy and ok! But yes I am back at kent...this weather is HORRIBLE...its cold and the snow needs to go away. I mean I rather have cold weather than to have hot weather. But yeah I have some cool classes!!
Art History I
Chem in our world
Principles Of Public Relations
U.S. Modrn History
Teaching Poetry in the Schools ( this is going to be a great class)
but yeah this semster seems promising I am keeping things basic and drama free. thats for sure. Last semster was just thrown the wind. Its done its over and its about me doing my thing and not letting "asshole bring me down" -that a quote from my brother. Yes My wonderful brother who is in FLordia....must be nice. But Iam just glad to be here, on this earth. God has a reason for everything. Everythign is happening for a reason and its my job to figure out that reason...ok enough of the deep shit. Iam going to go read some US Modern History....i love profs that just rant on and are complete wack jobs....that makes life alot easier:)
Peace and Love
- Caitlin
if you all want to hear some good music check out Akil Dasan @akildasan.com...he is on the road to stardom w/ missy elliot he is so talented. he jsut express true music in all forms, hip-hip jazz r&b beat boxin...he is tight. so yeah check him out. and i jsut watch the show for him!
2 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2005 11 January :: 11.26pm
:: Music: Seinfield
A Fairy Tale
Well my brother is married,,,and was it a fairytale wedding. I cant even explain it in words. It was just magical. IT was really cool my brothers friends from highschool Ricky and Dave were my escorts so i had alot of fun. It would have been really cool if Gina B could have come with me. but she is due in like 4 days (iam so excited) but i have to go back to kent on Sunday...My mom said to me " Your lucky the steeler game is on Saturday..b/c you would have to wait to go back if it was on sunday" dont you love my parents. But more on the wedding. there were so many details i dont think i can write it all out. It was just amazing thats all i can say. Right now Ray & melissa are in St.Lucia..then my brother comes back to NJ then leaves for Key West the next day for work...he is one lucky SOB
But iam so happy for him and Melissa. I love the idea that our familes are together I am glad that her family loves my brother and has respect for him and faith in their love for eachother. SO I am really happy. some guy just said outlook on TV. My outlook has changed in life. I can say Iam happy. I am smiling (for once) Iam jsut really happy deepdown! But iam going to go watch some tv so goodnight
Leave Your Soul
2004 30 December :: 12.48am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Conan
Well its almost a new year. I got a new computer, so iam back to updatign this thing. it has been a unique yet strange year. Alot of things have changed. and as messed up as somethings turned out. Its all for the better. Iam not going to go into full detail abotu my life about what has happened. I dont want to take the time, emotions or energy to waste on all of it. but I am back. I have learned so many things in the past few months, that I am forever changed, and forver more aware of the people around me. I have grown and matured and its about time some other people do to. Well Happy Holidays. Happy New Year. If i had a drink with me and an auidance I would raise it and say, It is about damn time for a change, its about damn time.
Good Night and God Bless.
T minus 10 days til my brothers wedding :)
Leave Your Soul
2003 20 December :: 12.08am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: the tv
well iam home for a month..iam happy. but becasue i am home i dont get online that much but i might update if somethign ground breaking happend in my life ( thats why iam wrting now)
but today i went to my moms school..LITTLE KIDS are the best.. i had alot of fun. i think that teaching is in my blood ( casue if my mom) but i dont know how badly i would want to teach...tiem will tell
but the real reason i wrote is becasue
Ray-ray is asking mellisa to marry him toamrrow...you dont know how happy i am. i just nervous and sick, and i cant wait for him to call.. and damnit he better take pictures... iam just in such a good mood casue i know they are in love. they share a love like my parents and melissa's parents. they are friends before anyhting eles. and friendship is love. so iam really happy. i will probly update after christmas. or if my brother got so nervous he couldnt do it...if he did that i would drive up to NJ myself and smack him in his head..well i am going shopping tomarrow for christmas...oh yes the holiday season... i will write later.. bye
Leave Your Soul
2003 8 December :: 12.33am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: diary a.keys
what a day..this is was long
ok i had a long ass ramble on love and if you really want to read it then you can ask me to put it back up but until then this quote is all i have to say!
***here is a quote by yours truly
“ Don’t sit back and wait for a man to climb over your walls to save you, he is never going to come. Look for the man who is going to break down your walls and save you.”
