2004 10 May :: 9.43pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: Kokomo || The Beach Boys
Aruba, Jamaica, ooo i wanna take ya!
Yep this weekend was pretty coolioness. I talked to Armando for 2 hours on the phone on Friday night, like an hourish on the computer Saturday night and and hour and a half on the phone last night. Weee. lol
Saturday i went to the movies and saw Van Helsing That movie rawked!! lol. I was awesome, y0.
Sunday was Mother's Day as we all know. We went to breakfast/lunch at Johnny Rebs and then my mom and i went to the mall. I bought a new skirt and some new smexy i only where four on each wrist XD. Then i came home and talked on the telefono with Armando ^.^ ...thats about it. at lunch Tori grabbed my ass. lol she didn't just smack it she full on grabbed it. XD i had a skirt on too. Then 6th period she was trying to put a sticker on me and she grabbed my boob...on purpose lol. I LOVE YEW TORI!! XD <333
Today lol was a purty good day actually. XD in second period we were taking notes and i threw a peice of paper at Armando. lol he turned around and i was laughing but he thought it was Armando. lol then i confessed and said it was me. haha me, flirting much? lmao then at lunch Jo and i got Miguel to hold Armando while i gave him sex hair. Hr moved away but i still kinda got him. Then he and Omar and Miguel decided to get us, so our hair was messed up by the end of lunch lol. Then Mr. Irving made us get out of his class so he could go get lunch, so we were standing outside his classroom and Miguel held Armando and i got him good. lol. His hair was all fluffy and i made all the gel come out. XD it was sexy. So yeah....he had to practice like that. Woo, i told you we were gonna get him. Then after school Jo and i ditched Sal's class like 10 minutes early and went out to the feild. lol. Armando was walking away when the bell rings and my hair was all messed up and blowing all over in the wind and he goes "Hey you have sex hair." lol i was like "You like it?" and he goes "I love it." lol. ;D. So yea we'll see if he calls me tonight.
I have practice in 5 minutes and im gonna be ill update more later. Adios. -.^
<3 Amanderz!
x[Inside Joke]x The running bananas!!! haha.
Bramuda, bahama, come on pretty mama!
try to catch me
2004 10 May :: 5.07pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: MD Mix Tape | Currently: Washing And Wondering - Stroke 9
Blech.. X_x;
Doin' homework..
I already finished my Spelling and my kid story outline is all finished, I just have to transfer it to the rough draft. I'm, like, a third done with my math work sheet, yay.
My May donation letters haven't come in yet. ;-; I really hope the money didn't get stolen or lost.. T_T
Anyway, besides the big fight with Mum this morning, My day went pretty well. I'm punished from my computer and mum's stil pissed so I'm at Grandma's after school this week. Which is nice, because the computer room, where I work on my homework, has a big A\C that blows right on me. ^^
Only 11 more problems to go..... >_o
And I still haven't gotten a chance to set up my thread for my quest for teh OMG Hat!!
The only begging I'll do is in here, where no one reads it. XP
But my username is mochie on Gaia, so if you DO want to donate, feel free to! XDDDD
try to catch me
2004 9 May :: 2.31am
:: Mood: happy
You think im doing fine, its easier to believe a lie.
:D Weeee...i finally got enough courage to to him i like him. lol. And i think he gave me kind of a good response eh? Yes i think so. He convinced me to let him read my poems too. I dont know if thats such a good idea but hey they're all about him, well most of them, so maybe it is a good idea. If i cant tell him verbally maybe i can tell him how i feel in a written way. It could work. lol awww and he wanted to spend more time with me? :D I was seriously blushing. My cheeks were all hot. Man, i like him A LOT....our convo follows:
armando: hi
me: whatcha doin?
armando: nothin, chillin at the holidae iiiinnnnnn!
me: lmao riiight!
armando: you?
me: um nothing really just watchin tv
me: ...sorta lol
armando: suure!
me: yup
armando: how was your day?
me: it was okie dokie
me: urs?
armando: okie dokie too , i guess.
me: oh how come you guess?
armando: i dunno
me: i see
me: what did ya do today?
armando: i went to my cusins
armando: thats about it
me: cooio
me: coolio* lol
armando: are u there
me: am i where? lol
armando: oo there you are
me: haha i never left
armando: riight!
me: no im serious i was sittin' right here the whole time
armando: w/e!
me: no not w/e! lol
armando: j/k!
me: suuure
me: oh im calm
armando: good
me: haha yup yup
armando: what do you have planned for tomorrow
me: um breakfast with my mom and grandma in the morning for mother's day, then maybe goin' to the mall...but i dont know what else
me: you?
armando: nice
armando: well, i'll have to get up early to cook breakfast for my mom and then jump in the showerto go to my game and after my game we're gonna take my mom to lunch
me: ah sounds fun
armando: i'm nervouse about making breakfast
armando: i think i'm gonna over cook it
me: aww lol
me: i cant cook
me: well i can, sorta
me: holy man, okay back
armando: cool
me: lol niiice info
armando: holy maan
armando: i didn't write it
me: lol i know you told me
armando: i'm gonna delete it later on
me: suure
armando: sorry i got kicked off
me: its alright
me: brb
me: okie...back
me: hey guess what?
armando: chicken butt!
me: no!
armando: j/k
armando: what
me: my eye hurts XD
armando: aawww!
me: im serious
me: so whatcha up to?
armando: not much and you?
me: the same
armando: where's you r sis at?
