2004 24 February :: 8.25pm
I realized how much shit I have been put through. Kyle and I are nothing other than friends but thats okay cuz he is having a tough time right now. I am having tough times right now, like today I wanted to blast Heather in her face cuz again today I heard she was talkin shit about me. I am sick of it. People are fucking dumb and have nothing better to do then talk about other people because they have no lives at all. People don't know me and think they do. Kyle and I are friends now and he is havin trouble cuz all he does it smoke weed and take acid. On another note Chris and I have been back together for 2 weeks and it makes me happy, he has been treating me grand and I Love it. Anyway, got something to say to me then say it!!
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2004 23 February :: 10.24pm
That's just something that I'm not going to do. My life is not a Tragedy.
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2004 23 February :: 8.34pm
Oh my god, i just about died laughing. Alright, I'm watchin that show, "the littlest groom" and these two midgets were fishing, and the guy midget causth a small little fish, and the girl one caught a huge one(well, to a midget anyway) and, he was like, aw, and i only caught this little one.
and she's like:
well thats ok, its not the size that matters
get it?
well, i thought it was hilarious.
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2004 23 February :: 8.13pm
JOey!! hey ummm...can i call you again? it was fun talking to you...I dont know if you wanted me too or not though...I mean yeah I dont know anyways umm reply back or something ok? i liked talking to you...I already said that ^^ up there here..lol..ttyl
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2004 22 February :: 7.43pm
:: Music: goo goo dollies
There is someone who I'd much rather see.
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2004 22 February :: 6.14pm
:: Music: The Darkness
I woke up today around 10, started cleaning then went outside and played hack for about 2 hours. It was beautiful. I know none of you care about hacky sack as much as I, but this was a game to admire. All the energy that had built up inside me from throughout the winter was released in the one game.
And then we had a snowball fight, about 20 people were in it. Constant throwing and dodging. My hands are all cut up from being slightly frozen. No gloves, whats a boy to do.
I hope it doesn't get cold again.
I hope it doesnt snow again.
I hope it gets warmer.
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2004 22 February :: 3.54pm
jenni's card to me.
Jenni i am sorry but i have to put your card on here, it meant a lot to me and you really do listen to my problems and it basically states it...I love you soo much: Here it is::
Hey Girl,
I'm really sad to see that we havent kept in touch much at all...I miss you so much! You mean a lot to me as does your happiness on your Birthday. You are a very special person Heather, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. I dont care how much you'll disagree, You are beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside! Have a wonderful birthday! i love ya Jen*
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2004 22 February :: 12.27am
i finally beat that MOTAS thing. fuggin hard.
with the help of Kat of course, thank you again.
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2004 21 February :: 11.04pm
:: Mood: very sad
next week it won't even be an issue. but you're sick, so i have to wait.
it's like i never properly enjoy myself because i get so built up on these things and don't want to do anything else. it's stupid, i usually end up disapointed with the thing i'm excited for and have a greater time with the things i was anxious to get over with.
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2004 21 February :: 5.05pm
I wish it hadn't snowed last night, and the temperature would have went up instead of down. I was feeling so good as the weather slowly got better.
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2004 21 February :: 2.25pm
:: Mood: really freaking stupid
No, no, no. I keep doing the dumb thing. It isn't fair to anyone. And I'm sincerely sorry.
Some questions come to mind:
Why didn't I give it a little more thought and less impulse? Or at least more time for mourning...or handled it less like a bitch.
Why didn't I continue to be bitter and stand up for myself? Or demanded answers at least?
Why should it hurt so much now?
Maybe if I had been a little smarter I wouldn't spend time sobbing, keeping secrets, feeling guilty and not being very honest.
I would spend more time with my good friend, who I miss a lloooottttt.
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2004 20 February :: 11.27pm
Hey whats up ppl well i am here with Autum, and haveing a good time...i was so happy jenni could come over i have missed her so much! i love her and autum a lot! amanda maxwell also came over here it was a lot of fun... well ill talk to you laters thanks all who came over!
