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My Bitching Grounds

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:: 2004 5 July :: 3.38pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: The sound of the organ playing at Miller Park in the background of the Cubs game on TV

Tonight, tomorrow; The future, the past. As days flow together life seems more complete
Well. I was just on my profile page and I didn't even realize it was mine. I didn't recognize the picture. In fact I was thinking to myself what a dumb picture it was. Not really dumb, but it seems grainy and a little too intellectual.

This has been a great weekend. Starting with Thursday and running right through to now. If anyone doesn't know how my weekend started out, I'm going to tell you right now.

I guess we've made a big step on to the local scene. I almost feel badly for the fact that we don't work as hard on our stuff as some other people do. It almost feels like cheating and sometimes I feel like my musicianship doesn't matter, that I'm just hiding behind Ashley's voice. No, Thursday night Ashley, Zach, and H20 (me and Aaron)won the Battle of the Bands in Sand Lake. Fuzzy Logic took third. They were better than Ill Machine.

So Thursday I saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in awhile. It really is great because you feel like the center of attention sometimes. I'm not used to being the guy up there outfront like that. I really do think that the book that I saw about how to be a loner is true. Really, I don't like people. I don't like large groups of people, I don't like individual people. Maybe it's just the fact that I am mostly a social mosfit and do not interpret a "good time" like most other people do.

So, I can't really remember Friday. Oh, wait. Yes I do. I went with Sherry (Zach and Ashley's mom (isn't wierd that her name comes first in the name of our band, but whenever I talk about the two fo them I put his name first)) to Muskegon. If you can follow that last sentence, congrats. It was fun, mostly because she didn't know how to get to Muskegon and she worries about everything. We had to drop our tape off to WMUS to get entered in the Colgate Country Showdown. Of course, I don't know where WMUS is. So, I got her to Muskegon, via M46, but then we ended up nearly all the way to Grand Haven because neither of us knew how to get to the radio station. It was fun. Then I spent nearly an hour waiting for Kim to get out of work. We watched Goldmember. I so want a Dr. Evil sub. Before that I saw Brianna. She wished me a good weekend. I did have a good weekend, so thank you.

Saturday we didn't get out of work until 3:15 when we were suppossed to be out at 1:30. I hate my job and I should call the Mobil tomorrow to see if there is a job there. We went to Connie's uncle's house and watched fireworks. Kim went swimming, but I didn't. It was too cold even though it was like 78. I prefer it to be a little warmer with a nice breeze and overcast, besides, I didn't feel like it. Then we went into Sand Lake. To the fair. Which, in hindsight I should have vehemently oppossed. And of course, Shari is the first person that Connie picks out of the crowd. See, now I've spent the last two days explaining to Kim why this is bothering me so much. She seems to think that I haven't dealt with the issues that her and I have (Shari, not Kim). But I have and I am fine with that. Everything except for that damned guilt that was one of the biggest reasons we broke up to begin with. It was not a proud moment of my life, and that is something that I did not want her to see. Oh, and I spent one dollar to support the Tri-County pom team. Yes, I know. You would never expect that out of me. It did however give me a chance to dunk Sheila. And see how Kim throws. I gave her and Connie the first two shots at the dunk tank and then I went myself and nailed it straight on.

So, we got through that, and like I said in my last post, it doesn't matter because she loves me.

Sunday. Work, again. With Mona. Much slower than Saturday. Still didn't get out until 3pm, again, supposed to be out at 1:30. Sped down to Kim's dad's so we could make it to church by 6pm. I'm not sure if I was really in tune with what Matt was talking about. Mostly because he over illustrated most of his points. It's like after the first two examples of someone being crippled, I understood what he was talking about. But he continued with like five or six other examples. It did lead me to this conclusion though: Freedom is not the ability to do what you want, but the lack of restraint placed upon your actions. Then we were going to watch fireworks, come home to see if we could find out if they were cancelled or not due to the rain. That was 10pm. Of course I can't explain why my car was still at her dad's house, and we were at my house in her car, but hey. That's what leads to me drving through the S-curve at 2am sipping on a Coke to keep me awake. In the intervening period she taught me some things that I didn't know. But then again, that happens everyday. I'm not sure why she was wishing I was normal, but maybe for a second she did. Mostly because I knew what was going on, I just tried to act hard headed. It works it really does. To be so silly when she just wanted me to act normal. But we talked. It was good. And I let myself go. Yeah.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 5 July :: 2.29pm
:: Mood: tan

What kind of band geek are you?