me: she asleep...thank god lol
armando: how mean]
me: no....shes mean lol
armando: no you're mean
me: hey hey
me: no i am not
armando: wow calm down
armando: i was j/k
me: lol i know so was i
armando: oh good
armando: you got me scared therer for a sec.
armando: there*
me: haha
armando: aawww. how mean
me: rawr
armando: oh yea. RAAAWWWRRR!!!!!
me: no way rawr is my word
armando: i don't see your name on it
me: yep see theres an 'a' in it...thats an 'a' for amanda
me: duh
me: and no...dont try to say its an 'a' for doesn't work that way
me: :-P
armando: aawww! maan!
me: lol i won!!
armando: fine it's an "a" for both armando and amanda
me: okay fin
me: fine*
armando: yea now wat
armando: haa!
me: haha
me: okay so we both win?
me: or half win?
me: lol
armando: maan! fine
me: lol
armando: cool
me: you know it
armando: yuo
armando: yup*
me: lol
me: :whispers: yellow is the best color in the world!!
me: :-D
armando: :whispers: not really
armando: grey is!
me: lol no way
armando: yes way
me: naope
armando: yellow is ugly
me: rawr no its not
me: lol
armando: yes it is
me: uh no
armando: uh yes
me: man, i am bored!
armando: so...whats up with you and omar!;-)
me: lol...nothing
armando: suure
me: no im serious
me: i dont like him
armando: wasn't he trying to get with you or something like that
me: lol i dont know
armando: suure lover gurl
me: psh im serious
armando: uh huh
me: @.@
armando: anyone that you like in general?
me: no...
me: coughyoucough
armando: oohhhh... i get it
armando: coughmecough
me: yes lol
armando: oh really
me: yep
armando: how interesting
me: ya think?
armando: okay! okay! how cool!
me: lol
me: its cool?
armando: well fine , i'll admit it. it makes me happy to know that
me: :-Dreally?
armando: yea
me: okay
armando: whats wrong are you in shock
me: in shock?
armando: i dunno . you're not saying anything
me: iono what to say
armando: how many screen names do you have?
me: 2ish lol
me: i dont like the other one thats my aol sn
armando: oh
armando: i haven't read your profile
armando: i'm gonna read it
me: okay
armando: wow that's deep
armando: you wrote that?
me: wrote what?
armando: that poem in your profile
me: which one?
me: ive written a zillion poems lol
armando: i only read one of them .
me: which one?
armando: so go on, wreck me
me: nope thats my favorite song quote
armando: oh
armando: it's
armando: very touching
me: lol
armando: so you've writtten poems all your life
armando: ??
me: no just um...recently lol
me: ive written like 29 i think
armando: since
armando: when?
me: just recently
armando: that's alot of poems
me: yep
me: psh they're bad though
armando: can i read em
me: um if you really want to
armando: take em to school on monday
me: okay
armando: alright!!
me: lol
armando: did you get soccer pictures
me: for school?
me: yeah
armando: do you still have extras?
me: yea but i dun like them
armando: oh well can i have one?
me: lol i guess
armando: thank you
me: haha anytime
armando: oh maan
armando: it's getting late]
me: i know
armando: i'll let you go cuz i need to wake up at 6:30 am
me: aww lol okay
armando: i have a game
armando: i know ... i wanted to spend more time with you
me: :blushes:
me: lol
armando: but maybe another day
armando: kae
me: kay
armando: well good nit
armando: sweet dreams
me: k you too!
me: night
armando: yea!
armando: buh bye
me: byez
try to catch me
2004 8 May :: 4.16pm
Hands into a fist, Static in my head. Now im sitting face to face with lonliness.
try to catch me
2004 8 May :: 4.15am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: FiNCH!!!! <33xinfinity.
Wow lol. I just got off the phone with Armando. We talked for 2 hours lol. Right now, my hopes are so high that i pray he doesn't send them crashing down. I like him so much, and god, do i miss him. XD yesterday i talked to him on the phone for like an hour and he called me Armanda on accident. lol we were cracking up. It was funny because it just came out of no where. haha then today i was walking with Joana after school out to the feild and she goes "Hey Armando, c'mon over here so we can give you sex hair." lol then he said he was gonna tie me down to a chair at lunch and do it to me. haha i was like "You'll have to catch me first." XD. Im gonna get him on Monday at lunch. We usually all go into/outside Mr. Irving's room and he's usually on the computer closest to the door. haha and when he least expects it im gonna come up behind him and give him sex hair. YES! lol its an awesome plan. :evil laugh: ...and then he doesn't have practice on Monday so he'll have to sit through 6th period in Coach Headley's room with his gorgeous sex hair. Yes, lol this is gonna be fun. Anyways...
I'm sorry, but red's my color now
guess you got to me somehow
this mistake is breaking me,
she said.