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2004 20 February :: 11.11pm
:: Music: Maroon 5 - Songs about Jane
i drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door
i've had you so many times but some how i want more
I love this song
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2004 20 February :: 6.05pm
:: Mood: horny
:: Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Wonderfully greatly absolutely awesomely cool
Some days are just great. Nothing goes wrong. You smile at a girl, she smiles back. The little things are really what matter in life.
: )
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2004 19 February :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: okay
Yet Another Day :)
Yet another day we've had and it sucked. I confronted Jena and she said she didn't say shit. FOR THE RECORD, BEN AND I ARE NOT GOING OUT!!! That would be wrong for me and that would ruin me. Anyway, what has everyone been up to? I am going out on a date with Chris tomorrow...that is gonna be awesome and I can't wait. I get to see my best friend tomorrow too...Cindy I miss you.
Okay, back to what I was saying...I was talkin to Katie VanEtten today and I told her how I am losing my old friends and getting a lot new ones. I love my old friends and I guess I am changing. Like for example, Heather Rathbun and Amanda Smith don't like me anymore because of stupid shit. I don't know what that is but I guess thats what they want. I love them to death but I can move on. People think if they ruin a friendship it's gonna hurt me and its not going to at all. See you people need to see that you can hurt me on the inside but the outside will be really mean. I just wanted to let you know that.
I am gonna have a bon fire as soon as the snow goes mostly away..or I might just have a party when we can be in the house. Well, I am gonna go now.. Respond if you must...
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2004 19 February :: 8.19pm
I will not take a speech class. That is absolutly insane.
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2004 19 February :: 7.20pm
Mr. Evans sucks the biggest dick in the world. He's worse than kruisenga.
I hate him.
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2004 19 February :: 3.50pm
Some days just go so well you can't help but smile, and you feel like nothing could get you down.
Today wasn't one of those days.
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2004 19 February :: 3.44pm
I try hard to make it. I just want to make you proud. I'm never gonna be good enough for you. I can't pretend that I'm alright and you can't change me.
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2004 19 February :: 3.32pm
well today was a good day....i think i laughed waay to much! lol in 6ht hour i cant remember what i was laughing about and on the bus ride home....so it was fun. and today in family living it reminded me of my mom...i miss her a lot...and idk *sighs* i wish i had a mom again....
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2004 18 February :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: Assaulted
I don't know what happened.
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2004 18 February :: 4.52pm
:: Mood: enthralled
:: Music: Brand New
Women on Women
We have some lesbians in our school. Ugly lesbians. Who are creating a bad name for lesbians everywhere. Lesbians should be hot, or they should be lesbians not.
How does everyone feel on lesbianism?
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2004 17 February :: 7.41pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Finger Eleven
Jacqui had a great idea.
An internet dating service.
So. I'll put things I like in here, and you can comment if you like me. Then we can go make out somewhere and see if we really like each other. Yay! And if we don't, well, we still got to make out.
My favorite color: Blue
My favorite band: At the moment...Brand New
My favorite thing to do: Anything with my girlfriend I would guess...if I had one.
Hmm...My favorite....uh....
Things I like:
Food. Sleeping. Girls.
Things I don't like:
Bitches. Bastards.
Oh, and I like puppies.
(sarcasm) And long walks on the beach, watching the sunset and laying down in the sand with a beautiful girl. Mmmm....(/sarcasm)
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2004 17 February :: 5.19pm
:: Mood: dismayed
:: Music: faith hill
It just took a while to catch up with me.
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2004 17 February :: 4.17pm
you know i was having a really good birthday untill Dj got on the bus...he sits there and is like heather shut up....no one wants to listento you and i am getting sick of it...and yet i sit there and take it...he was like why is it so great for you to be 17 when you dont have a car....or a boyfriend for that matter....and i couldnt take it anymore and when i got home...i just started crying. idk what to do....but I'm *nice Heather who would never sy anything* and Dj is like you know i am joking i just think its cute when you get pissed off.....well im sorry but when you do it every fucking day to me i start to get really pissed off....anyways im gonna stop complaining and go now.
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