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:: 2005 17 March :: 3.36pm

ST. PATTYS DAY!!! woohu! i've had7 shots so far and i'm schedualed for a frat TONIGHT thank u mel for joining a sorority...ok...time to sober up for my prof...everyone, enjoy our nations greatest stolen holiday!

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:: 2005 14 March :: 1.52pm

i'm very sad.....

i have an incredible boyfriend...
but where is my best friend?

i've been meeting with alyssa every wednesday at Schullers to talk because i hate not seeing her as often as i see my other friends. we meet to "do homework" but rarily get any done. then we venture on over to Logans and split chicken fingers and sweet potatoes and giggle relentlessly and come close to crying... i've come to look forward to wednesday nights... and yet i still feel like somethings missing. i think about all the people here in cedar.. and how many people i'm close to.. and still i continue to remain distanced from so many of them. it's only a matter of time till we graduate and go our seperate ways... and at the point, later on in our lives we'll run into eachother, inquire about random basics ie: how long have you been maried, how old are your children, im sorry for your loss.... then we'll continue to go on our ways, only reminising on lost time for mere moments before losing contact for the next x amount of years.

i dont want that to become of us... even though we both know its already happening.

growing up isnt as easy and as painless as people make it out to be.

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:: 2005 10 March :: 10.33pm


im getting my hair highlighted tomorrow... exciting? suuuuure.
im gonna try and look good tomorrow.. try, keyword.
i'll snag me up a hot korean boy and he'll wisk me away... OH wait, not tomorrow! silly me, i suppose i shall wisk myself away then eh?! ;)

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:: 2005 10 March :: 7.09pm

its amazing how we can argue.. and then laugh. i've never experienced a person who just lights me up, even when he IS proving me wrong. we dont fight... and we're so mature. here i was.. thinking that mature relationships don't happen in high school. here i was telling myself that i would never date another person in high school because it wasnt worth it.... and then here he comes, proving me wrong. *shakes head. goofball....:)

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:: 2005 9 March :: 7.47pm

THe first home grown drown lamb was born today. Its damn cute. Were expecting 2-3 more... grady is @ state convention so he didn't get to see them yet, and he'll probably be an ornery little bastard and not call us while he is gone...so he won't find out about it until he gets back. I spent the day ice fishing....froze my ass off....wait, no it's still there. i was unsuccessful, and it was unpleasant, so i'm planning on going again Saturday b/f the party @ my house. break is going well. i'm chilling w/ mel so time and i've been helping around the farm and the house a lot. it makes me feel good. I drove to school Monday night after ffa practice, caught up w/ some of my homies and enjoyed the solitude of my room. Well, i need my beauty rest, really, have you seen me? i NEED my beauty rest. hehehe...anyhow, i ship out for convention early tomorrow morning, hopefully i'll be back in time for comedy night. BLUE OYSTER CLUT... FOX FEST...SCORE!

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:: 2005 8 March :: 9.33pm

oh please oh please...


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:: 2005 7 March :: 7.50pm

i wish i could move far far away. away from cedar, away from our high school.... anywhere. out of state. i hate my life here. i wanna start over, i would give ANYTHING to start over in a new town with new people.

away from my family, or lack there of. we're all falling apart. after my grandpa died, everything changed. i dont have a huge family like i used to. my mom's one of 10, and we dont even have a christmas party. how pathetic is that. the only time our whole family is together is at funerals... there has NEVER been a picture taken of ALL the brothers and sisters. there has NEVER been a complete family picture... i dont even know... it just sucks.

i need mountains, i need something to live for, away from routine. i need to recapture my faith.. that should be my number one priority.. but i just keep pushing it aside, telling myself... "i'll get there eventually"... its not gonna happen that way.

i feel like im drifting away from my best friend, and my mom, and school..... i feel like i've lost all sense of caring about anything. im numb... im just a numb person. and i hate that, but i've gotten used to it. i live for stress. if i dont have a zillion things goin on at once, like i always do... i think i'd lose it. i cant remember when i've been able to just sit down and relax, for like a week straight, with nothing that i have to do. i have so many responsibilites.. and dont get me wrong.. im so thankfull for everything that im a part of... but it gets tiring. i get tired. i AM tired. right now... im so tired. and theres nothing i can do about it. im so stuck.... and it's not gonna change. i know it isnt.

yeah, i have awesome things in my life.. i have an amazing person in my life. and for that im so greatfull, but everything else is still on the back of my mind all the time, i just choose to ignore it most of the time. thats why i hate being alone, i start to think. and sometimes my thoughts scare me, and i'd rather not process things at all.

i have so many things that i want to do. but there are even more that i NEED to do, and yet i dont. i want to do things for me, but its not an option. and even STILL, im no good at prioritizing.

im never good enough, i dont respect her, my grades arent good enough, im not responsible, i listen to bad music, i support the wrong things, i never spend time at home anymore, i never spend time with my sister, i only think of myself... and the list goes on.