Tonight i was gonna go to the carnival over at Mayfair Park but i decided not to. Omar and Miguel were the ones who invited me. Not Krysi or Melissa, so i was like whatever im not going. They didn't even call me or anything to see if i was going, Miguel called me. Psh, im glad i didn't go. It was just Miguel, Omar, Krysi, Denise, Melissa, the girl, Nikki[the bitch], and Nikki's little brother. I hate Nikki with a passion. :growl: So im kinda good i didn't go. I guess Melissa called Armando to see if he could go and he told her he couldn't because he had homework. lol i think that was just an excuse. I've told Melissa that Armando and i are talking again. :shrugs: Whatever, she still flirts with him right in front of me. But i hope she's jealous because she asked me how long i talked to him for and i was like an hour and a half on Thursday. Woo lol she was like "Holy man." :D. I told her he was staying after to teach me how to bend the ball too. Hopefully that'll happen sometime next week. We were supposed to stay today but he got in trouble last night and his mom wouldn't let him stay. lol o well. Then he said if he could stay what if we couldn't get a ball out of the bin. He had this great idea that we'd condition. XD i was like "Heck no, im not conditioning." lol he said we were gonna run 5 greens. @.@ Yeah right. He said we'd run them slow and on the last one if i couldn't make it he'd carry me. XD. lol, that could get interesting. haha man, then today i was talking to him and my cat was laying on my stomach and he goes "Oh you must be comfortable." XD then he goes "Actually you are comfortable, well from what i remember." haha it seems like he likes me but iono. He's still with that she-man, Julie. rofl. Hopefully that wont last for long. XD. haha and you know how i was freaking out about his profile thing? lmao Miguel wrote that on there he didn't. lol i feel so stupid.
Today is just like all the others
I'm not alright i've cried my last tears
I'm bleeding out my pain as you scream at me
lmao....i just realized that this entry is back to Armando. Notice when i ended that first paragraph ^ it was supposed to start a new topic. lol. Whatever...
I failed my algebra test, but i still have a B in that class. Yeesh.
<3ish Armanda....XD lol.
x[Inside Joke]x Yellow is not an ugly is! lol.
You've got me waiting by myself
I never wanted more than this
What will it take to get the truth
I'm on my knees
try to catch me
2004 8 May :: 12.20am
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: Radio
66 songs.
That's how many songs I burned onto my MD.Wav.Player! 66!!
Haha.. I just think that kicks mojor ass.
Okay, band trip up to Kendell for ice skating tomorrow morning.. oh fucking peachy, a bus-load of loud kids for three hours, skate for for hours or until your ankles snap, eat some ribs, then another agonizing three hour ride back. Won't my dad be extra fun tomorrow?!?!! X333
Well I still... *finally pulls on nightshirt*
Oh crap.. *Writes down the name of the current song on the radio* "Wish Me Well [Go To Hell ]" by Bouncing Souls, I have to add that to my playlist.. and download it.. >_> What a great song. ^^
Oh I saw Van Helsing with my dad around 6ish.. It was really great, there were these slaves of the Count, and they were all fangorious and short with glowy eyes and mechanical things attatched to their face..
i see those empty spaces runing run and round.. talking to them selves, we all know we're six feet from our graves... what's that you say? [<- More lyrics on the radio I need for future reference. ]
Welllll.. I really need to get to bed soon, as I have to get up like around 7ish or something.. which is not a good time to wake up on saturday. And I still have to organize my little backpack thing for the trip.
List of things to take:
-MD Playa
-CD playa
-Tsubasa and xxxHolic [Mangas ]
-Top choice of CD's, maybe just whole case.. probably not..
-Pencil[s ]
-Something to draw on
Come so far we've made good time. Drove all night in this old car. The morning light faded stars and everyday i get closer to my self and the more i make it better the more i find that i dont knwo you cant drive it took forever go a far as you can see don't give up on me, you can drive it do whatever makes you free, don't give up on me. [ What? they play good lyrics early in the morning!! X.x ]
I'll do my homework Sunday or something..
Jessica says she's over me. I wish she'd go away. But not for that reason, just thinking about her gives me a headache, it sucks. Most everything I say in here is based on VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY selfish thoughts. I write them here so I don't have to bitch about it to others.
Eh.. speaking of bitches....
My Mother refuses to find my hoodie so I don't freeze my ass off on the ice rink. she even attmited that she hada
try to catch me
2004 7 May :: 6.06pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Champage - Sugarcult
All I can taste is champage..
I love this song... especially the chorus:
You want it,
You need it,
you can't explain!
You fight it,
you feed it,
you can't.. and I can't live without you.. oohh.. I can't live without you..
try to catch me
2004 7 May :: 12.55am
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: Radio\\The Postal Service
This song's on the radion, I'm typing a few of the lyrics up so I can search for it later.
And we'll all float on.. alright, already, now don't you worry we'll all float on, alright already.. and don't worry even if things turn out a bit too heavy.. we'll all float on.
Now that that's over with.. *Switchs to TPS.*
Okay.. I still haven't finished my math homework, and I have to finish, like, half of my children's book for Lang. Arts class. Though I got permission for it to be.... not so childrenish.. XD
But I suppose since Mrs. Manaher really likes me, then I might get an exstention. 'Cause I really don't think I'm capable of .... Okay, I am.. But I don't know if I will get the rough draft for the story done by the end of the period tomorrow.. so.. yeah.
Jessica confessed her love to me.. My life has gotten... very different lately.. I haven't talked to Lauren lately, which is pissing me off, Jessica is soaking up all my tiem and energy. [Stop thinking like that you hentais!!! >_<* ]
But Saturday we have a trip up to Kendell ice arena for the whole day for band kids, so I get to spend the day with China [Lauren ]. Which makes me happy, I'm curious as to whether she could perhaps sleep over Friday, since we're going to the same place anyway...
I need to cut my nails and toe nails.. X3
*Finishes math homework* I hate graphing with a passion thanks to Mrs. Hennigan. ANd I don't like her name either, too hard to spell..