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 28 June :: 11.34am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: "Raining in Baltimore" - Counting Crows

Love, Self-loathing, and self-hatred
Many of you may wonder how I keep myself going. How exactly does he keep himself so busy? How exactly could he care about the things he cares about? Well, simply stated, it's because I hate myself. I hate what I am, what I will become, and the things I do. That's me, that's how I keep going. Of course if you do a little investigation you'll see that it is a pattern going back for the entrie existence of this journal. In fact it goes back to the time when I was four years old and I was mad at myself because I could not read a chapter book. That's the earliest memory I have of hatred of myself. And last night I was just waiting to get away from her so I didn't lose it. I didn't want to lose it in front of her. I just kept telling myself that I just had to make it home. Then I could let loose and really bash myself. That's all I had to do. But thank God for her. Thank God that I can talk to her. Thank God for the peace of mind that I had to be able to talk about it without losing myself. And Thank God that she loves me, even when I don't think I love myself.

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 25 June :: 2.31am
:: Mood: overjoyed
:: Music: "Rollin'(The Ballad of Big and Rich)" - Big and Rich

To happy to find the words
Maybe it's time to write again. It's time to start writing things that are lyrical again. Maybe I could even write an entire song this time.

It's just that I am so happy right now and I want to capture that. That and I really can't express what I'm feeling in simple words. I mean we can't even make eye contact with each other for more than two seconds before we start smiling like idiots, then we have to turn away because we are laughing so hard. I've never quite experienced that before. She keeps telling me that I'm the one that needs to decide what we're going to do when we're together. I just tell her that it doesn't matter as long as we're together. It really doesn't. It's to the point where this is almost like an addiction and I think I've lost control.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 13 June :: 2.57am
:: Mood: tired

Today has been going on for several days now. Have you ever had times like that? Times when days never end, they just continue on to infinitum, until they end.

Let's start on what normal people following a normal calendar would call Thursday.
Thursday night, 11:30pm
Say good night to Kim. See Gunnie in Northstar parking lot, to talk to him for ten minutes.
Friday morning 12:00am
Go home
Go to sleep
Now on to Friday
8:40 am
Awaken; call Kim, no answer
10:05 am
Recieve call from work;
10:25 am
Punch in
3:15 pm
Punch out
Call Kim
3:40 pm
Leave for Jeanne's house
3:50 pm
Drive by Darren's house and see Kim's car, stop
Friday night 5:15 pm
Kim leaves Darren's for work
5:45 pm
Leave Darren's house for home
8:30 pm
Arrive at work, talk to Kim and Jeanne
8:40 pm
Leave work for Darren's house
9:00 pm
Michelle arrives at Northstar, comes over so Jessie can meet Kim.
9:02 pm
I tell Michelle to run so no guys at Darren's see her and Jessie.
9:15 pm
Kim speeds off into the twighlight on the way to her dad's house in Wyoming
9:30 pm
Kim arrives at dad's house
9:50 pm
I arrive at Kim's dad's house because I drive the speed limit
10:20 pm
Arrive at Cinemark to watch "The Day after Tomorrow"
11:15 pm
Wendy's sighting in "The Day after Tomorrow"
Saturday morning 12:40 am
Leave Cinemark for Kim's dad's house
12:50 am
Leave Kim's Dad's for Jeanne's
1:25 am
I arrive at Jeanne's
1:45 am
Kim has still not arrived at Jeanne's
2:00 am
Leave Jeanne's to go to gas station to call Kim
2:05 am
Pass Darren's house, see Kim's car, stop
2:10 am
Observe Sarah and her boyfriend fighting
Observe that both are drunk
2:40 am
Sitting in Kim's car I hear a female voice shout "Stop it" I am not in view of Kim and therefore assume it is her. I get mad and go to find out what is happening. Adrenaline rush. Nevermind, voice is Sarah's. Sarah attempts to find her car. Not wanting to let her drive because she is drunk I literally lift her off the ground. At which pont she breaks down.
3:00 am
Again attempt to stop Sarah from driving
3:45 am
Arrive back at Darren's
Darren bitches at Jeanne
4:15 am
Darren passes out
4:20 am
We leave Darren's for Jeanne's
4:25 am
Stop at gas station to get Hot chocolate
4:35 am
Arrive at Jeanne's (finally)
6:15 am
Leave to take Jeanne to work
6:30 am
Arrive at work; punch in
7:40 am
finish truck
8:40 am
punch out; go home
9:40 am
Saturday afternoon 1:50 pm
awaken; Call Kim, no answer
phone rings, Kim
2:15 pm
Leave for work
3:00 pm
Leave work for lake
3:20 pm
Arrive at lake; Begin cutting grass much to the dismay of the people sunning themselves
4:40 pm
Stop cutting grass
4:59 pm
5:00 pm
Rueben and Michelle arrive at lake
6:20 pm
Awaken; steal a brat; depart for home
6:33 pm
Arrive home
6:45 pm
Depart for work
Saturday night 6:52 pm
Arrive at work
7:00 pm
punch in
Sunday morning 1:25 am
Leave work
1:35 am
Arrive home
2:57 am
begin updating journal
3:17 am
finish updating journal
3:24 am
finish editing journal