- how happy iam for my brother. he is that man to someone. and melissa is lucky to have him, and i wouldnt want anyone eles to have him :)
1 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2003 17 October :: 11.25am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Matt Morris...check him out
Bitch Cry me a river...throw up your middle finger
Ok not much to update on....wait Iw ent to the Justin Timberlake in Cleveland...so of couseI have to update..casue i can die a happy person now..ok i will give you the full detail..so you have to reda all of this, like Mr. JT or not!( casue drunk people are involved)
Ok its Thursday.. I only have one class.. I wake up and I had to rush like a bat out of hell casue i over slept.
Beth and I ate over at her dorm.. then walked to the student center to catch a bus at 5..we get on the bus..havign no idea how we were going to get to the Agora..it took longer than I thought it was becasue of all the stops...anyways our last stop was at a mcdonalds( or what we thought)..the bus driver was really cool and he didnt know were the agora was. so beth and I go into the mcdonalds..i had to go to the bathroom, so she got directions. this guy gave us the most complicated directions.( and we were in a place that reminded me of Homewood in Pittsburgh..maybe worse) anyways we get back on the bus..and these guys were yelling at us from a beat down, ragdy ass car)and we find out there is one more stop to go. so we turn down this street. And BAM the Agora Theater is on our left hand side.. right across from the bus stop. so we got really lucky.. we go inside... there wenret that many people there. it we would of gotten there ealier.. we would of gotten alot closer..ok we made it there...now how are we getting back?
Well we spotted this guy that goes to kent...we later find out he isnt going back. ok the concer it going to start soon... lights go out,,and the screaming begins...Justin Walks out on stage..camera's are going off. it was great..he brings this guy out named ( matt morris, i will write about him later) Ok this drunk girl was trying to push her way through. she was drunk off her ass, and she started pushing this lady,and her husband or boyfriend..was like back up we have been standing here for 2 hours, back up..well this drunk girl pushes in front of her...so now she is behind me and this other girl, ( we were packed in as it was) so me and this girl linked arms so she wouldnt get through,,so the drunk girl kept pushing her.. so finally I ( yes me) turned around and said to her" you need to back up" she goes off in slurred words....I paid the same amount of money as you...I said yeah and we have been standing here for 2 hours..back up. So she goes off, i but my hand in her face..and told her i wasnt listening to her..all your doin is running your mouth..so on and so on.. so she decied to take a step towars me.... bad bad idea... So her friend pulled her back..And all i heard was FUCK YOU FUCK YOU...ALL you want to do is suck JT's dick..That made me laugh.and she was pointing her finger at me....So i turned around and said Yeah I would like to see you try to come after me again( or something like that) and then later on she was liek Fuck YOU..pointing her finger at me.... the best thing about it was.,,I never cussed at her..and the people around me wee gratful i got her to step back and it made peopel laugh..casue she was out of control.. I was ready to duke it out,,casue she would of been down on the floor, and my parents would have to come to Celveland and get me out of jail. So anyways this was going on when this Matt Morris guy was singing..anyways the Concert started.. I was really surprised, casue justin played gutair..it wasnt this huge pop show that you see on tv..and he is better in person..oh and he looks the same as he does on tv..( maybe he loks better in person) anyways Cameron Diaz was there....no commetn on her( casue I never liked her,,wait is she and actress? casue what has she been in..charles angles..what great acting skills you need for that)..ok the concert was only an hour and a 1/2..but worth it.. ok the concert is over...and no way home.. So i call a cab..80 dollars...ok i had the money...wait that girl is famillar...She is in My justice Studies class... so we got a ride back to Kent... I was never so happy to see someoen in my life... it was a really cool night.. oh yeah before we left.. this guy popped out of this bus.. and scared the shit out of us" you all paid 50 dollars for an hour concert?? thats some shit" I guess he lived in the bus called The basement..it was funny
But Justin timberlake surprized the shit out of me... his band and back up singers are awsome..It was funny casue we walked right by them with out thinking or thats just the back up singers...and the girls that we rode back with saw cameron up close and Trace( justins friend) yeah so it sstrange to be that close to people that you see on tv and listent to on th erasio...so that was my night...
I knew when i saw that rainbow in the sky I was going to get back to kent.. well that was the night...Justin TImberlake and Aruging with a drunk girl..cant get better than that
Oh and about Matt Morris... check him out, if you like Jeff Buckley...Matt Morris was a feloow Micket Mouse Club Member..but is really good.. (mattmorris.net) check him out!