I'm off to bed now, I hope I ahve a good day tomorrow.... Going to go see Van Helsing with meh Faja. What fun. ^^
try to catch me
2004 6 May :: 8.29pm
:: Mood: happyish
:: Music: the radio || KROQ 106.7
It hurts to breathe, imagine how it hurts to laugh
Eee, yes last night was a very good night. I went to my dads house as usual and i was on the computer and then Jake called me. This isn't really this good part but anyways. I've realized by our conversation that Jake and i have a lot in common. He told me something he's never told anyone else. He has serious depression, but he hides it well. Thats why hes always hyper, doing crazy stuff and why most people find him annoying. Me, not one of them. I love Jake he's awesome. Anyways, he told me something else that very few people know and it kind of scared me. He was going to kill himself a while back. When Kalie broke up with him, is when things started getting bad. I wanted to tell him about my depression, ecetera. Maybe next time we talk i will. It'll be nice to have someone to relate to who really knows what im going through. Then we were talking about who lives near me and he asked exactly where i lived. lol so i told him and he goes "I coming over, ill be there in like 20 minutes." lol i was like "Okay." So yea he came over and we just sat on my porch and talked. It was cool, i haven't talked to him in a while.
And here's the good part. ARMANDO. CALLED. ME. lol yippeeeeeee! haha it was one of those things, where my phone rang, i saw it was a blocked number and i knew it was him. We talked for like an hour and 20 minutes. It was like old times. It felt so good to laugh with him again, yet the whole time all i wanted to do was spill my heart out and tell him everything i feel towards him. But i didn't, i dont know where to start. Maybe next time i talk to him ill tell him i miss him. Yes, maybe ill start there, with something simple. My cheeks hurt when i got off the phone because i was smiling the whole time. :D It felt so good to finally talk to him again. Ya know? XD he said hes scared of me because everytime i look at him i give him dirty looks. haha No buddy, those aren't dirty looks. lol. I sorta roped him into teaching me how to bend the ball for a corner kick. So hopefully that'll happen soon. Today, i was in a good mood. I saw Armando at snack and he was looking at me and i looked at him and smiled and did my little look at him out of the corner of my eye. He used to hate that, even though i know he'd miss it if i never did it. lol im talking to him right now! I have butterflies, its so weird. :breathes: I was talking to Bry before 2nd and he goes i have good news. And i was like "What!?!" because when he tells me he has good news its usually about armando. So he goes "He wants to go back out with you." lol i was blushing like no other, and believe me its not easy to make me blush. :D Anyways enough about my non-existant love life. @.@
I think im gonna bring my cleats tomorow and play soccer after school. Armando said hes gonna stay and shoot around so i think i will too. Woo yeah. lol heres our convo
me: hey!
armando: hello
me: ya know who this is?
armando: yup
me: who?
armando: the girl with the sex hair
armando: right?
me: lmao
me: yep thats me
armando: how are you doing?
me: alright
me: u?
armando: pretty good also
me: well thats good
armando: i know thanks
me: lol
armando: sorry i didn't talk to you today
armando: it's just that i got to get use to it
me: oh its alright
armando: but at least you didn't give me those dirty looks that you use to give me
me: lol those weren't dirty looks
armando: then what were they?
me: haha iono
armando: looking pretty cute today girl!
me: nah
armando: :-)
armando: i think so!
me: lol shpanks, you weren't looking too bad yourself
me: of course you never look bad lol
armando: oh maan!
armando: you're a good liar!
me: haha except im not lying
armando: guess what
me: what?
armando: i shaved my head after school
me: no you didn't
armando: oh yes i did!
me: omg seriously?
armando: no j/k
armando: haha
me: lol told you
me: ya'd still look dead smexy anyways
me: lol
armando: stop lying
me: oh im not
armando: so you didn't stay after school today with melissa?
me: she stayed?
armando: oh yea
me: lol i didn't know that
armando: ooooh
armando: you should stay tomorrow
me: alright maybe i will
armando: i think i'll stay and shoot around
me: alrighty ill bring my stuff then
armando: kae
armando: soo....
armando: do you like how or field is gettting fixed?
armando: our
me: yep its pretty cool
armando: ino
armando: mr. perry is gonna try to keep football off the field so that it could be nice and green for soccer season
me: yeah, because they always tear it up
me: ...stupid footbal
armando: heck yea maan
me: lol
armando: hahahaha
armando: i'll talk to you later
armando: cuz i gotta go
me: alrighty
armando: you want me to call you
me: sure
armando: ok then
armando: take care
me: k you too
armando: alright bye
[insert his sn here] signed off at 5:50:56 PM.
lol. :DDD. I should have told him that those looks weren't meant to be dirty looks. They were actually, 'Im in love with you, but you broke my heart, i can forgive you and give you a second chance, so get over here, apologize and fucking kiss me' looks. Yes, i believe thats what they were. XD Well, i have no practice tonight so i think im gonna go get this stupid book for school and then come home, eat dinner, and wait for Mr. Armando's call. :D
Buh bye...
|oxox| Amanderz
What does it mean to me to live...nothing.
I cant get over this feeling like i mean nothing.
I am nothing.
I wish i was something.
I wish i was beautiful like you...
But im not, im beautiful like me.
try to catch me
2004 6 May :: 7.23pm
:: Mood: busy
Just.. posting... I have tons of homework.. okay.. not really.. But I AM hungry.. X3 I wanna go back to the old me...
try to catch me
2004 5 May :: 10.58pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Soon to be listening to The Postal Service..
... >..< Ignore this.