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 10 June :: 9.38am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: "Vesuvius" - Frank Ticheli

When one little kiss means so much; maybe it shouldn't
I know that I didn't forget. And despite my in experience in the subject, unless someone was lying to me, I know enough to not be too terribly bad.

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 7 June :: 1.03pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "Please Answer" Ashley Grutter

Well things have taken a definite turn.

I really hate it when people worry about me. Or rather agonize over situations involving me and my reaction. Irrational fear is the pygmy of the world. Don't ask me where that came from, but it did.

She wants to please people so bad that she's forgotten about herself.
Her sense of life has been all but drained
Because her life is not hers.

I can say that now. Things are problems but not that bad.

This was supposed to be a happy post and it is. I can't stop smiling now and for the first time in a few weeks I'm back to be me. I just have to remember to be me and become so introverted and self-loathing that things don't get discussed. Because this time we have talked, and believe it or not it is a big step for us. Together again, we have set out to make sure that the mistake of miscommunication, or rather lack of communication has been rectified. Truth be told is the motto of the day. I'm glad because I very rarely would have it any other way. God Bless you all and please help me with my spelling.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 4 June :: 11.35pm
:: Mood: better
:: Music: "Let Her Cry" Hootie and the Blowfish

Tonight was much better. Later when you were on the phone I had to remind myself that, no, we will not be together. But other than that everything was fine. Whether I think that a lot of our relationship now is completely superficial has no bearing on what we are and that is friends. Wow. Could this be any more grammitically in correct?

Connie. READ MY JOURNAL. It holds wisdom. It also holds all my depressing thoughts that I want you to know about.

I saw you tonight Andy. You went flying by, and managed to slow down a little at the blinking light.

Today was better. I'm glad I have people at work like Keith and Dale to talk to so I don't drive myself completely insane.

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 4 June :: 11.33pm
:: Mood: better

So, just an update. I see someone on my friends list is considering going to Festival tomorrow. I just wanted to let all of you know that I will be playing at Festival. 5:30pm@ at the Outer Rim stage. The act name is officially listed as Zac and Ashley Grutter.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 2 June :: 9.58pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: "I Need You" Jars of Clay

Well this is getting really pathetic
I don't think I've updated this much since I was in high school.

The more and more I think about it the more it becomes true. Somt of those people who I know who profess faith really do not feel it. I have to admit, I was. I didn't have some great revelation where all the sudden everything was clear and I could feel God's love, but I do know it's there. That's what I really wonder about sometime. Do you really feel it? Do you know it's there? It's almost to the point where it's infathomable to me to not know. Or how to live without it.

I'm playing at Festival in GR this weekend. Hopefully everything works out well. Last time I was up on stage, my stage presence was next to nothing. I was so focused on not screwing up that I didn't enjoy myself. Now I know I will. There are just some things that you have to keep focused on, then tere are other times where you just have to constantly do until you feel comfortable doing them. I think being on stage is one of those. Of course probably sex is as well.

I'm looking two ways at this summer. I think it's giong to be a great summer and I will learn alot about myself. Life never stays the same and I think it's time for me to move on with certain things. I think my job has got me to a certain point where there is nothing that could possibly change my mind on leaving. I've been there for two and a half years and everyday I hate going there. Not just because of what the job is. There are times where I actually enjoy my job. The only thing that keeps it interesting anymore is the people I work with, but not even that. Now I'm getting to the point where I feel like a relic. When we hired people this spring they seemed to have some semblence of respect for people who had been there longer, but this new group does not. There's also nothing new for me to learn. It's a duality that has always made me mad. I know enough to be a manager, but a retarded person could get hired and still have exactly the same status as I do on paper. When they don't need a good person because other good people are working, they treat you like crap, just to put you into your place. Just to remind you that you could be replaced at a moments notice. I don't know. I am very convinced that this time I really am burnt out.