TELL me, how am i suppose to deal with everything, when you keep adding stress to my life. im a teenager, im not a little girl anymore. if you're gonna lose your temper with me, then i'll lose mine with you. is it really that hard to comprehend? im 16, and very defensive..... you know this. you OBVIOUSLY know this.... why do you constantly continue to push me. i'll never understand you.

i dont even remember the last time i prayed before going to sleep.

im changing, but im maturing. and at the same time, im not changing. im still sensitive, and shy, and alone. ultimately, im alone. and i think its a fear that shadows my ability to work through my past. to fully forgive him and accept him as a part of my life. im so blessed that he's here, he's finally here. but im so selfish, i dont wanna share him. i dont want anyone to meet him... and i dont want to forgive him.. but i am.. and i hate that. i want to hate him, but i cant. i simply cant. its his personality, and the fact that when i look at him, i see myself. its the most incredible feeling i've ever felt... i cant even explain it. this experience that everyone else has had.. im just now experiencing, but its so different.. there are no standards to put it against.

at least i have a home now... a place to park my car and a place to have my mail forwarded to. at least i have that.

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:: 2005 4 March :: 8.06pm

i get upset really easily....
am i an awful person? i mean.. is it really easy for people to just not like me? i have my issues.. and i have my problems, but doesnt everybody? and yeah.. i dont like some people either, but gahh.. i try, you know? i try... and im so self concsious.. i hate to think that some bodys mad at me. or that i did something that made somebody look at me the way i look at people i dont like. i hate that feeling.. because i try to dislocate myself from all that drama, and all those people who cause it... which is impossible.. i realize this. but i just feel so above so much of all the stuff that goes around our high school... and to think i used to be ALL in on it. my freshmen year i was so catty.. until i started dating.... hmmm, well thats not the point..... but it took my mind off everything else.. and it was nice. until it wasnt anymore.. then i focused all my attention on my grades... which was also nice, until nice turned to lonely, and lonely turned to.. i dont know, sadness..... but im not sad anymore. my life is looking up. i've got the boyfriend, a house.. im missing the grades. i dont even know what to do anymore. its obvious that ive lost all cause for caring.. which i havent.. but im all down right now.. so me being all sad and such will just say that, realize i was wrong later, retract my statement.. but to save time i'll just awknoledge it now.

i've been so stressed lately.. theres so much going on. its this this this, that that that that.... work, play, red flannel, work, work, school, social life, family, senate, yearbook, work, church.... i just wanna be like STOP... and then everything will. it feels like everythings spinning out of control.. but im a big girl, i can handle it. im not gonna complain and be like "ooooh im gonna kill myself..." because honestly.. are you gonna? and then i think to myself no.. so why would i say that. im sorry.. i just think its really sad when people have to be all dramatic and such.....

and i have way more that i'd like to update, but im talking to my dad... which is one of the most amazing things to say... so im gonna go...

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:: 2005 3 March :: 7.50pm
:: Music: Christina Aguilera: Fighter.... woo

i love my winamp.. i have so many songs.. up around 2 thousand i think.

MAN this weekend is gonna be so busy.

i think i have to work at metron friday from 4-8...

saturday i DID have an appointment to get my hair highlighted, but Veronica called and its my first day at Lazer Skate... which is cool, im excited... but im nervous because i'm hosting a birthday party, and im not trained... ahhh.. lol. bring it on.

then from 4:30 till laaaaatte at night i have to babysit Ryan.. she's so cute, i love watching her, but i havent in a while..

Sunday if i can get up on time im goin to church... i was supposed to be goin with Arik Dabaja.. (*spelling i know... HEY its a hard name to spell...) but im gonna be to tired to get up and ready and such... so my church it is.....

AND then i have to work at Metron from 4-8...

hopefully i dont have much homework...

the home and garden show is this weekend.. and i WILL find a way to get there.. i think we're going saturday morning at like 9:30... cuz its the only time i can make it! i REFUSE to miss it too... i love the home and garden show.. and sad as it may sound.. i've been looking forward to it ever since i missed it last year. lol.. im a nerd. but i LOVE decorating and all that kind of stuff..... so im a little odd.. pshh.

i was extremely frustrated today at play.. im not sure why. part of it was because i stayed, and we didnt even get to my scene.. which pissed me off cuz i just waisted an afternoon... but i got a few things accomplished.. i got my work permit to Veronica and i went tanning... thats the ultimate thing to do if you're stressed, at least for me... i go in there for 20 minutes with NO music and just lay there.... not thinking, then thinking randomly..... yeah i like to be tan.. ok i LOVE being tan.. but more then that i love the 20 uninterupted minutes of "me" time... you know? yeaahhhh... you do.

the senior spread is THIS close to being done... that makes me happy. me n chad have been goin crazy tryin to get it done.. but i love chad.. he's such a goofball.... awww.. *giggles.

i DO believe thats all i got...