Updating for the sake of updating. Jessica is infatuated with me and she asked me how I felt about it and I said I didn't care either way. It sucks being a friend, because then you either have to sugar coat everything so you can have friends, or then you speak the truth and go through a guit-trip or something.. though I suppose I don't really have those anymore.. Can't think of anything else to type, So I'm leaving you with another Happy Noodle Boy quote.
".. You deny me freshmaker?!" X3
try to catch me
2004 5 May :: 10.10pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Fur Elise - Beethoven
Survey thing.. I have a few more I'll do later.
1. Full name: Shelby Nicole Harden
1. 2. Birthday: April 18, 1991
3. Location: Key West, FL
4. Where else have u lived: No where5. School/mascot/colors: HOBMS/Pirate/Pine green, white, tan. X3
6. Zodiac sign: Aries
7. Shoe size: 7 - 8ish
8. Height: 5'ish
10. Pets: 8 year old dog
11. Siblings: non
12. Eye color: Deep brown
13. Hair color: Black, redish, brown.
14. Hair length: little below my shoulders, hoping to cut it soon
16. What color?: Oo; This is a repeat question. I refuse to answer it.
17. Grade: 7th
18. Are u good in school?: I get A's and B's.. not really trying.. But if I really just zone out the techer I get C.. has only happened twice.
19. hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Music, Fashion[not really new-wave stuff ], being as out of pop-culture as possible, yet still being informed
20. Nicknames: Mochie, moochie... But my personal favorites are; bitch, werido, freak, retarded, and get the fuck out of my way loser!
21. What languages do you speak? English. I know a few words in japanese and I have a big software thing to learn to speak it.. but I probably won't run it on my computer 'til summer.
22. Do you play sports?: Currently? No. I used to do Gymnastics and almost get a black belt in Karate a few yets ago.
23. Where were you born?: Key West
24. Are you a night or a morning person?: Both, if you can believe it
25. Are you ticklish?: mm hmm
26. Do you believe in god?: No.
27. Do you have any other screen names?: I used to have like 15 but Now I'm down to three.
28. What are they?: Moochie135, Kwconfuzzled [Don't really use it much.. ] and SoudePlateXDD [Smileys included. ]
29. Do you have braces?: No, but I might have to get soem if my insisors down go down all the way.. >_<
30. Do you have glasses/ contacts?: Nope. Perfect vision.
!!!getting personal!!!!
31. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Rich. With no job or something easy that made me rich.
32. What was the worst day of your life?: Can't really say, I'm a teenager.. so I have my ups and downs.
33. What is your most embarrassing story?: Don't have one.
34. What has been the best day of your life?: I'll have to get back to you on that one.
35. What comes first in your life?: Me. If I was in love, them.
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No.
37. What are you most scared of?: Dying.
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them?: .... I wouldn't. o.o
40. What do you regret the most?: When I say something that makes me feel or look ingnorant infront of someone I think highly of.
41. If you could do anything without consequences, what would u do?: Steal a few billion dollars and download and the free shit I want.
42. Movie: Anything with johnny depp in it, or that Tim Burton took part in. Or funny movies or thriller/slasher movies, remantic ones are good, as long as they're not like totally cliched or something
43. Song: "Sad, Sweet Heart of The Rodeo" by Harvey Danger
44. Band/group: A lot are high on my list, so I'll pick a random one. The presidents of the United States.
45. Store: Thrift stores, Hot Topic, Kids' toy aisles.
46. Relative: Michelle Smith *Huggle* I love you.
47. Sport: Not a big fan.. Skateboarding I suppose..
48. Vacation spot: Not an island.. save for great Britian.
49. Ice cream flavor: Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia.
50. Fruit: Strawberries, green seedless grapes
51. Candy: Peppermint skittles, pocky
52. Car: Mini Cooper 180
53. Class: Gifted, Lang. arts, Math.
54. Holiday: Christmas
55. Day of the week: Saturday. It's the one day I get the house all to my self.
56. Color: Hightlight colors, Cerulean, Dark purples, Rainbows. Shades: Black.
57. Magazine: NewType, bitch.
58. Name for a girl: Mamimi
59. Name for a boy: Shawn. Not Sean. Shawn.
60. Sports team: Birdhouse. XD
61. Month: The rainy months.
62. Man athlete: Bam Margera! XP
63. Female athlete: .....
64. Actress: Uma Therman [Can't spell ]
65. Actor: Johnny Depp of course. He is one very unique induvisual, and I love him for that.
66. Tv show: Viva la bam, Adult Swim blocks.
67. Web site:,
68. Animal: Kittehs.
69. E-mail buddy: I don't do Email much.
70. Joke: Okay, so there were these two muffins in an oven. One turns to the other and says, "Man! It's getting kinda hot in here!" Then the other one says, "Holy crap! A talking muffin!" X3 Saying: You deny me freshmaker?!-Happy noodle boy