Good advice that I heard once at the end of the song, but it strikes good for everything in life, and that is "end on the hopeful note" so I will do that.

I am okay with being alone. Tomorrow is another day. Hell, two years without piqueing a girls interest, then I find out about two in one day. For the last month, nothing can get better than that, until the next best thing comes along.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 2 June :: 11.30am
:: Mood: planning

Well, given my enjoyment of baseball, and my seeming want to enjoy the company of others, I would like to plan a baseball get together. I was planning on taking a trip to Detriot this summer to watch the Tigers, now that they are actually good. I am, however, hesitant to drive to the most crime riddled city in the nation by myself.

I am openly inviting any of my friends who wish to be included in this venture. it could be on a weekend, or not. We could spend the night or not. The only requirments are that you have to be my friend, well not really, and you have to have money. Right now the most probable date looks like June 26 or 27. Night game followed by a day game. I have room in my car for three, or possibly four people. The gas trip is free because I was planning on making the trek anyways. So leave a comment here if you are interested.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 2 June :: 10.20am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: "American Girls" Counting Crows

Life is like a box of chocolate, you always know your going to get chocolate
Thank you to the two of you here that seemed to either understand that yesterday was my birthday, or remembered it. I spent so much time talking about it in the last few weeks that I really thought she might call yesterday, but she didn't.

All I have to do is change my expectations. All of the sudden I have to change what I was expected. Now I'm disappointed that I'm not coming back to someone. I wasn't before, but now it's weird. It's about changing expectations. Now to know that there is not much to look forward to until August.......

In times like these I guess that there is only one thing to do and that is to look inward. Look on the inside and figure out how to improve me. How to improve who I am, what I think, what my mental state is, what my physical nature is. It is now time to improve me.

Which led me to take a walk last night. Just two miles, to the end of my road and back. While I figured I would get some exercise I did not realize what an enjoyable, nature realted and spiritual journey it would be. To most people a walk is a walk and they would not have noticed the things that I did, or maybe they would. They may, however, not have an appreciation for it. Total animals sighted comes to seven deer, five rabbits, two woodchucks, and a squirrel. The funny thing is that when I was coming back I was praying. I was asking God why I didn't feel His embrace. I feel His love constantly, but not his embrace. Then I looked down the road, and there was the first deer.

Some little yappy dog tried to attack me too. I yelled at it, and I was not scared in the slightest because with one kick I was fairly confident I could dispose of it.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 1 June :: 10.36am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: "Forever Young" - Rod Stewart

Well everyone, I have now hit one more transition into adulthood. I am no longer a teenager, a fact that I have been dreading for weeks.

Twenty Years old is nothing special really. It just changes your frame of mind. Mostly because you can't use the excuse that you are just a dumb teenager anymore (despite the fact that I don't think I ever was). I just have to remember to contemplate the next year, and reflect on the previous, and not try to focus on an entire decade of my life. I can't say that it's amazing that I have made it to this point in my life. I have never been in a dangerous situation where my life was in peril. I still have not mastered the English language. I mean I write decent, but all the rest is just a mystery.

I've spent approximately one year of that decade in a relationship with a girl. Seems odd that when for 7.5 years of such a decade one spends absolutely enthralled by the opposite sex, wasting time and energy, that very little has come out of it.

That time has been one of other incredible growth though. In faith, intellect, and sheer personality. Well, truly most of that has come in the last five years, much of it in the last two, but it's a process.

I'd like to thank all of you who were out there for that crucial time in my life. Everything that you have contributed to who I am. Everyday should be a learning experience, and while I've always been very thick headed about learning lessons from others you all have taught me a great deal. For those of you who are about to effect my life in ways I have never dreamed of, be tolerant with me. I am a little slow and a lot stubborn. Be honest wiht me and realize that we all only get a chance to live life once, and I want the most out of it.

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 31 May :: 10.22pm
:: Mood: tired

hey...i took this from jessi hazen's journal because i really liked the idea. i hope you don't mind jess!! anyways, it'll help me sum up the year a little and yeah...