1 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2003 22 September :: 11.04pm
:: Music: none
bad day
hey i havent updated in a while, i have been busy. college is getting better, but today was the worst day ever. this is all i have to say: being away form home, and being sick SUCKS
10 signs of a bad day:
1) You are sick
2) You lock yourself out of your room @ 9:15 and you have to get a key casue you have to leave @ 9:30 for a 9:55 class cause your dorm is in butt fuck Egypt
3) You are sick
4) You havent eaten anything casue the food sucks and the cafe has shitty hours
5) Sit through 3 pointless classes
6) Have to turn in an English paper which you thought was good but read over it and you notice how many bad typing mistakes you have.
7) You are SICK
8) It is rainning and windy so your umbrela is no use
9) You are soaked head to toe
there is my list casue today was bad, but i watched Malibus most wanted. mad me laugh now iam going to go watch Exposure:)
Leave Your Soul
2003 21 August :: 2.50pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Bad Bys 2 soundtrack
@ Kent
Whats up people. iam at school. Gina and I have the most kick ass room. the people in our dorm are cool. my mom and dad left today so iam on my own,, my computer keeps fucking up but anyways. my dorm is pimp... but iam glad i am here. iam excited for classes to start for real. but iam having fun just hanging out.
Highlight of the first day....
having to go to the Medical center b/c my misqito bite got out of control so iam on the medication that makes be sick but all in all it have been ok
i will write more later casue i have to go to some stupid convocation with 5,000+ freshman.. so i will write later then i have a dorm meeting.. so i will cath you all later
8 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2003 18 August :: 11.19pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: the move "LIFE"
Well its time to move on..
Well well well.. its that time. i am leavign for Kent tomarrow. the nerves here and i am sick. i dont know whats going on. i have always said how much i wanted to leave but. it seems liek i still have another year to go in highschool. time goes by so quickly. i knwo i say how much i hate living here. but this past week and weekend. you look around and see how much potential this place has.. and what it could be. i am going to miss my friends like crazy. ( you all know who you are) i jsut have to get sometimes off my chest. i never regret anythign i have ever said or done to anyone casue frankly some of you deserve it. period. to my firends going to schoool and to the ones who are working and just living life. good luck to you all. and try to keep in touch. I knwo that i wont see or talk to you when school starts as much as i like, but you all know iam here if any of you need me, no matter if i like you or not i will listen. iam sad to leave my mom and dad, and the peopel i love, but this is smothing i have to do. i have had my doubts, but if i cant hack it i will be letting my self down more than anyone. so i have to go. and grow and do my thing. this is starting over for me. These 4 years are going to be discovering Caitlin. and what iam all about. eventhough i know who iam. Peopel will change and hopefully people will grow up. WEll iam goign to go. this is my last time on this computer for a while. but i have my own for school. so i will update and let all of you know whats going on forr me at school... what peopel i hate, whoes ass i want to beat, who i cuss out, you knwo the Caitlin stuff i do. well iam going to go i have alot to do. and iam feeling sick casue i got attack by misquitos... damnit.
Bye.. and Good LUCK!!
Leave Your Soul
2003 11 August :: 6.58pm
i forgot. the real reason i posted was to say go see S.W.A.T .. ok seeing colin farrell and L.L. Cool J for 2 hours isnt a bad thing. and its a good moving. lots of shooting and blowing shit up! GO see it!
Leave Your Soul
2003 8 August :: 12.36am
:: Mood: good
:: Music: MAroon 5- Secret
whats up. iam have been in a good mood. i have been the past few weeks. only 12 days.. GD thats a short time. but i am having fun.. today me and gina went to target and ate lunch. just chilled.. then came back to UT and drove around and yelled at people,, fowllowed the cops, drove around PC.. you know the good stuff.. i wish i would of gotten my license sonner but i ma haven fun before i leave. so iam going to bed casue i have to get up and get my hair did.. this is going to take all day.. black ladies... the price and time we pay for our hair to look good. anyways iam out ( like the borwns in the playoffs) :)
Leave Your Soul
2003 12 June :: 5.53pm
"In a country where the poor and old cannot afford health care, in a country where the economy is falling apart, in a country where 44 million people live on less than $12,000 dollars a year, in a nation where 5 million people are homeless, in a country where the entire media system is owned by only six media mega conglomerates, in a nation with the highest crime rate, in a country with the world's largest prison population, in a society where 60% of marriages end in divorce, in a country where 25% of kids under 12 live in poverty, in a country that cut 25 billion dollars out of veterans benefits to help pay for a new war, in a country where the gulf between the rich and poor is growing everyday, in a nation that supports dictatorships in Saudi, Egypt, and Turkey, in a country where the government is full of corruption, in a country with the world's highest teen suicide and stress rates, and you're telling me our biggest problems are TERRORISM and DRUGS?