72. Word: Prodigious.
73. Brand of shoes: Vans, Chuck Taylors
74.Radio station: 107.1
75. Room in your house: Mine.
76. Concert you have been to: Haven't been to one yet.
77. Cd: Toughy... ummm.. The Postal Service-Give Up
78. President: Any but a Bush, In MY OPINION, they are both idiots.
79. Salad: Just lettuce, no dressing.
80. Meat: Mmm.. I dunno.. Chicken is good.. but everything tastes like chicken in the end..
81. Pizza topping: Cheese.
82. State: Not Florida.
83. City: Not Key West... Clearwater is nice...
84. Lake: Not my style.
85. Ocean: Pacific, they it brings Hurricanes.
86. Place to be: Out of Miami and Key West.
87. Smell: Sweetpea, Lola Goth's Reminiscent. It smells just like my favorite cousin, and she smells very plesent.
88. Sound: Rain drops on windows or roofs
89. Taste: Strawberry
90. Feeling: Content, comfy
91. College: Can't decide yet.
92. Number: -185483554100
93. Book: The Little Princess
94. Vacation spot: This was already asked.
95. Grandma: Pat. [Patrica ]
96. Grandpa: Buddy. [Robert ]
97. Cereal: Berry Berry Kix, spinning it old school style, yo.
^^^^in the past 24 hours have you^^^^
152. Had a serious talk?: My science teacher was ranting about something that was supposed to be serious, but I totally disagreed with it, so I don't think it counts.
153. Hugged someone? Nope.
154. Fought with a friend?: Nope.
155. Cried?: Nope.
156. Laughed?: Yes.
157. Made someone laugh?: It's in my job description
158. Bought something?: Yes.
159. Cut your hair?: No, but I should've
160. Felt stupid?: No
161. Talked to someone you love?: No.
162. Missed someone?: Look what you did! You made me start missing Michelle! YOU BASTARD!
????have you ever????
163. Done drugs?: What's your definition of drugs?
164. Eaten an entire box of oreos?: No, my selfish mother eats them all. Fat slob..
165. Been dumped?: No.
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: No, I'm the only double-crosser here!
167. Watched punky brewster?: Maybe a while ago..
168. Hiked a mountain?: No.
169. Stayed home on saturday night, just because?: Every week. >.>
171. Seen the white house?: Yes.
172. Seen the eiffel tower?: Not ion real life.
173. Tried smoking?: No.
174. Drank alcohol?: Yes.
175. Smoked marijuana?: No.
176. Played monopoly?: You have not lived until you've played monopoly!
178. Seen titanic?: Unfortunatly, yes.
179. Kissed someone?: Sure.
180. French kissed someone?: Mmm.. I don't think so.
181. Lost your virginity?: No yet.
182. Tried a weight loss program?: No.
183. Jumped on a trampoline?: I used to jump the hell out of my like 10' wide one, then it got thrown away T.T
184. Visited another country?: Yes.
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)?: all the freakin time
186. Had a bubble bath?: LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.
187. Been on a plane?: Yesh
188. Been on a boat?: Yesh
189. Been on a train?: Yesh
190. Been in a car accident?: Fender-Bender
191. Ridden an elephant?: It was the shiznay.
192. Made a web page?: Yeah.. It sucked though.. but I have made woohu journal skills
193. Played with barbies?: Used to.
194. Stayed up all night?: Yeah.. Oo;
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: Yes, but not anymore.
196. Broken a bone?: I think I broke my toe but no one did anything about it. stupid Fucks.. >_<
197. Called a physchic or sex hotline?: No.
198. Watched jerry springer?: Yes, I swear my I.Q. dropped 53 points.
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: Yes.
200. Been afraid of the dark?: Not really afriad of dark, but more of what it conceals.
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)?: 1st To be born, 2nd when I was little I was really sick. then a bunch of other times for kid check ups and such.
202. Had stitches?: No.
203. Dumped someone and regretted it?: No.
204. Went out with more than one person at a time?: No.
205. Lied?: At least once a day.
206. Been arrested?: No.
207. Fallen asleep in class?: Yes, It was very comfy
208. Used food for something other than to eat?: .... No.
209. Met a celebrity?: No.
210. Broken the law?: Yesh.
212. Hated yourself?: Sure..
213. Been brokenhearted?: Umm.. not really.
214. Broken someones heart?: May be.. I'm a bitch when I'm annoyed.
215. Wanted to kill someone?: Of course.
216. Fell off a chair?: Yes.. It was so funny.
217. Lap danced?: No.
218. Been in a fist fight?: Sparring in Karate...
219. Been in a cat fight?: This one idiot slapped me once, then he got supended and on the loss of privleges list, plus looked like an ass infront fo the vice princpal.
~~~~do you~~~~
220. Like to give hugs?: Sure..
221. Like to walk in the rain?: Love it. ^^
222. Sleep with or without clothes on?: A shirt and bontu.
223. Prefer black or blue pens?: Red.
224. Dress up on halloween?: Haven't lately.
225. Have a job?: No.
226. Like to travel?: Not in a car.. Motion sickness after, like 6 hours.. >_<
227. Like someone? do they know?: yes. yes.
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: Either or.
229. Think your attractive?: Depends
230. Want to marry? who?: I suppose.. Someone like johnny depp or seth green.
231. Have a goldfish?: No, they're really messy, poop too much
232. Ever have the falling dream?: Sometimes when I'm falling asleep when I'm not supposed to, like in class or something, I suddenly kick my legs and fell like I'm falling then I sit up really quick... It must be funny to watch..
233. Have stuffed animals?: Yes, I haven't slept with Jewel for awhile..
234. Go on vacation?: Not in awhile.. ;-;
235. Do you belive in the horoscopes: Ehh.. I suppose not.
236. Do you like your handwriting: it's okay. Sure.
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why?: Me. But uber-rich.
238. What superhero would you be: The flash! XD
239. Do you have any piercings: One in each ear. I'm hoping to get one more in each ear soon too.
240. Any tattoos: No.
241. If so where: on my fingers, like spelling out 'Funk' or something
242. If not, where and what do you want: Reapeat question.
243. Are you picky: I have my moments.
244. What makes you cry: Thinking about death, and How I hurt or can't help the two people I love at times.. Which really upsets me.