Hardest Class: Chemistry

Easiest Class: Either AP Stats or English

Funnest Class: Band or History with Nork-Dogg

Best Teacher: Nork-Dogg all the way!!!

Worse Teacher: Andrus or Eilola (when she's being dumb)

Best Grade: History

Worse Grade: Chemistry!

Broing/Fun lunch: Lunch rocked...we had soooooo many people at our table..it's always fun

Detentions: just 1, but i got out of it :)

Best Game: The Crossover game against Wyoming Park...wooo...that was awesome!

Worse Game: The District game against Tri-County, we beat them by like 40 points, it was so boring...and i felt bad for Phillip

Funnest Dance: PROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Newest Friend: Justin and Chad or Phillip

Oldest Friend: Jenna Pie

Favorite Memory: Ummmm.... The Red Flannel Pageant when they called my name to be on court :)

Embarissing Memory: Uhh...when i spilled dressing on my pants at lunch or when i had major Code-C riding on the keystone cops car on red flannel day!

Worse Memory: When i found out jason had a girlfriend...:(

Best School Meal: Chicken stir fry or wet burritos!! mmmm

Worse School Meal: Oh gosh, the list goes on and on and on...the absolute worst is probably...chicken strips, if you can call them that

Best Descion: To give everything to God...no matter what, give Him all my problems, worries, and dreams

Biggest Regret: Messing crap up with Joel...i miss him

Biggest Concern: Right now, at this moment, if i will have to take the Stat's exam or not...

Smallest Concern: I don't know..

Friend you wish you still had: BEANS

Friend that you are glad you dont have: Ross Huber.......ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Spring Break/Winter Break: Spring Break = Pensacola Beach, FL with Kale, Winter Break = Family from Tennessee here, band camp sleepover, fun stuff

Best boyfriend/girlfriend: HA!

Worse boyfriend/girlfriend: HA!

Biggest Fight: Beans i guess, if you call it a fight...

What was it about: Dumb stuff.

Coolest Trend: TRUCKER HATS!

Dumbest Trend: really short skirts that when you walk, your butt cheeks hang out...ewww... no one wants to see that

Good/Bad Year: Great year!

Rate it 1-10 (10 best): 8 or 9 actually...i had a lot of fun this year :)

2 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2004 29 May :: 10.44am
:: Mood: still pissed off
:: Music: "Whiskey Girl" Toby Keith

When one little kiss means so little; the absence is a portend of things to come
So I successfully accomplished my goal. I collapsed in my bed and cried myself to sleep. Unfortunately I wake up this morning expecting myself to feel a little better, but I'm still almost as pissed off as I have been for the past five days now.

I find myself getting pissed for a myriad of reasons. Some have to do with her, some with others, and some with myself. Although, not normal for me, I really don't feel that down on myself. I mean there's always the obligatory, "What could I have done better?" But I'm not sure that that really applies in this situation. I should have been more aggressive. Perhaps, I don't know. Again, I lose because I can't relax and have fun. Story of my life huh? Why I can't do that is beyond me. In certain situations I can, but other times I can't and it really bugs me. Something to work on I guess. I need to work on partying.

I've already said his name, so what the hell. Darren really pissed me off because of what was going on. It was very obvious to everyone that he liked her. It's very obvious she liked him. I don't have a problem with that, except for the fact he's a loser, he was all over her when we were still together, and she did nothing, absolutely nothing to stop it. I just wished she hadn't wasted this last week by not talking to me.

I guess that's what I'm really the most pissed about. I had to wait almost a week for her to figure out what she was going to say to me when I knew what was coming. Almost a whole week of being so tired and pissed that I couldn't see straight.

Usually when people go through something like this they swear off the opposite sex. Well I'm not. I think each situation is unique in it's own way. It's taken me a while to come to that conclusion. Sure I'm being pissed now and depressed, but unlike other times in my life I know it's all going to be okay. Eventually it will be okay. Nevermind that I've liked her for almost 6 months and something I'd been hoping for almost came true. There's go to be another meaning behind all of this and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it escape me this time.

Last time, it took me almost two year to recover. Even now, I'm not completely. Not to say I'd be back together again, but it took me awhile and I think there will always be a place there for you. In some ways, and it is hard for even me to believe, she's more screwed up than you are/were. Not as an insult or anything.

So I leave you now with a song title from Gilbert O'Sullivan "Alone Again, Naturally."

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass

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