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Can you practice what you preach?

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:: 2005 14 February :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: drunk
:: Music: Bright Eyes - i dont know something fucking emo like always

The Middle Of The Night
i feel really weird right now. like i dont know what kind of emotion i am experiencing but its not comfortable. well anyway ill make this a worth while post. i think im having trouble learning my lines for the musical. the songs are coming along nice. i have to dance more often now and i dont like that idea. well i need to lose weight...but i wont. im fucking lazy. so yeah i hate now having money it really burns me to not have it. i dont work enough and the time that i do i hate doing it. well ive bitched for a little and im done know.

Where is the love?


:: 2005 13 February :: 3.39pm
:: Music: Less than jake - Beer

Yet another song ive written in vain
Just Tell Me What You Think

Title: Needles And Thread

spoon after spoon
lighter after lighter
needle after needle
fix after fix
meet me behind the school at six
ive got the goods and youve the got cash
come on pump it lets get high off our ass
its only one little syringe
what could such a metal do?
just ignore the warnings
i can promise you
the next thing you see will be the morning

Sweaters in the summer time
dark shades to hide myne eyes
the itching inside me burns to be free
just please god stab me
its so damn warm you see
flows deep, becomes part of me
messages written in blood
stained with chemicals
heat it up its far to cold
hurry pour it now im growing old
my eyes are heavy wake me up
forget waiting, shoot me up

grab the wire and the tubes
up goes my sleeve down goes the dues
pump my palm together
get the red pain flowing through
my fingers are numb this ones up to you
dont be afraid just press it through
break the skin, bruise my vein
my flesh will bleed
my heart will beat
my eyes will flee the scene

staring at the scars on my arms again
thinking of how good it would feel to rip them open
this room is dark, im all alone
im shaking, i wish to go home
i fucked it up im here for good
at least my beds not metal
and my sheets arent white...

7 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 12 February :: 3.50pm
:: Mood: melencoly
:: Music: Death Cab For Cutie - Stryofoam Plates

So i found this note....and i know this girl from not here....and im getting a new car.....and summer is aproching....im about ready to kill my boss.... the band is going to actually practice next friday when we dont have school.....we will win the talent show.....sorry for the cancel but im sick and well tony was lazy and didnt even tell ryan about practice.....what an ass........well *looks above* this should be interesting.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 10 February :: 6.01pm
:: Mood: Waiting
:: Music: Mozart - Moonlight Sonata

So...Ray Ray Owes Me One Dance :)

4 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 8 February :: 9.22pm

It just fucking clicked. I finally under fucking stand it. its all falling into place so easily now and i can stare at it and fucking laugh. this is wonderful. hahaha i love realizing how fucking stupid i am.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 7 February :: 10.14am
:: Mood: pissed off

Wow. everything just is totally so much better in life right now.
David is being so sweet lately and we are totally back together, but the only thing that could go wrong -did.

Fricken Brianna is back. To stay. Forever! I'm pissed. So Pissed.

I just got pissed again, so I'll have to leave now.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 3 February :: 9.28pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Bowling For Soup - 1985

Band Junk
I Made A Poster For Our Band. Tell Me What You Think

This Will Appear On All Stickers And Posters. Like It?

14 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 2 February :: 10.56pm

ever get that feeling in your stomach when you think "this is bliss and happiness" then you turn around and say "what the fuck was i thinking, fooling yourself only causes pain and wasted time" fuck this stomach of mine.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 1 February :: 7.46pm
:: Music: Fading Beside You - An Atmosphere Of X's And O's

Rock It!
Good News Kids. So Far Fading Beside You SHould be Performing at the talent show this year. yeah you have never heard us perform so i just hope you dont fucking hate us lol.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 1 February :: 7.33pm
:: Music: Something Over Played

Living Is Good.

3 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 30 January :: 5.46pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Green Day - Time Of Your Life

Dear Friends Help Me.
Wake Me Up When April Hits.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 29 January :: 4.06pm

The performances are over, and here are the results:

Piccolo Duet ........ I
Flute Solo
Flute Quartet........I

We got a standing ovation from the judge after our quartet, it was so cool. She loved it, and it was the best we have ever played it. I'm going to State for my solo, obviously, and I'm sure that we are also doing our duet and quartet at State. I hope they all get one's there, too. That would make me very happy.

Now that that is all done, I'm very happy, but tired. I cleaned the house when I got home, and now i'm trying to get my work schedule for next week.
Well, good bye :)

5 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 27 January :: 7.39pm


Call me tomorrow after four if you can. I miss you. :(

I really do.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 27 January :: 7.32pm

There are so many things I want to say.....i just don't have the energy, ya know?

Sometimes I don't feel like defending myself, I just want to tell it like it is and just have people be okay with it. No explaination necessary.

Things are never going to be like that. We have to keep fighting until the end, for the things we want, the things we believe are right, the things that make us happy. Moments of peace are few and far between these days.

And solo and ensemble is two days away.


Where is the love?


:: 2005 26 January :: 8.30pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Whats Below

Comment Please
Tell me your fav. part or phrase. tell me your least fav. part. tell me what could be better. just tell me about it. Yes For Once I Care What Others Think About Me. and its supposed to seem simple, no metaphors for once. all the words plain and all the descriptions easy to hear. its just easier and rawer.lol the title is

Nothing Ever Goes Wrong

I'm gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completely of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain

the clouds are setting in
the storm is destined to erupt soon
but im under neath this umbrella
so my head wont get wet

Like i need a heavier head
to go right along with my weighted heart
lets find something to make this image lifted
do you have the cure?
something to make me pure

fall asleep, for once unassited
Only a cup of water next to me on the floor
maybe a head next to myne
to stare deep into my eyes

to wake up, refreshed
with thoughts of traffic and pain repressed
you know the day is gonna be hard
but you, you are gonna have a good day

im gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completly of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain

thats trickling down the side of my car
driving slower, watching the water bead
switching lanes finally
im almost home, from a day of hell

time to sit and let my head swell
from the thoughts of the day
thinking of a way
to wash them away

im gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completly of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain

that i see from this medicinal window pane
that i stare out of everyday
has become my best of friends
this relationship will never end

the trees end up blowing
and the leaves end up falling
and the grass ends up dieing
and i end up watching

all the stages and steps of death
happen right out side my door
we'll ive some place to go
so ill toss my care to the wind, blow

im gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completly of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain
im gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completly of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain
im gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completly of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain
im gonna have a wonderful day
its gonna be free completly of pain
im gonna have a beautiful day
its gonna free me of this rain
im gonna have a wonderful day
im gonna have a wonderful day

12 found the love | Where is the love?

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