245. What makes you mad: For starters.. the person that took this quiz before me.. she is really obsessed with a 'Jay-Jay' and sponge bob. >_<*
246. What do you think of eminem: Let him do his thing, and I'll do mine.
247. Who do you admire: Johnen Vaquez, great artists, Johnny Depp.
248. Do you like cartoons: Only ones like Invader zim, treasure planet, Animes, Adult swim cartoons, Titan A.E.
249. Do you believe in the devil: No.
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Manhattan.
251. What did you do today: didn't sleep much, school, dinner, this survey.
252. Where do you work: Repeat question. ¬_¬
253. Do you even have a job you lazy bum: REPEAT QUESTION!!!
254. Are your 'rents lame: Yes. My Mother and her boyfriend suck.
255. Do you own a miniskirt: ...*Thinks* I think I do.. Yes. I do.
257. What is the farthest your have traveled: out of the country
258. Who is a diva: Someone who can sing fairly well and can be really bitchy and beat up their assistant.
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: Garnier Fructis! ^__^
260. What about conditioner: The same! ^^
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: I don't need to porpusly use big word to sound smart, I am smart and they're in my normal vocabulary.
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Sometimes
263. Got milk: Yes.
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: I might..
265. Name something that comes in threes: Trilogies
266. Ever worn black nail polish: Yes. But it's cheap and chips half way off in two days.
267. Do you have hairy arms: *shrug*
268. How many sheets are on your bed: One, then another one of another color pushed to the side.
269. Whats under your bed: Dust-bunnehs!
270. Do you have your own tv and vcr: Yes, the VHS player is bult into my television.
271. Do you believe in fate: I dunno
272. Do you see dead people: No.
273.Are you a good speller: I'm fairly good... But I'm a real grammer nazi.
274. What is your lucky charm: I don't have one. A pencil maybe?
276. Do you like little kids: No, they annoy me. Though a few of them are pretty cute.
277. Are you talented: Yes.
278. If so, how: Art, writing, Guitar, French horn
279. Ever hugged a tree: Once..
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: No, but my mum does.. did..
281. Do you ever steal anything from hotels: No, but I'm going to start. Starting next vacation.
282. Ever seen a ghost: No.
283. How about an alien: No.
284. Do you beleive in either of them: I duno..
%%%%what do you think about%%%%
285. Abortion: Perfectly fine with me.
286. Bill clinton: He was a pretty good president, just had a zipper problem, but alot of men have that. so I see nothing wrong.
287. Smoking: Johnny Depp looks sexy when he smokes, though I really don't like it.
288. Eating disorders: Not my problem, I don't care.
289. Rape: Usually bad, unless they enjoy it.
290. Jerry springer: He must hate his job. But he's getting rich off it so rock on Jerry.
291. Suicide: Whatever floats your boat.
292. South park: Hilarious.
293. Summer: Alone time to my self.
294. Tattoos: Depends on the person.
295. Peircing: Whatever, Peircings can be sexy, though they usually get infected and are a hassel in some areas.
296. Make-up: Used properly.
297. Drinking: Vodka tastes bad. But snopts! Oh, that's the way to get lit while still tasting good drinks!
298. Guys: depends on them.
299. Girls: A real pain at times.
what do you think when you hear this name:
300. Jennifer: Aniston.
301. Leah: A
302. Megan: Purple
303. Brandon: Florida
304. Christina: Slut
305. Angela: Spanish
306. Courtney: Love.
307. Jeff: Giant.
308. Mike: Football
309. Nikki: brown hair
310. Ryan: Bastard.
311. Lauren: I'm better.
312. Derek: Darius.
313. Lisa: Parker.
314. Kristi: Kitteh!
315. Matt: Cool hair
316. Holly: Bitch.
317. Jackie: I kinda look like her.
318. Cait: Catlen
319. Caroline: Matgascar [Still can't spell ]
320. Suzie: Carmicheal
321. Sebb: Seth
322. Patrick: Star
323. Erin: St Patricks day
*~*~your friends~*~*
333. Friends: a few
334. Best friend: Lauren, Jessica.
335. Spend most time with: Lauren.. I haven't seen you in awhile TT-TT
336. Best house: Lauren
337. Funniest: DJ
338. Smartest: DJ
339. Hottest: Oo;
340. Strongest: Casey..?
341. Most athletic: Cole or Travis or Ben
342. the best: Me. XD
343. Most outgoing: Me.
344. Most shy: Hope. ^^
345. Always negative: Me.
346. Which one let the dogs out: .....
347. Most trustworthy: Jessica.. secret wise.
348. Most fun to be with: DJ.. sorry guys.. >..>;;
349. Biggest flirt: ....
350. Best dressed: Morgan.. though she's not really my friend.
351. Best eyes: I'll ge back to you on that.
352. Most depressed: *Shrug*
353. One to gossip with: I don't gossip.
354. Sweetest: *Shrug*
355. Who has the best room: Mine and Laurens like mixed together.
356. Who follows you: george but hes not my friend. lol
357. Who do you follow: My self
358. Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: No one, If they annoy me, They'll be able to tell.
359. Do you make friends easily: Sure.
360. Are you intimidated by any of your friends: No.
361. If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with you: DJ XD Then we could talk about Adult Swim until we starved to death.
362. Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: ....I don't know.
363. Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: I hope all of them would.. <.<
364. Who is the most popular: *Shrug*
365. Who is the most unpopular: Moi. *bows*
366.Who do u want to go to college with: DJ
367. Who do u wish could be part of your family: Lauren.
368. Who is the biggest junk food junkie: I duno..
369. Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: Travis or ben.
370. Who do u think has the nicest siblings: no one.
371. Who do u think has the nicest mom: ...
372. Who do u think has the nicest dad: ....
373. Who do you have the most inside jokes with: DJ. ^^
*~*~which way would you spell it~*~*
374. Megan or meghan: Megan
375. Lacey or lacy: Lacy
376. Steven or stephen: Stephen.. because of comedian Stephen Lynch
377. Kurt or curt: Kurt
378. Caryn or karen: Karen
379. Mark or marc: Mark
380. Brandi or brandy: Brandy! Like the drink!
381. Eric or erik: Eric
382. Corrine or carine: Carine
383. Kari or carrie: Kari is Kaaree. not Carrie.
384. Jackie or jackqui: Jackie
385. Deseray or desirae: deseray
386. Jayde or jade: Jade
387. Amy or aimee: amy
388. Bradi or brady: Brady
389. Chelsea or chelsey: Chelsea
390. Katelyn or kaitlyn: Kaitlyn
391. Ashley or ashleigh: Ashley
392. Geoffrey or jeffrey: Jeffrey
393. Their or there: there
394. Two, too, or to: too
395. Here or hear: here
try to catch me
2004 5 May :: 7.29pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Dont Leave Me || All-American Regects
A tear for everything that i did wrong
I was talking to Jimi last night at practice and i told her about me IMing Armando and his profile and stuff. She has Armando's girlfriend, Julie, in her second period. Jimbo and i were kinda talking in code, sorta, basically we weren't mentioning names because Melissa was there. I love her and everything but i dont feel right talking to her about Armando. So yea, Jimi was talking to Julie yesterday and somehow she know that theres "someone else in his life." Wink, wink, nudge, nudge ; basically she knows about me. haha, good. She should know about me because im not going anywhere. Monique told whomever she was going to tell, to tell Armando that i still like him. XD she told Bryan too, not like he doesn't already know or anything. lol. Hah stupid Erik i first period was all "So did you start a conversation with him yet?" I was like "hah, no." Then he said he was going to lock us in a room together until we talked. XD You do that then. I t might do us some good. lol. Oh my gosh, then in second Erik goes "Hey Armando you know my friend Amanda?" and "Hey Amanda, are you gonna talk to Armando?" Geebus. Then Daniel in his little trying to sound like me voice goes, "Hey Armando, my names Amanda." lol. Stupid, Armando didn't even look at me. >.< WHY? He just sat there and basically laughed at Erik and Daniel. Yep thats me, ignored again. Well, maybe once whoever tells him i still like him, he'll talk to me. I dont know how he hasn't gotten the hint already. >.< I only stare at him everytime i see him. :shrugs: And if, after being told i still like him, he still doesn't talk to me, the only thing there is really left to do is to walk up to him and talk to him myself. :/
Even though you left me by myself, do i want you back? Will you stay or will you walk? Will you let go? Leave me all alone. im giving you one more chance to make things last.
I hate love you.
Haha yesterday Jimi and i wore skirts to school and i was walking with her and Joana to the locker room at lunch and Jimi lifted up the back of my skirt. XD and she showed half the world my ass. haha no i dont think anybody saw, well, except Jimi and Jo. Omg lol good thing Armando wasn't where he usually hangs out because he would have seen my right ass cheek lol. XD lmao i would have been so embarassed and probably would have killed Jimi. lol.
Lmao my hair is so tangled. Jo and i were sitting over by the guys stuff and watching them practice. I was laying on my stomach and she was sitting on my butt. XD then that silly JoBo gave me sex hair. lol what exactly is 'sex hair' you might ask? Well its when you mess up and tangle someones hair as much as possible while scratching their head. lol it actually feels really good except for the end result isn't too fun to untangle. haha then Leslie and i gave Joana sex hair. Woo, it was mighty fun. :D
Ring around the roses then she'll say. Leave me once. Leave me twice. Kiss good-bye that will suffice. When you go away dont look back. Leave me once and ill be fine. leave my twice, ill make you mine. Just one more chance to make it once again.
I failed my spanish test. Yay, go me.
Me: What would you do if i had no head?
Jimi: I'd rape you and pretend i was a guy.
Me: Ya better not Jimbo, i might just like it.
....lmfao that was too funny. XD
I've come to the conclusion that Denise, krysi and Melissa are sheep. Where one goes, the other two follow. For instance, all three of them didn't practice today. Krysi's excuse was "my heart is broken because its cinco de mayo and im not mexican." Bullshit. Melissa's excuse was "my mom said i cant practice in this heat." Bullshit, it wasn't even hot today. Denise didn't have an excuse, she admitted it. But i think she didn't practice because she's a sheep. Therefore, its bullshit. So now when they follow eachother i 'baa' at them like a sheep. Wow, im so nice.
Happy cinco de mayo! Im mexican now because Joana adopted me. Yes now i get to partaaay. lol.
Adios amigos.
<\3 Manderoo
I am asking why did you leave. You left me alone and then you walked out on me. Thinking of days, thinking of ways, thinking of things to you that i should say. I wanna be with you and thats the only way. Dont say good-bye.
I love Jimbo-Limbo :D
try to catch me