I saw this in Andrea's journal i think it was great so i put it in too, casue its something i would say.
Leave Your Soul
2003 31 May :: 10.44pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: In thoes jeans-ginuwine
Hey people
I am in a really good mood. a weight has been lifted of my shoudlers, its only been a day and gradation is a blur. I just got home from the LeMont in Mt. Washington/Pittsburgh. it has a great view and the food was very good. i am glad i went there instead of having a party, Ray Ray and Melissa are in until tomarrow. iam very happy. i didnt cry at graudation or after becasue there was nothign to cry about. i will miss my friends but its not goodbye, casue goodbye are final... and nothign is over becasue this is the begining. i am going to go becasue i am very tired and cold. i might not be writing in here as much but i will keep you all updated over the summer!!
CONGRATS CLASS of 2003!!!!
Leave Your Soul
2003 20 May :: 11.28pm
Leave Your Soul
2003 20 May :: 11.07pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Cot' Damn/clipse
Cot' Damn
hey losers. i have a really big rant!
OK let the slideshow go, Iam being honest iam glad i ddint wate my money. i am not goign to hate on the people who did it, i mean if you didnt like it then you should of helped. I expressed from teh beginning that it is a stupid idea. Anyways. peopel are pissed about the whole thing. i think it wasnt justly equal. i mean there were alot of people in it more than once and some peopel not at all. i dont know. i mean everyone should of been involved. some more than others. to call people ot of there names and say taht they werent anything in highschool is wrong i mean who do some of you lal think you are. ok lets make it fair none of us are anythign after we leave the doors of geobel. some more than others need to deflate their heads and look in the damn mirrior and another thing peoel throw the word popular around way too much. fuck no one knows who you are and that goes for everyone. get off your high horses. if anyone think this is directed towards them then go sucka dick casuse i dont care abotu you all think i never cared about what you all think about me like andera said no one has enough balls to say shit to my face they just talk behind our backs. you lal think this kind of petty shit is goign to happen in college. you all will fail out the first semester. i mean i thought for a breif moment wow i might miss these peopel thenwhen people stat arging over dumb shit it makes me realize that iam a pretty smart person. Everyone get over it its a bunch of pictures, and for some peopel making it a point for people see what so and so said about you you are jsut as gulkity of saying it. So LETs see how can i sum this all up, GROW UP and go listen to some good old Kenny Chesny and look at you own pictures and this all could of been sovled. Petty shit. i thought it was done.
DISCLAMIER if you are goign to be mad at me for what i said them thats on you. i dont shut up for anyone anytime. I havent snapped on anyone this year. Someone give me a reason so i can rip you apart.
2 Souls Left |
Leave Your Soul
2003 19 May :: 10.44pm
:: Mood: irritated
:: Music: Tamia- offically missing you
not much to write. senior farewell mass was today.. waste of time, but oh well. i am goign to rant abotu the senior slide show i know it took work, but i didnt like it, i dont care tha ti was in it 2 times ( wearign the same shirt) i have more damn clothes than that. IAM NOT A BUM. anyways i just feel bad for peopel who do stuff for our school werent in there i mean class leaders and people who were big in sports didnt get in it. and i thought the music was horrible i mean Kenny Freakin Chesney.. need i say more. and it was too upbeat of music to be sad or at least reflective. Iam glad i didnt waste 20 dollars on that. ( Iam smart) always look at what you are going to buy befre you put your money down) well after mass we had practice. another 2 hours wasted in my life. then went to eat with people. it was a good time, then came home, then went runnign i think i have asthma. damn lungs. anyways iam done ranting i have to finish studying for World Religions. DMAN IT I HAVE TO GO BACK TO HELL> at least its only for an hour. then iam done casue i am getting my photography done 2. thats if i can get in touch with selina. people need to answer cell phones. why have it... i have so much to bitch about but i have crap to do.... good night to you loser peopel who read this..:)
Leave Your Soul
2003 16 May :: 9.54pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Law and Order
Last Day of Highschool..