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:: 2005 3 March :: 2.42am

Yama's, Llamas, could somebody oil the macaroni gears in my noodle?...
Holy Fuck, Mr. J! Is that you. You decomposed, digitally bearded, open shirt bastard.

Let me pull the thumb out my ass and tell you a taley waley.
It's starts on...whoa, somewhere in July. C'est possible?
click, pop, rewind.
I'd just broken up with Jess, and gotten thrown on my ass. Fucking great. >>Restart<< Now I'm living in Cedar. Things are fucked up as always. Always will be. A bunch of big fucking delusional circles. Nothing ever good. Right? Got another job at the same franchise. Different owner, different policy, different people. I'd forgotten what it's like to live in a majorly white community. Pssh. j/k.
Eh, let's see. I was a wreck. I had these big purple circles around my eyes. It was terrible.
Fast forward>>Ms. K.
A few days after being thrown out. I had the reassuring visitation of an old friend and spark. And though we only spent, like, a day together. I thought things were going quite well. But, difficulties will be difficulties and I'm an asshole.
Thus, not only was I in shitty shape. The 'ol stars orbited my head. Because I'm an asshole.
Fast forward>>
I was thrown out by mom. It was all about stupid shit. Really fucked me up again. Blah. blah. Spent the night on US 131. A rest stop between the rockford and cedar exits. I stayed up the whole night writing stories and shit. It sucked.
Fast forward>>
Nothing much happens. I spend about three hundred dollars a month replacing parts on my Oldsmobile P.O.S.. It's kinda funny. Old people have left, new people have come. Ms. K's seeing Mr. R. I don't know how to feel about that. Everyone's so mixed about my collection of friends. Scenario time...not today. Heh.
Fast forward>>
Ms. M, Ms. C, and Ms.T, and all been very patient with my ass. Thank ya' ma' bitches! I'm the "dude". And I've been skimping out on my "dude" duties. Which is sad, because these are the people that someday, and even right now, I'll be jealous of. Sigh.
Twenty years...still no GED. Just an explicit case of madness. It's quite splendid. mwah ha ha ha!
Any who, Mr. J. The night is old, the day is gone, pull those covers over your silicon body, and don't forget to wear underpants. Yak!,

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:: 2005 1 March :: 7.08pm

who got 4 kenny chesney tickets today?

*points at self...

thats right.

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:: 2005 28 February :: 7.02pm

my mom is so irrational.

how do you even make any sence of anything they say.

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:: 2005 28 February :: 12.16pm

im at home.... thought i wouldnt go in cuz it was snowing... thought it'd be a good day... but im all alone. i took an hour and a half bath with the best smelling bubble bath and the best smelling shower stuff... i EVEN lit candles and such, but now im bored. just sitting here. and i wont be able to do anything until the "school day" ends anyway... so now im just behind on even MORE work, sitting here ALONE being BORED overusing the CAP LOCKS key... wishing i would have just gone in during 2nd hour, realiznig that i'll never just "not go in" again.

whatever... gahhhh.

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:: 2005 26 February :: 1.34pm

I just took the most amazing shower in my LIFE.. .seriously. AMAZING!

i hung out with my mom last night, which was so fun. cuz we're really close, but we havent done anything together in awhile.. so we went to Woodland and got our eyebrows done, and then spent like 75 dollars at Victoria Secret on lotions and stuff like that. they had the most incredible sale, we just went crazy! i got a new scent called romantic wish, i love it. its really flirty and just smells SOO good. i got the entire set, and my mom got the entire set of sweet temptation. they have this sale buy 7 for 35, get one free.. and its anything.. no restrictions.... GAHH, its so wonderful... and THATS why i just took the most amazing shower of my life.. lol.

AND last night we finally ordered me a class ring.. im so excited, we got it from zales. its sooo cool, i cant wait for it to get here! ahhh!

im going to beckys tonight, we're gonna rent johnny movies and make smoothies..... gotta love the old times.

last night i went over to keegans around 10, and we fell asleep together, thats really one of the best feelings in the world.....

i've been listening to Ani DiFranco lately.. she's really good. ya'll should download her. but ok, i guess im gonna get goin.

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:: 2005 21 February :: 11.00pm

i woke up this morning to keegan standing over me, kissing my forehead... (it was 1:30, so i slept in a little...) i didnt even know he was here.. well, obviously, cuz i was sleeping.. but it was so sweet. awwww *warm fuzzys

im a nerd.

then sadly he had to go to work, then it got cancelled, so he came back to me... and just left... we're just the coolest couple ever.. we are. no fer really.....

OH, and go to his website....

no really.. its awesome..

ok, im super tired.... night loves.

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