Well its done and over. i am not going to cry(yet) casue i still have to see your punk ass's on Monday. no iam just joking. Today was a very calm day i thought that something really funny would happen but we went out with CLASS! Iam going to miss people so here are my little shoutouts just like Kunta:
Gina B- you are my best friend and my cousin. dont party too hard with the groundhog next year. we will be in touch casue we is family!
Selina- To one of my really good friends what can i say. we had some really funny times, from try to egg shit in the snow to Rodrigo... summmer is going to be a fun time.
Andrea- You make me luagh all the time. we will be in touch. We have the best damn rants
Julie- To the best baller..Good luck in pittsburgh i will be down to party with you in the 'Burgh
Rachel- Wow we had some good times with our inside jokes and looks we give people. our hate for geibel will live on. i will be back to see you and J-Wiz at Mercy
Kira- 13 years.... our love for hanson.. and a "boy"(s) who look good will all ways remain
Nicole,Kerstin,Lori, and KatieG- thank you for a good lunch! Good Luck
Meghan B- Keep Ballin! i will come see you play at Carlow! 13 Years.. damn
Tim, Kunta, and Jeff- thank you for making geibel fun. you all better keep in touch!
Gina L- KENT.. thats all i can say!
Gina Lucci and Lori- you 2 are crazy and thanks for the good times!
TO everyone in my classes like Comp and Rhet/ World Religions/Gym/ and chours.. it was fun too bad we had to learn. World REligions dnt forget to "ADD"
To all the people who went to St. John's I will miss you all! SJE! Iam going back to the blue and Gold!
To the lady Gator volleyball team.. it was a good four years. Good luck to molly, ashely and Julie K. thanks for making this sport fun for me.
If i missed someone or you want a personal shoutout. let me know and i will hook you up!
CLASS OF 2003......THANK YOU! (tear... LOL iam joking)
Leave Your Soul
2003 14 May :: 10.44pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: jefff Buckley- Everyone here wants you
Jeff Buckley
Sketches (For My Sweetheart the Drunk) (1998)
Everybody Here Wants You
Twenty-nine pearls in your kiss
A singing smile
Coffee smell and lilac skin
Your flame in me
Twenty-nine pearls in your kiss
A singing smile
Coffee smell and lilac skin
Your flame in me
I’m only here for this moment
I know everybody here wants you
I know everybody here thinks he needs you
I’ll be waiting right here just to show you
How our love will blow it all away
Hmm, such a thing of wonder in this crowd
I’m a stranger in this town
You’re free with me
And our eyes locked in downcast love
I sit here proud
Even now you’re undressed in your dreams with me
Oh, I’m only here for this moment
I know everybody here wants you
I know everybody here thinks he needs you
I’ll be waiting right here just to show you
How our love will blow it all away
I know the tears we cried
Have dried on yesterday
The sea of fools has parted for us
There’s nothing in our way
My love
Don’t you see, don’t you see?
You’re just the torch to put the flame to all our guilt and shame
And I’ll rise like an ember in your name
I know I, I know I
I know everybody here wants you
I know everybody here thinks he needs you
I’ll be waiting right here just to show you
Oh let me show you
That love can rise, rise just like embers
Love can taste like the wine of the ages, oh babe,
And I know they all looks so good from a distance
But I tell you I’m the one
I know everybody here, well, thinks he needs you
Think he needs you
And I’ll be waiting right here just to show you.
This is a good song. its real laid back but its good. i have hear dfo this guy before. but this is the only song i really like from him out of the 5 i have heard. he is dead so i guess i cant hear anything eles new. i think he drowned in 1999. i dont know. that is a little bit of known facts i know. Hell i could be Encarta.
Leave Your Soul
2003 14 May :: 10.07pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: The Tv.
emotions takin me over, caught up in sorrow lost in a song.. haha
Whats up people. i couldnt get oon here yesterday. i dont hav emuch to wirte. Emotons are jigh these last few days. i cant complain so are mine. Right now i am eating the nasty food ever. its a lean cusine it had rice and beans and fake chicken. Why am i eating it?? WElll lets see no one fucking cooked. my mom and i went down to century 3. i bought stuff for next year. i got my book bag and some clothes. I drove down there today. my mom bitche dat me cause i drive to fast... What ever! anyways when i was driving down i saw a really cute guy. i just had to say that casue...... damn! wow he was fine. welll iam goign to go finish this nasty so called dinner and studt for Pre- Calc... wait iam not studing. i dont care i only have 2 days. Later to you all
Leave Your Soul
2003 11 May :: 10.31pm
happy mtohers day to my ma
Leave Your Soul